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What is it with the pair of them that they always have lips like an baboon's arsehole with piles?

Surely Sarah can pick up a couple of lip balms on her multiple 'essential' trips to the shops?

Gives me the boak :sick:

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I must admit, I dont watch regularly, but I don't remember Jace being starved as a baby, I've only ever seen him walking around eating. Every time I used to watch, Jace was always asking for food or eating some rubbish Sarah had shoved in front of him.
I watched the vlog when fidget and me was launched and it was disgusting to watch. No oh my goodness, the amount of orders are amazing, it was we have an order for £120, we have an order for £50. It was a vlog of pure greediness. All I kept thinking was good, now go get Islas teeth sorted out. Isla can't actually close her mouth because her teeth are so protruded. All the pouting for the camera too, what is that all about? Wouldn't it have been nicer for the "launch" if they were all sat together either on one of their millions of sofas or at the table and just watched what happened without shouting out the cost of people's orders??? They are so classless it's ridiculous. I don't particularly like the Radford's, but when they launched the pie shop on line, Noel sat there and the website went a bit mad, but to be fair, Noel sat there with a look of pure shock on his face and occasionally said " oh wow" he certainly didn't shout out how much people spent. I don't think wanket and me is doing very well at the moment. They have been moved 3 or 4 weeks, Creepy has only been to the office twice packing orders, he used to go daily for most of the day ( meeting young girls) sorry, to pack orders. I hate to wish anyone bad fortune, but I really hope Sarah and Chris get their comeuppance because the way they treat their children, and brag about everything, they deserve nothing.
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It's been a busy morning of tidying because an electrician coming. If there is someone coming to the house (electrician, builder, cleaner, or iron lady because some people have one), it always makes Lazy's day pause and she doesn't feel like she can do anything until the guy is gone. He was due at 11am and now it's 11:25, he should've come yesterday but got caught up on another job. Creepy is peeling stickers off the fridge but Lazy didn't realise they needed peeling off. She has a list as long as her arm but it's unrealistic that she will get them all done. Isla has obviously heard Lazy filming because she comes downstairs. Lazy questions whether she's finished her schoolwork but she hasn't. She was waiting for Lazy. The camera cuts and then Lazy is back. The first job she has to do is Jace's wardrobe because when she got home from the supermarket it was time for dinner. She'd promised to do reading with the girls so had to sit with Isla for half hours, them Esme for half hour and finally Isabelle for half hour. Isabelle is 15 and doesn't need to have anyone listening to her read out loud. Bloody hell, Lazy treats her like she's 7 sometimes. Isabelle and Lazy had a long chat afterwards about what she'd read. It was too late to do the wardrobe. Fidgets and Me is launching tomorrow and they need to sort out the boxes and work out how many they can sell. Lazy needs to do some photography for the website.

Isabelle has brought her schoolwork down to show Lazy. The house is so hot so Lazy is wearing her stripy dress. The electrician is having trouble finding the house so Creepy is on the phone to him. Isla is a good learner but lazy with presentation; adds no colour when writing things down, draws the quickest picture she can draw, scruffy writing so Lazy makes her do it again. It's doesn't have to be perfect you stupid cow. Why does she need to add colour to writing? I don't remember being anything like taught that in school. You have to write an essay and analyse text for English GCSE, not draw a portrait pf Shakespeare. Isabelle and Esme take their time. Isabelle has done maths and chemistry. Isabelle has put the fruit in the fruit bowl but left it in the packets and it's Lazy's pet peeve.

Jace is in the playroom and asks Lazy to film Isla. He has an ice pop. Isla is eating a mini moon.

Lazy asks the younger girls if they're ready. Esme recommends the fruit shoot freeze pops and Lazy says she's eaten six today. Isabelle is taking Jace and the girls to run around the field. Lazy tells Jace to keep hold of Isabelle's hand.

Lazy has half an hour and loves that she can see them when they're out. She went up to make a start and has no idea where Jace's clothes are. Creepy said they were in his room but lazy checked and the boxes are full of books and shelves. When they moved in everyone had a small box of clothes that would do them for the first week or two. The rest of the clothes were in boxes and put in the garage. The girls' clothes are in their wardrobes but Jace's aren't and he is living off the small box of clothes packed for moving. The local Tesco has a sale on where everything was half price so Lazy got a few outfits. She wanted to get Jace and baby girl's wardrobes done but Creepy will be at the office for a few hours. At the office sorting orders or...? The boxes are at the back of the garage and heavy so Lazy is unable to pick them up. She got a box of the baby's clothes but it split open on the kitchen floor. Lazy has a couple of bags to put the clothes in and take them upstairs.

