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And there's no way they can get away with 'Oh, it's always been a comedy prank!'. They were custard pies - that's what they were called. Cream pies have only ever meant one thing in the UK - cream cakes are what we call cakes with fresh cream on.

Yuck. The adult Inghams are gross.
I’m in the UK too and I’ve literally never heard anyone say cream pie in regards to an actual food. Especially when it doesn’t even resemble a cream pie (like the cake Isla used). Ugh.
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3) CERTAIN USES OF COMPUTER SERVICES OR DEVICES PROHIBITED.—Any person who knowingly uses a computer online service, Internet service, local bulletin board service, or any other device capable of electronic data storage or transmission to:
(a) Seduce, solicit, lure, or entice, or attempt to seduce, solicit, lure, or entice, a child or another person believed by the person to be a child, to commit any illegal act described in chapter 794, chapter 800, or chapter 827, or to otherwise engage in any unlawful sexual conduct with a child or with another person believed by the person to be a child; or

Extract from chapter 800:

800.03 Exposure of sexual organs.—It is unlawful to expose or exhibit one’s sexual organs in public or on the private premises of another, or so near thereto as to be seen from such private premises, in a vulgar or indecent manner, or to be naked in public except in any place provided or set apart for that purpose. Violation of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. A mother’s breastfeeding of her baby does not under any circumstance violate this section.
History.—s. 1, ch. 7360, 1917; RGS 5445; CGL 7588; s. 1, ch. 61-51; s. 779, ch. 71-136; s. 3, ch. 93-4.

Skinny dipping means naked swimming.

Florida state law determines parental responsibility and minor status (child) as under 18.

So yes, a crime would have been committed from the information we have seen. Whether or not the authorities have the appropriate evidence, and/or the desire to pursue an international warrant for this is another thing.
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He needs to wind his crusty spotty red neck in.

Listen scrotum face stop talking like twat. Perhaps 12 people dislike your blotchy face, Sarah's fucking baby voice or you calling kievs 'A la kiev' you absolute bell end.

Whilst your on the internet chatting to teenage girls you can order some dulce gusto. Gusto dulce chai latte, dulce gusto Costa gusto chai latte (We got it the first time you boring repetitive prick)

Don't forget how much you royally fucked up because you had two meetings at your house.

What a pleb.
I think I might open a bottle of a la wine
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like the fan on instagram said... Chris is too busy with his skating to take care of Jace!!!!! Duhhhh
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Member 8995

He wasn't trying to make it better though, was he? He wasn't editing it to remove any ambiguity, he changed it up to make it even more salacious and titillating and to shove it in our faces (as it were!) He thinks he's untouchable.
The sad thing is, he does seem to be untouchable. He can do whatever he likes and nothing will happen to him 😡😡. YouTube, the NSPCC all the mental health charities, the disgrace of our government, Twitter, facebook, Instagram - you all know what he has done and is probably still doing and not one of you can stop him. Let's all just sit and watch this car crash continue cos not one of us can do a thing about it - until our flipping government suddenly see the urgency of getting the law changed so that a 'person in a position of trust' extends to a YouTube vlogger, in addition to teachers, sports coaches, care home workers etc.
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How long do they have till it's a problem they haven't reached birth weight?

Surely they will intervene soon?

Just checked my daughter's red book she had put on over a 1lb at three weeks old. She was mainly bottle fed though.
Been checking my daughters red book too lol just out of interest. My daughter put on nearly a pound in a week. I know every baby is different but I breastfeed constantly whenever she wanted. Sometimes I’d be sat for 2 hours with her feeding non stop and if she wanted to latch again straight after no problem (She also has tongue tie when born which was hard) but I chose to breastfeed her so I had to follow her cues I didn’t complain because it was my choice to breastfeed. Sarah followed her own cues and decided her sleep came first. She said it herself she needed her sleep.
Prob sound like I’m trying to brag or something which isn’t how I intend it to sound but If she just bloody followed her baby’s cues he would’ve had a better start with his weight.
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Chatty Member
Well done tattlers had it not been for you guys that poor baby wouldn’t have got the activity centre. Granny Zelda got it my arse 😂😂
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I know people have said before how it wouldn't be fair for Isabelle to live with her dad/be split up from her family, but I do kind of wish Esme could go to a family who actually care...she must sense that since their vlogging took off, Isla and Isabelle are the favourites, and she must be getting her nose pushed out more now that Jace is here - unless she's offering to help out because Lazy and Creepy can't be bothered.
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Chatty Member
If you know them personally, tell me do you condone their behavior?

Do you report back as to what’s been said on here?
Nobody needs to report back anyway! We all know the freaks sit looking at what's said about them everyday! That's why her fat arse is glued to that sofa, scrolling 24/7. 😅
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So they haven’t been reading here much at all have they, girls getting haircuts, a play gym for Jace/Jace-Pace/Rolo/Bro-o-Saurus?!?! You are very welcome since you are sat on your arse all day you could even do an online food shop to come to save hassle and be a bit more money savvy and organised..ah but that would mean no vlog material would it 🤦🏻‍♀️ And getting more family members to buy you big stuff..tight arsed gits!

Have a look at family fizz and the haircut/colourings they get in a “real salon” in “Dubai” not a £5 dry cut that doesn’t look much better if I’m honest. No styling/layering or giving a shit to go with them. Let granny take them (maybe embarrassed at the state of everyone’s hair and will be judged).

And asking everyone to stop sending you stuff but will still film opening things tomorrow? Stop contradicting yourself! Wonder what the big meeting’s were at home whilst getting Jace to sleep...nothing! 😂
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Health visitor went over to see the Inghams yesterday. Apparently he is on the 25th centile for his height and 50th centile for his head. Not going to even pretend to know what any of that means. Apparently he is now 7lb 14oz. Was he not much lower than that yesterday? Someone is lying. Point is though that he is still small and not the weight he should be. God help her if it had been twins.

Isla finally got her hair cut. Granny took her. It looked like it was just a trim again and could have done with having a bit more off. Are you going to thank tattle for giving you the idea Sarah?

Chris is begging people to send them stuff again. Seems like money is not so good then.
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Chatty Member
They’ve changed the title.


You tried, Chris. but no.
It wasn’t even a pie anyway - wasn’t it a gateaux? How can they even try and pretend they didn’t know what they were doing with the title?!
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Active member
It might be the fact I have gestational diabetes and can’t eat cake right now but the ONLY thing I could think of whilst watching that vlog was

- Please don’t waste that cake
- I want to eat that cake
- That cake looks so yummy
- Please put the cake in my face

Was really hoping the beanie would get covered in cake to be honest! He’d have to wash it then surely?
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Chatty Member
Why oh why do the ifam send them so many gifts? Surely the Inghams have more cash to splash than their average pre teen fan? They should really be embarrassed accepting gifts from children, probably bought with pocket money or even their birthday money.
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I think Isabelle was about 6 months old when Chris joined and her bio dad left before she was born and didn't come back into her life for many years after. Chris really has been there through all of Isabelle's life and if he wasn't a creepy pervert then it would be quite admirable. Well this is Sarah's story anyway.
Well that’s debatable. According to what I read and also what some people have said on here, Chris wasn’t really interested in Isabelle until he realised He could use her As a cash cow.

I know a lot of step dads do step up and that can be a hard job.
So hats off to them, except Chris as his is probably melded to his hair.
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Now if Sarah could follow suit and do something with her mop then that'd be great. Her hair just hangs there and wtf is that fringe all about?
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