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I naively thought that even those two may come across as a little bit sombre and sad in yesterday's vlog after hearing such devastating news the day before. Can't begin to imagine how awful it would be for a little baby not being able to kick her legs for all those months. She'll be so uncomfortable and won't understand why she can barely move 😔. Anyone with any maternal/paternal instinct would be so depressed and worried just one day on from hearing the awful news. Not these two though. Sarah seemed on top of the world when out shopping with Nannar and as for Creepy, he didn't mention it all and seemed his usual happy self. It was astonishing how upbeat and cheerful they both were.
There both weird af
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No we
I think it was a SS visit too. As HV usually only do visits at 28 weeks pregnant then around 2 weeks pp then 6-8pp then the final one is 9-12 months pp. To be honest though even it was a SS visit only good can come from it as you say positive things seems to be happening. Milas getting the treatment she needs (finally) the other kids are getting interaction with other kids ( hopefully)
we do targeted visits and now cover
Christmas has come early for Chris I see 👀View attachment 919096
yes observed that but obv for the elves !!!! Liars say that they don’t drink !!!!!!
Pinocchio strikes again
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Lazy screeches for the kids to come downstairs. The elves are tangled in the fairy lights on the stairs. There are stickers on the floor for hop scotch. Esme show Jace how to do it but he says he can't do it. He runs across the floor several times and Lazy calls him "Super Jace". Time to do advent calendars. Jace gets his car from yesterday. Isabelle gets a double chocolate coffee and a maple fudge coffee. Jace gets a yellow taxi. Isla struggles with her fidget calendar and after standing back and filming her for a while, Lazy gets the fidget cube out with her sausage fingers. Prinny is in the garden, probably looking for way to escape and get back to Granny Jane and Hi Steve's house. Jace plays with the taxi on the kitchen floor. Lazy tells us that he was doing the same thing on the floor of Meadowhall yesterday. Isabelle clears coffee up off the floor.

Lazy s now holding Mila, who slept well last night and only woke up 4 times. They're going to see Nannar. Before they set off Isabelle points out that the shadow of the Christmas tree looks like the Grinch. Isla asked if she and Esme could stay in their pyjamas today but Lazy said no.

Creepy feels good because his house isn't broken anymore. Lazy is shopping with Nannar and Isabelle. The water company came in today. There were a couple of houses in the village with the same issue. It was a simple fix and all good. Chemicals in the water are not harmful to humans and it was the smell of a cleaning product coming through. They've had an issue with the bedroom radiators and towel radiators not turning on. They thought the water and radiator issues were connected. Creepy has no experience with plumbing, apart from plumbing a van. The plumber has been and they're all fixed. The water cannot be drunk again until tomorrow to give it time to run through and let the fresh water run through. They've had a load of bottled water dropped off by the water company as the issue wasn't meant to be fixed for a few days. Creepy crouches down on the doorstep and shows us the 28 2 litre bottles at the end of the drive. He i going to get a coffee and sort out the vlog. He needs to start ricking off his list. The wardrobe room should've been finished today but he had to do work on the van - which they're using tomorrow.

Lazy is in New Look and Mila is in her van. Lazy has found a £13 tracksuit set for Esme. Jace says they need to find Nannar. He notices the packets of sweets behind him and Lazy tells him they're not nice.

Jace is now in one of those car rides in the shopping centre. Cheeeeeeeeeky Giiiiiiiiiiiirl is 'eating' one of her toys. Lazy is screeching a lot and I swear I can hear an echo.

Lazy and the kids are now in Superdrug because Isabelle wants a concealer and Isla wants a makeup palette. Lazy's ear is killing her. Mila loves the lights. The makeup palette is £10 and half price so she gets it for Isla to experiment with. Jace kisses a football Nannar got for him. Next stop is River Island to look for boots. Its her birthday on Monday so she thought she would treat herself.

Back home, Esme is giving Prinny some attention. She and Isla are in her room playing with dolls. They've been crafting, making slime making bracelets and watching H2O. Prinny has been going crazy. Esme and Isla got new pyjamas. They have different ones because they didn't have Esme's rainbow ones in Isla's size. Isla got Christmassy ones.

Creepy and the girls have come downstairs to get a hot chocolate. Isla screeches at the top of her voice that Snowflake Sparkles is gone. The red elf has moved to where the other elf is. Snowflake is now in the garland. Christine asks what is going on.

Lazy walked through the door, Creepy asked for Mila and then asked if she was going to do dinner now. It's not cool. He said she's the expert with the new machine. They're cooking the chicken kebabs because they made them as they were leaving for the hospital so didn't get to enjoy them.

Lazy wants to thank everyone for their comments and messages about Mila's hip. It has been reassuring to read other peoples stories. Lazy is mentioning this for the last time She told Creepy there's no point going through the surgery after Christmas and being given a chance to enjoy her first Christmas if they're going to dwell on it over Christmas. She's explaining it now and then wants to put it under the rug. She demonstrates what a normal hip joint is like with her ham hock hands. Mila's hip was stable as it was popping is and out. The socket if flat rather than around and the ball is out so shallow. The doctor said they usually try and push the hip back in and put the harness on. That won't work with Mila because they've tried and couldn't do it. They're not going to be aggressive when she's awake. The doctors will put Mila under general anaesthetic and do keyhole surgery through her groin and try to manipulate the joint back in. Mila will be in the brace for 6 week, a cast for 6 weeks after that and it'll keep being changed every 6 weeks for as long as she needs. The worst part i starving her. She'll be almost 6 months old. Lazy plans to feed, feed, feed and then give her a jar of baby porridge to fill her up. Yes because over feeding her and making her vomit will be fun for her... Lazy has signed herself and Mila up to do mother and baby swimming classes together as she's started to love having baths so obviously she won't be able to go in water. She won't be able to wear tights or a lot of her baby clothes. Mila wont get to enjoy her man Christmas present.

