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HAHA look what I managed to do! Shame that no one will see it as I am blocked 🤣🤣🤣
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The Ingham Family posted:
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Why do they always do/buy/go places months after it’s popular?! lol like the fila trainers they bought two years after they weren’t cool anymore, the decor in their house from 2005, music, series etc they are such late to the party, bandwagon chasers!

Also this thumbnail is giving me the heebee jeebees for so many reasons.

Chris you are a vile and disgusting grooming n. The worst bit is Woody Allen, you are the ugliest cunt I’ve ever seen, I’ve said it before but it makes me howl what a pathetic ‘man’ he is. He’s short, fat, bald, greasy, has got wrinkled ball bag eyes and the ugliest honker I’ve seen but what’s even uglier is his personality. He’s a grooming cunt!
I love how he hides away from other men and only hangs round with his wife, her daughter and his feral offspring. He only comes out after dark or in disguise (the beanie) sounds like the night stalker! He cannot interact with other adults only children online, he thinks he’s a ‘g’ but he is the laughing stock of everywhere he goes.
And the worst bit is, he doesn’t even financially support his family, he’s that shit of a man, his children pay his mortgage, buy his ex-taxis and make payments on his coivd loan.

Chris ingham you are a joke &everyone knows it! n!
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How a tragedy hasn't happened with any of those kids is a mystery. They're playing with fire.
This !! We need to turn this into a thread title.
Ingham Family #249 thread title suggestion : Playing with fire, Big Saz is a liar, life jackets are what your children require
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20 second time lapse of the van being packed up. Lazy starts the vlog by shouting at everyone watching. Esme and Isla have had an absolute blast at the campsite, the best time ever. They wanted to stay another night but they have too much to do. The site is not worth 90€, although the lake is amazing. Lazy will do a pros and cons later on. There are things that suck, including 0 privacy on the pitch. They have a few bits of rubbish to clean up - the wipes Creepstopher has thrown on the floor. Lazy is taking the kiddos to the park. Isabelle has stolen Mila and taken her to the lake.

Lazy asks Jace if he wants to be called Jace or Buzz. He chooses Jace. Helicopter. Lazy starts singing about Isabelle being sat on her butt. Oh the irony... Jace runs up to her and starts screeching in her face. Camera cuts. Lazy is back and shows us how clear the lake water is. She is jealous they're not staying another day. Jace throws a rock into the lake. Esme is trying to wind Isabelle up. Esme has a go on the spinner bowl. Then Jace has a go.

The campsite is not worth 90€ a night. There are a couple of reasons. This is the most they've paid for any campsite. There are a few things that could be improved including the shower rooms being bigger and having hotter water. There are USB ports in there. There are 8 toilets and a sink so there is usually a queue. You might as well be on a field as there is no privacy. Well now you know how your chuldren have felt for the majority/whole of their lives. There is no water on the pitches so Lazy went to find some and filled up all their bottles. There is a restaurant, chuldren's club and a shop. The club is near the toilet block and the chuldren always look happy. You can hire paddle boards for 18€ if you're under 80kg and 20€ if you're over. You can get a boat to Annecy for 45€ return for a family of 4. Lazy cannot imagine how much the campsite make per day. They might stay again if the price went down, the swimming pool was heated, added more sinks to the toilets and made the pitches more private. The Inghams have had a great time. There were wild camping spots on the lake for free but they needed to use the wash facilities. They have a plan to move 30 minutes away and view something.

Jace and Isla jump on a bouncy castle. Then Lazy takes Mila on a lower part and screeches her name at her.

Creepstopher takes control of the camera as they rock up straight away to a huge Carrefour "car-four/care-four". Try ka-ruh-for. It's a mega store They may cross into Switzerland today but if they do they want to be prepared as it's expensive there foooooo, 10€ for pasta. The girls are in the van babysitting Jace. They need a water extension hose thingymabobbydodah because Creepstopher forgot it at home. Lazy was adamant she got 12 cokes in the other day but they couldn't find them until Creepstopher found the receipt and there was no coke on there. Esme put the coke in the trolley so Lazy blames the conveyor belt. Creepstopher wants Isla's Hellfire hoodie. Food is put on the conveyor with barely a fruit or vegetable in sight.

