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Literally. Chris saying ‘Sarah is not feeling well today,she is suffering really bad from cold sores’. Literally fuck off, people dying from life threatening illnesses. Yet when she thought he had a health scare never stopped clogging about it!!
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I am by no means trying to stereotype here, but I’ve never seen such unkempt children from a family who are ‘well off.’ Where as someone very close to me hasn’t got a pot to piss in and her children always look immaculate. Not on about branded clothes or expensive shoes, but f@ck me Sarah run a comb through the girls’ hair and jace’s hair! Wash their faces (particularly poor Isla’s tonight) and get them clothes that fit. No not too big, and not too small! Get Jace some 2-3, Isla some 9-10 and esme 11-12. And Isabelle? Let her choose her own fit! She’s old enough to decide how she wants her clothes to fit ffs! Money doesn’t talk. The lady I mentioned who is struggling, has lost her job from covid lockdowns, is a single mum on literally minimal help, and she looks homeless, but her kids are cared for and pristine! What’s your excuse lazy? If you have soooo much money!
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Liu may

I know I might get hate for this, but it’s nice to see Sarah looking so relaxed and comfortable back at home. It almost feels like watching 2015 Sarah again.
I think Creepy is a massive part in the train wrecks that goes on in this family. Seeing Sarah’s reaction to being back home just makes me think even more that he’s really manipulative and we might not even know the half of how he treats them.
Sarah has her own issues, and has done her own wrongs, but I think a lot of her issues come from Creepy. I don’t like her, but I’d never wish anything bad on a mother. I’m glad she’s looking at peace at home.
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This is another of those times where it shows she has no brain and her automatic reaction is to get too defensive.

She could have responded with a polite "sorry for the misunderstanding, Chris was just standing outside the front door waiting for prinny".

No drama. No proof from anyone that it wasn't true (other than the neighbours who were probably wondering why the creepy gnome was creeping past their house).

Instead she rants everywhere and admits it, proving the person right, and to top it all off includes video evidence to show him out on the street!
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I found Isabelle's skirt on aliexpress 🤣
It come in loads of colours and is £2.10
Item description: women’s sexy fashion pencil skirt mini slim short mature girl temptation
Dont give Chris ideas for vlog titles 😂🤢

In other news Macy has posted a new tribute to Chris today. Macy, if you can see this post: ilysm #tender

God bless her, simple minded Chris megafan that she is 😂

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Look at these shits acting like they’re on Titanic 😂
Don‘t get me’s good to find joy in the little things....but it’s all a facade with them. They’re clearly inflating the whole experience to hide that not everything is A-okay.

Ps: in your opinion, does Jace seem developmentally delayed? Do you think it’s from not being fed enough as an infant?
I don’t know about developmental delay I feel its more lazys slackarsed parenting she really is the poster girl for can’t be fucking arsed, the kids just drag themselves up

Also Bobble hat bozo has plenty of time to act like he is 12 on his ‘blades’ but god forbid he spends ten minutes reading a book with his son or spends any real time attempting to act like an actual parent

It’s not the children it’s the idiot parents and the dimwits who follow them who make them think their shit parenting is adequate 🤨
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So I watched the vlogs lately to see them arrive home which is one of the best things they’ve done for those kids. I actually feel incredibly sorry for Isabelle. That poor child. How can they honestly allow this life for those kids? It really Upsets me. I don’t think they are bad parents in the sense that they neglect or hurt them but they are very selfish and don’t give them stability in life. IZzy almost crying over her bed said it all. The girl looks on edge 99% of the time.

as for Sarah and the rants. Does anyone else honestly still think Chris is the controlling abuser ? Think again. I actually reckon that Chris is the one who is controlled by her. I think she’s a mouth piece and a half who is probably constantly on his back and probably throws all of his mistakes up too. I don’t feel sorry for him in any way, but I reckon he probably walks on eggsshells around her.
All This nice act is for the cameras. Sarah wears the trousers and he won’t ever be let off the hook for the grooming, rightly so. But I think people judge them wrong. People who feel sorry for her or felt sorry for her are so wrong it’s unbelievable. I think she’s a toxic bitch
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Personally, I think the whole travelling thing was Sarah's idea. She is obsessed with being on holiday, buying for holidays, "planning" holidays. It's always her that is on Facebook groups trying to "research" holidays - it's her on the Lapland groups, the Disney groups etc, it's never him. I suspect she wanted to go travelling, much like the bucket list family, and Chris knew they wouldn't be able to afford it. So as a compromise Chris agreed but on the proviso they use the caravan. I don't think Sarah is a meek little wife who does as he says. She's an enabler who's only with him because she's too lazy to leave him, and she likes to portray the image they're the perfect family, which I suspect she thinks they wouldn't have the same effect if she was a single parent. She's as sly as they come, she knows exactly what she's doing and I suspect she puts up with his infidelity to get her own way
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don’t give her any more opportunity to lie that he’s still in 9month old clothes “this is the same one from last year because CLEVA BOYYYYYY is so dinky”

Thank you for providing me with my first profile pic for here hahaha
Noooooo! I was licherally about to take it too! 😂

Honestly, there should be some kind of award for this screenshot!