Jace has used the toilet and Lazy asks what he does when he's finished. He puts the lid down and walks off. Lazy tells him to press the button so he does but he wants to climb on it. The girls and Jace are back and Lazy is relieved. There was a girl in Lazy's class at school who had a child aged 15 but she doesn't recommend anyone do that. Isabelle is 16 this year so it's not that she doesn't trust her but you never know with other people. If you were that worried you would've gone with them. Jace has his pants on and no nappy. He came in, gave Lazy a flower and went to the toilet to do the biggest wee he's ever done. It's TMI but the Inghams' film their lives and this is what is going on in their lives right now. Isabelle says the girls saw ladybugs on the way, and three "deers" so Isabelle told Esme to put Prinny on her lead. Esme saw a rabbit in the "tree bits". There is a rain cloud and Lazy says the girls got back just in time.

Lazy and the younger two girls are in Esme's room taking pictures. She asks the girls to link hands and Esme says no but Lazy demands she does so in 'you better do it or you'll be in serious trouble' tone and they link hands but she says they don't like it because its cringe. Every time Lazy opens a fidget the girls ask to keep one. Lazy loves you can keep the zipper bracelets and wear them. Isla abandons them and Jace joins Esme and Lazy. Esme has been left to do pricing. They were going to do the £15/20 pack but Lazy knows that might not be everyone's budget so there will now be a £10 option. There will be a selection of 5 or 6 (in the mega pack). Every mega pack will have a giant popit. The might need to do - not a girl boy and boy box because that's sexist - but a girly and non girly box because a boy might not want a butterfly one. They have to not make it sexist and be fair. Jace walks over gripping a brain licker and Lazy tells him to put it back right now. Its a mystery box and you will get one of everything, except the monkey noodles because there will be at least two of them. The £20 is a good deal because you get an extra product and a popit for an extra £5. When Lazy talks it sounds like she's told Esme ad Isla how it will work, of course she has. Esme shows what she would choose to send out to someone for £10.

Dinner is finished and everyone is in the playroom going mad. she asks Prinny what she wants. Jace seems to be hyper. Esme says Jace hit his head on the playmat but was embarrassed so didn't want to cry. Esme showered Prinny today. A few people have asked so Lazy tells us Jace has had underpants on all day. He had an accident in the playroom because Lazy and Creepy were doing jobs. He said "oh no, I weewee on the floor". Lazy didn't make a big deal of it and just cleaned it up whilst reassuring Jace. He's been asking to go on the potty all day. Lazy thinks he's confused by a poop and a trump because he's ran to the toilet 80 times saying "poopoo", farted and gone "yay". He jumps up, flushes the toilet. Lazy is trying to teach him he doesn't need to do that. She feels like he won't need nappies apart from at night time because he has a big amount of milk before bed and can't get up at night. Yes because you have him in a crib and he needs a toddler bed. The milk is a comfort thing. Isla questions what cold turkey means because Lazy keeps saying it. Lazy knows Jace will be fully potty trained by the time the baby arrives, which is what they wanted. He's only just turned two so it's a good age to potty train.

Jace is trying to knock down the stack of soft play blocks. Lazy asks how the girls are feeling about Fidgets and Me, and they're excited to pack orders. Prinny loves jumping on everyone's backs. Isla is having another sleepover in Esme's room. Lazy is doing better with drinking and there are a lot of drinks she fancies now so she will have a tea in the morning occasionally. Creepy is hoovering and Jace wants a drink.

End of vlog

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Did anyone see the bit where she said they've took loans out to pay for the fidget toys😫😱
How many fidget toys have they bought? They only cost about 20p don’t they?

if you feel faint in shops. Don’t go to shops?! Send your husband, get an online delivery. What’s wrong with this women honestly
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Sarah love, I'd be asking for that step to be looked at. It isn't very straight 🤨🧐

View attachment 569279
And may I present you with the new model for PREGNANT MOTHERS MONTHLY MAGAZINE the svelte and not in the slightest bit touched up or edited Sarah Ingham or as we affectionately like to call her ‘ never lazy hence size 12 in late pregnancy’
Sarah Ingham. The only person in the world to have no knee caps or visible knees 😂😂. What a photoshop fail
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More from the ‘fan group’. Itching to know when the fidgets will be on sale. Seems they just can’t wait to throw their cash away.

