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Judging by the colours on those FB tins some were having chicken and the darker ones to the left look like the minced beef and onion. Vegetarian my arse 😂 why lie, it’s honestly like a compulsion with them that they have to lie! It’s very strange actually. It’s like when Sarah swears she’s a size 14 but folks eyes aren’t painted on and she is clearly an 18.
She's been doing a Pam from Gavin and Stacey. She's probably got a secret compartment full of Pepperamis 🐷 in her handbag for an on-the-go snack 😉🕵️‍♀️ Tucks it away for later and whips out a cheese string if one of the Ifam is close by
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OMG Santa has his own gmail account! Oh my that's amazing, super fascinating content supposedly for adults not children. I really hope Jace gets their phones and launches it on that marble monstrosity....the clever boy has a great aim but needs to use it wisely not attack his sister.
So Christopher now has West Yorkshire Police, Boris and Santa in his gmail contacts - impressive
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no different than any other day for lazy

they need the hot tub to get an annual wash
No they need the hot tub so they can get thumbnails of all the girls in bathing suits especially Isabelle in her bikini so all the pedophiles can glare at them including Creepy
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Scouse 72

Anyone else think he’s been using the van to take all the mountains of tat up to the office to be wrapped by lazy , who’s pretending to be up there all day “ working” !!!!! They are just using the office as a store cupboard 🤣🤣
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I’m stunned at the actual amount of toys she’s bought him
Oh this was only £20 oh this was just £14.99
Then she continues to say oh this isnt everything he’s got ive also got a truck from Morrison’s etc
Is she actually for bloody real
Oh and a ride on bike oh and don’t forget his main present 😡
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The YouTube views and income has dropped substantially so that's why they're selling the blankets. She's making a shit load of cash on those, all likely undeclared income and no tax being paid on them. She bragged on a FB group that she makes £7k-20k a month from them. She doesn't charge VAT (which she should be if she's making almost £100k a year from them). It's all under the radar of HMRC
That claim about what she made selling blankets was made (If I recall) when they were staying in the cheapest hovel in benidorm above sticky Vicky's, having spent a month living in a garage forecourt unable to pay for repairs on their car.

Their grubby lifestyle and Sarah's claims about what they earn are licherally poles apart.

If this years accounts show that is making anything like that from those tatty blankets she sells to vulnerable adults, then I will eat a wanket.
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Does anyone else feel that there's a shelf life to being a youtuber? Apart from the ones that hit the big millions on every video, most have a period of being big and then fading. Especially with family vloggers. They appeal to younger people, people that grow up and stop watching. They all end up with a million subs but most of those are inactive within a few years. Kids get new accounts and move on. People stop watching. There's very few original youtubers form 2006 that are still really popular. The original vloggers have faded, especially as their kids have aged into teenagers and older. Even the ones that had another batch of babies have seem to have faded.

It's almost impossible for channels to get popular again if they hit the big sub numbers and then don't get the reengament as the algorithm Is stacked against them. I'm not sure if this is still possible but channels would be better off getting rid of all their subs that aren't active anymore. Then they'd have a far better engagement rate from subs. Wouldn't fix the problem as you also need to have people watching the whole vlog, sharing, commenting etc. Plus I think youtube hasn't been prioritising the kids stuff since all the legal problems.

I guess that's why baby and me was started, as she knows there's a good chance their career ad youtubers isn't long term. But I wonder if people will buy those if they weren't being sold by a youtuber.
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Considering they plan to travel a lot next year she brought jace a lot of unnecessary crap that he’s not going to be at home to play with. although to most people the gifts are nice and we may consider a couple of them as main presents, Sarah has no clue on making gifts meaningful! A lot of those were there same type of toy but by different brands.
My little one has just turned 2 so had her birthday last month and for Xmas she has a nice amount of gifts but ones we know she’ll get long term use out of as well as love!
Very materialistic 🤷🏻‍♀️

Can I also mention Chris......since when was moving rooms and decorating called renovating and remodelling 🤦🏻‍♀️ I mean he’s just a dick
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Sarah conplaining she has 20 emails... she does understand in an office job you get around 30 a day!! Not everyone gets the luxury of 10 to 2 working hours

Clap for nhs and key workers in april and come Dec lets make people feel shit by holidays and tat.
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WTF is lazy trying to prove here😡
It’s sad when you think this was probably at the same time as Creepy was woohoo-ing around Leeds Bradford airport pretending to be single and covering up the fact he had a family. He has always been a heartless exploiter of children.
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God I hope they can't go away. I'd love to see them having to pretend to be living their best lives in their own front room
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They have completely lost touch with reality, and are incapable of any empathy for anyone! Vile people!