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Neck lace

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When I wrote a comment earlier in the thread, my mind was a little warped.
I’m currently a year on from a domestically abusive relationship, and I see a lot of my ex in Chris, which sometimes makes me feel sorry for Sarah. Sometimes I wonder how manipulated she is and how many decisions are hers.
and then I remember things like lying about a miscarriage, the toe cancer, the lengths she goes to, the fact she’s a bully, and that feeling somewhat leaves.
I think sometimes seeing Creepy get angry about spending money, or see him blatantly making decisions on the behalf of the family, it triggers me a bit and takes me back to that place in my own head.
I just wanted to say, I don’t feel ‘sorry’ for Sarah in terms of the things she has outright done, I think she’s disgusting and has made some horrible decisions.
If anything, I just feel really sorry for the kids and hoped that them coming home and Sarah being more comfortable would make them feel better.
I’m sorry if I upset or offended anyone.
Please dont feel bad for one second or feel the need to apologise. Those that have not experienced narcissistic abuse cannot even begin to contemplate how horrific it is. The narcissist conditions you to accept the abuse bit by bit. They love and idolise you like crazy in the beginning and appear like they are most perfect partner in the world. They simply couldn't be more charming, loving and supportive. Then, when they have you hooked, the abuse starts. The put downs. The silent treatment. The gas lighting. The cheating. The lies. The belittling. They begin to hate you because they hate themselves and anyone who puts up with their behaviour. So many people have never heard anything about narcissistic abuse and I so wish that more people would go and find out about it. Creepy definitely appears to be a narcissist who loves to mess with people's heads, especially his wife, Sarah's.

However, people on here have very little sympathy for Sarah because of the lack of empathy she had for Creepy's victims, as well as the way she doesn't seem to mind when Creepy puts up disgusting thumbnail titles that sound like they should be on Pornhub about her daughters (and all the other things, too countless to mention).

I am so sorry about what you have been through. I have been through narcissist abuse in a relationship too and I feel that you really don't need to apologise for your comments. I hope that things are going so much better for you now that you have got away from him. Massive hug xx
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Well that must go down as the most boring and worst vlog in history.
We have 1 person copy it so we can watch without Big Sarah getting the extra views which btw they really need right now. Where to start Big Sarah rolling out of bed at lunchtime as usual then spending the whole day in her pyjamas sitting on her Big lazy ass all day doing nothing apart from making scrambled eggs which my 7yr old can do and present better but Big Sarahs all proud of herself showing of the plate with the scrambled eggs. Creepy asked for a facon sandwich but omg Big Sarah couldn't possibly make sandwiches 2 days in a row its so much work like she said yesterday its a hassle cutting up things oh dear!!!

Shes pulled out the craft box and says its such a shame we can't get out to shops to get stuff !! SORRY WTF , your craft box is better than some youth clubs.
Why is a 15yr old down sitting doing nursery age crafts with a 9yr old and 11 Yr old its mental!!
Its obviously a bad atmosphere in the house and Lazy desperately trying to fill a vlog so we get 10mins of her doing her eyebrows for goodness sake u can't polish a turd.

She looks chalk white for someone thats been sitting on a beach every day for last 4months. She sad its mid November and hasn't watched a christmas movie , yeah you did remember u watched 3 or 4 at the truck stop in Spain u Big liar.

She has major problems though she needs to move Jace's slide n ball pit but where to put ohhhhh what a easy life she has when this is her dilemma! People dying everyday but she is worried about watching christmas movies and moving toys around rooms.
My husband and I work full time and we are lucky to watch 5 christmas films with the kids in run up to Christmas, she really annoys me everyday sitting on her lazy ass doing nothing.

Also like the way she planned the loungers out and the fake reaction of the girls its getting boring.

She tries to make out they are the perfect family omg they are Britain's worst family !!!

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Big Sarah constantly lies about the kids clothes sizes she's been doing it for years buy why ? Its really strange , I mean now its a 20month old eating machine fitting into 6to9months !!! Really why lie about this. Also Isla will be 9 soon and is average height for her age but Sarah says she wears age 6to7 its nuts. Either the clothes are too small on or only get worn once.

Also wonder if Big Sarah will let Jace play with his million toys when he gets home i:e The ball pit and slide , the wooden dolls pram , the train , the hundreds of cars and wooden toys the endless dinosaur items.

And Big Sarah might even have the girls doing playtime on the tufftable thats for toddlers.

I know I might get hate for this, but it’s nice to see Sarah looking so relaxed and comfortable back at home. It almost feels like watching 2015 Sarah again.
I think Creepy is a massive part in the train wrecks that goes on in this family. Seeing Sarah’s reaction to being back home just makes me think even more that he’s really manipulative and we might not even know the half of how he treats them.
Sarah has her own issues, and has done her own wrongs, but I think a lot of her issues come from Creepy. I don’t like her, but I’d never wish anything bad on a mother. I’m glad she’s looking at peace at home.

