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Sarah moaning about the electrician being late and gives the time as 11.25 am. She is then joined in the kitchen by a pouting Isla, who she then asks "have you finished your school work" WTF they don't even wake up til mid morning. Are they doing half an hours work a day???
Abs why isn’t she supervising them doing their school work?
Home schooling shouldn’t be an excuse to leave them to get on with it.
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At least if they do have children the girls might be able to get out of the house and socialise for a bit (especially if they’re similar ages) and I’d be very surprised if they didn’t have kids moving into a house with that many bedrooms!
If they have daughters I hope they keep an eye on them what with Creepy living next door 😏
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Jace has finished his breakfast of yoghurt, berries and honey. Isla comes into the kitchen jumping up and down. In the next shot Jace is in the playroom drawing a picture for Grandad. Everyone got up, had showers and spruced the house this morning. There is a week or so until people can go inside the house. Neil will poke his head around the door, Esme comes inside and sits with Jace. They last saw Neil in July so Lazy is looking forward to seeing him; the sky is blue and there's nice weather. Lazy doesn't clean, she tidies and that's why Lazy and Creepy are so good together. On Sunday they will have a proper morning of organising. The playroom has become valuable because Jace and Lazy spend a lot of time in there. He can be creative and imaginary play with his Peppa Pig house. It's comfortable to sit on the floormats. Lazy didn't realise how much the playroom would be used.

Jace has drawn an orange blob, aka a snowman, for Neil. Isla has made a teddy out of a towel. They still need something to go in the fireplace space but for now there is a kallax. Lazy isn't sure whether to create a cosy space for books or not. Lazy needs to put up blinds and do something to the walls. She plans to put a map on the wall above the sofa with strings from each country they've visited leading to a picture of them. I hope they have a string leading from Florida to the skinny dipping messages. Creepy bought a world animals map the other day. Lazy doesn't want to do wallpaper and is unsure whether or not she wants to do a feature wall. Anyway, she needs to get back to cleaning.

Outside, Jace screeches goodbye to Grandad Neil and Neil waves back. Jace wants to get in the truck. More screeching.

Creepy wishes he hadn't started this job because it's Sunday and looks like it's about to rain. He has started painting the gate because he prefers the satin paint. If he gets it done without it peeing it down he will be very lucky.

The gate is painted. For one reason or another he didn't manage to get Isabelle's wardrobes up yesterday so he's doing it now and then doing Esme's tv. The trampoline tension tool has arrived but he might make Esme wait a week before he puts the trampoline up. Isabelle says that would be evil. Time lapse of Creepy assembling the wardrobe and eye fucking himself in Isabelle's mirror.

Isabelle can't be loud because Lazy is having a nap. Jace picked up two of the legs from her bedside tables and moved them, and they can't find them. She sets up her bedside tables. Then she decides to sort her clothes.

It was perfect having Neil and his partner at the house today but Lazy feels like the vlog has suffered. Something arrived in the post that Lazy is so excited to see. It's the first thing they have with the baby's name on it so they can't show it and can't change it. They can't show the whole thing but will show one letter. Jace's cotterpillar will go on his cot in his jungle bedroom. Isn't it time to upgrade him to a toddler bed? Lazy had to order one for baby girl and thinks it will be cute to go in her name reveal vlog. She will open the package and pull out one bit. Lazy opens the tissue paper and there is a bag, Lazy and Isla pick one each. There seem to be 3/4 balls left in the bag so her name is 3/4 letters with the other two balls being the head and tail. Lazy and Isla open the paper and one is a head with the other being an A. Lazy films Isla dancing.

Lazy goes into Isabelle's bedroom and shows us around. They need to get her sofa up next. Her bedroom is laid out different to Esme. When you walk into Esme's room they feel like different rooms because the layout is different. Esme isn't in her room but Lazy wants to show us the layout. Nannar said the house looks bigger in real life.

The ifam should go and check out cotterpillar because they make great baby shower gifts. Lazy is off to bath Jace because he has a blue face from the brain lickers, which are banned from today because they're awful. She started her book earlier and read three pages before having a nap. They're going out to explore tomorrow and find a park for Jace and the girls to run off energy.

