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Hmm it would be no surprise to me that she really doesn't want to be in the middle of black folk and being touched by them. Didn't one of the late Queen's ex ladies in waiting cause a furore last year by asking a black woman where she was REALLY from. Camilla is the same class same age they probably have quite racist and dated views.
It was pretty much a made-up furor.

This seems like it, like that 'row,' was stirred up by Meghan stans.

Obviously, though, Camilla is some evil racist. Totally. She who warmly talks and engages with everyone regardless of race or class is some secret evil racist.

I also don't believe the monarchy is going anywhere in my lifetime or in the Wales' kids lifetimes. Too much to deal with and too many governments to change and referendums and the cost would be astronomical.
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Baby Giraffe

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I think William just grew up, Harry didn’t.
Nah, he’s another man child that has people running round after him just it’s kept quieter and he doesn’t have public tantrums. Still has a childlike sense of entitlement that comes with his birth.
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I don’t actually think this will happen just FYI but god I’d love to sit back and watch a full blown drama and abdication. Pass me the popcorn bitches
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People who are already on Harry and Meghan's side will be outraged, monarchists will believe Charles is innocent and everybody else won't care.
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i don’t think Camilla looks uncomfortable because of the colour of the people around her. I think it’s just a combination of the fact she clearly has mobility issues herself and she’s just generally very awkward. I like her but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a particularly natural interaction from her, she always just looks awkward and like she doesn’t know how to “perform” in public
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So Kate was apparently on Children In Need his evening, struggling a bit with this but I might be the wrong age. Does anyone really watch it now? I know schools still support it etc but is it widespread other than that? I don’t really even imagine parents watch the tv show that much. It just feels like a miss to me but am I being unfair?
I think children in need has been a bit naff for a long time now.

valid cause and all that, but like comic relief, it’s almost an excuse for celebs to show off how altruistic and wonderful they are, while capitalising on the exposure. The charity singles always got high in the charts in the past which was a win for whoever had managed to bag that job.
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I don't know how they've got the nerve to use their titles. Just sums up what money-grabbing hypocrites they are. Hope they are ignored from now on including the children.
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I’m actually glad the “racists” have been named. Harry and Meghan are out of currency and have nothing else to sell………they must be all out of stories……here’s hoping!
So am I. Piers has actually done TRF a favour. They've been named and everyone's gone 'meh'.

Just go away now Harry, Meghan and Scobie ... your time on this ride is up.
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How could it be a mistranslation? Names don't even need to be translated. Hope Scobie is completely discredited and disappears from TV screens.
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Curly Top

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I thought how much healthier Anne looked than Charles, she’s not much younger than him but appears to have bags more energy, he looks exhausted
Anne has always been a tougher more resilient character than Charles. She is also very fit - horse riding, playing with the grandchildren and I bet she walks and moves around a lot.
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I’ve always assumed that she was learning the ropes in the ‘waity’ years. No way would William want her to end up like his mother. Kate has never put a foot wrong (unlike Sophie who people praise!). She was obviously learning how to be the perfect royal behind the scenes.
I think that’s just what kate/will-stans tell themselves to romanticise their relationship. It’s a nicer alternative to the reality that Kate was mostly seen shopping on the Kings road in those years, living in a flat her parents bought for her. In reality, if memory serves, the Queen found it disappointing that Kate didn’t have a proper career, which is what supposedly prompted her stint at jigsaw. Belle Robinson (jigsaw founder) gave a good review of Kate but was open about how she’d asked for a job (3 days a week) that allowed her to be flexible because she was dating a high profile man. This was circa 2006 I believe. And really it’s the very definition of moulding your life to fit around someone else.

belle was also clear that Kate didn’t get any official support; so it’s not like the palace were involved in grooming her for royal life.

in the decade of dating Prince William, you’d assume that Kate would take up endeavours that would prepare her for such a role; charity work, public speaking. But Kate never did that, she paid lip service to a career at jigsaw but it’s clear her priority lay in making herself available to William.

the reality is that there was no “preparing” for royal life. As far as the royal family are concerned, unless you’re officially engaged, you’re not in the door and they have nothing to do with you.

