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VIP Member
You know for sure whatever country they're currently crapping themselves in they'll be hooked up to the Wi-Fi and reading on here to see if we've caught them out.
It's like a little game of cat and mouse, except the mouse is a dirty, stinking, greasy rat ?
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Haven’t caught up yet but needed to say....I’m currently at Leeds German market with our Guides, one of which just got ssuuuper excited as her “favourite” YouTuber just walked past us...yep you’ve guessed it, the minghams! Oh how I cringed! So we’ve had words let’s put it that way!
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Really glad to see the schools Esme, Isla and Isabelle attend are so forward thinking to have decided that it’s a brilliant, educational and important enough opportunity that they have been offered to make it possible for them to miss school.

I mean I just thought to myself when they went to Legoland ? they’re not going to see these places or experience activities like this in the UK.
they aren’t going to travel in an Uber numerous times in the same day or have the opportunity to sit in front of a camera hiding their outfits pretending they’re a happy family excited for the opportunities they’ve been “gifted” to spend days hiding away from social media for fear of being dobbed in like criminals.

Sarah asked for a word to best describe the holiday....
Il give her two. “Scared shitless they’ll be caught”
Two, five... whatever.
We all know edumacationals stuff like numbers and facts isn’t important ?

I would love to know how pimping your kids out in a paid for advertisement is counted as a good reason to miss school?
Is this something all schools encourage?
I’d love to know how the management and head teachers of these schools explain this decision.
Quite bizarre.
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Apparently according to Lazy the children have learnt far more in Dubai that what they would have done at school. Yeah right from watching the borefests I'm sure they have.

What an insult to the teachers.

They make me so angry I might have to block they're facebook page so I can't read it anymore. Who are these stupid grown up f*******s commenting with such drivel? I have never disliked someone as much.
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Chatty Member

I've been lurking for a while.

I started occasionally watching the Ingham vids after the whole pervey chris scandal irrupted.

As others have said, this latest vlog did seem very rushed, and had an air of nervousness or stress about it... very odd.

Also, I think there is something behind Chris mentioning his doctor appointments... I think it's gearing up for a big 'My mental health struggle' on anxiety/depression vlog in a vain attempt to garner sympathy.

And finally, Sarah and her snipey, passive-aggressive responses to any criticism on their vlogs are brilliant. She is just the gift that keeps on giving.
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Ha someone on the Smug Sarah comments section just said that Chris has a fringe that looks like a barcode ???. I'm howling
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Christmas - I reckon they've gone all out and there'll be more presents than ever before. (The girls - including Isabelle, poor girl - will no doubt get a joint present - the LOL doll house).

But yeah, the mountains will be piled "literally sooooper doooooper high" this year. Just for the vile shopaholic chav to "prove her point". Unfortunately her point will prove that she's a materialistic bellend.

The girls won't be surprised. They'll act surprised, but they now expect it. The girls will open a few LOLs and throw the rest in the garage never to be seen again?

And no Sarah - nobody is jealous. Nobody wants their front room to look like Smyth's Toy Superstore.
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Chatty Member
A little off topic, but I just found the cottage they staying in for xmas.

It’s actually lovely, and I’ve always wanted to stay in a place with a private pool. And I’ve always wanted to stay in the Yorkshire dales.

But now I clearly can’t at this lovely property, just the thought that Chris and his noncey bollocks might of been floating about in that pool. ?

Cheers for that, Chris ?
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Iconic Member
Have to admit, regardless of the summer time scandal.
Their vlogs have become boring as hell, they’ve lost all ability to vlog anything worth watching.
I find myself watching them wondering how they even allow themselves on screen looking so dirty, greasy, unwashed and jaded. With absolutely nothing to talk about or vlog. Except for pointless daily shopping trips.
They have nothing to offer. At all.
Most of us hate watch them and they’re for sure buying views but how long can this really continue.
Even hate watching them is getting difficult.
Thank god for playback speed and the skip forward option.
Social media might want to see them fail but to be honest they’re killing their own channel all by themselves.
I’d rather discuss paint drying than talk about their vlogs if the “Tom and Jerry” aspect wasn’t there ??
They might be offered spons right now or sent PR by accident, because they’ve not yet been removed from the lists.
But the more the word gets out the more they’ll be dropped.
The fallout from this alone could be a little staple in the channels coffin. ?
Not a full nail.... but close ?

