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One of the girls who Chris groomed is a family member so obviously I stuck up for her and they came after me, it was chris first then Sarah then Katrina the dinosaur

This is the photo!
I’d have taken that to the police for harassment. They are pieces of work that family. I can’t wait for karma to catch them up.
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Anyone else not care to much that isabelle met a friend to shop? That girl needs it!
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She was with her friend. She's tagged her on Instagram. I find it really strange that a big deal is being made about a 16 year old going shopping with her friends. Hardly Clickbait material. Shows how sheltered she is.
Very strange as this "friend" has a handful of pics on insta and Isabelle hasn't liked a single one of them
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I'm howling 🤣 someone in the group is giving Sarah advice about her, and I quote, "CAWSLAWS".
Just what you need someone illiterate giving you health advice. 😂

We live in a country where the health service is free. Why do all these influencers prefer to take advice from fans rather than see an actual doctor?
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Fluff n stuff

Chatty Member
Sod her not being protected for not wearing a mask! Its everyone else I’m concerned for.
She needs to put on a visor or something to cover that germ infested septic face of hers to protect those around her. She’s fine waddling about whilst others wear their masks. Selfish F*cker
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I have to say , I dont watch their vlogs so thankyou to the ones that do and update us all on here, I however chuckle on a nightly basis at the comments on here , you take no prisoners but I love it , Im looking forward to meeting you all in that Swiss Jail dont forget your 20 suitcases filled with orange twirls and Easter eggs because youre going to need bail bait for Sarah Von Crap (After all didnt she work in a prison once , I dispute that though ).
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Re. measuring feet

I’m in Wales where the shops are only just starting to open, plus I’ve been shielding due to being clinically vulnerable. My youngest needed shoes as he had started walking.

so trying to do the best for him I bought a Clark’s toddler foot gauge off eBay (as they are sold out throughout the country) paid an inflated price, but for my peace of mind at least I’ve tried to get the correct size.

she honestly has no excuse!
They paid a lot of money in school fees and then got esme and Isabelle shoes from peacocks.those girls always wear cheap shoes.
I didn’t spend a lot of money on clothes when my children were growing but I did always have their feet measured and bought clarks and start rite shoes until they were old enough to protest maybe about 13 /14
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I hope he goes back to the hairdressers that did the barcode fringe cut, I loved it.

No barbers local to me take bookings, people are just queuing outside. He has nothing else to do all day, he can't just go and queue?
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I can't believe that they had Jace's eyes dilated at the doctors and didn't bring any sunglasses for that poor child to wear outside in the bright sunlight. No wonder the poor kid was upset, his eyes hurt. I can't believe they would risk further damaging his vision like that.
And instead of wasting time vlogging in the 'caa', how about getting your sleepy son home and comfortable after his appointment?
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They're awful literally i tried to get the video taken down when they mentioned my name as their fans came for me, but I'm 23 years old im not afraid of little children or creepy and especially lazy. I will catch up with them one day x
How did they know who you were did you comment on something of theirs?

That’s disgusting. They are first to cry about trolls, is that not classed as doxxing? They are a LTD company, a business, they can’t just be naming and shaming people when it suits them.

On a side note can anyone remember when Chris accidentally pissed off some north east gangsters daughter. That still makes me laugh
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Is it me, or have they not mentioned their new motorway mansion since they were outted?
Second thoughts maybe?
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Sickens me what they get away with. The First Minister here in Scotland was plastered all over the papers after standing talking at a table without a mask. She was leaving after a funeral and 2 old ladies spoke to her. She was 6ft away from them and if she had sat down it would have been fine, but someone took a pic and folks were calling for her resignation. Sarah, being heavily pregnant goes into shops on first day after lockdown, whilst still in a global pandemic and has people applauding her actions!! The First Minister apologised in Parliament for her mistake. No chance of Sarah ever apologising for anything
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Sarah needs to bring Jace for a proper shoo fitting and shoes. Children's feet can grow every few months. When my twins were young every time I brought them in for a fitting they had always grown a size up. They are 18 now and both are a UK 12. I really don't understand this family at all one minute she was potty training and then the next minute she's not. This has to be very confusing for clever boii. Isla's OCD has vanished, Esme has never been tested for dyslexia nearly a year on, Isabelle has been isolated from her peers when she should be enjoying these years. I can't even hate watch them anymore they really frustrate me the way they are treating their children. I'm not saying they are not well taken care of it's the way they are using them for their wages. I personally don't think there is enough being done by the government to protect children on social media platforms. I get my news and catch ups here rant over.
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She is such a hateful bitch ! She Just can't help stirring the pot ! I think she misses the point of the mask wearing 🤦 🙄 oh and she says she's always having to defend her actions online when people question her "choices" well when you put yourself and your children on a public platform and then do stupid things ... Then yes you should have to explain every stupid decision you make and every ridiculous choice !
This annoys me so much because I went through my whole pregnancy in the pandemic and had a big baby at 9lb1oz so I really struggled to breathe carrying him around, especially towards the end of my pregnancy. On top of this I stayed at my job in a shop until I was 38 weeks pregnant and had to wear a mask the 30 hours a week I worked. Pregnancy is o excuse to not wear a mask!
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I’m sorry I can’t 🤦🏻‍♀️
Mother of 5 (almost) filming a maternity clothing haul yet can’t figure out the design of a nursing top!
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She’s always put cheap shoes on the kids. She shared a photo of Isla the same age as Jace and she has squashed her feet in to a plastic pair of sandals. There is really no excuse there are plenty of online printable shoe measure resources or can buy a shoe measure for as little as £4.

Funny when they had no money and on just creepy’s salary the girls were always nicely dressed wearing Next, hair all done. Now they are just all so scruffy. Lazy gave up on her appearance after creepys late night antics were discovered. So because she doesn’t care about her rats tails hanging from her head she has stopped bothering what any of her children look like, and doesn’t care how that is affecting her kids metal well-being, issy and Isla look so sad.

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infuriates me that esme and lazy aren’t wearing masks. Being pregnant and passing out is no excuse for sarah, she seems fine to me walking about in her big coat in a hot stuffy primark. Surely she would want to be protecting herself and her unborn baby?? wear a fucking mask. My cousin was pregnant and managed to wear a mask everytime it was needed? esme is the same age as my younger brother and he too also wears a mask when it’s required. Absolutely ridiculous. They aren’t only risking themselves it’s other people. People with breathing issues manage to wear masks? They have no excuse. If they get covid i won’t feel sorry at all i’ll just laugh they’re absolute idiots
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