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Time stamp 5:31

According to Ella, Big Sister Goals go a little something like this: "I know when I'm going football and watching Hez, for example, Rena will just take Harper t the toilet. As a young woman it's helping her to learn to be a motherly type character, which is good training for Rena and gives me a bit of a rest, which is nice. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: She looks after them so well, which I'm going to say thank you for Rena. Cos I don't always remember to say thank you. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: ."

Know your place, little Rena. Know your place. We all have to club together and watch the boys kicking a ball. :mad:
Who is Rena?
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They stopped filming because everyone is calling them out on their sickening, sexist, fake, lazy, greedy, neglectful behaviour..... so they need a few days etc to figure out new videos that paint them in a good light to try & redeem themselves. Im also waiting for the clap back video calling everyone wrong about them
I don't know. Alot of their subscribers seem pretty snowed. They for sure see the comments calling them out, but they also see the amount of people who come to their rescue and unfortunately, those people outnumber the other.

Isn't it true that if you put covid in your YouTube video title, you don't get paid or something, which is why a lot of YouTubers don't say the word or put it in their titles??
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To be honest they shouldn't have brought Hosanna to that audition during covid. There was no need for extra people to turn up unexpected especially with restrictions and lockdowns UK. They were just hoping she would get a part so Tim & Ella could keep the money
True and COVID or not I used to attend auditions and no way on earth would I bring a plus one. It’s not the done thing! These seem like pushy parents..
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I see they've taken their boys and the baby out for a meal leaving the girls at home. Disgusting.
They said they were with their auntie. Probably have a grand old time as they don’t need to look after Houston so they can actually enjoy themselves!
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Ohhhh iam glad to have found this! and i will enjoy having a read and finding out more. I only know them due to them being on Milkshake, and the mum and dad seriously cant sing/rap!!
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Honestly, lol, their fans might be the reason they don't really have any interesting content.
I low-key think that’s why their content is boring if you think about it. There content is like going to church during the sermon the first bit your locked into then you just zone out. Tim just gives be wanna youth pastor vibes.
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Ella could have done better, but she had massive self esteem issues when she met Tim.
Ella is from a large Christian family. Most of her cousins are mixed race and she is one of the very few amongst her cousins that is full Black. She used to feel that she wasn't as pretty as her mixed cousins and that her hair wasn't as nice. She jumped at the chance of being with Tim though she could have done way better.
She wanted to have mixed race kids. It's quite common to feel that way in families like Ella's.
That is so sad, but I totally got that vibe from her and figured that was the case. The way she plays with her hair when she gets extensions is one thing I noticed. She also seems to be more confident when she's wearing extensions and braids. Unfortunately, I feel a majority of their fanbase is exactly like Ella and that is the reason they are so in love and blinded by this family. An obsession with mixed raced children. It is very sad -- Really, really sad.
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I think they try to overproduce their content when they should just do weekly blogs in a more natural way. Watching the kids play up to camera trying to get attention is not cute. Did anyone catch Ella in Rochelle’s documentary? I’m very here for bringing your family in but Ella didn’t really add much except say she was would have made more sense for Rochelle to interview another black mum who'd actually been affected by the scandal.
I saw it and after hearing Ella saying she was going to be in it I expected a bit more. You’re right-she didn’t really add anything and was screen for only a few minutes
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Yes Tim parents bought the house. Tim & Ella also lived with them for a few years and they were provided for by Tims parents.

I also find it so hurtful to Tims parents that since he found his biological family he rarely mentions the adoptive parents who raised him and did everything for him. And they only seem to be around when they have to babysit. He doesn't seem to care how his adoptove parents feel that straight away he was calling his biological parents and their partners mum & dad.

