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I am all for education which best fits the child. Some kids are better at home as may struggle with sensory issues and school is too intimadating but all the eldest 5 except Heze have never set foot in a school so they can not say that home school is the best for them. The down sound of home school for these kids is its a mad house literally, how can they concentrate with a baby screaming and shrieking and getting attention when they are supposed to be in school, also how can you teach all 5 when they are all different ages, while caring for a baby and also keeping house coz lazy arse Tim nice but Dim sits recording it all. The children 100% do not get the correct amount of input and parental focus required to do home school. X
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I love this whole post!

I enjoyed watching their early content because there’re not many uk black/mix race content creators, but they’ve really exploited the kids. If the parents actually worked alongside YouTube I don’t think it wouldn’t be so bad but using the children’s like they do isn’t right.

The idolisation of using the fact they’re a mix race couple is soo annoying there was a time when you’d see this all over YouTube and Insta but I really feel like things are changing and they’re not being progressive. The American audience just really hype up their egos and it’s something they really play up too! It makes me sad to see the girls act up and on camera with the American accents whilst Ella like did you say hello to the grimwade gang as if were in the room with them.

The uk education system isn’t perfect but there’s a reason it’s one of the best in the world. I don’t think much homeschooling is going on i think they probably do the basics but what about the specialist subjects I’m not sure how they’re covered when they don’t even have enough space in the house to have a proper working area.
I like see people being their selves and having their own sense of style but Tim is doing way too much. I’m not a fan of saying he is acting acting black, because that’s being stereotypical but the use of american slang and hand signals is weird at his age I swear he’s like 36....I feel like they need to embrace a more natural style of vlogs.
I could not agree more with your post. I don't think there is much home eductaion either. They seem to make out like there children are much more ahead than they really are as well.

I know all children learn at different rates but I think because the children don't go to school there not actually aware of where there children are supposed to be in terms of education.
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I could post how much I dislike Tim and Ella Grimwade and their YouTube channel everyday. I particularly dislike bone idle Tim. Ella’s image as a submissive doormat is really annoying. They and their kids live in a full to bursting house - which isn’t a crime in itself many people have to live in overcrowded conditions- only venturing out for church and a bit of supermarket shopping for content. Actually that’s not true Tim takes Heze to football. The content is an absolute disgrace. It has no flair whatsoever.
As for their parenting. It’s clueless show boating really. The children have very little contact with children outside their family. Everything they do is heavily monitored. It’s also contradictory Heze kicking that silly ball around wherever he goes the supermarket, hospital, kitchen, bedroom. Why?! It would be seen as unnecessary and unacceptable behaviour for most parents. It is also worryingly sexist.The girls are taught to keep house and help look after younger siblings. The girls are are also dressed all same in awful uniform like outfits. Further pushing the clan like mentality and getting them to identify as a unit and not as individuals. When the children do venture out, it’s to ride up and down the pavement in front of their home. Or Ella is talking to camera with the kids interjecting with their learnt smiles. Really?! Ella will go along with anything Tim suggests no matter how ill conceived. After all Tim is the head of the family and she believes that Tim’s ideas are for the good of the whole family. Not realising they are crap and half baked. She is one of those people that can survive on very little sleep so does everything, home schooling, cooking cleaning a knocking out babies in close succession. Tim chose wisely. Ella wanted a husband. Not sure how long the ‘brand’ will last but even cults have revolts and the dreaded teenage hormones are yet to hit the Grimwade household. I think it’s really just a matter of time.
lam just going through these comments and when I posted mine previously hadn't read all and its all along the same lines of how Tim is lazy which I more or less said and I put those same words how Ella is submissive to Tim I posted those same words on their you tube channel got told I was a troll no I am just stating what I see it's amazes me how some people are so blind to what's actually going on right in front on them and see nothing wrong with certain things they are displaying and just want to lick their backsides for some reason but on here at least like minded people are not just coming with that but giving some real truths .The fact she posted about finding out she was pregnant 3days ago with 7th child and made some big declaration with her you tubers by doing test while vlogging sharing her news with everyone calling hubby in to tell him then other day when at park telling kids they was having another child but said she knew over a week and a half ago still had not even told her mum very strange to me she ain't even got her priorities in check to even let her family know before telling everyone else

