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Well-known member
You are a kind person.
Give it two more years and if they're still limping on, Isla will be the next unlikeable, performing monkey, more so because she will be hungry for missed years of attention.
I could cry for Isla. It’s cruel. I want to hug her and tell her it will all be ok
Is it me or does anyone else find Jace’s. Behaviour in this video extremely weird he’s licking aurora 😱
Ooooo a beach day?? Not seen one of them in a while.
Are Esme and Atlanta still friends?? I just saw Atlantas tiktok page which says 'you are obsessed' and 'go die' in the maybe not
about esme??
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Chatty Member
I know that the human brain is not fully mature until the early 20's but it must occasionally dawn on Izzy and Esme that they have 60+ years of life ahead of them and that at some point TikTok will cease to exist and what will they do then? They (and all the kids) just don't have what it takes to be wildly popular on social media being very, very average and below average in most areas.
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I can imagine AI soon being able to accurately predict IQ and personality disorders by scraping the content these idiots put online. Sarah has got to be under average and her husband bang on the average line. Sarah's really, really dense, as are a lot of the scummy mummy vloggers but that seems to be in her favour for her target market 🥴 Ifam 🤷‍♀️ 🤐

I also remember Paige saying straight to the camera " I know what you did, you little bitch" in a video to Chris. Given she's from Batley and so I've heard so are other people from Chrish's past, I'm guessing she knows a very big secret of his. Allegedly. Thanks as always for your memory monday's Neck Lace. Hoping maybe we can do a massive Memory Monday/week for Chrish's upcoming 40th - I'd be happy to help!
I can imagine he has quite a few skeletons in his closet.
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He is so saggy! If he is truly forty (lies, you know by now that I will never be convinced this is true) and his life is so easy and stress free with his amazing income and miraculous escape from the matrix, what on earth has caused him to age this significantly over the last six-ish years? What could possibly have happened six years ago that made his body hold onto so much guilt and stress that his face went from looking like a normal mid to late 30s man to a flabby, dried out, jowly old man on the verge of retirement. Anyone have any clues?
Hmmm ,maybe his indiscretions are prematurely aging him?? Nobody is ever going to forget what you got up to creepy so better stock up on the polyfiller and just for men while you can!
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The year is 2044, the time is 3:22am. Chris is up late, dying his eyebrows. He hears a noise from the front door of the two bedroom flat they've all been squatting in for the last fifteen years (minus Aurora and Mila, who took off as soon as they hit 18 and never looked back). Upon investigation he discovers Isabelle, almost 39, sneaking in after a night out on the town. Reeking of noodles and haribo, she stumbles into the kitchen and pulls out a bottle of Caesar dressing from the fridge, chugging it empty. Mumbling something about all of the things she'll manage to accomplish before she hits 40, she opens the broom cupboard and slides in to get a few hours of sleep before she starts her psychology studies. Chris throws a gang sign and goes back to his eyebrows. Somewhere in the flat, Jace knocks Sarah's block off.

End scene.
I'm crying! 🤣🤣🤣
Well done. The best comment I've seen in a while. 🥰👏👏👏
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The vlog today, where Chris goes in to find Sarah...and she has a basket AND a cart(trolly)
That was filmed at least a week ago. It was already posted to his IG..the get rich crap
Sorry was only 5 days ago. Why are they vlogging a week ahead, if they feel so relaxed about where they are?
I thought this too! i swear the girls filmed their reaction to these cakes ages ago. i swear they are even more disingenuous whilst out in Dubai. I appreciate her dislike towards school system but why is she not sending mila or aurora to nursery??? Or is that too far into the matrix as well?? Even to make their 'busy days' more manageable if they wanted to spin it that way....

Mila has so much potential as does Aurora....Sad.

I think this lifestyle is for Chris and Esme only...
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What’s the point of his comments if he deletes what triggered him? There’s no evidence of any comment by @cel_9729 - what did they write?

Chrish’s grammar and punctuation up to par as usual 🤣

‘Dumb ass brokie’? Since they are a (big) family who L 👅 VE to try to show each other up by accusing them of being embarrassed- Sarah, Isabelle & Isla surely must be terminally embarrassed by what this idiot clown writes on public social media.

Bet he was in his manly underwear and stained vest - with his socks on as he wrote his hard ass comments 🤣🤣🤣🤢

That's a few times now Chris has said that The Ingham Family Limited is unused and has been for a long time. Then claiming people with money in the UK basically keep it offshore.They haven't even been in Dubai for a long time, so why has the company been unused for so long? If you don't use your registered company the only other legal option is to be registered as self employed surely? Which wouldn't make sense tax wise. I know people be as tax efficient as possible, but when they were living and earning in the UK moving your money offshore is illegal, it's tax evasion and the idiot is admitting it online.

It's amazing what the Inland Revenue can access during fraud investigations, bank accounts, mortgage accounts, loans, DVLA records. Then they can contact friends, family, ex partners. They will turn up at associated addresses and will even follow you. Honestly, why is he putting all this online? Such an idiot. Izzy is probably doing the same.