End of vlog

I think the baby's name will begin with an E. I can remember when Lazy was pregnant with Jace (before she knew it was a boy) there was talk of giving the baby a name with the initials EA to match Esme so she wouldn't feel left out if it was a girl. Isla and Isabelle have the matching IS initials.

Creepy the builder, can he fix it? Creepy the builder... yes he can but it might fall apart in 6 months!
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Chatty Member
I've just had a vision. That whole backyard filled with caravans, Chris doing his mods on them. Vulnerable ifam taking out tens of thousands of pounds worth of Clearpay loans so they can have a caravan that's been touched by the Minghams....
I had another vision. Inghams open up their garden as a sort of exclusive Caravan park holiday and start selling 'experiences' to the ifam. They get to stay with the Inghams, enjoy the beautiful view of pylons and motorway windmills and countryside, tour the grand mansion and once a day Lazy will come out on her patio balcony and grace the ifam with her presence.

For extra charge (£200 per person) ifam may also get to follow Chris around as he cleans the grand staircase or attend a read out loud session with Isabelle.

The holiday is a bargain of course, only £1000*

*food and drinks not included.
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How many people will have thought everything pictured will come in the mystery box??? I'd say a very lot of people didn't read the description.

Girls will be busy this week working in Esmes room packing their orders.
Yep, If you just look at the picture you think you are getting the lot, infact I thought, why would I want 5 of the same fidget, then read description and you only get 5, disgusting the way they are ripping of people
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To be fair I looked like a whale each time I was pregnant and nothing looked good on me and I even wore the high pony in the scrunchie ( it was many moons ago ) 😆

What is so bad about it for me is her intention behind the photos , what she is trying to say. I think given half a chance she would be off with the first guy to look sideways at her and then 6 months later roll back up to pylon palace 5 months pregnant asking for the money for her own videos she did.
I hope I am wrong but I see no other option at this point ! If that happens SARAH is 100% to blame and I don’t think she would even be upset ! another baby cash cow 👶 💰 🐄 overtime without even having to touch creepy or separate those legs ( since she’s only got knee caps sometimes, it must be tough ) & best yet no Turkey baster ! 🤮

Ps. Did anyone , even 1 person ? ( outside of the brain washed Ifam ) believe that she didn’t have her dad & his partner in their house the other day ? 🙄🙄🙄 she could tell us 100 times and I’d still know she was lying ! She doesn’t know how to tell the truth EVER ! & everyone knows if their are rules to be followed they will break them & go ahead regardless! & sickeningly never get pulled up on it ! Ugh ! 😡

It’s ok she could get Chris to photoshop the baby into an iddy biddy one on camera & since she won’t see any real people except cashiers in B&M she can brag about ‘ another teeny tiny bubs ‘ 😐
How to tell if sarah is lying. Her lips are moving
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I mean, we all know Sarah's greedy but there's no excuse for one person owning that amount of chins.


I reckon Granny Jane's "Beautiful" comment was deliberately trolling Sarah (after all she is a Ninja level troll), hence fatty not replying to the comment. We all know that Granny Grim saw Sarah in all her non-Photoshopped, Mr Stay Puft glory when she went to pick up Prinnywoo.


Forget about the holes in his socks, check out the sheer size of that baggy old backside :sick:

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Imagine being so desperate to impress people that many days later you still want to argue about your floor tiles being marble when they clearly aren't. I choose my flooring because I like it, not because I care what other people think of it. She's argued too much now to backtrack though, at the beginning she could have said nothing or just agreed it's marble effect, now she can't ever say it's not real.
She could get out of it now by just not replying to the comments about it but Heffalump Ingham always has to have the last word.
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As someone who dips in and out of these threads (and has fiercely disagreed with Creepy’s vile behaviour & her blatant turning a blind eye to keep the money rolling in over protecting her children) can someone explain their homeschooling situation to me?

My eldest is 14 and over lockdown was able to get on with work by herself (to a certain extent) but still had online lessons from her school teachers and guidance etc but my youngest who was 8 needed CONSTANT help, guidance, teaching and support. The kind where it had to be consistently monitored and upheld throughout the day with her breaks etc. We were lucky enough to have me at home while hubby worked but it was full on even with teachers pre recording many guided lessons for us and we had to execute it and carry out the lessons with our child. It was a full time job; I’m not judging others who couldn’t do the same but as I was at home that was important to me.

