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Did she really claim her first 3 jobs were Homicides? Get absolutely fucked, what a liar. No wonder her nose is the way it is.
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Brad literally was in Sydney every day this week. So you’re telling me this dicknose drove 1.5hrs to work, worked a 16hr day, drove 1.5hrs back, coached Finn’s league team let’s say for an hour max, then drove 1.5hrs back to Parramatta to watch the game and then drove back. Either Brad didn’t go to Sydney every day or he doesn’t work 16hr days, so all roads lead to Sez being a liar.

I also find it really odd that she pumps up Brad for being a legend dad when he is average at best. Is it learned behaviour because of his ego? Or does she tell herself comforting lies about how good a man he is so she can continue living her faux happy life? 🤢🤢🤢
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How does her school aged child have a nap in the car. Something is wrong with him Sarah.
But he’s just a widdle bubbah 🥺. Busy morning sitting on his iPad while Finn played sport. Sitting on the iPad while Sez was at the gym. He’s exhausted.

Seriously though, my same age daughter sometimes falls asleep in the car if it’s late in the afternoon and she’s been up since 5am and I don’t just chill in the car filling my cup. We do everything possible to keep her awake or wake her back up ASAP!
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Hi Sarah, this is in fact an ad. Please disclose ads correctly. If this is your “job” please do it properly.
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I just stumbled across these pics from June 2023 she was skinny by Christmas or even before she is def on diet pills or something! What a liar “I’ve worked for 12-18 months” as if - but looking way healthier here (skin, hair etc)
She 100% did not lose weight slowly over time, the weight dropped off as soon as the cheating “rumours” started. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence 🤥
I maintain that she spent most of the year gaining weight.
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Chatty Member
That podcast really fucked me off. She's so full of shit. She does not advocate for women's rights, the one RE-share you do a week is not advocating, Sarah. She could do so much with her platform, but doesn't. She's lazy and disingenuous. Don't even get me starter on the claim she has people DM her about still birth and she organises the photos and castings, if she's made that up (which I'm pretty sure she has) that's totally fucked up. The hospitals would be all over that stuff now. Why the hell would she need to be involved, it's just blatant lies for clout. I actually didn't think I could hate her more, but here we are.
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Except she’s speaking her mind and being punished by meta for using her platform to raise awareness of things that are going on, so her content isn’t being seen, pushed aside and she isn’t getting the reach she normally would, unlike beige Sarah who is asking for people to like her post about a bag and wouldn’t know a thing about what is going on in the big wide world let alone have the guts to voice an opinion.
LBD wasn’t originally posting about seeking engagement rather showing people how she’s being punished.

I actually shared Lauren’s post to 8 of my friends, because it was relatable to our chats about kids not getting ready for school, but also because she has good info at times and deserves better reach.
I don’t always agree with LBD, I skip thru some content but she’s the only one I haven’t unfollowed!
Sarah is just a begging scab. the world needs less influencers taking selfies, with life mundane content & tapping bottles with their manky nails and people using their platform for info you may or may not agree with.
Sorry, my sarcasm wasn’t clear 😂

I meant Lauren’s line that she felt like a loser begging for friends, when it’s Sarah’s standard MO for everything she posts. I completely agree with everything you’ve said and I know Lauren is actually being punished by the algorithm for her political stance. Sarah is being “punished” for her lack of effort and shitty content that no one wants to see.
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Wtf does she do all day other than fuck all. She drops the 3 son/brother/cousins at school then ????? and then 6ish hours later gets of her arse to pick them up. Thats it in a nutshell. She doesn't do meal prep or clean the RSL from head to toe. Maybe she visits her vast array of friends, ohh that's right she doesn't have any, silly me. She might spend the day loving on her pets, yeah no.
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“A company is a type of business structure that is a separate legal entity from its owners.
It’s a complex business structure, with higher set-up and administrative costs because of extra reporting requirements and higher-level legal obligations. The structure, costs and legal obligations make a company structure better suited to a medium to large business.” - NSW Small Business Commissioner.

I think he wrote ‘media company’ instead of ‘mostly unemployed wife with no discernible skills who tries to badly sell vibrators on the internet to strangers’.
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Hahahahaah look at the little midget on his tippy toes at the top of the ramp with his chest puffed out and his skinny leg jeans on. Whatta mayyyyannnnn. She looks so tiny and delicate under her big, burly man’s strong physique. Nah. Still a hideous, massive ogre with a flared nostrilled, pointy beak, massassive forehead with receding hairline, tree trunk legs and joining thunderous thighs and snaggle tooth among the other rotten yellow choppers and white coated smelly tongue. The ugliest feature of all is this beastly creatures horrible soul. Absolutely ugly as fuck.
and Bwad…who are we kidding. Who are YOU kidding? You’re still a tiny little worm.
You should both just….fuck off. Along with your unfortunate looking mini cunts. Please and thank you xxxx
Omg that word salad post made me and my friends laugh so much. We all took turns reading a line and had to see who laughed first. We all failed. Fucking SHAME job!!!!!! Hahahahahhahahahaha losers. How embarrassing.
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Her unhinged stories really boiled my piss today for some reason. From the condescending bts to the justification for having her funniest most funny bestie boys on an a ad.
Then to post relentlessly about how okay it is to sit with your kids to sleep and that she loves it but then show all the devices and made in China toys she has purchased so as to NOT have to help them to sleep??
It's too much beak for one day
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I genuinely think it’s as simple as Brad cheated with a younger, skinnier girl, so she stopped eating. She’s way too much of a scaredy cat for surgery and no doctor anywhere would sign off on it. She was never big. She looked like she gained a bit of weight last year, but she was never big (other than those tree trunk legs, but that hasn’t changed 😂)
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Does she think other fathers that work full time do not spend time with their kids or something? It's not the 60's anymore. Parenting is far more equal these days.
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Omg outspoken that’s gold 😂 suck it sez your content is boring, you are clearly not a content creator, you are sneaky and desperate and your music is 10 years old, your video is not well put together and is cheesy 😂😂😂 she is lazy and riding the coattails of her husbands viral post and doesn’t put in enough effort. Begging for engagement via Facebook not instagram, wanting her ad to blow up for them (big w??? Not a small business love 😂) they called out her bullshit I hope everyone listens and she quits and is embarrassed 😂
Oh and everyone notices the over the top fake excitement and your bratty kids do the exact same thing “oh wow it’s so sick” with a stupid big open mouth stop doing it 😂
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Does she think other fathers that work full time do not spend time with their kids or something? It's not the 60's anymore. Parenting is far more equal these days.
I think because she doesn’t work, she has no grasp of how 90% of us are juggling our time, commitments and competing priorities. particularly where we not only have careers, but also children or ageing parents or both.

But she sees us right, she’s one of us 🥹
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