Time to show a few Christmas presents. Lazy got the girls bits from Primark. the first thing is jeans for Esme. She hates jeans but told Lazy to get them if they're baggy. The jeans were £12. She also got Esme a crop hoodie. Isabelle chose her a beige 'let every moment inspire you' hoodie. More jeans and a floral top for Isla. She got a couple more tops for Isla. Isabelle got grey joggers. Lazy got some nails for the girls and Isabelle chose some things for her bedroom. This is the first year Isabelle has come to the shops to choose things to send off to Santa. Excuse me, what? Does Isabelle still believe in Santa? She has some surprises that were sent off to Santa but Lazy feels awkward that she knows what some of the presents are. It's like it's not right. Isabelle is more excited about this year because she's wondering if Lazy has sent things off to Santa. Lazy asked her if she wanted her to send a few things off to Santa whilst they were in the shop. Bloody hell, next thing we know, she'll be sat on Santa's knee. Tomorrow has to be a proper Christmas day because the past couple of days have been not great.

End of vlog

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The last but one picture of creepy.
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Sarah once said that they didn’t need stair gates because Jace is so safety conscious and assesses the risk
I wonder if she'll be of the same opinion when Mila starts crawling!

There is something wrong, why is Chris suddenly so affectionate and complimentary about Sarah?

Is he her Secret Santa? I can see a diamond ring or necklace being bought for her, out of guilt or distraction....

And it could just be me, but the idea of Chris in the hot tub alone every night gives me the ick.

He is going to end up having heart failure soon, drinking coffee at midnight and endless cans of coke, going to bed in the early hours, no routine and a diet filled with processed un nutritional meals.

He has restless leg syndrome (apparently)- why then does he not go on walks?, it is meant to be a big help (I also have restless leg syndrome, but unfortunately due to other health issues, regular walks aren't possible, but I do what I can- it is horribly uncomfortable. But nightly hot tub sessions, a shit poor diet and no exercise is not going to help anyone!)

That wood burner is far too small for that massive hole, it will look ridiculous and I doubt will ever be used to warm the house, it won't even warm that bloody room- I can't imagine them regularly popping wood on it to keep it going- just stupid.

They were given so good advice about home decor- pulling sofas away from the wall, but they choose to ignore!

And those lights on the stairs... what happens if Jace gets tangled in them when the hooks fall off- he could trip, or end up with them around his throat.

Honestly, why can they not see part of their job is making sure they portray the correct messages, and influence people correctly.

I don't see how life is ever going to get better for those children.
Is the affection and the compliments a cover?!
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Chatty Member
I am not saying for one second I am on the side of the Inghams BUT I don’t agree with the above comment. Children shouldn’t have the “piss taken out of them” for being who they want to be and playing with toys!! Not all 12 year olds want/should/need to be having sleepovers, meeting up with boys and doing those things doesn’t mean that they are doing life correctly and others don’t “fit in”!! I do honestly think as a society we have to be more accepting of difference and allowing our young people to grow up as and when they wish.
Completely agree with this.
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Isabelles Xmas tree crammed into that corner when the room is massive

they are so stupid
I thought that ,but at least Isabelle finally had something to cover her window! B***er the trees ,make their home ,their rooms comfy and cosy woman!Ugh!Does she even have one iota of what a real home feels like? :rolleyes:
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If Esme was living here in aus…she would be just completing grade 6, where there are still young minded kids who get into dolls craft ect, don’t get me wrong there are some very mature and worldly grade 6ers as well, but here she would be preparing for high school to start in feb…where most turn 13 during their yr 7 year….and that’s a big growth year in terms of independence, going out with friends ect.,,so we should still see her as a12 yr old, I just wish she would stop the acting as it’s embarrassing and not the least bit funny…just being herself is enough…
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My theory is that Lazy actually managed to get the concert tickets and she's hoping that revealing this on Christmas Day will create the same reaction in Esme that got them "famous" in the first place.
Hmm ,you could be right.Why else mention it even? I know if one of my girls were keen on seeing someone ,and i`d tried but failed to get tickets ,there`s no way i`d tell them!If they don`t know ,they won`t be disappointed!Stupid woman?? or plain devious??

My theory is that Lazy actually managed to get the concert tickets and she's hoping that revealing this on Christmas Day will create the same reaction in Esme that got them "famous" in the first place.
Just checked.There are tickets still available (albeit more expensive!)..over to you lazy.
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I notice Isabelle only uses two fingers and her thumb as she is too busy holding her sleeves down - what’s with that?
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I've never seen such a cold unhomely looking house,the warmth of Christmas isn't there in any shape or form.That itty bitty shitty stove won't kick out any heat. Barely any blinds,curtains ,carpets ,rugs ,no family photos,Christmas cards or anything to make it look a warm ,inviting home . It's so bland and cold and tacky trees and b &ms finest tat do nothing but add to how awful that house is.
They will never get that stove finished
It needs carpet removing and a plinth and base fitting.
It also needs chimney lining.
Even if it did get sorted it would not make the soulless house
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It’s annoyed me that they’ve used her as click bait in the thumbnail when the title is about Isabelle! Clearly hoping to cash in on yesterday’s news and get people watching hoping it means they’ll give more info about her hip. Sick.
Isabelle wasnt even shown in the vlog, should have been shopping with jace.
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