I would love to see the parents from the girls school question the staffs decision to allow the girls time off for an #AD
I’d want similar allowances made for me to take mine shopping. Or to Nando’s. Or to visit Santa.
All experiences. Much like Legoland.
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Nice to see Esme wearing her coat tonight rather than shivering away. Well done for taking our advice, Sarah.

Next piece of advice -

Don't keep your kids out till nearly 9pm on a school night, then take them home and force them to record videos for your monetary gain... The evidence was real on those tired girls faces this evening.


What's Creepy's surprise?

A) Complete baby set up - crib, pram etc..
B) Another holiday.
C) Wedding Vow renewal (as if the massive tacky tattoo wasn't enough).
D) A towel... He keeps asking people to drop them, so might be in need.
E) "Surprise! Here's my love child!"
F) Other...
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Chatty Member
Can someone give me a short run through of this family? Came here from the Meldrums, never kept up with the Inghams as I find it odd the oldest have her own channel age 12...
Well... Where should I begin?
Warning - this could be a long post. May not be in chronological order.

They stared daily vlogging in August 2016. Everything was fine imo, nice normal family etc. Other than the fact the bought a dog from a puppy farm. That dog is named Prinny and is abandoned at Chris' parents' house whenever they go away.

Everything seemed fine till the summer this year when it came out that Chris is obsessed with young and borderline underage girls.

They decided their 12 year old would become their cash cow and so they set up a channel for her. She goes to private school with her sister. They left they youngest in public school. Probably why their money is decreasing.

Chris got Sarah up the duff in June. Baby Fernando Costa is due on the 20th March. Or is it the 30th March ?? Anyway since she revealed her pregnancy about 3 hours after conception she's been milking it for all it's worth. She revealed it early in a (failed) attempt to try and save the channel.

Over the summer when they went to Australia (world's most boring Visit ever) all the videos are about clickbaiting miscarriage or problems with the baby. She supposedly had some bleeding but waited about a week to go and see a doctor about it. Baby is fine and it's a boy. Sarah kept moaning about the morning sickness and this clickbaiting has been going on ever since.

We got treated to a video where Chris denied trying to touch up girls. He tells us he got stopped by the Australian Feds at border control and held for three hours in the only episode of Border Force Australia that I want to see. He says 'Hell No' about 172774927373 times in it.

They have dragged the girls all over the world at every opportunity this year. New York, Florida, Crete, Australia, Mablethorpe, Dubai and they're off to a cottage in Yorkshire for Christmas. Unless the owner has been made aware and he's decided to cancel. The girls hardly get a chance to rest and twice this has made their eldest (Isabelle) sick.

This week they took their girls out of school for a holiday to Dubai. Supposedly with the schools permission but they have done this multiple times and I doubt the schools will have agreed. They missed about a week of school for Florida last year. They missed a week in the summer when it came out about Creepy Chris and Isla missed her first day back at school too.

Sarah diagnosed herself with low iron and thought eating bananas was the cure. She didn't see the midwife until she was about six month pregnant and blamed the NHS for it.

Sarah is obsessed with buying tat and their girls live off a diet of sugar. Chris has an obsession with Chai Lattes.

Since it came out about Chris being a (alleged) pervert/paedophile, they have suffered a decrease in the amount of sponsorships and (non paid) views they are getting. Probably why they had to settle for Mablethorpe in the end.

Their wrecked Range Rover failed its MOT and they risked the lives of their kids by have one in the back of their Mini without a seatbelt.

Chris behaves very inappropriately around the girls and he has hidden under Isabelle's bed to scare her for a prank. He calls the girls babe and gorgeous which is extremely inappropriate. He never uses these words to describe his wife. There's more chemistry between a hyena and a zebra than there is between Chris and Sarah.

There is some speculation that Isla is not Chris's daughter and is in fact the offspring of his brother. Isabelle is not biologically related to Chris and does not see her father. She is in therapy for issues relating to him supposedly.

Check out their channel and read back through the threads for more. Might need a few cups of coffee first though.
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Well-known member
There's so many things i want to say... my fume-ometer is about to burst!

I never noticed the AD in the thumbnail, so definitely not good enough for advertising standards. Also, even if you did see it, what are they advertising? There's no mention within the video, no mention on the description, no links, etc. It's literally the worst advert you could ever put out. How on earth could Visit Dubai be happy with that?

They did literally no 'agricultural' things. Why would you go all that way just to go to legoland and play in the pool? What is that advertising?