He doesn't seem to care a whole lot about his biological mum & sister either. He rarely mentions them now. Their never at parties or in videos. He just cares about his biological dad now. Again, favouring the men As usual
Tim's biological sister is now a lesbian. I'm pretty sure that's why they don't talk anymore. Not sure what happened to the mum, maybe she's defending her daughter.
This whole adoptive story was the hook they used to get an audience. Even all the brothers he found, don't see them anymore. Maybe they find their vlogs cringe and don't want to be on camera!
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For ages Rue would be wearing clothes that were literally draping off of him. It legit looked like he was wearing he use handy downs. There’s nothing wrong with that but surely he could just wait to actually wear them when they fit properly.
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These are the same people that homeschoool their kids because they do to want to expose them to certain things and think they can do a better job than qualified teachers...but letting girls dance on Tiktok to Megan the stalion is okay though. The commenters are not very bright one minuete praising their ‘Christian Values’ and then practising the dancing with the faces....Let’s hope they make good decisions in 2021. 😂
Exactly this! I hate this culture of having to be an adoring fan fawning over every decision influences make. I really wonder if these followers have lives of their own - why can't they see the hypocrisy?!
I don't think the majority of their fanbase is from the UK, how can they be praising this foolishness?
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were they seriously thinking about having another baby? The youngest is still a newborn!
I honestly think they keep wanting to expand their brood because it gives them content and that's probably when they get the most engagement.
I feel so sad for them that they lost their baby's twin, but I think they won't be satisfied until they get their twins.
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So little Harper has learned to ride her bike.

Don't get me wrong I am proud of her, it's a great achievement for a child so well done her.

However the way those parents talk about it.. it's like she is the first 5 year old on earth to learn to ride a bike.

What happened to safety though? She is riding her bike in the middle of a road (it wasn't a main road but if a car came speeding around the corner) on the concrete with no helmet on. Not one of those children had a helmet on!
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***** OPEN LETTER *****

Dear Tim & Ella. We know you are reading this because you saw our comments & did a video calling us out, trying to justify your behaviour. Please take on board the following.

Ella please stop doing that squeal when u laugh. And Tim, please stop copying her.

Please stop pretending your kids are the most mannerly kids ever. Their not, you allow them to kick a ball everywhere, screech, talk over each other, hit & push eachother. This is not manners. It's rude.

You can't claim to have Christian morals, then allow your daughters to wear crop tops, dance to age inappropriate music & make suggestive adult dance faces & poses and have your sons throwing gang signs. Christians believe men & women are equal, something you do not believe or practice. God says love everybody but you are homophobic against LGBTQ.

Ella STOP saying the kids with the "white texture" hair have nicer/better/easier hair. STOP jumping for joy that Rue & Hosanna are white skinned. It's hurtful & damaging to the kids. I understand you always disliked your skin & hair but work on self love instead of making your kids feel flawed.

Tim, it's insulting & disrespectful to mock black culture and accents. As a fellow white person I am embarrassed you think it's ok or that you have the right to act borderline racist and use black stereotypes just because you are married to a black woman. Its not cool, funny or respectful. Stop trying to speak Patois. You have never even been to Jamaica.

Ella you are a black woman. Tim you are a white man. Both of you need to be proud of your skin and races because your children are both. How must they feel when mum doesn't want to be black & dad doesn't want to be white. How will the kids ever be happy in their skin when their parents aren't.

Ella as a mother, you need to respect & stand up for your daughters instead of having them as maids. Teach them their value & worth that they are capable of achieving goals and dreams. You can't rant about independent women & then have them chained to the kitchen sink. All your teaching them is how to cater to men, run a house & boys are better than girls. Women & black people fought long & hard for rights, freedom and equality and here you are making slaves of the girls. The cleaning, cooking & child rearing is YOUR job not the kids.

The boys need to start helping out. They need to learn to help, tidy & cook. What happens if they live alone or become single fathers. How will they care for themselves, kids & run a home when they don't know how to wash a dish. Heze is 11. He should be able to do his own hair. How dare you make the girls clean up their brothers mess. It's disgusting that you prioritise the boys freedom, time, luxuries, hobbies & activities over the girls.

Tim, you need to start doing chores. You contribute to the mess, so you need to clean it. Your a parent. Cooking and feeding your kids is a necessity not a choice. How can you sit and watch your babies clean up your mess & cook your food. Disgusting, vile, sexist man

Tim, if you can't help out at home, go and get a job. Stop saying youtube is work. You literally record a 15 minute video and upload it with no special effects or transitions. The rest of the time you sit in bed or play computer games. How can you keep saying your bored when the house is dirty. In your bored moment, why not declutter and go to the dump or hire a skip.

Ella, you also need to do more around the house. It's always dirty, messy, cluttered, washing and rubbish everywhere. Why can't you get off your behind and clean it while the kids play outside or make Tim help. Instead you make your kids do it or the elderly grandparents and you have a cleaner. Laziest couple on youtube.