I totally disagree with this. This woman lied about miscarriages and maybe having
Cancer. She doesn't deserve to be relaxed and comfortable she's a compulsive liar and a horrible person.
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Did he also edit this insta post I'm sure it originally said something about Deliveroo's Sinnazzzzzz
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My suspicion is that there’s been a fall out between the Ming hams and Granny and HISteve. They haven't seen the children for months.... you’d think they’d at least wave through the window or stand a few metres apart to say hello. It feels a bit like a ‘come and have your bloody dog back’ situation. When they came back from the Maldives, they couldn’t;t get her back because one of Granny or HiSteve was high risk.... what’s changed?
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Jace plays with his toy, Prinny sniffs shoes. Lazy screeches good morning and tells us to excuse the state of her. Creepy ran a bath and surprised her with it last night. It was delicious but she hasn't washed her hair. She might stay in her pyjamas all day and isn't doing any jobs. They have been home 3/4 days, it's mid November and Lazy hasn't watched a Christmas movie yet. Lies, absolute lies, they can't keep up with their own lies. Watch your final vlog in Spain, Lazy. She thinks the girls are upstairs funschooling. Lazy will sort out the mess Jace made in the living room and then they will have a Christmassy day. Creepy is really annoying Lazy because she wants to put the Christmas tree up but they can't do that until the dinning table is out of the dinning room so Lazy can put Jace's toys in there. She can't move the dinning table on her own but it's getting to the stage where he might just move the step and slide to the kitchen. Jace wants to red his book.

Lazy is going to loo in the craft drawer. Moan about the cold sore. I swear she had a flare up when she got pregnant with Jace. Jace calls for Creepy. Lay tells Jace not to say bye because we will think Creepy has gone out. Time lapse of Lazy emptying the craft box. There's a lot of Easter stuff and an eyebrow/eyelash kit she bought last year. Lay thought it would be funny to give it a go because she has never dyed her eyebrows. Jace want to eat dog biscuits.

Jace is shouting at Prinny because she is trying to get his food. The girl are starting their craft session.

Lazy is in Isabelle's bathroom putting baby oil around her eyes. She isn't sure how to do her eyelashes. She cleans the stuff off with milk and there isn't much difference. Lazy thought her eyelashes would fall out.

Lazy and the girl have spent an hour painting. More moaning about her cold sore. Lazy likes wooden rainbow toys and has bought some for Christmas. She likes the peg people she sees online so he thought she would buy some on her own. She also bought some houses. Isabelle painted the peg people.

Lazy is going to make lunch. She wants something juicey and Creepy pipes up that he want an FLT but Lazy says no. Creepy comes over and touches her chest, saying they should both have one because there isn't enough for everyone. They settle on scrambled egg with mushrooms. Lazy puts a dissolvable tablet in water and drinks it. Then she chops mushrooms and gaaalic, which she cooks with egg and spinach. She puts it on bagels.

Lazy is going to set up a surprise for the girls and watch and Christmas movie. Creepy could tell Lazy was down so asked her if she wanted to put the Christmas tree up tomorrow so tomorrow is the day it's going up. Lazy sets up the floor loungers and says she wants to curl up on the kitchen floor and go to sleep. She's going to surprise the girls in the kitchen. Lazy advertises the floor loungers and tell us about the payment plan. Lay says Isabelle will choose the palette one, Esme the flowers, Isla the rainbows and Jace can have the animal one. Isla walks in chooses the animal one but Lazy reminds her that he wanted the rainbow one. Lazy shows us Isla's earrings. The girls watch The Christmas Carol.

Creepy says Prinny disappeared halfway through the movie to come and sit on he own lounger in the kitchen. The girls show us their artwork.

Isabelle has found a ring light in Jace's bedroom. She is going to do Tik Toks. Her daily routine is getting up, home schooling until 12, a workout, Tik Tok, family time, goes to her room for more Tik Tok and might watch a documentary. Isabelle has been watching Trail 4 on Netflix and recommends it to the ifam if they're old enough. Esme comes into the bedroom screeching, pretending a grape branch is a spider. Isabelle and her friend will be watching 5 Feet Apart together over facetime on Netflix. Once the movie is finished Isabelle is crying. They decided to watch clouds. When Lazy called Isabelle for dinner she had mascara all down her face from crying. She loves sad movies but hates them because they're so sad.

Creepy says everyone is upstairs getting ready for bed and have showers. It's 11pm and it's back to home schooling routine tomorrow. Jace has found the girls' Barbie ambulance. Lazy does the daily 5 minutes of encouraging him to say the same words over and over again. Today words are mamma, dadda, hi guys and night night. He refuses to say hello but Creepy insists he says it perfectly. Eventually he says it and Creepy says 'good boy' in his usual creepy way. Jace hits the camera and tells it to go. That boy might look innocent but he definitely has the Dixon genes well and truly stamped in his DNA. Creepy laughs but he probably won't be in a few months when Jace hit the terrible twos head on and that camera is his face.

End of vlog
I hope they aren't intending on returning those crates...
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