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The state of isla and esmes pyjamas at the end of that vlog are a disgrace 🤢🤮 and they no doubt slept in their beds in their dirty pyjamas too . I also really enjoyed the beginning of the vlog when lazy had to remind isla that she had dance on Sunday and isla had to go along with it 😂😂
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Izzy’s most recent Spotify playlist and someone she follows added this to her Insta. Pretty sure it’s her new friend. She’s a smoker aswell looks like plain Jane Isabelle might be getting up to no good in the near future. Like A NORMAL FUCKING TEENAGER.
I'd love for Isabelle to come home hungover one day with a shit ton of new piercings and, just to push the boat out, the stench of old smoke or weed on her 😂

Ok, too far but Jesus Christ that girl needs to live a little.
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Every year I do like a Xmas fund in our home town where people nearer Christmas time drop off toys and gifts to my house and we then distribute to family’s with children and teenagers gifts as these family’s don’t have much at this time of year,I get hundreds of gifts so they get quite a few presents each which is wonderful,I also do a thing we call a football card there are 80 football teams on the card and people try and find the team that is hidden by a scratch card thingy lol,and when the card is full you scratch the card and what ever team is under the scratch thingy the person who has picked the winner wins £40 and £40 goes into the fund for some bigger gifts(hope you know what I mean 😂) this starts in January there is a printing shop that donates the football cards to me and my friends etc just go around to people and ask if they would like to buy one or take them to their darts night,to work etc etc and we can do a lot in a week so we know some children are going to get something big be it an iPad a laptop a smart tv
I am surprised at how many people with children are so dependant on things like this just so their little ones can have a decent kChristmas if we have enough money left over I will try and buy their Christmas dinner might not be a turkey could be a chicken but it’s something.
This has been going on now for 10 years and I appreciate every one of the people who donate to my cause
And then you get this Trollope who does F all for society all they are about is me me me they will never change as long as I have a hole in my arse
I can’t wait until the day when these two fall flat on their arse and have absolutely nothing and I can see it not being that far off to be honest.
Anyway I apologise for the long post 💕💕💕 xxx
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Really distasteful filming at a graveside imo, not that I expect any less from these idiots.

It’s the same shit every day. Them flaunting their spending, all it is is shopping and buying in every vlog. How are they even funding this lifestyle? It literally blows my mind that they have so much money to spend when most of us average folk work full time weeks and can’t even afford to heat our homes then you have these absolute bigots spending money on pure tat. That coffee machine probably costs the same as what I can afford on food for a month. Disgusting that they even have a platform at this point.
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Same with the house as with the big pile of presents.
Sarah in her mind thinks big house is superior.All the cheap furnishings she’s filled it with to make her feel she is better than anyone else.
Youre a disaster waiting to happen.
Life is precious Sarah and so is the health of you and your family .
You are seriously neglecting nutrition and it shows by the consumption of sugar and the enormous amount of cheese you serve your family.
Fortunately Isabelle seems to have realised what will happen if she carried on eating the slop you serve.
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Why is she making it look so hard to make a coffee? why is she using a jug to put the coffee into? I don't understand, has she never seen a coffee like that be made?

