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I thought it was that he questioned whether his mother had bought it for him before her death? I borrowed Spare from the library, found some of it very interesting, some of it a bit of a yawn. But I wasn’t looking out for lies and I wasn’t reading it forensically. It’s a memoir. It’s not a statement of fact. it’s how he remembers things.

His life is mostly public record: mainly written about by tabloids and hacks whose first concern is making a profit. His whole life. Who among us could stand up to the insane amount of scrutiny that Harry (and now Meghan) has been subjected to and emerge blemish free? we all make mistakes in our lives. We aren’t always 100% kind. And we all seek to present ourselves in our best light. There is not a person in the world that could detail exactly everything that happened in their life.
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I laugh when people say Kate is a role model...she has barely done a day's work in her life.
How is she a role model to young girls??

Probably the hardest she has worked is when she tried to get on the Raleigh event in Chile, that William was on...and missed by c.a week!!
Probably the most work she has ever done...

Was going to Edinburgh to uni, then changed it St Andrews and took a gap year to coincide with William joining. Joined his course too... Um!!
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This is one thing that really bothers me and is endemic to this "my truth" era of misinformation that is extremely dangerous, how people can bleat on about the Royal family being racist (despite strong evidence to the contrary, and Charles's ethnically inclusive work spanning several decades) and completely overlook the ONLY person in the family that has KNOWN instances of racist behaviour and MULTIPLE occurrences of this.

Harry really is that fucking arrogant that he thinks marrying Markle and running around with Doria is some kind of invisibility cloak for his past.

If the press had any sense they would only use one picture of Harry in all their reporting on this "royal racist" shite going forward -- the Nazi uniform one -- and suffix any mention of him with one of his racist behaviours -- for example, "The Duke of Sussex, 40, who once told Stephen K Amos 'you don't sound like a black chap', attended the opening of an envelope yesterday" or "Prince Harry, 40, who was caught hurling racist slurs against his army colleagues just a decade ago, was pleased to be giving another hypocritical speech on social justice."
When introducing Chelsy to friends, Harry would say "she's from Africa.. but she's not black"
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My thing with this whole “racist” comment though, is whatever it was was said in private to family. Why do we need to know what’s said in private to family? Are we expected to believe Meghan never made sly comments about Kate/Camilla to Harry?

This is where you have to separate the institution from the family. If the Queen or the institution decided Archie wasn’t allowed a title or security because he was going to be mixed race and they didn’t want a prince who wasn’t 100% white, that’s a huge issue that the public should know about and have an opinion on.

What someone says behind closed doors to fellow family members is in my opinion none of our business and people only want to know because they enjoy the gossip and drama (myself included fyi)

People have known for nearly 3 years there was apparently a “racist royal” and it didn’t stop crowds coming out to see them, people celebrating the coronation etc, just because they now have a name from the bunch doesn’t change anything
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Boring Monday

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Ah, I refuse to believe that the newly minted Lady Cameron, wife of the Foreign Secretary, couldn’t have had someone rustle up an appropriate dress from somewhere. (If plan was to promote her own line, it backfired because it looked awful. Wouldn’t want it for dusters).
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When I think of Charles and Camilla , which isn’t very often, I think they deserve each other.
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I don’t have a warm relationship with my parents. They were frankly, pretty abusive growing up. They live overseas and I rarely see them.

my now fiancé wanted to meet them before we got engaged. Was pretty insistent on it. And I don’t blame him. They shaped me, they are still my family even if it’s healthier I see less of them. It wasn’t about paying them respect or asking permission. More about understanding the person you’re committing to a lifetime to. Who will be your children’s blood relatives.

I found it pretty bizarre Harry didn’t seem interested in meeting meghans father before proposing/marrying her. Is it breathtaking arrogance that he felt he knew all there is to know and Thomas wouldn’t add anything? Was it because deep down, he knew meeting potential in laws could threaten the illusion he had of Meghan? Maybe a mix of both?

in Spare, Harry called Thomas a “complicated man”. And reading it, I couldn’t understand where that arrogance came from. To declare someone you’d never met, never spoken to properly? As complicated? On the basis of what his wife had told him? The same wife with a track record of stretching the truth?
Exactly. Although pre-Harry all her blog or Insta posts implied she was a Daddy’s Girl.
It seems to be how she treats the people in her life - worships them until a better option comes along. Typical narc behaviour.
Piers was seen having lunch with Eugenie and Beatrice recently and Beatrice gave him a huge hug before she left, so he must have inns. From what I remember, they only met once but spoke via Twitter for a long time, they initially bonded over gun control and she messaged him with respect for speaking about it on American TV, then she’d send him the Suits episodes early before they were broadcast.
I saw a clip on YouTube yesterday and Piers was saying in Scobie’s latest book he states that Piers is in regular telephone contact with Camilla. Piers said “Do you want to know how many times I’ve spoken to Camilla on the telephone? Zero!”
So if that part of the book is a lie, then how can we believe anything else written in it?
Piers can speak up to defend himself. It’s not so easy for The Royal Family to do so.
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Baby Giraffe

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Poor Kate - slated for being boring and samey with her outfits……..slated for trying something different. You just can’t please all of the people all of the time.
I don't really care what she wears, I'd just prefer her to be less sappy and actually do something to justify the money she gets as a working royal. Same goes for her husband although he's less sappy.
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Harry's cold and frankly nasty 'family she never had' comment said everything about his attitude to his inlaws
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So you know every single friend that they all have?
Also I think in the past the "top" roles in their team required very specific knowledge of the etiquette, history etc of the role of Monarch. Who is likely to have that knowledge? People who have grown up in similar families or been to school in those idiot highly selective schools. I'm not excusing the pale,male,stale recruitment but it does explain why historically I imagine it has happened.