Like I’ve said time and time again. The parenting is preachy and and not developmentally appropriate. The Puritan stance is in appropriate and just fuels the children’s fear of the outside world as being a scary place.Any sane parent would realise Reu at 3 hasn’t the understanding to know what he is saying or that at his age ....newsflash,dumb parents that girlfriends are what he says should not be taken literally...but they are experts in the field of parent... because they live in each other’s pockets... putting an adult interpretation on what a child says is ridiculous and suspect....but once again idiot dad Tim ‘I’ll do anything for content’ wades in for fear or tarnishing the ‘brand’. With a confusing unnecessary wordy telling off.... Is there no end to this man’s stupidity? You know You take the words right out my mouth
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So the babies hair is done today and is wearing clothing and shoes.
They’re actually out on a day trip (other than the park & shopping) “feeding the ducks”
The grimwade girls latest dance video hosanna wasn’t pulling as much weird faces….
Read here much?
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I know I’m petty but they posted this on their story a few weeks back before the relaxing of Covid restriction in the uk…
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It was mentioned in the Sunday vlog that the next one will be about how many babies Ella is carrying. From reading the comments on You Tube it seems The Grimwade fans & the narcissists are convinced they will have twins.
I am not convinced it is twins mainly because if she was having twins I imagine her to have a fuller bump at her gestation, the shape of the bump is made up of belly/gunt fat it's not all baby. The bump is very low just above her gunt I think it's a boy.
Honestly don't care what she's having or how many. She could be having quints for all I care. I honestly don't understand how people find this type of stuff interesting.
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Someone needs to do that I’m literally trying, it just doesn’t come up. We need a new yaheaarrrdddddmeeee thread 🙃
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Have to say the kids are polite but I can't help but find Hosanna very fake & sneaky. She watches & listens to everything. Notice whoever is talking to the camera at the time, she follows them around hugging them just to get herself on camera. I think she plays the innocent good girl very well but I'd say off camera it's a different story

Homeschooled but all they seem to be taught about is babymaking, relationship advice and how to dance. Harper, Halle & Rue are really intelligent, I think they would thrive in school settings mixing with others. They need to have the kids in more groups/activities to socialise. They won't have a clue about the real world. I think it's more about controlling & shaping the kids to make money, create a brand & groom them for a family business rather than wanting to actually homeschool them.
100% Hosanna is fake, I'd say all of them that are old enough to understand the camera are.
Every now and then, they give the game away with a look or something they say.
It's very true about Hosanna giving whoever has the camera a cuddle - they're ruining their kids, they don't even know it.
I've said it before, but the kids live for YouTube comments. They want to be good how amazing they are and that's why they say and do things for the camera all the time.

I think school would be great for them. Of the few times they've been on camera doing anything academic, they all seem far behind their expected level for their age.

The family is an utter mess. Such a shame for the children.
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Has anyone ever noticed how much Elladerberry says "basically". How can she homeschool when her speech, language and grammar is so poor. Honestly now i have said it all you will hear is "basically!" X
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The more I watch them the more I can’t unsee the accuracy of everyone’s comments on here and how fake/staged their interactions on camera are.They have become so cringe to watch.
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Ella is pretty & looks good after 6 any woman looks good after having kids..... but their followers need to be reminded she is no Beyonce, Lupita Nyong'o or Taraj P Henson.... they are swooning over her calling her a goddess..... she literally runs around in leggingw, gym wear and pyjamas. She looks much better with the natural afro hair rather than those annoying braids whipping the kids when she swings them everywhere
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They said they pulled him out because the other kids weren't listening in class and their naughty behaviour was scaring Heze. They didn't want him to be influenced.