The point about taking them out of school just to work... that's got me most. They thought long and hard.. yeh right. Why did the schools allow that?

Also, i thought you can't film people without their permission? how don't these laws/rules apply to the Inghams?
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Well-known member

That’s a lie too, Sarah. They missed school when you went on the run in the summer.
‘There are so many bad things in the world right now that people could be focussing their energy on’ indeed there is Sarah, unregulated online chid grooming for one!
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At the start of day 2 she said ‘I’m uploading loads of Instagram photos and stories’ which she didn’t. So I think something may have happened whilst there as obviously changed her mind.
She did.... but from when she said that something must have happened with the sponsor Visit Dubai, as it had been worked out where they were.

Because by the looks of it the ifam hoody video it was filmed after she said that as the girls hair is the same as it was for the pool, and Izzy wearing same white top under hoody.

I think that Visit Dubai have said not to post on Instagram or stories- do not tag them and not to state on youtube video that they were the sponsor.

The 2 day delay in posting might be because they needed approval to post saying Visit Dubai is the sponsorship. They didn’t get it after finding about them/creepy so tried to hide AD as small as possible in the thumbnail, as they have never mentioned who is sponsoring them.

Kate Murnane and Zoe did loads of instastories and squares all tagging Visit Dubai. Zoe states that it was paid partnership with Visit Dubai. I’m sure there are a million other bloggers stating, tagging the sponsor.

More definitely happened behind the scenes because tattles worked out they were there in 20seconds!! By the colour/shape of chairs in an airport!!

Can’t wait for the Christmas edition of No Hell No, ba humbug!!!
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Sorry I meant it’s probably too late. There was plenty of warning they were going to Australia and easier to let immigration know.
Dubai are used to arresting people at the airport - plenty try to flee that country. If anything it might be worse trying to get out of that country with their laws!

I'm reporting, he deserves to have a miserable worried time after what he's done.
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Iconic Member
Where in gods name do you buy decorations like that.
This is the type of foil crap you put up in the 80’s ?
That gave off a faint smell of “old women locked in the attic” and gave everyone an electric shock if they got too close.


This stuff was they type of embarrassment you put at the back of the tree and in the back room so the neighbors saw the good stuff first.
This isn’t retro this is tacky af.
It’s so perfect for Sarah “Dixon” ingham I honestly have no words.
If this is their last Christmas as a YouTube family they’re really going out with a bang..

Of static electricity.
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This is what totally ticks me with off with both of them!One rule for them ,one for everybody else.When my kids were first at school ,one Christmas they all went down with bugs ,which turned to stomach flu ,and then bronchiolitis.My husband slept on one of their beds (he had to work) ,and i had 3 of them in by bed ,buckets at the ready ,and dishing out antibiotics.They missed a month off school ,and i honestly thought they`d end up in hospital.Either the antib`s didn`t agree with them ,or they`d make it through a course ,and it`d start over.My point ,(and there is one) ,was ,when we finally returned to school ,two of their teachers were so rude i was made to feel guilty.The youngest`s said to me "I`ve never had a child away for so long" ,to which i responded ,"No??Really?Well ,i`ve never been so dammed scared either"!! SHe shut up ,and then apologised.It just shows though ,we had drs out because they really were very sick ,yet i was judged for it ,and slated when they did return.
How come this lot can flit off when it suits THEM ,just so the kids can assist with their "wages"!It infuriates me.One day they`ll come a cropper.I feel so sad for those kids ,as it`s not their fault ,but Chris and Sarah ought to know better.Youtube isn`t the answer to an "easy/carefree life" ,and it`s unpredictable.When it does all float down the suwannee ,they won`t know what`s hit them.
There's no doubt it is frustrating and they are disgusting creatures.
But take some comfort in the lengths they are having to go to now when they go off on their ridiculous 'holidays' and how the good work of folks on here and Twitter is making every part of their day awkward for them.
Remember that Queen Muck had to slum it in pissing down, freezing cold Mabelthorpe just a few weeks ago.
Imagine her screwed up, rage filled face every time she realises we are one step ahead of her and the effort it must take her to paint on that rictus smile every time she deigns to share their 'content' with us.
The lengths she has to go to to concoct increasingly ridiculous tales about meetings with I-Fam.

And know that the battle is being slowly won and it is a marathon not a sprint.
I should imagine that after a quiet period the last few days have given us all the boost we need to keep fighting the good fight.
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