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I didn't recall that story so googled it and found a few links maybe about it

one of the comments from the last article
If either of those articles are true that just makes the York sisters look bad. They refused to move up when asked by the organiser and referred to someone as a commoner but Kate is the mean girl?

I’ve got the impression over the past couple of years that Beatrice has become closer to the Wales. I think her husband has been a good influence in her life, she seems closer to family, dresses better and just looks happier. I don’t think Eugenie likes them that much, but I get the impression Eugenie has the same syndrome as Harry that she feels disgruntled at her place in life. That’s probably why they get on so well. She hates that people are above her and has a face like a slapped arse 90% of the time, for all the gossip of royal marriages hers is one that I don’t think is very secure.
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I don’t think they’re as close to the York sisters as they are the Tindalls and Phillips, you only have to look at how all the kids interact with each other at events to see they clearly spend a lot of time together, but there are a few sweet moments between Charlotte and Beatrice that have been caught on camera that suggest there is definitely some level of relationship there

I always presumed B&E struggled with the fact that they were the “blood” princesses but along came this “commoner” who was prettier and more popular and got all the attention etc, it wouldn’t have helped that their parents spoilt them so much and gave them an over inflated opinion of their status etc

I think for Beatrice at least, age and having a stable family life and husband herself has dealt with that, the jury is still out on Eugenie for me
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Didn't the actual charity worker ask the kids to select what they themselves would choose or did I mishear?
Yeah, because they were packing present gift bags from the donations the charity had received. I use to do something similar as a child with my childminder. We did these shoeboxes and she would always say to pick things I would want and then it would go to a girl a similar age as me. We would get things like pens and pencils etc and then also a small gift from a charity shop. It’s actually something that’s really stuck with me and even though I don’t have kids, I buy toys to donate at Christmas. Hopefully this is something that will make an impact on the Wales children too, because with their privilege definitely comes responsibility to give back.
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To be fair I know plenty of couples who broke up briefly (often instigated by the guy who has a sudden freak out about settling down etc) only for them to quickly realise what they had and get back together. It’s also pretty normal during said break ups to post your best photos living your best life on insta, with a couple of attractive guys thrown in, if you want their attention, Kate was just doing her version of that. I don’t think they’re some epic love story but I also don’t think their break up means much in the grand scheme of things
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So,William is equal with and Kate overtaken by the not full time Royal 79 year old Prince Richard and Kate just ahead of his not full time royal 77 year old wife?
I always feel sorry for the Gloucesters for being described by the media as part time royals when you see the numbers of engagements they do. I’ve just looked at the court circular and since the start of December, the Duke has done 12 engagements and William has done 2 (one a meeting and the other the diplomatic reception)
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Eugenies wedding was ridiculous, you absolutely know it was Andrew who demanded it all the Queen agreed with her favourite son. No way would Charles allow it if she got married now. I love that Beatrice still got married in the pandemic and did it the way they did, in the Queens dress no less, I think when you compare the two weddings you see the real difference between them, even pre pandemic Beatrice wasn’t having a televised wedding, it was going to be at St James Palace chapel and then BP. I mean not exactly low key but still.

I can’t stand Jack either, something about him doesnt sit right with me
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The engagement count for this year has been published by The Times.

Even after adding up William and Kate’s engagements together, Anne did 162 more than them combined and Charles 130 more.

I don’t think they can keep hiding behind the excuse of raising their children when all three are now in school from probably 8:30 to 4pm. Also, have we actually seen anything major news wise from either of their big projects? Considering this is how they are wanting to work and move away from traditional engagements and tree planting etc, I would have expected to have heard more
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Tbh when they said there was concern I always took it as concern for his safety and protection from racism. Charles isn’t stupid and has worked with ethnic minorities most of his life, he knows the challenges and abuse they face daily and wouldn’t want that for his grandson. Meghan can’t be oblivious to colourism considering she’s mentioned she didn’t get treated like a black woman until she joined the royal family. If Archie had been born with darker skin it’s opening him up to a world of racism and daily unconscious bias that no parent or grandparent would want. Having the conversation of I’m worried and concerned that the darker his skin the more racism he will face, how do we handle this as a family and protect the baby from that should the situation arise, seems sensible for a family as global as they are.

I can’t see Charles being purposefully prejudice and racist when you look at the history of his work. Despite Harry thinking that simply marrying Meghan was enough to absolve him of his own racist past he’s never taken full accountability for it and will never be able to achieve the impact and change Charles has achieved for ethic minority youths with The Prices Trust.
to be fair, the royal family as an institution is… pretty racist.

they don’t champion diversity in the royal households. Every single private secretary of the Queen’s and Charles have been upper middle class/aristocratic, white and male. I can’t think of a single private secretary for any of them that has been an ethnic minority, and I can only think of one woman (Camilla’s private sec).