I think for William, he was never 100% sure on Kate. I can’t speak for the inner workings of his mind, obviously. But it’s telling that he broke up with her. It’s telling that he waited a decade before marrying her. It’s telling that he wasn’t super excited to tell his brother he was about to propose. It’s telling that he got drunk the night before the wedding. IMO, Prince Harry is saying a lot in spare without saying it.

i think their marriage is based on a lot of pragmatism with some affection, rather than deep profound love and intimacy. I just don’t think there’s evidence that Kate was using that decade to “learn the ropes”. I think at best, she stuck it out and it showed William she was the best candidate he was ever likely to find.
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I remain amazed that people could think that anyone who had anything to do with Harry would be kept in the inner circle if they were simultaneously BFF with Piers. Yes, he probably thought all his Christmases had come at once when he realised someone who he knew vaguely in his job as entertainment journalist could get him an ‘in’ with the RF but really? Surely he knew that was never going to be a thing that happened.
I mean, members of the press enjoy warm relationships with the royal family. Penny Junor is in good terms with Charles and Camilla, Tom Bradby was on friendly terms with Harry and William etc. etc. they maybe weren’t besties who’d spend holidays together but they had a good working relationship I guess. Plus piers was friendly with Meghan BEFORE she dated Prince Harry.

Piers Morgan is slightly different from other journos in that he has come very close to the hacking scandal of news of the world, and has expressed sympathy for a journalist who hacked Prince William. He isn’t especially apologetic about it and in all honesty, is just a ball of ego and unearned privilege IMO. I wouldn’t blame anyone for not wanting to be on friendly terms with him.

BUT - this is a big but - Meghan was happy to weasel her way into Piers’ good books, flatter him with attention and get him in side when she was, according to Lizzie Cundy, on the hunt for a wealthy man.

that’s what makes Megan worthy of criticism, and where Piers (for all his numerous faults) has a point. She was happy to buddy up when it suited her and when it no longer did, she discarded him. In what appears to be a pattern of behaviour for her. It’s not too much hassle to send a quick text “look I’m too busy to continue with this friendship” or “I’m sorry but due to personal reasons I can’t continue this friendship” etc etc. to ghost someone in most circumstances, is pretty cruel and unkind, not to mention rude.

I get the impression that Piers was initially flattered by Meghan’s attention and friendship. She ghosted him and shortly after word got out about her dating Prince Harry - so I think Piers knew the lay of the land. So he reached out to her via other mechanisms; he wrote gushing pieces about how smart and beautiful she was. Maybe hoping she’d strike up a cordial relationship that would benefit them both professionally?
But it doesn’t appear like that ever happened. After all, Piers is probably a person non grata in the Windsor household - so Meghan had to go along with that.

then approaching the wedding, stories were being leaked about Meghan that didn’t paint her in a good light. Piers wrote a piece directed at her that looked like a warning shot. I think at this point, he’d started to take the ghosting more personally. Plus he was observing a wider pattern of behaviour: the fact she essentially ghosted her own dad too. I think that’s why he wrote that piece criticising her and took the gloves off, so to speak.

I’m not a fan of piers. I agree with him on a handful of things. I disagree with him on most things. His vendetta against Meghan has come across as petty at times, but I don’t think he expected to be best buds with her. I think he just realised he’d been used and saw red.
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I suppose the way to tell their commitment to the cause since leaving the royal family is how many of their current staff represent those not at the upper echelons of the royal family. Is Archewell headed up by a middle aged white guy?
"Archetypes", which went down like a lead balloon, was produced by 10-12 white women.
The ever-revolving door of part-time executives at Archewell is always white.
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I don't think Camilla even wanted marriage, it was Charles who did. She wasn't too fussed one way or the other. I don't think she was smug on Coronation Day at all, looked rather terrified honestly.

I do remember Kate's smug smirk at 'for richer or for poorer' at the wedding vows.
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I’m so tired of M&H. I’d have more respect if they just got on with life and stopped creating drama, writing books, pretending they’re important and giving Omid Scobie a platform
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