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VIP Member
But Meghan said her and Eugenie were friends before she met Harry. Surely she'd recognise her friend's dad? Even if it was just from photos etc..
Tbf I don’t know what the majority of my friends parents look like 😂 its not like you have to go round to the family house to hang out as adults and idk what adult would pull their family photos out
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VIP Member
Kate’s hair at Uni Graduation. Thick, glossy hair. It seems like nowadays nobody believes anyone can grow their own hair or nails and everyone just assumes people use extensions or fake nails!

The honeymoon bikini pics also look fine to me 🤷‍♀️

These pics are from this year. She looks fine to me for someone who has had 3 kids and probably breastfed them all.
It was different to this - a bit like muscly men whose clothes stand off them and don't fit well. Pippa and Kate's clothing is usually so well tailored. That's probably why it caught my eye so much.
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VIP Member
Camilla looks ‘refreshed’ as though she’s had a bit of work done. The baby pink she’s wearing is a bit summery for the endish of September
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VIP Member

Just started this - I absolutely love Anne!
I enjoyed that. I really like Anne. She’s the only remaining intimidating royal in my opinion! She’s very like her father!

I didn’t enjoy seeing Mike’s huge sweat patches under his arms though 🙈
They filmed it on Wednesday, the royals must have been boiling with their jackets on in the heat we’ve had this week
That will be why Mike had such huge sweat patches then!
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
1000% this. I believe the next mens' WC is in USA and Canada. Such England happen to reach the finals, let's see what his environmental concerns are then
Even for the WC in Qatar, with all the issues, there were mutterings that he might go ‘if England did well’ …
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VIP Member
They would also have to change the rules around illegitimate children. If George were gay but had a child with a surrogate that was biologically his, that child would be classed as illegitimate as he wouldn’t be married to the mother? I think?

Don’t ask me why but I’ve always had a feeling George would end up abdicating to Charlotte and we would end up with another long reigning queen. It’s something I’ve “felt” for years but I’ve no idea why 🤣🤣 If it ends up happening I’ll start playing the lottery
You and me both! George always seems so shy during the various ceremonial occasions he attends and Charlotte's the opposite, which is almost a mirror image of the Charles and Anne scenario from the 1950s. There was one of those ubiquitous RF programmes on C5 on once, the title of which declared: "Princess Anne: The Queen We Never Had".

On the subject of Anne - is she still 'with' Sir Tim or is it one of those aristocratic separated marriages?
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VIP Member
I found it funny that in the article they didn't mention the falling out they apparently had which was front page news on either the sun or mail
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VIP Member
I think he

I think.he will end up having a breakdown he seems th have inherited his Mother's mental health problems, she even flung herself down a flight of stairs when she was carrying William.
Didn’t Meghan say she thought about doing that when pregnant? I didn’t remember Diana having done it
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VIP Member
I think if it came out that they had paid off Kate’s parents debts, there would be a huge public outcry and I think RF are worried enough about public scrutiny of the finances. They couldn’t risk it. It’s all so unfair on the really small suppliers though. I hate that they always lose out in this type of situation.
Yeah, I think you’re right, although it’s a shame. Big companies constantly get bailouts, but small companies are just out of luck. I feel for the suppliers. It’ll be interesting to see what happens, if it keeps being an issue or if it just fades away. The whole thing is quite odd, though.
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VIP Member
That is...odd.

I was actually wondering this morning if any of the royals will say/do anything about the current situation...W&K especially have been very active in their support of Ukraine (and rightly so) but there is a precedent there now...

I won't pretend to have any understanding of what's going on but that coupled with the fact Kate has actually done quite a bit with the Jewish community (from a Holocaust perspective tbf) I wonder if they will say anything or get away with it if they don't
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VIP Member
I don’t know, this is the first time in football the English team has got to the finals in nearly 60 years! It’s pretty unprecedented. Spain is sending their Queen and heir. If Camilla can’t go because of her age (as people have suggested) maybe there is an argument to be had about elderly heads of state. But it’s poor show that the opposite side is sending their Queen and heir and we are sending…the foreign secretary. For me I personally believe that if it was the men’s William would be there and George would be trotted out in his little suit.
Women’s sport is wholly under represented and not taken seriously at all. The amount of sexist and misogynistic comments I have seen about the women’s World Cup is shocking. And not having the FA President there to support a team in the finals just shows he doesn’t care and shouldn’t even hold that role. What’s the point of him having it?
Spain's heir is at a military school, the Queen is going with her younger daughter Sofia.
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VIP Member
I've been sucked into yet another Channel 5 docuseries on the BRF as the first episode compared Prince Harry and King Edward VIII (mostly because thanks to The Windsors I will always hear Edward V One One One!) and idly wondered whether Edward and Sophie would have even featured in the 'slimmed down monarchy' without Harry and Andrew's fall from grace?
I think they’d likely have still been working royals but they wouldn’t have been “seen” as much.
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Chatty Member
I’ll never forget the poor woman crying on her wedding day. There’s definitely something very strange about the whole set up there but I do really feel for her
Didnt it come out a few days before their wedding he had an affair or secret love child?
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Chatty Member
When Ch5 show random RF programmes (there are 3 scheduled tonight. On a Saturday evening!) I get the feeling something is going on with the RF. Like with all the recent Kate PR in the papers 🤔
They’ve been doing that on Saturday nights for a few weeks as I’ve been watching them. I do find the Buckingham Palace with Alexander Armstrong quite interesting
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
Same here 😂 I could justify say 3 weeks so that people don’t have to be on call etc. But nearly 3 months plus all the other school holidays? No. If they want to give them a “normal” childhood maybe they should start sending them to summer clubs, play dates and to the grandparents
I suppose they would say Balmoral is the grandparents 😀
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VIP Member
Yes because obviously it's always 100% the woman's fault................ I get it that you don't like her but none of us know the full story as we weren't there and people are never so 2 dimensional as you're describing
No of course not. I call Charles shitty too lol.

None of us do know the full story… but a lot of the stuff I mentioned is as good as factual (the cheating starting again in 1989 has been confirmed, Harry moving into Nott cott was confirmed etc. it’s fact that they hired Mark Bolland in 1999).

What are your thoughts on Camilla/Charles if you don’t agree with my take?
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