Plus some more - as someone pointed out - how they tread on eggshells, not wanting to be labeled a ‘hater’ and how the desperate sycophantic admins are so quick to jump to the defense of Lazy & Creepy.
Even the fans have noticed Jason’s preference for cars over safari - one brave soul had the nerve to mention it. How long until he is blocked?

Sarah posting unflattering pictures of Christopher Malcom - so much lurrve 😆🤮

PS: I should be removed within 24 hours of this post... 😎
These people know you can buy fidgets anywhere on the internet, today and for much cheaper?

started watching from when they went to zoellas for a pool party in 2018. Surely that person is trolling them 😂

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The thing that concerned me about Isabelle was when she complained about having to get up 'early' when the removals men arrived on moving day. Does she not have plans to ever live in the real world when you have to get up for school/college/university/work/her own children? She's not even 16, what are her plans, to stay in bed until it's time to go to the shops or look after the little ones?
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This is why she's said the fidgets are the girls special project, she knows she is going to charge way over the amount that other places do but the gullible ifam will pay because they want to show support for the girls.

A better way to teach the girls about money would have been getting them to sell cheaply a load of the toys that they have never used on ebay, not buy even more plastic tat and sell for more than they should.
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Why would Chris and Esme say that Sarah is stupid and jumping a step ahead for buying Jace pants? If he is potty training then he should be wearing pants and getting used to pulling them up and down or am I missing something.
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Luna is horrible. It’s like your pets name. Never heard of it for a human. Only a cat or dog. Just my opinion tho...
My dog is called Luna 🤣 she's 11 years old and I have met so many other young Luna dogs over the last 2 years.
There is a girl in my sons class who has a sister with the name and when her mum shouted LUNA across the playground, I admit, I did look around for my dog, thinking how the hell did she get out the car!
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I use to be a huge massive fan of the Ingham’s but I can’t stand the pair of them no more but mainly Chris
he has to be the most repulsive excuse for a human being I have ever seen.
he literally makes me sick,I hate the way he looks,the way he speaks,the way he dresses,the way he brags well the way they both brag he always looks like he needs a good scrub always looks dirty,what women see in him I will never know there is not one thing I can say is nice about him,the way he speaks to that little boy is a bloody joke he speaks the same to Isla too
if I’m perfectly honest with you I think the house is horrible it has no warmth in it at all no cosy ness it’s just way to big.
I am also disgusted with the two of them for what they are doing with these bloody fidget thingys that they are now going to sell I’m all for people making money but to drag your own children into it is wrong on so many levels there is never enough money for these two cretins to be made and everything is SO expensive just greedy bastards,there is no family I’d like to see more than these 2 to lose absolutely everything big time.
anyway I can’t wait to read through all your comments will probably take me weeks haha x

Where is Sarah says annnnywaaayyyy
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Granny Pat

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The £10 option they showed in the vlog looked so measly didn’t it. Especially when you compare it to the 8 things in The Works box, and better things too. About half their items are cheap fillers that no one would actually buy, and I mean VERY cheap, like 5p!!
And add on £4.50 postage, it is nothing more than a scam!
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How many fidget toys have they bought? They only cost about 20p don’t they?

if you feel faint in shops. Don’t go to shops?! Send your husband, get an online delivery. What’s wrong with this women honestly
Massive boxes full

The fact she lets her 2 year old run around with a brain licker which is pure sugar shows what kind of skanks they are 🙄🙄
My sons teachers soon has just died from choking on one of these, the ball fell out while he was licking it 😔
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I noticed Isla has had a couple of sleepovers with Esme recently, think there's still problems with her having her own room, shes never going to get used to it!
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I did say the other day give Jace half a chance at potty training and he’d soon pick it up, you’re welcome Lazy 🙄

Moaning at the price of those ice creams!!! How much will you be scamming out of the gullible ifam for those fidgets 🤔 she’s unfuckingbelievable!!
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And may I present you with the new model for PREGNANT MOTHERS MONTHLY MAGAZINE the svelte and not in the slightest bit touched up or edited Sarah Ingham or as we affectionately like to call her ‘ never lazy hence size 12 in late pregnancy’
I don’t know what you mean, that photos as real as them tiles 😂😂
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I wonder if Isabelle would have to look after Esme Isla and Jace when Sarah and Chris go into the hospital to have the new baby? Or would the grandparents take care of them?
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