Driving footage. The Inghams arrive at their next stop. Jace is on his scuttle bug. Mila is playing with her toys. The day has been a fail. Creepstopher tells Lazy she's gorgeous and kisses her on the cheek. She must be in season and it's mating time. They drove for an hour trying to find a park up on "Lake Baguette" aka Lac Du Bourget. They drove around the lake twice before Creepstopher found a campsite on the other side of the lake. There were no pitches for the night. They found a spot on Park for the Night and found an open air campsite. You have to sign up at the gate and then you top the card up and you can use any of their sites. Other campers have used the electric point in front of the Inghams' van so they can't use it. They're close to the lake in the open air thingymabobbydo. It's 20€. Lazy is making dinner whilst Creepstopher takes the kids to the lake.

Footage of a carousel. Shots of the lake. Creepstopher has no idea what is on his hat but he must've put his head against something manky. Mila destroyed him with her crepe at the supermarket. He doesn't care what he looks like. They're walking around beautiful lake Bourget. Their friend Google, who have just been there, said it was the bluest water they'd ever seen. He can't use his drone but the lake is better than Annecy. The sun is behind a cloud so the water isn't turquoise blue. They may take the paddle board on the lake tomorrow.

Creepstopher built a pull out worktop drawer. Isabelle is stuck. Lazy 'finds' a cigarette on top of the fridge, asks who's it is an throws it on the floor. The drawer means Lazy can sit down to chop veg. Isabelle lays on the bed watching her as she's on her period. She is thankful for paracetamol. Lazy wanted fajitas but by the time Isabelle had got them for her she could've ran around and got them. The cooking station is at the back on the van, under the beds.

Lazy squeals at Mila as she eats. There is a little spice and she isn't used to it. Isla wants to talk about how she and Daddy are matching with their Stranger Things outfits. Lazy says a bird took one on Creepstopher's shoulder but he claims it's from Mila's ice cream. Esme implies this is not true.

Dinner is finished, there are two wraps left and Lazy offered one to Creepstopher. He said he was full. He picked one up and Isabelle suggested they do the wrap challenge. Lazy cannot stop talking thinking about it.

Creepstopher swigs some water from the bottle. Lazy hands him her half eaten wrap. He spits some water at her. Lazy swallows a bit of her water and then spits it out everywhere. Isabelle is covered. Lazy and Creepstopher do the rock paper scissors but Lazy gets the giggles, spitting water in Creepstopher's face. He spits water back at her. Cackling and wrap slaps. It gets a little personal as they take their pent up frustrations out on each other.

Next it's Isabelle vs Creepstopher. Isabelle slaps him gently, harder the second time. When he wins he celebrates by spitting his water out all over her. Screech cackling from Lazy. Lazy vs Isabelle. All this time Isla has been sat in a camp chair in the middle of the road looking at the challenge, probably wishing she had been invited to join in.

Kettle whistles. Creepstopher hopes we enjoyed the slap taco/slap wrap slap challenge. They first saw it on an Instagram reel ages ago. They're settled down for bed, having cup of teas. They're hitting a new country tomorrow. He tells us to come back tomorrow to find out where they're going but Lazy reminds him he told us they're going to Switzerland earlier today. We don't know where in Switzerland

End of vlog

There will be no rundown tomorrow as I'm going on an overnight trip. Then I have the usual day off on Moody Monday. I'll still be around here and then to keep up with Tattle though. Normal service will resume on Tuesday. Have a great bank holiday Tattlers.

Aw so romantic. Not! Lazy looks like she would rather be getting a kiss from a rabid dog.
Screenshot 2022-08-27 194444.png
Screenshot 2022-08-27 194345.png

When you have a taste of Lazy's slop


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I posted the partridge hostage video here. Don’t know how to bring it over to this thread.
You little beauty! 😘

(I recommend trying it at half speed to best catch Creepy's awkwardness. 🤣)

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Isabelle”s new Instagram picture.. in the comments someone asks how does she feel about her birthday in 6 days..
Her answer.. Excited and NERVOUS… seriously why the hell does she have to be “ nervous “ about her birthday..
I think at this stage it just an automatic answer to questions..
My daughters 18th Birthday is in a few weeks and the last thing she is feeling about her birthday is nerves..
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Sarah saying Esme never ever gets sunburnt. She’s red haired and fair skinned, she is the epitome of someone who should be careful in the sun due to skin cancer and she is sat there with a bright red face.

