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*not at 13yrs either.
83 comments but nothing from Mummy dearest- something definitely a miss.
Kay eh also not been filmed much whereas she used to be featured lots.
Just another Clickbait. Why would you make it public? She just wants people talking about her because without the oxygen of people gossiping they don’t have anything. Katie Hun, have your baby and go and get a job and live a normal life because your mum and dad are in for a big fall and you really don’t want to be part of that when it happens.
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Now Katie's pregnant Millie and the wedding will take a back seat as no way a wedding worth 2mins of content is better than a baby that's going to bring sue years of content
They'll have a script for Ch5 where they make it look like Katie had to leave the wedding because she went into labour, showing Sue being "super mum" seeing to both daughters on their big days, when in reality we'll know the baby's birth was months either side of the wedding.
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Why are people trolls just because they disagree. In my job we have to deal with minor complaints (other opinions) on a reasonably regular basis. We can’t just shout troll when someone disagrees with a system.
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I think Adam has gone to ground thanks to the minion army that would’ve followed her rant. The thick chavvy minions will have understood every word she’s said and armed with their “you’re just jealous” weapons of badly spelt and punctuated tyrant of abuse to silence the man who dared to call them out.
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The amount Chester was unattended was shocking particularly near water.
Chester is a boy - a lack of concern for his safety is exactly what you'd expect! the boys are only valued when he can be added to the "and counting..." total of kids/grandkids. keeping on eye on him simply isn't a priority - as with all the other Radfraud boys, he'll be left to fend for himself! 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Baby/toddler rearing will be a walk in the park for Katie. She won’t be confused about “is this colic or a milk allergy?” Coz she is well versed in looking after babies and toddlers. It’s the schooling age that concerns me.

Will she read to them? take them to toddler groups and meet new people not just her sisters? Practice phonics? Insist on them doing homework? Take them to the museum and organise after school clubs? Insist that they focus on education first? Cross country?

I doubt it. I really fucking doubt it.
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The speeding case has made it to Mail Online and there are comments relating to Sue and Chris's ages.
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She’s delusional. She would love to adopt when hers are older, does she think she‘s 30 or something?
SUE LOVE, YOU ARE NEARLY 50 AND HAVE A 3 YEAR OLD. I know maths is probably not her strong point but jeez 🙄
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I don't understand why The Radfords are so obsessed with Disney. Yes, it is a bit of fun and I enjoy some Disney in my life too. But to repeatedly go back to the same place when their own backyard is steeped in so much rich history... I feel like Sue is stuck in the childhood she never got to finish. And Noel must acquiesce to her wishes as he is the very person who ended her childhood prematurely. I'd also rather set my kids up for life, if I had done the wrong of having sold out their lives online since they were too young to have had a say in. They would surely prefer a deposit on a house instead of too many holidays filled with shite. Sickening family, though I liked them at first many years ago. 🙏
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Any Mother worth her salt would have actively discouraged her daughters from getting pregnant at such an early age like her. They really are a set of chavvy plebs!
Sue isn't a good mother though. She's actively encouraging this to keep the family 'brand' going. The earlier they start the better for that thick bitch
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All 4 older girls will have kids by October .
So who's next ?
Chole or even Millie.
Could you Imagine your son coming in saying he is dating a Radford girl ........I would hand him a packet of condoms.
I reckon Chloe will be next, either this year (most likely) or next year. Then Millie, then Ellie. Aimee seems different somehow...too sensible/quieter.
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The first thing they check is whether there’s been any involvement with social services. Just on that count alone they’d be disqualified. Like was said previously, it’s just click bait.
They can't allow any underage girls to be adopted by Noel based on his history.
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Well seeing as this is a family that turned a walk in closet into a bedroom and don't even feed their children properly or care about their education, I doubt they would be allowed to adopt. Adopted children also need a lot more patience, support and attention than biological children, you need to be extremely dedicated to looking after them and have the ability to be able to get them outside support where needed and I can't see Sue and Noel doing any of those things. Also, certain things they have done in the past to their children could be a trigger for an adopted child, such as, removing door handles off their bedroom doors and fridge locks on the fridge to stop them helping themselves to food. For a child who might have , in the past, been locked in rooms and denied food, that would be extremely triggering for them, not to mention the lack of privacy the child would be given and no space to themselves.
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Agree. She practically raised Archie from birth so think she’ll be a good mum
A good mum doesn't get pregnant whilst living at home with mummy and daddy and upteen siblings in an overcrowded home on a part time minimum wage job. It's grim and a shitty start to life for this poor child.
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Because they are stupid???
I apologise in advance- *TW*
How old is April? *I can not bring myself to spell "correctly"*
Was Noel having sex with Sue at this age??!
As he knew her from 7yrs. Awful thought.
(I think April is 9/10yrs)

I would not be bragging about strong Radford genes 🤦‍♀️
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