HOW DARE YOU deny your kids an education. The kids are behind academically and socially. You need to get tutors for these kids ASAP. What happens if YOUR dreams of the kids being a famous footballers & celebrities doesn't work out. They have nothing to fall back on & won't get a good jobs because they have zero education or qualifications. Deciding your kids careers at birth, boys will be footballers & girls will be actors & dancers is WRONG.

You need to let you kids socialise and interact with other people and kids their age. They lack social skills and clearly have attachment issues as Harper nearly had a heart attack because Tim & Halle got off at a different train stop. All the kids were in a state over it. That is not normal. They need to make friends. It's also ridiculous that the whole family has to go to every activity or sport. How will these kids have any "me time". They can't even play with friends their own age without the whole family there. How will they cope having to be alone as adults. It's not good for their development.

How dare you spend the money your children earn, buying yourself designer outfits, luxury hotel stays, apple watches, tiffanys jewelry when your kids only wear free clothes from sponsors, Houston only wears Pyjamas or a nappy & the kids recieve poundland toys, toothbrushes & magazines for Christmas. It's exploitation and greed. That money should be divided into trust funds for the kids.

You need to get Hosannas eyes checked. There is clearly a problem that is being neglected. The problem will get worse. If you can find time to get your nails done & go to a party then you can find time to make a doctor appointment.

Ella, You need to stop complaining about being pregnant, stop rolling your eyes & sighing over baby #7. There are women & couples who can't have kids that are dying inside when you say these things. Be thankful you have beautiful healthy children. Stop acting surprised that your pregnant. You had unprotected sex, what did you expect, a tv? Shows how irresponsible you are that you get pregnant when not wanting more kids & waiting to get your tubes tied. Foolishness.

You need to stop relying and depending on elderly grandparents to babysit, pay & provide for you. Your parents should not be buying your food. Tim your parents bought you a house. Be greatful not greedy. Ella, your parents are elderly & have a special needs daughter. How dare you expect them to csre for 7 kids. And have them clean your house, do your laundry & cook for you. HAVE RESPECT. You both should be spoiling the grandparents with a nice thank you gift for all the money & help they have given you . The disrespect is hard to take in.

Tim, your not American. We don't have basketball over here. How the hell have you got every basketball team jersey from the states but you dont even play it or have a hoop at home. I think the only basketball team any British person can name is Lakers & thats because everyone thought Kobe Bryant was hot. It's not even televised over here. We don't even have British basketball teams because nobody plays it here. Maybe the odd school team activity. Stop trying to reel in American viewers because Jesus, we do not need our American friends thinking we all live & behave like you. God forbid.

Please start teaching Houston to stop that shrill, piercing, screeching. She is at the age now she understands correction and basic instruction. But nobody can be bothered to teach her. It's annoying and she shouldn't be on the vlogs if all she does is scream. The viewers don't want to listen to roaring when people are screaming.

Please start allowing the kids to spend more time outside. It cant be good for their health being cooped up in that small, cramped, dusty, cluttered house. Why do you never open windows & doors even when the sun is shining? Why are you all sitting on the floor inside on warm days. Why have you not got some outdoor seating or garden toys. Those kids are homeschooled and indoors 24-7. You make lots of youtube money, so why not bring the kids on eductational day trips and outings.

You need to move house, build an extension or else re-arrange the home as the living conditions are shocking. Its disgraceful that pre-teens are sharing bedrooms with babies & toddlers.

You really need to re-evuate your lifestyle and make better choices for your children.

The whole world
Wow, just WOW. Wish i had written that. Bloody spot on. You should copy and paste and stick it on one of their videos. Amazing. X
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Tim and Ella are living with views from another century. They really believe boys are more important and more valuable, dont have to do chores, all the money goes on boys activities, football boots, trainers etc. The girls are seen and treated as maids, expected to cook, clean, look after babies & no effort is put into the girls activities.

Hosanna struggles with basic words & spelling but they supposidly got a tutor for Heze instead.... why??? Because hes a boy and seen as more important

I'll never understand how they can favour their kids based on gender, how they can put their boys above their girls, how they can spend the kids money on lavish gifts for themselves & not the kids, how they can treat the girls as maids, how they can.keep having kids when they dont have the room. How they can lie in bed and let the kids run the house
Exactly this. The kids are praised for being intelligent when they're spewing out their rehearsed parent pleasing answers, but would be classed as being behind academically.
Heze needs to have a certain level of academic skill or professional clubs won't take him. That's why they invested in a tutor.