Charles’ close friends are exclusively white. None of the royal family are friends with racial minorities, or people from a working class background. Not even Harry.

the history of the royal family itself is based on the fact that, by birth, they are better than everyone. And the royal family were the poster child for colonialism. Whose picture was put up in colonial offices around the world? The monarch’s.

so I’d disagree that Charles has worked with ethnic minorities all his life.

turning up to an event, when the red carpet has been rolled out for you and racial minorities are present - is not the same as working with them. Having a charity in your name or patronised by you, isn’t the same as working with racial minorities.

I think Meghan mark is conscious of all of the above and has definitely weaponised it against Charles et Al.

in hindsight, you have to wonder why she mentioned it to Oprah. It’s like they created the scandal to hold over Charles, maybe for money? As a USP to hype up future book sales? With the threat they’d reveal his name for their personal benefit.

I don’t know what was supposed to have been said, but if Charles had made an insensitive comment about the colour of Archie’s skin, then surely a response along the lines of “I just wanted to let you know that that comment was hurtful to me, and felt racist” in private, was more appropriate?

Repeated, conscious, racist behaviour is surely of interest to the general public, but a one-off gaff that you don’t think is racist (according to Harry) is hardly worth mentioning when you know how inflammatory it is? When it’s a close family member who deserves the benefit of the doubt in this instance? When the comment could equally have been as innocent as it could have been sinister?

if Harry and Meghan were truly concerned about racist behaviour in the royal family - why wouldn’t they highlight the lack of diversity in senior positions in royal households? Because they don’t care about racism. Not really. They care about themselves and their personal experiences, not wider issues.
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I don’t blame Kate for only showing us a public persona, the British press are like vipers. It’s best to fly just that little bit under the radar to avoid their venom.
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This is really funny.
Someone made a comment about how dark the baby’s skin was when Meghan was preggo.
No! Says Harry, it was a conversation before she got pregnant. But it wasn’t HMTQ or PP.
No! Says Harry there wasn’t a racist the media misquoted us.
No! Says someone, there were actually TWO racists!
IT WAS CHARLES! In the parlour, with the pipe!
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Beatrice has transformed since she married Edo, who I really like, you can tell she’s in a great place and he’s worked wonders for her confidence (and potentially suggested a good stylist)
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Part of me would love it to come out that this all started over a careless statement like “I wonder if he’ll have more of his Mum’s or Dad’s colouring.” The idea that an older person used words that can be misconstrued and it became international news would just be so in line with royal gossip.
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I really don’t like the fact that Scobie appears to have tried to blame the translators for the names ending up in the book. I thought that was low.
I think it reflects Scobie's dubious character and the overall tone of the "book". Trashy gossip and speculation
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I think I would hate their life to be sure but I am convinced Kate has decided it’s worth it and so I don’t feel that sorry for her. She has decided to choose it, she didn’t have to but presumably she wanted the man and the Crown and could put up with the lifestyle. The children and William I do feel sorry for. No choice in it and no real choice in what they will do or achieve in their working lives. I hope the slimming down of the royal family will make it possible for Charlotte and Louis to have a more fulfilled life than George and William.

What makes you think their lives are not fulfilled? I find that notion a bit ridiculous. Do you think they would be more fulfilled if they lived in a one bedroom flat on a sink estate and went to work in a supermarket? It's as fulfilling as they make it.

They get to do whatever they want. Want to join the forces? No problem. Learn to fly a helicopter? Absolutely. Compete in Horse trials? Sure. Set up a multi million pound charity? Of course. I think King Charles is very proud with what he has achieved with the King's Trust and Prince Philip with the DoE Awards. Even Harry had success with Invictus.
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I really don’t think BP have much to worry about with all this. Give it a couple of weeks and everyone will be off for Christmas and then there will be a new breaking news story to occupy the headlines. That’s exactly why never explain never complain worked so well for the Queen, you just ride out the hysteria for a couple of weeks and soon everybody moves on.

If the names had come out at the time of Oprah I think it would have been different but nearly 3 years down the line they have lied so much, changed their story so much and annoyed everyone so much that the majority are now past caring
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I mean IMO everyone is a winner with this. The kids bring more attention and headlines to the charity, they look good, plus it helps to satisfy the press and the public getting glimpses of the kids and preventing intrusion in their lives…the video itself is actually informative rather than a “look at us aren’t we great” vibe
& the charity has regularly spoken about how grateful they are for her help and awareness, it’s not like she turned up with a film crew and forced them to let her in.

I found out about the Baby Banks after Kate started working with them and have donated £100s since because I think its such a great idea. I know in the past couple of years they’ve been able to open a centralised warehouse and a lot of the brands Kate brought on board signed up to long term partnerships, and the video has had 1million views on YouTube so I’m sure the charity are very happy even if some moaners on Twitter complain.
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