Charles once famously had a crush on one of the 3 Degrees, a person of mixed race I believe. The Price's Trust has also supported thousands of disadvantages people from all backgrounds, races and cultures. He also wanted (though was thwarted) of being known as "Defender of Faiths" didn't he?

I'm not his fan, I find him petty, petulant and pointless, but racist? Nope I don't think so.
but what you’re describing is institutional racism though. “Only X amount of people know the etiquette”. If an institution is formed for a specific set of people, by a certain set of people and includes a specific set of people - that is institutional racism. For example, the met police was found in an inquest to be institutionally racist, partly because a large number of its members were white (among other things). You can apply rationale as to why this might be - more people in the U.K. are white than any other ethnicity for example. But that doesn’t detract from the inherent racism.

Charles having a crush on a woman of colour or black woman doesn’t make him racist or non racist. It could mean he fetishes race as much as it means he doesn’t care about it. It doesn’t mean anything.

charles inner circle is well known - evidenced by the people he keeps in his employ, guests to his personal events, the people who he associates with most closely - the mount battens, the Shands, the van cupsems. I could relay a ton of friends or associates he keeps that are white and aristocratic/upper middle class. I’d struggle to find a single person from a different background.

is Charles, as an individual, racist? I can’t say, I have no idea. But he certainly doesn’t surround himself with people from a diverse range of backgrounds and ethnicities, so it’s fair to assume he doesn’t have a good grasp on the experiences of the vast majority of people in the U.K., an ethnically, socially and culturally diverse country.
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I think they gave up long ago on being in the RF’s good graces. If it meant anything to them then they would have been behaving very differently over the last few years.

I really can’t see Charles abdicating over this comment. It might build up a head of steam but I don’t see it myself.
I can't see it making much of an impact. There's been too much confusion over the racism allegation and they've lost all credibility.
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He hates sharing his life with the British public/press but wants them to buy his book and watch his shit Netflix shows.
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Plus what do we expect them to do? Turn around one day and go “actually yeah fuck this and the whole constitution our country is built on, cya” and leave one hell of a mess for someone to try and clear up? They obviously know they’re privileged, and they do what they can within their roles and with their platforms. They’re obviously not perfect but I don’t really understand what people expect them to do about it other than the things they already do/are doing
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It’s giving me Tommy Hilfiger fashion shoot with the crisp white shirts. Gives an All American vibe. I think the matchey matchey look is a bit cliche - I rather they did something silly like ugly Christmas jumpers.

Zara’s not a working Royal as she doesn’t have a title.

‘Highly decorative, terribly fragrant and with a ferocious ability to climb’ - that’s how one Daily Mail writer described them
Looking at the Daily Mail top comments from 2010, it amazing how the views have changed so drastically. Now it’s all very gushing but back then it was a bit snippy
View attachment 2620721View attachment 2620722
But I thought the Daily Mail hadn’t ever posted a negative story about a Royal wife or girlfriend before Meghan. I thought it all started with here. Did you use AI to generate these? (/sarcasm)
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I find her quite aspirational in that aspect. I’m fairly politically minded and opinionated, but I also know how unpalatable it can come across in certain situations. I find her public persona of being kind, friendly, ladylike and classic nice to see and quite an aspirational way to behave in todays society of Kardashian’s and everyone thinking they need to shout their opinions louder than anyone else.
She’s clearly accomplished in many ways, maybe no she doesn’t have a career but being the future monarch and maintaining a public role, I imagine keeps her busy in itself. She’s intelligent, clearly has hobbies/interests of her own. Can play piano, an interest in photography etc etc. She’s not exactly a terrible role model for young women today.
I’d disagree. She is pretty terrible as a role model. Not in the overt way like say, the Kardashians are.

but I’d say she’s bad in a more subtle way. What message does she send out? What does she inspire? Keep your head down, look pretty and marry well..? That’s exactly the opposite of what I would want younger generations to aspire to. Wait around a decade for a man to decide you’re worth marrying? Let him break up with you but only if his status is high enough and play mind games with him via the press if you can? Revolve your life and career around a man willing to dump you?

it’s just as bad as the kardashian’s money grabbing and exploiting women’s insecurities. It’s different, but just as damaging.
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It’ll be interesting to see if Harry is away. Meghan is so unlucky - she always seems to get “papped” when he’s not there! 😜

Aren’t Backgrid usually employed by the actual celeb for pap shots? 🤔
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He claims he hasn't has any :ROFLMAO:
Has he had work done? “Eugh, people are obsessed with this,” Scobie sighs. “I’ve not been under the knife, not done anything crazy.” I raise an eyebrow. He then admits he tried Botox “many years ago” and enjoys Ultherapy, a nonsurgical skin-tightening procedure. He is “hopelessly single” but has his French bulldog, Yoshi, for company.
From this article
not had any work done eh? hmmmm!

He's had more work done than i've had hot dinners!


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Love the colour but why is her dress up to her hips getting out of car then later standing it down to her knees
Maybe she's been reading this thread and wanted to make a stand against being called bland? :giggle:
Racey Katie Takes On Tattle Haterz
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I've seen pictures of her cutting up the food for them and helping feed the children so the carers and parents can relax and have nibbles and some wine.
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