So when Sarah says “the girls are doing their work” while she’s fucking about talking to a camera, Creepy putting up furniture, obsessing over cleaning glass panels, hoovering ALL day and playing with Jace etc are the girls just flying solo? Is that their idea of homeschooling? Genuinely? It seems from the vlogs that they are not doing school for much time either spaced out throughout the day?

They are giving dedicated parents who home educate their children a bad name! As that is not home education! It’s appalling 😳
Totally agree with this ! I was lucky to be home during lockdown to homeschool my children of various ages ! Yes the older ones are much more able to complete work independently but my youngest needed my support and I mean I was SAT with her all day 9.30-3pm with lots of breaks.I would play in the garden with her and we went on daily walks !! How Sarah can leave little Isla just to get on with it on her own is just disgusting !!
I did so many projects from school with my daughter . I actually learned lots too 😂 But she 💯 needed my attention and encouragement !!
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Perhaps they don't enroll the children into any activities as they plan on going on holiday so much they just don't bother as normally you need to pay and commit to a term.
I'm sure Isabelle would love to attend photography course, Esme could do gymnastics/trampolining, Isla could do piano or something like brownies to mix with others & they could take Jace to toddler groups or swimming or just anything!
They could do so much more with the children than being at home and going shopping.
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The difference in the girls is really sad. It's just the excess with absolutely everything, isn't it. The Krispy Kreme donuts the other week spring to mind - what family needs TWO boxes of 12 donuts just on a random day? Even one box of 12 would be pretty excessive for a family with kids their age. But no, two boxes it is.
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I really don't understand the IFAM. Remember when there was that big uproar with Zoella and her advent kit. Yet the IFAM prepared to pay over the odds fir something you can get in most tat .
Some of them are clearly very young/vulnerable.
all you have to do is go on the ingham private facebook group to see how vulnerable and young some of these people are. they truly think because lazy comments on that page sometimes that they’re friends and that she’s amazing so it doesn’t surprise me that they would pay for all that tat
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Does anyone else feel sorry for Isla that poor little girl is so desperate for attention 😢 soon as camera is out that little girl is desperate to be on camera it’s so sad 😞
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I must admit, I dont watch regularly, but I don't remember Jace being starved as a baby, I've only ever seen him walking around eating. Every time I used to watch, Jace was always asking for food or eating some rubbish Sarah had shoved in front of him.
I watched the vlog when fidget and me was launched and it was disgusting to watch. No oh my goodness, the amount of orders are amazing, it was we have an order for £120, we have an order for £50. It was a vlog of pure greediness. All I kept thinking was good, now go get Islas teeth sorted out. Isla can't actually close her mouth because her teeth are so protruded. All the pouting for the camera too, what is that all about? Wouldn't it have been nicer for the "launch" if they were all sat together either on one of their millions of sofas or at the table and just watched what happened without shouting out the cost of people's orders??? They are so classless it's ridiculous. I don't particularly like the Radford's, but when they launched the pie shop on line, Noel sat there and the website went a bit mad, but to be fair, Noel sat there with a look of pure shock on his face and occasionally said " oh wow" he certainly didn't shout out how much people spent. I don't think wanket and me is doing very well at the moment. They have been moved 3 or 4 weeks, Creepy has only been to the office twice packing orders, he used to go daily for most of the day ( meeting young girls) sorry, to pack orders. I hate to wish anyone bad fortune, but I really hope Sarah and Chris get their comeuppance because the way they treat their children, and brag about everything, they deserve nothing.
TO BE FAIR NOEL IS A NONCE ! He got that young girl pregnant at 13 and has kept her pregnant ever since !!! He shouldn’t ever be used as an example of good ! 😖
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Izzy in the vlog yesterday was completely off the deep end when talking about how inspirational she is! She lives in a false perception of reality. She talks about helping people despite her fame is based around her parents materialism. There are people in this world such as doctors, Scientists and firefighters who spend their lives helping people by hard work. There are also people in the world with talent Such as actors, musicians and writers who are super creative but also humble.

Then there is Isabel she is mediocre at best which is ok, but it’s the fact that she believes she is something better despite not working or having any talent. I don’t know the whole thing about her looking at peoples edits and talking about her “impact” she has on people came across as conceited.
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