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Full and clipped vlog.
I watched without sound and just looked at everyone in the background. It's very telling that everyone else is wearing clothes that cover their shoulders / body, and there's Tweedledee and Tweedledum who are wearing clothes you'd expect to see on the beach.

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Nope, they didn't move far at all
But far enough that it would make it more difficult for the older girls to keep in touch with friends, which is what Chris wanted. Isabelle had started going on the train with her friends and they came to the house to go out with her. It wasn't far from their school so it would have been easy to meet up with them even after she was taken out.

After the move it wasn't likely they were going to travel to see her even if they wanted when they still had each other. At the ages Esme and Isla were their friends would have needed parents to take them, no parents wanted to hang out with Chris and Sarah or travel so the kids could meet up even if it had been an option and the other kids would have moved on quickly.

They did act like they had moved far away, especially with making out it was such a chore at times to see Nana. But they didn't live close to Nana anyway since she's on the opposite side of Leeds to Bradford.
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Chet Manley

Active member
Here’s a very lot true story.

I met Chris Ingham years ago, and I asked him ‘have you ever seen the clown that hides from effeminate wee non(c)es?!’

He said ‘No.HELL NO!’

Makes you think.
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The Inghams don't have original ideas. Everything they do is based on their consumption of Thicktok or Insta. It's like she took bits from different dishes to create her own cheese-covered, ceaser, bbq monstrosity.

What exactly was the point of smashing new potatoes into a cupcake tin only to plonk it on top of that dish and smother it with cheese?
I'm still not over last nights culinary deshite, guys. I just can't. I also didn't understand the potato scenario. I think she wanted to incorporate the smashed roast potatoes I've seen over social media. Only fucked it up like everything else. Daft bint could even have smashed them properly, brushed them in melted butter, threw in the air fryer and served as a side. But no, it wouldn't be an Ingham special if Fat Saz didn't place them on top with her big sausage fingers to be served in a dish.
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the first one to escape will probably be Jaceus, and I don't know if that would be much better.
Escape or locked up? I cannot see him thriving in education and then having a career. I can see him being a career criminal, which is an awful thing for me to think about a child ☹
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Esme not wanting to use spf 50 probably comes from her mother buying low-quality sunscreen which can definitely cause skin issues. Mrs 10K a day cannot afford good face sunscreen. How do they manage to show to anyone having more than two brain cells that they are not wealthy every time they open their mouth? Chris needs to revisits his marketing strategy asap.
And those bronzing drops are 💩 in the uk I use Laura Mercier skin perfector tinted moisturiser with spf.
Bobby Brown also does an spf 50 primer why would she use factor 50 body cream on her face lol
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I got the all clear this week after being diagnosed last September. It may not seem like it now but there is an end to it, you will get through it, there is an after 🩷🩷

Regarding PTSD, unfortunately the chances are you will have some form of it, I did from the chemo. I have to get monthly injections into my stomach 3 months after I finished chemo. The first few times I got them were absolutely horrendous, I flinched when people touched me, had an anxiety attack upon walking into the oncology ward. 3 nurses had to surround me to calm me down for the 1st one, I vomited after the 2nd one but by the 3rd and 4th my body had "relaxed" and I was less tense so I could box breath and get through it.

Now I have had my mastectomy (2 weeks ago) I'm going to avail of the free therapy that's on offer. Check your local cancer care unit. They will generally offer free therapy and holistic treatments to help with stress and anxiety. Also, do tell your oncology team your struggles, I have found mine great when I have had issues, they want to make it as easy as possible on you. If they don't know they cannot change to accommodate you.
Sending you so much love 💜

My team know my struggles and have been really accommodating so far, they know I don’t like being touched but sadly they have to touch me at times to get me properly aligned for radiation. Friday they wanted me to lay with my pelvic pushed in the air for 20 mins and I was like there is noway I can hold myself like that for that long. Luckily we found a way around it, but the whole situation is just degrading. Like you I also hate chemo and was prescribed lorazepam to get me through being cannulated and on to the ward, once that kicks I’m okay and when I get home I don’t remember much of what happened.

I think I had an expectation in my head that once I got to daily radiation it would be a bit easier and go by really quickly. I knew I’d be tired but not to this extreme.

oh darling, I can absolutely relate. I’m going through the same with a brain tumour which unfortunately isn’t shrinking as much as they hoped it would and it’s too dangerous to operate on. Are you in touch with macmillian nurses? They’ve been amazing here 🩷 sending you so much love and all the hugs in the world xxx
Sorry double quoting but I am also sending you so much love 💜 I cannot imagine how you are feeling. I feel lucky my cancer has responded so well to chemo atm but I know for others this isn’t always the case. I hope your team have more options for your treatment to shrink and destroy the bugger.

I have my CNS and she’s lovely but she’s based at my local hospital not where I’m being treated and sometimes it’s hard to get hold of her.
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