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William was granted a privacy that Harry wasn’t.
I don’t agree with this necessarily. You say in your post you’ve seen photos of both of them drunk so William’s wasn’t hidden or in private. As you say alcohol is legal. Harry’s drug taking was not. That is the difference between the two.
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What's wrong with a side parting?!!! I've only just started to branch out from skinny jeans and now you're saying my side part is wrong too!
I don't think my hair would part in a different direction now. It's been on the same side since I was about 8 😆. Plus I always feel a bit like a spaniel whenever I've tried a centre parting.
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Just to play devils advocate- To be fair I remember when she had the job at jigsaw and her ex boss came out and said she had to leave because it just wasn’t feasible when you had 20 paparazzi following you to work every day. If a radio station rang up the hospital to try and get intel on her, you can only image the amount of work colleagues who would have been approached, especially given it was the noughties and much more brutal/anything goes to get a scoop.

I’m not saying she couldn’t have a job, just that the reality was her options were incredibly limited and tbh she and anyone who employed her knew that it wasn’t going to be a career, she would be giving it all up eventually, so I can’t really blame her for thinking what’s the point I may as well swan around partying and shopping whilst I have the freedom to do so.
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The Sqad though- from the little I gather, they aren’t really a UK thing. More a US thing which makes it even weirder. I do think they are projecting but it has definitely ventured into a strange craze. Same for the people that run the anti-Sussex accounts. A lot don’t seem to be British as they seem to lack a lot of common knowledge you’d expect from a British citizen.
It's the same with the Diana stans and anti-Camilla crowd. Any time Camilla is referred to as The Queen they're quick to fill up the comments with things like 'not the Queen', 'adulterer', 'Consort not Queen', 'Queen Diana', 'The Queen is Queen Elizabeth', etc; the Brits are the ones pointing out that yes, she is The Queen, same as Queens Mary, Elizabeth and Alexandra, Diana was divorced and is dead, Diana wasn't a saint, give it a bloody rest, and so on. I enjoy pointing out that the affair with Diana broke up the Carlings' marriage and that Oliver Hoare had to call the police on her after their affair and her stalking nearly broke up his marriage; they have no idea about these things and have a very Disneyfied image of Diana and Camilla.
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I really like that this thread is filled with people on both sides of the argument being respectful of opposing views. As someone who is pretty on the fence it’s really interesting to read both sides. Like someone will explain their anti-monarchy position I’ll read it and nod along like “yeah BEHEAD THEM ALL NOW!!” (Kidding). And then someone else will post something about how they benefit society and how it would still be very expensive to have an alternative head of state and I nod along to that too 😂

But it genuinely is so interesting to be able to see people having discussions on both sides in a reasonable way online, so thank you!!

My main issue with getting rid of the monarchy is that I’m not sure what the alternative would be. Australia is generally very anti-monarchy for example and yet they don’t seem to have found a solution yet. I think the tide might start turning when Australia and New Zealand become republics and show a viable alternative that works well to democracies set up like ours.
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I don’t mean to be unkind but omids face looks like it’s being held back by bulldog clips. What on earth as he done to himself?!
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Will Omid Scobie be writing any books about Meghan’s relationship with her family? Don’t think so….
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I think Meghan did that very very purposefully. An element of mistique to make people wonder what exactly was said and who said it and just how bad was it?

she said when she was pregnant they had conversations about how the baby wouldn’t have security or a title (I mean, this latter point has since largely been torn apart, since great grandchildren of a reigning monarch don’t get titles. Which would suggest Meghan is seriously stretching the truth about the nature of those conversations).

then she mentioned how there were “concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be”
And I mean, if there was racist conversations, Meghan should absolutely call it out. But… she didn’t really do that.

it would’ve been easy to say, “Prince Charles said X”, or “Kate said Y”. These people are Archie’s family and on that basis, I would argue, deserved the benefit of the doubt before having conversations vaguely relayed to the public without any specifics or context. And if she’d confronted them privately and they’d continued to say insensitive/racist things then… sure. The world should know the U.K. heads of state are racist towards their own relative.

but she didn’t do that. I think if either Kate or Charles had said something overtly, obviously racist then Meghan would have relished in telling the world by now. But she hasn’t. Which makes me think it was a fairly innocent conversation along the lines of, wondering who Archie would look like more. And I don’t doubt Meghan felt out of place and has struggles I can’t understand as a biracial woman, but equally people don’t deserve to be indirectly called racist without any sort of proof. And by proof, I would’ve settled if Meghan had even just relayed the conversation as she recalled it.

I agree that I think this will largely all blow over. It’s a sinister ploy to generate hype and book sales, and so very transparent. Anyone in the H&M camp have lost all credibility, because there is just so much inconsistency in their narratives over the years. It’s shrugged off now.

meghab hadn’t heard of them and never googled them don’t forget, so how could she possibly have known all this
I actually think it’s even less interesting than family wondering about who they’ll look more like. I reckon it was around the fears that Archie would be subjected to racism on social media and through the press like Meghan was/is. And a fear around that.

Prince William has openly said that in interviews he doesn’t care if his children are LGBT+ but he would worry about them because of the press and what they would say.

