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I would suspect, with regards to Sarah’s legs, that she wants to get medical attention and he has said no. She has then had to resort to asking their fan base so she can show him to convince him. We have all seen how tight he is with money.
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Jace's speech won't have been helped because he's never had reading lessons, or phonics, he's still on colours and numbers 1-10 if lazy had started to teach him sounds/phonics his speech might improve. They cover this stuff in a nursery setting so despite what his mother says he is behind. He has trouble with sounds, as many have pointed out it's never corrected, just parroted back to him. Plus we all know how Jace reacts when told he's wrong, like when he was told he was wrong in his eye test, unfortunately in life you're going to be told no/you're wrong on many occasions. He needs to get use to it. He is so behind compare to his peers, maybe not all, but most children his age are learning to read, or can read simple words/books. Can write their name. Can count past 30, I couldn't imagine my child being 4-5 and not having friends, not having birthday parties to look forward too, play dates. Being excited for simple things like seeing friends, it's so sad that not one of these children have one friend between them.
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Jace and Mila play in the dirt next to the van. He is wearing Isla’s crocodile crocs and it looks incredibly dangerous. Lazy tells them not to stand on the ants aka spiders. They have chocolate flavoured, animal shaped cereal and Mila dropped some on the floor. A massive ant dragged the piece of cereal that was three times bigger than itself. Creepstopher is on his hands and knees brushing the carpet. They’ve been talking about ants, where they live, how they take food back to their nests and blah blah blah. Lazy feels like she’s been injected with life and she can sit outside to enjoy the sunshine. It’s nicer that being in the van.

Mila sits on Jace’s back. He wants to sit on her back, Lazy says no but he isn’t taking no for an answer so she tells him to be careful. Cackling. They’ve been sat outside playing. Creepstopher has been obsessively cleaning the carpet because “Mila likes to bring all the dust on”. No mention that Our Lord and Saviour Jaceus Christ likes to play in the mud too. He always spends the first 45 minutes - 1 hour after they arrive somewhere telling Mila she can’t play in the mud. Lazy knows there’s no point. Mila is fully into her terrible twos according to Creepstopher as she’s full of life and energy, likes to make a mess and picks chairs up to launch them. It was really cool last night and everyone slept under their duvets. Esme and Isla were walking around in their hoodies complaining it was cold but it was 25°. Esme screeches that it was cold. It’s 28°. Lazy slept without the duvet on and Creepstopher wanted to put it on her. She remarks that she’s always hot when she’s in bed and he puts the 💀 emoji on screen.

It’s coming up to midday. They haven’t seen any of the campsite. They went to three other campsites before this one but didn’t like it because, although much cheaper, you didn’t get a pitch. Lazy likes having privacy. Creepstopher told her this was a Yelloh site so Lazy told Granny Groomer but it turns out it isn’t and he just said it was like a yelloh site. There are no pitches here and it feels like a free for all. You park wherever you can. If someone can squeeze the van in next to you they will. A Scottish couple was already parked next door when the Inghams arrived, and they came to say hello and offer more chairs. Lazy felt she was intruding on their space because of the awning but they said they’ll be gone all day every day for a wedding. Jace starts kissing Lazy and tells her he loves her. Time to pack up and head to the pool. Shots of the van.

Isabelle and Esme walk to the pool and Creepstopher follows. Pool. Isabelle yaps on about the pool being chilly. Lazy says they can’t moan everywhere they go. In the background Jace is pushing and kicking Isla but Creepstopher is too transfixed on Isabelle to notice. He isn't as motivated to get into a pool as he is at a lake. The pool is cold and ram packed. Esme insists on being filmed diving into the pool.

Mila is asleep. She played for 15 minutes but then wanted Mama. Creepstopher tells Mila she’s so beautiful. Shots of slushies. Lazy is so happy. They’ll hit the shop for extra snacks and then go back to the van. Isabelle says they haven’t sat in the awning much on the trip. Creepstopher says phones are banned because it’s family time.

Back at the van. Jace and Mila are getting an early birthday present that they’ll both get enjoyment out of. It’s Fisher Price Little People. Lazy is so excited to see their reaction. Isla, Jace and Mila sit in front of the camera. Mila opens the present. Jace is desperate to help but resists at first. Eventually he just can’t help himself and his grabby hands reach over and starts ripping the paper off. It’s a bus. He starts prodding the buttons. Camera cuts. Jace is now stood up out of shot and Lazy is showing Mila the present.

Lazy tells Mila to pull the bus back to her. She drops the handle and Jace picks it up to turn it around for her. Mila drags it over to Lazy. Jace asks if it's his turn now.

Creepstopher tells us they’re at Camping Albufeira, the biggest campsite in the Albufeira area. Quick tour and he tells us how check in works. You can’t pre book most campsites in the Algarve, aside from their favourite, TurisCampo “Tauris campo”.

Isabelle shows us a video she made for Mila. Mila says “wow”. She’s been making it for the past two years. They’ll update it tomorrow.

Evening time. If anyone is wondering what Creepstopher is doing, he’s sweeping with his dustpan brush.

Baby girl is so strong. Lazy isn’t thrilled. Sometimes the kicks take her by surprise. A couple of book recommendations. She’s loved reading on the trip and has started reading on her Kindle. She loves books by Simon Kernick, her favourite author, and she’s currently reading Siege. She’s also read The Silent Patient on this trip. It has a very good twist and ending which makes it worth the read. It was slower than some of the other books she’s read. She enjoyed The Accomplice more as it was faster paced with a bigger twist at the end.