It's so simple, make an espresso in a cup and then add the rest, no jugs needed
I Chuckled at the Poundland jug on the expensive coffee machine. Further proof that you can’t buy class 🤣🤣🤣
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Why didn’t they make a proper fireplace where the wood burner is.
that’s where the childrens stockings should go .
placed on that bit of wall by the grey settee look ridiculous and those boxes I have no words😁.I expect by now Jace and Mila will have used them for footballs by now
nothing in the house is appealing just bland.
childrens bedrooms are ok though.
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Chatty Member
One of my children, a few months younger than Jace, has come out of Nursery today with a letter saying they are making Christmas boxes for those children who aren’t lucky enough to get Christmas gifts this year. Now, I struggle with money, but I will never let that ruin my children’s outlook on how others have nothing. My daughter asked if I could “call Santa and ask him to give the sad boys and girls my presents”. I told her that we can call Santa and ask for him to make extra presents for other children, and she is so excited to sit down with me tonight and “call” Santa and ask him to send gifts to those less fortunate. We will be making a trip this week to a shop and letting her choose things to put in the Christmas box.
See Lazy, if Jace went to nursery, or even if you were decent parents, he’d be learning about those less fortunate than him and about giving to those in need. If my daughter can ask for no gifts and for them all to go to those in need (don’t worry, she is still getting her gifts, because I’m proud that she has a kind heart) at the age of 3, Jace should be able to too! Take him out to shop for a food bank and explain to him what it’s for, this time of year especially there’s so many charities looking for toys, food and essentials to be donated and YOU can afford it Lazy!!! That boy gets whatever he wants, “I want I want I want”, it’s becoming unbearable to watch! Teach him that he can’t always get what he wants.
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Wow. My daughter is getting a £1 Peppa advent calendar. Most families are on their knees trying to make ends meet Sarah. Tell me you’re ignorant without telling me.
I got mine the £2 Galaxy one but Asda subbed it for the £6 Kinder Bueno one (only charged £2) - I felt like I was winning that day

Sarah is filling a very empty void in her life with tat. The whole family need therapy but the manic parents I feel are frightened of what they might have to admit to and give up.

Would be really interested to know their financial situation and if Chris is keeping her out of it so he can keep her happy in order to have another baby. I cannot see how they are financially secure.

Comes to something when even your children are telling you to just buy a cheap chocolate advent calendar, yet you don't listen and they now have 634648 advent calendars that will take them until Christmas 2027 to open.
In the past they've skipped multiple days of opening which just goes to show that they mean nothing to the kids. What unspoiled child (or adult) doesn't love waking up in December to a little piece of chocolate or a little plastic toy before breakfast?
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F***ing hell, get Isabelle to open her gifts away from the brat who gets gifts every single day.

My youngest even as a toddler never, ever grabbed and touched whilst her sister was opening presents, they have not taught him any manners. She pushes the babies hands away but Jason paws at everything with next to no instruction. It drives me crazy. Manners and waiting your turn are really big in my house.

Even during yesterdays slog she kept saying Jason would love this and that. No mention of the others.

So she puts everything away and back together at the end of the evening but doesn’t appear to have ever thought to look under the sofa for missing pieces.

The rooms look awful. They’d look better with one off art pieces on the walls, nothing generic.

Did Isabelle take 3 GCSEs and is having to resit two? That is shocking.
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Good for Issy, that girl with the dyed hair looks really cool. Hope Issy does some exploring and rebelling now!
Me too, she deserves to have a taste of freedom. Whatever dangers she can encounter out in the world pales to what she has living at home with her.

She's such a pretty girl, I hope she finds her feet and finds good, kind people to surround herself with.
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What is the point in 24+ christmas books? They'll be displayed (not read) in the playroom then what? Who wants to read Xmas books in February? She could have at least got some julia donaldson books or something.

My daughter also has a £1 peppa calendar, picked it out herself! Kids don't need all that tat, it's not what christmas is about.
We do the book advent but not all books are completely Christmas related. Some are just winter related. Just for a bit of variety. They get put away for next year (no, we don't have a garage of doom where things go and never see the light of day again).

Reading all the comments about giving to the food bank makes my heart happy. Lazy might pretend to give to a food bank, but we all know their "charitable work" stopped when they couldn't film it for content. There's no chance they donate anything. They're too greedy. But Lazy and Creepy, feel free to prove us wrong. Dedicate an entire vlog to doing a food bank shop. Turn it into a challenge for the kids to get involved in. Highlight what food banks are crying out for. Most local ones usually have a list of things they need. Indulge in your advent calendar obsession and buy shit tons for the food bank. Come on, be a real "influencer".

In the meantime, anyone that happens to be reading this feeling remotely guilty about not being able to give your children the same amount that the Ingham kids will get, remember this...

1. Kids don't want this. The Ingham kids have even said they don't want it. This is all for Sarah's benefit, nobody elses.