Just found this on @thevitamindproject stories! Tim and Ella would do well to have a look at this.


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It’s basically a modern day Trueman Show but the difference is they’re filming themselves. They are lost & Tim is heading the family further away.
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They're so obsessed with gender and gender roles it's disturbing. Going on and on about whether it's a boy or girl like it's this huge life defining thing. As if the boys can only play and share interests with a little brother and a girl would just be another nice bit of window dressing.
The comments are full of it too- how they reeeaally want it to be a boy but at least a girl would be another pretty face to look at. It's a shame too cos they're clearly bright kids and it's all just going to waste cos they can't be bothered to educate them.
Also, I haven't been watching long enough to notice how Ella treats Hosanna but imo Hosanna is the most stunning! Such a sweet face and gorgeous hair!
i think she treats hosanna too. i remember when halle was so excited when she finally got a bike. harper still doesn’t have one either 🥺
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I can see there being jealousy and resentment in the future between the children.
There already is. Heze is jealous & it showed in their sports days. Been a few videos about jealousy between the girls too
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Yes, Hosanna said in one of the videos that Houston kept waking at night for a feed and that she didn't mind getting up to give her a bottle. I thought in Uk there had to be check ups on homeschooling every so often and they have to reach certain standards. But all the kids seem behind academically. But the parents don't care because they are moulding the kids for fame so education isn't important to them

1. UK mixed race family, White Dad, Black mum, 6 kids with #7 on the way, preaches Christian values that believe in traditional gender roles.

2. Kids are homeschooled by the parents. Kids are behind academically. But they don't spend much time doing schoolwork or teaching. Only when there is a video about homeschooling. Neither of the parents are bright but a few of the kids are intelligent and could benefit from school or a tutor. The kids are socially awkward from lack of interaction with the outside world and the whole family accompanies each other everywhere.

3. The parents are eager for all of the kids to have famous careers. They want the boys to be professional footballers, and the girls to be in tv/acting/singing/dancing. If the girls dont pursue these careers they want them to be housewives. The parents famous careers never happened. The Dad was a wannabe christian rapper by the name E-Tizz and the mum was his back up singer.

4. The girls do all the housework, cleaning, minding smaller kids, night feeds ect. The boys dont lift a finger. Its against their beliefs for the boys to cook or clean. They also have a cleaner once a week

5. The Dad Tim is very lazy, in bed at the beginning of a lot of videos. He doesn't cook or clean and leaves those things to his daughters, Ella his wife, and they rely on help from both sets of Grandparents as Tim plays computer games all day

6. They live in a cramped 3 bed house with hardly any room. The house is full of clutter and mess. They did a spring clean video and literally threw away crayons. They have a conservatory and use it for tiktok dances rather than something useful

7. Boasts about having well behaved, polite, mannerly kids but allows the toddler to screach & scream, allows the kids to run around shops & streets screaming & allows the eldest to bring a football everywhere including shops, church, cinema, horseriding, shopping malls, grocery shopping, car trips, train rides, work offers ect. He constantly kick the ball around a shared drive way nesr the neighbours door & window and they rately use their garden

8. The mum Ella is of Jamaican heritage. She has never been there and acts very British. But the white Dad Tim, likes to speak in a Jamaican accent and slang.

9. Ella says she never ever experienced racism in UK as a black woman. But Tim said hes experienced racism as a white man. So made his kids watch Harry & Meghans interview and then watch 12 years a slave to tell the kids about how racist white people were.

10. They found out they were pregnant with no.7. Then say they found out the day before tying her tubes. Also told their youtube subscribers before their family.

11. Gift the kids poundshop gifts, magazines & toothbrushes for kids at xmas, and some shared toys. But the parents buy lavish hotels stays, apple watches and Tiffany jewelly for each other.

12. The Dad, is trying to cater to his American subscribers by wearing basketball jerseys and hats of american teams. When we all know basketball is not big UK

13. Children have become robotic & fake
They act like angels for the camera, especially Hosanna the oldest girl. She is extremely attention seeking and craves the camera. They seem to favour boys and the girl they think is prettiest & may have a famous career Halle, as she gets all the work offers.

14. They overshare with the small ones about babymaking, relationship advice, lovemaking, cancer scares, breastfeeding ect. Its very inappropriate and uncomfortable
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