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That's relatively cheap, the prep school William and Harry went to is now £30,900 a year per pupil.
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People used to say the same thing about Charles and Diana...Sure it's well known that Prince Philip was living with another woman the last few years and the fawning stories what came out about him and TQ
Living with someone else recently? Who?
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Chatty Member
So how long do we reckon the Queen will live? A few weeks back everyone thought she was on her last legs, now all of a sudden she's back fighting fit again.
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BIB Yes, I'm aware of that. But the perception was that the RF was being silent, which is why I think they needed to head it off.

I totally think it was best to keep the boys at Balmoral and out of the public eye. But equally, it wouldn't have taken much effort for a 'suit' to write a statement along the lines of 'devastated at the death of Diana and RF will be staying in Balmoral to allow the boys time to grieve etc' and get the Queen's approval to release it. That's all that was required.
I suppose the Queen didn't want it to turn into a reality programme which is what Tony Blair seemed to be pushing for. He was a one for spin, though. Always reminded me of the Big Bad Wolf in Little Red Riding Hood with that grin. Ugh!
Saw a clip with Tom Bower on talking about Tony I think he was saying Tony is to blame for what is going on in the world at the moment.
Also said he was threatened by Al Fayed arranging to have his fingers broken. Will see if I can find the link.
Also saw something re Bower getting Royal protection due to his book and possible comeback.

Think this is the link I mentioned above.
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Calling anyone's HOS a nonentity is just embarrassing. Christ even your RF would be embarrased. But do keep it up. It'e entertaining
How many people outside Germany and Ireland can name their ceremonial President compared to our ceremonial Queen? Barely any

Do you have to have a president like the US or France if you're in the UN security council? That doesn't sound right.

I can't name the German President. I was just pointing out that the size of the country doesn't dictate the type of President they have.
You either have a globally recognised monarch like ours or an all powerful elected President like France or the US does to befit the status of a permanent UN Security Council power.

Germany is a bigger nation than us and you can't even name its head of state? Thanks for proving my point
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Andrews security isn't paid by The Qyeen though. Its coming out of the Met Police budget, when they don't have resources to investigate crime.
I wonder if the decision to protect Andrew has been made based on him maybe being a target after all the Epstein revelations. I wonder if there is evidence he could be subject to an attack of some sort.
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Chatty Member
TYL, I understand you’re a staunch monarchist and I know a lot on here give you a hard time you over it (I wouldn’t, we are all entitled to our views) but I doubt Sarah Chatto’s terraced house in Kensington is a basic 2 up, 2 down terraced house. I don’t know, but I should imagine it’s more likely a large, listed Georgian townhouse. Yes, it’s still a terraced house but not exactly in the same league as most terraced houses.
Maybe but still privately owned
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I’m not quite sure why the Air Ambulance is being brought into it. That stoped being a thing in 2017. William has been an allege full time working member of the Royal Family Firm since then, same as Kate … with the remuneration being a full time working member enjoys.

I have to say that for a job that “can’t be done mostly working from home”, they are certainly giving it a fair crack to try.
Didn't they do loads of zoom meetings with people over the pandemic?.....
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I’m a few decades late but I’m finally reading Diana In her own words, think I got it for 99p in a kindle sale. I’m about a quarter of the way through, and theres no doubt Charles treated her absolutely appallingly and was a terrible husband, and at times just a terrible person. But she seems absolutely bonkers in the head, and at times just quite self righteous. Having this view that she can see things others can’t, that she’s psychic and always has been, always knowing what to do when others don’t. I’m reading it and struggling to sympathise, I can see how bad she’s being treated but just constantly making me pull a face with almost how perfect she perceives herself.
I have got Diana Her True Story by Andrew Morton in my bookcase. Think it might be the same book. Anyway you've spiked my curiosity to have another read. It says copyright 1992 so probs 30 years since I bought it! 😁
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Yes 100%. Sophie's dad was a car salesman (open to correction) and her mother was a secretary (ditto), so it's possible Sophie encouraged this. My mother arrived home when I was 15 and informed me I was starting a new job the following week!🤣
Her dad is a retired sales director for an importer of industrial tyres and rubber goods which I’m not sure is the same as a care salesman? It was a pretty middle class upbringing though. I would hope Sophie and Edward have prepared their children for life outside of the royal bubble and that their lives won’t be anything like their cousins.
Interestingly, Sophie’s godfather was the father of Paul Bettany.
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Chatty Member
No way on earth would anyone else have got into Cambridge with two average A levels. Even allowing for grade inflation. At a minimum, 3 good quality A levels (AAB or above) were needed.
Of course he got a degree, they’d hardly fail him!
Blair got into Oxford with A B C

Oh yes "their" money from the stressful jobs they both have. People need to wake up - neither of them work and any private funds they have is from land they stole hundreds of years ago. The latest articles of them being "just like us" boils my piss when people in the country are using food banks and struggling.
Nothing wrong with inherited wealth. Inflation is rising because of sanctions over the Russian Ukraine war and lost energy and food production due to lockdown not the royals
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I didn't watch this lady's videos on You Tube much but she had a lovely accent and sounded like a warm, supportive, kind person. Like the lady in this video says she's been through some horrible events in the recent past.
Just feels like we've lost yet another good person in this world. Feel oddly tearful. 😢
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There was a book of remembrance opened at work - which I could never understand. She had never been and there was no connection at all plus there was also one in the Town Hall if anyone really wanted. There was no rhyme or reason to the way some people went absolutely OTT.
There was a book in my workplace too which I didn't sign. Again people were writing highly emotional stuff as if they knew her.
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