On a lighter note, Sarah, it's tzatziki... On behalf of the Tfam, please try and pronounce this on camera, many thanks 🤗
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Not boasting but I’ve been vegetarian for more than 30 years and never eaten one of those shitty pies in a tin. Even if they claim to contain no meat. No one in my family, meat eater or not, eats that shit on my watch. I mean, they’re not veggie, most people aren’t; it’s fine but just fuck off with banging on about it:

why Oh why are they such idiots?
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Please tell me everyone heard Sarah's latest mispronounciation? My favourite so far:

'Atmostheric' - TWICE

Almost as good as 'throffy' and 'advocado'.
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Chatty Member
Can’t believe after buying a vegetable dicer, moonface now wants a veg slicer. What a lazy bitch, besides opening a tin can or putting something in the oven it’s the only meal preparation she does, just use a fucking knife and cut the pepper FFS.
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Is it normal to buy almost the whole set of Peppa pig wooden toys in one go? The house alone varies between £80 to £120!
I can't believe how she said "I send extra to Santa for my children." It was said with pure venom as if it was a warning not to question her about it.
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The girls run down the stairs in the pajamas at about 3:03pm. Isla screams because Creepy and Lazy have drawn on the fruit. Jace points at the fruit. In the next shot he is in the cereal cupboard and has pulled out a bag of cereal. Lazy calls him over to do the advent calendars. Whilst they're doing the calendars you can see it is a few minutes later (see screenshots below), around 3:14pm and that is how I know the batteries have NOT been taken out of the clock. They take up nearly a quarter of the vlog.

Isabelle is getting ready for the day. She has been getting positive comment on Tik Tok. The singing video are straining her voice. She wants a singing teacher but can't because of covid. People have been telling her to warm her voice up but she has no idea how to.

Creepy is outside the garage, it's after lunch and he has been up since the crack of dawn getting the Christmas orders ready. He has just finished his half of it and Lazy has gone todo her half. Creepy and the kids are off to the other side of Leeds to pick something up for next week. Or are they going away? I wonder how they feel about their bestie Boris' little announcement today He's probably writing him a letter as we speak. Creepy need his spare registration plate. He went to bed at 4 and woke up at 7am so his legs hurt because he didn't get enough sleep. Today he just wants to take painkillers and lay in bed. It's not his knees but years of jumping off things on his skate combined with the weather (what???) have taken their toll.

Footage of the trailer being attached. It's the fourth year renting the exact trailer and Creepy has missed it. They have done a lot of milelage across Leeds because of the traffic. They set off at 3pm, it's now 6pm and they're nowhere near home. They're looking for a Mcdonalds for hot chocolate but the Mcdonalds they're at aren't currently doing them. Lazy is still at the office so they might surprise her. She won't feel like cooking so Creepy is going to see if she wants a takeaway. He repeats about a million times that it's Friday. He says every night is the same and it's jazz night for some people. He needs to go to bed.

Lazy is at the office with a pile of presents behind her. The poor, poor thing has been sat at the desk for 6 hours and at the packing station for 2 hours. Creepy and the girls have just got there. The kids are in the other office playing and Lazy is getting the other stocking fillers ready to be shipped to Santa. It will all be over in a week. Creepy came to pick Lazy up but he would rather keep going so he is doing the store orders.

This is the first year when the girls all have different thigs in their stockings. She hasn't made sure they all have the same amount either. She has a few bits of shein jewellery and facemasks (I guess for Isabelle) to wrap. One thing that is keeping Lazy going is a bag of chocolate from that Shop BG company who keep gifting them stuff. Creepy keeps coming in and take chocolate. Lazy prefers chocolate over sweets. She has got stationary sets from the company for the girls and says she loves to get the same things for the girls but in different colours.

Lazy is on the final child's stocking. She says Santa brings stockings for boys and girl but they always send extra for Jace and the girls because they love opening on the bed. She isn't giving Jace many stocking presents because she doesn't want it to be overwhelming for him. She has got him a Peppa Pig crayon colouring set, a snowman book, a van that plays 'It's a Small World', a penguin bath toy she doesn't remember ordering, the diamond anniversary Thomas the Tank Engine train which was on sale, Peppa Pig chocolate with one missing (Lazy promises she hasn't eaten it but we all know she did), suuuuppperr cute wooden mushroom and gnome toys, the creepy snowman robot shown on Instagram yesterday, a tiger robot and a panda robot. Lazy's back is broke and she feels like she has been at the desk for 8 days so she is off home. Aw bless, the poor thing. Nothing an Orange Twirl and backrub from Creepy won't sort out though.

Creep make his chai latte and gets a Ben&Jerrys out of the freezer. Lazy is going to get Jace to bed but he has learnt to say no. He knows what it means and has selective hearing. Tomorrow is Secret Santa shopping and Lazy is excited.

End of vlog

They started the vlog at 3pm. Look right in the top corner of the second screenshot, it's a few minutes later. Absolutely disgusting. They're becoming nocturnal.
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What do they think tier 3 is? Full lockdown? You can still go to the hairdressers you idiot they are all open! Basically the only thing you can’t do in tier 3 is go out to eat, sit in anywhere such as Costa etc and you can’t see friends/family unless your bubbled with them. EVERYTHING else is the same basically! They are so out of touch it’s beyond a joke.
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All we will hear on Xmas day is Jace saying out out, and getting frustrated whenever the girls open something instead of him 🙄

I hope she gets pregnant and it's another boy and then they can team up with Arvey and Arrison

Also did Isabelle write to mummy on the birthday card she’s 15 ffs 🤣
Awww my daughter does and she's 16. She'd never say it in public though and I don't believe Issy does either
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