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Millie will have 3 kids under 3, that’s a huge responsibility for anyone let alone someone who can barely take care of herself. Little heads up Millie if you’re reading here - when this “last” baby is a little older, possibly when Ophelia is at school, get yourself back to college and retrain. There is funding for childcare and paying for any equipment you might need (ie if you’re training in hair or beauty).
That way you’ll be independent of anyone that might otherwise take advantage of your dependency.
I know DV and abusive relationships were discussed at length in the previous thread so I’m not going back over old ground, but those type of relationships aren’t just between partners, they can also be between siblings and parent/child relationships. Sue offers her kids material things in return for their full compliance in their make believe world. This in itself is control and if Millie is left to feel that she has no financial independence she will go to whoever is offering to “support” her.
Bit deep for a Sunday morning I know 👀😆 but please Millie do it for yourself ❤
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Harley really does treat ophelia as his own and she adores him. I see them about all the time she's a big daddy's girl even if it isn't biological
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You gotta be kidding 🤡🤡🤡🤡

Not even 23, no job, 3 kids. Wow.
I had 4 kids by the time I was 21 😲😲 all the same dad though 😂😂 and X hubby was working so I was a young mum and now my eldest grandchild is almost 30 so I’m still young enough to spend time with them all
You lovely people on here cheer me up no end you really do,your posts have my crying with laughter they really are so funny.
I suffer with severe depression I have done all my life really so when I’m feeling down in the dumps I always read through the comments and like I said I’m crying laughing with them especially the ingham threads 😂😂😂😂
So I thank you all for putting a smile on my face when I need it the most TEAM TATTLERS
👏👏👏👏👏 XXX
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Time for Chris’s children to go on holiday??
I love how katie is near the top of her following which shows that she unfollowed her recently and then followed her back again. I can't get over the fact that this pathetic old woman unfollows her children after a row like they're both 12 years old 😂 😂 😂
also did I miss that they're planning a trip to dubai? She's following a hotel in dubai. Of course she wants to go to dubai
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I really pity both Millie and Harley, no idea what has happened in their relationship but it doesn’t seem to be a ‘healthy’ one. For Millie to publicity slate Harley on fb and accuse him of DV/go to court and then end up pregnant again is so confusing.

I ended up on some of Harleys families fb pages a few weeks back and from different posts it looks like Harley didn’t have the best childhood (some comments abt his Mom using drugs) and also his older sister passing away when he would have been in primary school etc. Not making excuses for him but I hope that he isn’t abusive and everything was blown out of proportion, and he and Millie can give their kids the loving secure childhood they deserve. For Millie to 21 and pregnant with her 3rd isn’t the best but she is a product of her upbringing and if having children young is fulfilling for her/she’s happy with her choice then so be it. A job wouldn’t go a miss though!
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Spotted this on insta, most prominent like on the post. Looks like she’s been well and truly ousted from the family.

I don’t think be should be so harsh on Millie, she’s lost what most women take for granted and that’s her family support network, not necessarily her parents but she was close to Luke, Katie etc. if she’s got a rocky relationship with Harley anyway, this could be tough for her.
And kids to different dads doesn’t automatically make her a bad person
Someone needs to case study this family. They are a fucking mess.
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Why can’t Millie do something with her life instead of breeding AGAIN!? They are both so dumb. A Jobless breeder is what she is.
But remember Sue and Noel don’t claim so it’s all ok according to the enablers. They might not but they are setting up most of their children to be relying on social housing and UC payments. Instead of blasting money on trips to Florida they should be using it to house the brood they created and encourage them to do something with their lives. I hate that as taxpayers we have to fund these ‘choices’.
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God if this were one of my daughters, I would be utterly heartbroken that all she could aspire to is getting knocked up and living off benefits! Anyone can have a mistake, but to get pregnant 3 times by the age of 23 with no money or aspirations is just tragic! Scratty and your disgusting pedlo of a husband, you should hang your head in shame for the lazy, scrounging offspring you’ve created and been role models to!
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Elle Woods

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Oh poor Sue with a broken motor home 😢 the poor woman can’t catch a break, thank god she managed to sort something so that she can go away again, she really deserves another break, she’s only had 2074 this year alone 💔💔💔

it’s staggering that there’s people out there who genuinely support this lot and can’t see what piss takers they actually are
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She's your typical loud mouthed, uneducated, low IQ, council estate Jeremy Kyle type. She's never going to change. She's been dragged up with no morals, no education and no class and boy does it show.
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Yes it’s poor Lola that makes me so so sad, poor thing. She should be bounding up and down that beach with the wind in her face, running around with other dogs wearing herself out but instead she’s trapped in that house (with screaming brats) and no exercise at all, not even a walk around the block on a lead 😭
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Little me.

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They can all drive round in Porsches. I don’t care if they have a fleet of them. There isn’t one of them with a brain or an ounce of class. Who the fuck do this family really think they are.
Famous from the Pee dough dad having sex with and getting a minor pregnant then making her pregnant continually for the next 40 years.
Certainly nothing to brag about, more to be ashamed of. The dad is a vile creep.
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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. That lad wouldn't know hard work if it hit him like a truck (and I bloody well wish it would). I'd seriously love to know what his job is. Someone who couldn't stand 5 minutes in the RAF doesn't strike me as a hard worker. Someone who couldn't be a grown man about his breakup doesn't seem like someone who could stand working hard.

We could all afford porsches if we lived rent free in our rich daddy and mummy's basement and had nothing else we had to put our money toward. There's a cost of living crisis you twat. But that doesn't affect pathetic little boys who have never had to grocery shop or pay a bill in their lives.

The hardest working people I've seen have not been driving porsches. In fact the hardest working people I have ever seen were waiting at the bus stop in the rain to get to their job while pricks in flashy cars drive past thinking they're the top tier of society. Most bragging twats come by their money dishonestly, whether that's a spoilt baby using their family fortune or someone making money in unsavory ways, like drug dealing or child exploitation.

There's nothing wrong with having a porsche. There is something wrong with acting like it was hard work that got you that porsche. Not only is it tacky and chavvy, it's offensive to those who actually work hard and yet are still having to choose between petrol and their electric bill. In most cases, wealth has very little to do with hard work.
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Winds me up how she dresses them the same. They are not twins and even if they were you dress them differently because they are DIFFERENT PEOPLE. Spend some time with each child individually Sue and then you many see they actually have different personalities and different interests, shocking I know 😱
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