I really dislike them too. Tim is a lazy
egotistical dreamer, a poor excuse for a man and Ella enables it. She can't believe her good fortune landing Tim and with her Christian standing, she let's him lead everything and would never say no to him.
What’s idiots! How did they come to this conclusion. We’re they sat there for six weeks or something!!! Something tells me that was just one big excuse.. vile pair. For them not bro even try with the other kids.. not even playgroup or nursery. It’s just sad really. They’re missing out on so much. They don’t know anyone else other than each other those kids. Maybe heze because of football but still it’s not appropriate
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Gloria Rostron

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I came across this family last night and I have been stewing over them all day. I accept that they are entitled to their opinions and entitled to have homophobic views. However I don't agree that they should be able to make homophobic comments on a monetised YouTube channel (their own private Facebook accounts etc is different). Can you imagine the outcry if a YouTube vlogger was making racist comments on their monetised channel? Hate speech is hate speech, regardless of what group of people it is aimed at.
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Yes exactly. She still seems to have traces of it. They did one of their many videos on hair and Ella was saying that Halle had the "best" hair because it was closest to Tim's hair texture 🙄.
She then went on to say how Hosanna's was the hardest to deal with as it was the most Afro-y. Hosanna looked crestfallen and the way she was looking at Halle's hair, you could see she was jealous.
The viewers really criticised them for that video and Ella had to apologise for the way she was describing their hair. But it was so telling.
She always seems keen to distance herself from her Jamaican roots. She probably only cooks Jamaican food because Tim likes it.
I always found Ella to be very British. In the way she speaks and acts. I have a lot of beutiful, amazing British born Jamaican friends that are sooooo proud to be Jamaican. But the only way we even know Ella is Jamaican is because Tim goes around speaking Patois. And hes taught the kids to say "I have the Jamaican in me" in a Jamaican accent. He references Jamaica more than Ella does. I wonder do black people get insulted by this because it makes me uneasy watching Tim speaking in a Jamaican accent and using their slang when he's a white man and his black wife never uses Jamaican slang or accent. I think he could be teaching the kids more about Jamaican culture than slang.

Who do you all think they look like?

I think Heze looks like Tims bioligical mum.
Hosanna looks like Ella.
Halle looks like Ellas dad.
Harper and Reu look like Tim.
Houstin looks like Harper

Its amazing to see because Heze, Harper and Houston look like Tims side & got his hair length but got their darker skintone from Ella

Then Hosanna looks like Ella'a side and got Ellas hair gene but she got Tim's light skintone. And Reu got Ellas hair gene but he got Tims skintone and looks.

So it's like the darker skin kids that look like Tim got Tims hair gene and the light skin kids got Ellas hair gene.

Genetics are literally amazing and beautiful to see the differences
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No Astro in any videos since the pity video when most of them had Covid. I think he may have been dumped 😭 in a dog's shelter. 😠
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I bet my life on it that they will start doing videos showing Tim cleaning, looking after the kids, doing homeschool or doing something useful all of a sudden... just to be like "Tim is amazing he does everything around here" 😂😂😂

This right here! I have had exactly the same thought, Tim will suddenly turn into MasterChef and get AD deal with Muscle to show us how great he is at cleaning. You literally can see it now

Government and NHS guidelines. All the household must self isolate TOGETHER! But i know, instead lets spread it around even more. It people like these who are the whole sodding problem, dont believe its real or will affect them so just carried on doing exactly what they wanted. I wouldn't wish it on anyone but theres nothing like abit of Karma.


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It was mentioned in the Sunday vlog that the next one will be about how many babies Ella is carrying. From reading the comments on You Tube it seems The Grimwade fans & the narcissists are convinced they will have twins.
I am not convinced it is twins mainly because if she was having twins I imagine her to have a fuller bump at her gestation, the shape of the bump is made up of belly/gunt fat it's not all baby. The bump is very low just above her gunt I think it's a boy.
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&& let’s be honest I don’t think any of us want some of that grimwade swag, yahhh heardddd meeee?? 😂 she dresses the kids unbelievable chavy. No thanks. Seems like they only buy Heze new clothes ( multiple Nike sets ) and the rest just get hand me downs 😂🥱

I wouldn’t be surprised if they lied about having covid just so Ella had a reason to stay in bed all day.
The matching outfits for the girls they use to do was a bit much too
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