2. Look back at your own childhood and see what you remember. Memories or gifts? Point proven.

3. The present piles that the Ingham kids receive will be huge. We know that. But there will be minimal presents that the kids will have asked for (and those are usually bought by Jane and Steve). Majority of the presents we never see again. The kids do not want this. Only Sarah wants this.

4. The cost of it all will be paid for via their poor credit credit card that has been featured on the vlogs before. Imagine the amount of debt they are in. Yes, they probably claim a lot of the gifts as expenses but they can't claim everything and their credit card is likely maxed out constantly... Financial stability and memories over materialistic indulgence (THAT YOUR KIDS DONT WANT) any day.
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They dont half bull this family theyve bought an expensive coffee machine when most of them dont even drink coffee. We have one because my husband is a coffee drinker. but these lot drink tea and hotchocolate more than coffee...... Also arent they suppose to be tetoal yet there was a big bottle of disaronno in the back of one of vlogs fully drunk. All is not it seems in this family it makes me wonder what actually goes off when they arent filming

seeing the comments from izzys ex school friends is sad to see. All the things she missing out on, all the excitement esme, isla and jace are missing out on not being in school and the stuff mila is missing out on like swimming lessons. I honestly cant understand as a parent how you can sit there and convince yourself that your providing those children with all their needs. You can tell from izzys response of big changes for family when she goes to college thats she been guilted into not going to college this year which is horrid and selfish of chris and sarah especially when there is plenty of time to go out in van in the amount of school holidays.

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What a way to speak to people paying the fat cow's bills . "requested" Fuck off fat cunt. No fucker would request anything from you or your beast husband.

View attachment 1767941qu
It’s worth pointing out that if you’re struggling with internet costs and on benefits most providers offer heavy discounts to those on benefits because you need to manage an awful lot of daily life online these days. I get mine with Virgin Media for £12.50 a month. It’s not the fastest but it’s more than adequate for me. Thanks to Martin Lewis for making me aware of it. I was struggling with £50+ bills.

of course that fat bitch won’t be aware of this but it’s worth making a note of for when you’re on universal credit, bankrupt and living in a B&B after it’s all crashed down round your ears Sarah

They seem to be using the cost of living crisis to do some kind of weird flex to show they have soooo much money. Which is totally uncalled for at any time, but now is just coming across as heartless, and strange when you think about their spending in relation to their income. I keep noticing lots more comments from Sarah in particular about buying more "because they can", "do you only have one Christmas tree", buying the cat toy just because it was a bargain. So why not buy it and donate it, instead she is buying things to give as more gifts even though none of the children want it.

Yes I have wrapped things separately or bundled things together, to make amount of presents look more equal. More so that the actual unwrapping time will then be more equal because I wouldn't want one child to have finished way before another at the ages they are. But I have never bought things just with the intention of making it look like more, knowing that it isn't what the child even wants. Her older children are also of an age where they are well old enough to understand that some gifts cost more and should be happy to get what they wanted rather than comparing present piles with young siblings. At 17 I wanted to choose my own gifts and knew how much things cost, I liked watching my younger brothers opening their gifts and was never jealous because we wanted very different things.
It’s downright cruel knowing that most of their subs are kids who are going to put pressure on their parents who probably already have proper mum guilt about not being able to do the Xmas expected of them. This pair probably know this as well. Pair of sadists
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Apart from saying that they're not going to Forest Holidays, have they dropped any hints for what they are doing in "fully booked" December? How quickly they're zooming through all their usual Christmas content, you'd think they must have something big planned. Hopefully not a cold, miserable van trip to look at some snow.
Some ideas. Don't need many as half of December will be taken up opening the 6474883 advent calendars.

- Trip to Primark
- Trip to Home Bargains
- Trip to The Range
- Trip to another Christmas market at 9pm where they moan about the cost of everything and then walk round Superdrug.
- Another trip to The Range.
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Why did he collect them in the van when they’ve got a car that would ferry them all back safely - something felt very off just watching that last segment. Can see him now, perving at them all on the sofa seats in the mirror whilst he’s driving - he’d have been giddy that whole journey home I’m sure 🤢

Her ‘feature’ for Xmas as well 🤣🤣


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