End of vlog
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Some of her responses to who I assume is you 🤣 Sarah Louise Ingham - the gift that keeps on giving. She doesn’t owe anyone an exploration 🤣Just for the record Sarah, definition of an opinion - this person is spot on with their opinion of your homeschooling efforts which are virtually non existent! That is the only reason she’s getting so wound up because she knows she’s in the wrong - it’s hilarious to watch. View attachment 2337740View attachment 2337741View attachment 2337742
Lazy, I’ve already told you, stop trying to use ‘big’ words. ‘Exploration’ was probably not the word you were looking for dear.
The uneducated strikes again. Oh & that’s not an opinion, it’s a fact.
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Annoys me when the lazyone says”we are a very close family nobody as close as ours”
no we don’t spens most of the year together in a tight tin can.
She really is so smug and like the rest of the family has no self awareness.
They're so close that her grandmother had to resort to reaching out via youtube comments, at least twice, asking Sarah to get in touch with her!

Sarah is absolutely deluded if she thinks that her family is the type of "close" family that people might covet or strive for. Living on top of eachother doesn't naturally equate to that, especially not when your husband is getting up to all sorts and you're keeping secrets from eachother and lying to your children.
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I’ve never known someone who doesn’t want peace of mind when something doesn’t feel quite right during a pregnancy.
Chris Is just as bad, he should be making sure she’s seen asap, fucking idiot!
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Big frank

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I watched that interaction between Isla and Jason. It starts with Isla gently splashing Jason's leg and he gestures for her to stop so she cuddles him and he pushes her away. Isla then does a handstand or something and Jason kicks at her. Isla then resurfaces and gets out of the pool next to Jason and attempts to put her arm around his shoulder, Jason moves away. Isla moves towards Jason and Jason moves away. Rinse and repeat this a couple of times until Jason reaches Isabelle and esme. At this point Jason starts kicking at Isabelle and isabelle moves to avoid being kicked.

My thoughts are that Jason was being a dick. Jason seemed to be in a shitty, sulky mood and Isla either knew it and was winding him up or was trying to get him out of his funk.

I cannot get my head around Lazy letting Jason sit on Miwa's back. Not only was he sitting on her he was making giddy up gestures. Absolutely fucking crazy that wasn't stopped before he was allowed to sit on her. Instead Lazy sits filming it and cackling.
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Chris gets all sentimental when they have to go home, so I guess they're on their way back. It's a good insight into his state of mind. Home is the last place he wants to be, so he spends the last days of the holiday getting emotional and weepy. This time it's worse because he knows there's no more big trips until his wife has given birth to his child (that he pushed her into).

Home will be interesting. He's got a vandalised gate, a privacy screen to put up, medical appointments, a lot of floors and glass to clean and whatever else we don't know about which is bound to be a lot. He'll be a total misery for the next 3 months.

Bet he makes another large random purchase. @555666 Agree that he needs professional help, he'll never get it though.
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Seems relevant today, so I thought I'd add it in. The time when Chris Delonge (who was training to be a pilot ) spotted a spherical pulsating ball 😐 somewhere in Leeds.

Screenshot 2023-07-27 08.06.33.png
Screenshot 2023-07-27 08.07.34.png
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I steal names

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Creepy is the worst for speaking to them in baby talk, imo. Lazy does the stupid high tone and weird intonation, but he actively mispronounces words and really ramps up the odd speech patterns. It screams to me that he doesn’t spend much time actually interacting with them, because he’s usually fannying about with his made up “jobs”. He talks that way to them because he doesn’t actually know, or care, how to properly help their communication skills. Poor kids.

Isla’s social delays are really striking to me, because I have a child almost the same age. My child is likely neurodiverse, but is far more mature and keen to take interest in age appropriate things than perpetual 5 year old Isla. It’s worrying. They’ve really ruined her childhood and development.
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Why does the Ingham family never give/ receive birthday cards? Has anyone ever seen cards displayed at home / in the van? This is one thing I look forward to, opening cards with messages from family and friends.
They have no friends that’s the point , 7 people in the family and not 1 friend

Big Sarah got caught years ago buying cards for I think it was for Jaces 1st birthday and she wrote them herself pretending they were friends and flashed them on camera in a vlog , what she didn’t know was that the girl she bought them from in the card factory was watching the vlog seen them and called her out in the comment section so she’s been scared to try same plan again
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Sarah complaining about other vans parking so close to each other, without getting the irony that the van they’ve parked on top of (with their awning practically touching it) was there first!!
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They seem to regularly leave Mila in the wet swimsuit she falls asleep in the pool in. Its left on her all day to dry into her skin, poor child. Which questions when they get around to change her nappy. She's never had a routine and falls asleep because they never make sure she has a nap scheduled around their activities.
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Chris pretending all the hate they get is directed at Jace 😂
People on a fucking WEBSITE care more for your children than you and your Lazy cunt of a wife, Creepy - so let’s not pretend that “everything” you do is for your children 😑

You neglect their physical, hygiene, emotional and psychological needs EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY, so you and her indoors can travel 🤷‍♀️

You two alone are single handedly responsible for RUINING your children’s childhoods, as no amount of travel to campsites, beaches and pools will make up for security, routine and good health and happiness 👏

Get your children home, and start prioritising THEM over YOU!
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'Momma', wtf is creepy on? Anyway I thought Jace had to refer to Lazy as Mama.
Note the use of innocence in his post, that's why Jace hasn't progressed past age 2 and the girls all seem much younger than they are, he wants to keep them young so they can't grow up and wonder what the heck their life is and why they are isolated.
"To give them a future...", what future do those poor kids have? Eternal childhood and no education, friends or relationships and no thoughts or opinions of their own. It's all "we like this, we don't like that" no individuality at all.
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