They actually make my head hurt.
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Me neither, and I hate saying it about a child but he is a brat, and I think they love it. It’s a good job he isn’t going to school, he’d have a right shock with rules and boundaries.
Not only is he a brat, but he's just plain odd looking with those massive glasses and long tatty hair. He needs to go to school to learn some manners, because he's sure as hell not going to learn any with those 2 fuckwit parents.
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biggest hypocrites ever
They definitely put that at the start because of that comment the lifeguard left on their Instagram, she couldn’t argue with it and didn’t want to look like an idiot so posted that at the start of the vlog. That lifeguard put her in her box 😂😂 Even the reference to “open waters”, two days ago she didn’t believe a river was open water ,Kudos to that lifeguard for proving her wrong 😂
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They are such chavs 😂😂😂
I wouldn’t even call this lot chavs, they are actual Scum! That poor woman trying to have lunch and she’s got those two animals beside her.

Now I’m not dragging on kids but fuck me, I’d die of embarrassment if they were mine. At nearly 17 Isabelle is acting like a 10 year old! At nearly 17 she should be having trips out with friends, looking forward to driving, looking forward to college, maybe having a boyfriend/girlfriend and taking a bit more pride in her appearance and behaviour. And before Sarah jumps on and says She’s only a child, Sarah love, she’s older than the girls your husband was n0ncing on!!
As for Esme, I’d love that girl to be in school and taken down a peg or two, kids are cruel and she would not be miss vanity in school. They made this one delusional. Also Sarah get that kid some decent skin care that acne is going to be really bad!

You would think these girls were 7 & 9 not 17 and 13!! I’m so embarrassed for them 😔
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Did anyone see the burping video Isabelle posted to her main Instagram feed of her and Esmé belching outside the caravan. You could see people in the background just trying to enjoy their dinner and having to listen to those two feral kids belching. Is this what they were taken out of school to do ? To learn how to burp. Vile and they think they are hilarious doing it , they just look absolutely stupid … and this is the girl who supposedly got a grade 9 in English and she’s acting like a 6 year old. They really don’t care about their image do they. Imagine if she goes to apply for a part time job and her employer searches her name and sees this on her Instagram….. no wonder she only has 1 GCSE. If you look at Kaci Jays Instagram to Isabelles the difference is absolutely mad, and they are both around the same age. Kaci Jay posts are classy and she gets lots of brand deals , is doing well for herself as an independent influencer etc ( I still don’t agree with how her family exploited her to make her this known but anyway) and then there’s Isabelle Ingham , posting burping videos

Izzy has posted a nearly 3 minute video of her burping to annoy the “Karen’s” 😬
I’d be so embarrassed, and the worst part is they think it’s hilarious and the comments are full of children Ifam who know no better hyping them up. As a nearly 17 year old would you not be absolutely mortified , most girls her age care about their personal image and reputation … here she is acting like an infant lol.
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If someone’s kid came over and started booting my pushchair I would have done more than pointed him back to his parents, the parents would have got a mouthful I can tell you. Control your child you bloody idiots!

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Neck lace

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For this week's Memory Monday, we remember the beautiful friendship between Creepy and Lee Deliveroo (sorry to break away from Creepy and Lazy's water stupidity for a minute).

Creepy and Lee were roller booting buddies who started a printed t-shirt, hoodie and covid mask business together called Sinnaz Clothing. Creepy ran a competition on his Instagram to drum up support for his new Sinnaz Clothing business. Macy's comment on that post is legendary 😂.

Everything turned sour between the two chums in November 2020 when Lee out up a post saying that he wanted to keep Sinnaz Clothing "within his own industry, amongst his own people". Tattle knew that Creepy had been dumped by Sinnaz before he did as, when Lee put his post up, Creepy was travelling on a ferry back from the Isle of Portugal and had no internet access 😂. He was wearing his much loved white Sinnaz hoodie on the ferry when it happened.

A hurt Creepy then changed his instagram post from that day, erased the Sinnaz Clothing tag and probably threw at least 12 cups of coffee up the wall....

Creepy and Lee apparently shared more than a love of skating and making printed t-shirts. A young woman in her twenties came forward in May 2021, claiming that she had slept with Creepy multiple times and had also exchanged sexual messages with Lee. I have searched for ages but cannot find the messages between the woman and Lee, which actually have Lee's face featured in them. But we all saw them at the time. Lee's wife was about to give birth when the messages were leaked.

I bet that Lee bitterly regrets ever meeting Mr Ingram.


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