Genuinely I reckon it was around protecting Archie. I think if it had been anything else we would have known the proper conversation by now. But this angle of conversation makes Meghan look like a complete asshole who weaponising someone’s concern for her Son for political gain, which explains why it has taken so long to be leaked IMO.
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Well, Harry was upset when Kate didn't want to lend her lipstick to Meghan (from Spare). So yes, without context and details, difficult to assess anything. Meghan and Harry seem both having something against Kate - from Meghan casually calling Kate "Waity Katy" at Ophra's interview and pretending her experience with the press was much more terrible when we all know Kate was followed and harassed by the press for years, her private convo with William was hijacked, she also got bodyshamed etc. Harry made a diss about royal men marrying women that would fit in the RF instead of following their heart during their netflix show. There are many other exemples showing their dislike for Kate. So I would not just base my opinion from them.
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Is this really it?

The card they were hiding up their sleeve the whole time & using to blackmail the family?

The fart in the elevator and bounce strategy?

The piss in the pool whodunnit?

Well, they have nothing else to milk now. They've milked Dead Diana, the "Royal racist", the Queen's death, mental health, addiction, veterans, suicide, everything you can think of - only thing left is domestic abuse, I guess? I wonder when Markle will unleash that one on Harry?
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I also don’t really like the way it seems to be trying to absolve Meghan by bringing down Kate. It doesn’t sit right with me to see a man dragging a woman with infantile nicknames etc (and yes, I thought the same about Tom Bowers Meghan book before anyone asks)
I find it rather unfair that Kate is criticised for not supporting Meghan when for the entire time that Meghan was Harry’s girlfriend or living in the UK Kate was either pregnant or the mother of young children. Of course she didn’t have time to support Meghan and had other priorities…
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But from the charities point of view if having a royal member visit brings so much awareness to the cause and in doing so brings in more donations that's only a good thing!
Giving Evidence has found that from 2019-2020 74% of charities with Royal patrons did not manage to get any public engagements and they couldn’t find any evidence that Royal patrons increase a charity’s revenue. Fewer than half of their patronages are with registered UK charities.

I have often wondered if charities properly benefit from having a Royal visit and Royal patrons. I mean this most recent visit Kate did with the children - how many people will donate to the cause? When the ladies go on a solo visit do people really remember the charity’s name because so much press and talk is dedicated to what they wear. To me it seems their charity work is used as a way to justify their existence and the positive effect it has on the charities is overstated. That’s not to say they aren’t passionate about individual causes.
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I’m not so sure about Charles but I don’t think William thinks he’s been chosen by god. If anything, he seems to have a pretty strong disdain for a lot of the ceremonial and ridiculous aspects…the photos of him on garter day for example he can only just manage to his his embarrassment at prancing around in the robes.

I think Kate would be quite happy with a life similar to her sisters, more money than they could ever spend, days spent playing tennis, shopping and having lunches. Weekends at the country home with the kids. The odd show up to a charity function or other, but no more shaking hands and boring engagements. Honestly I’m surprised she isn’t a secret republic campaigner 😂😂😂

ETA - they wouldn't even really lose much status. They would likely still be seen as "royal" at least for a good few generations and would probably still have plenty of people pandering to them
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People behave like if we didn't have a monarchy, the money saved would make everything else in the country ok. Obviously if we get rid of the monarchy then the NHS would run perfectly, homelessness would disappear and energy bills would be pennies. :rolleyes:
Worked with leaving the EU! NHS has £300million extra A WEEK!!
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The casting of Harry and William in the latest episodes is horrendous, those boys were so handsome and it’s like watching the Aliexpress versions with extra dodgy haircuts and hair dye jobs
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I have always admired Duchess Sophie for quietly getting on with her duties and for representing the Royal Family so respectfully. Others could learn from her.
Err Duchess Sophie did not quietly get on with things ... she too was caught selling access to the Royals with the Fake Sheikh scandal. What she did do however, was disappear into the background and raise her kids, whilst continuing with charity work and has re-emerged as a saving grace to the Royals.

Whether you like William and Kate or favour Harry and Meghan, the reality is - William and Kate have successfully negotiated a managable level with the press and their children. Catherine takes the photos which get released - the press and nation are happy. Harry and Meghan could have done the same. The problem was - they were out for the highest bidder and it's annoyed everyone.

I have no doubt it must be awful being 'constantly' hounded by the press but lets be clear - none of them are out doing daily work - so put your work face on for the odd engagment and play ball.

I've been on these threads a while and I see as much dislike posted towards Katherine and William as I have for Harry and Meghan.

Edited : Suzesnooze - i see we said the same about sophie *-)
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The welsh minister not signing God Save the King. He should have stayed at home. When he was laying his wreath, he swaggered over to the cenotaph like he was taking his empties back to the bar.
He should have been disembowelled on the spot and fed to the royal corgis.
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The comment about the skin colour of their unborn baby.
It's not getting much of a reaction is it? I don't think anyone cares anymore.
Because it's the kind of comment many families have up and down the land as soon as anyone announces they're pregnant - whose colouring will they have, which eye colour etc. nothing is meant by it, it's being weaponised by Madam Market and her Waxworked flunkey.
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