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Kevin moved up about 3 notches for me this week. This was their best episode in a while.
I’m more of a Kevin fan than most on here, and he absolutely nailed it was a monologue/rant by Pete, NOT a discussion. He spit fire this week.

Also, I’ve been engaged. I get how excited one (Like Pete) can be for the wedding, I do. That said, I felt so bad for John as Pete hijacked the cruise ad read (and I sure hope they report back on that Egypt/Israel cruise; that sounds like a lot of fun) to talk about the wedding and the honeymoon…and then the ring discussion.

I don’t know the timeline definitively to say that ring was once John’s, but just seeing his expressions I just wanted to reach through my phone and give the man a hug. That was an awkward watch.
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Does anybody actually feel sorry for Pete sure he’s a miserable old, lonely bitch but at the same time he is literally lonely. He could throw all the money and he wants at this fake ass boyfriend, but no one will ever truly love him. No one will ever truly want to be with someone like that.

I thought about it did it to myself how lonely an empty life be that you have to pay prostitutes and people to keep you company it’s sad it’s lonely and I feel bad…
He is only lonely because of his own actions so no, I don't feel sorry for him. He isn't kind, he doesn't put other's first, he doesn't offer true no strings attached friendship to anyone. If he was kind, put others first, and was a friend without "buying" it he wouldn't be lonely. It isn't exactly hard calculus, you get back from the world what you put into it.
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Well-known member
Omg it was so bad🤦‍♀️ Like please, people are not paying for that type of content
Lack of self-awareness! For anyone that doesn't have Patreon, Erika posted 7 selfies from her 7 months working for the Dis. They were all goofy pictures, hamming it up for the camera.
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It goes hand and hand she’s awful as well boasting on the show how she uses DAS but then always tells us how she waits in long lines for merchandise or standing around forever watching splash mountain. Yes boast about your DAS usage.
Did she get her DAS pass for being excruciatingly boring or for having a bad haircut?
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I remember that brief "retirement/transition". It was for a few months, and I recall when he came back he said basically that he didn't realize how much he would miss doing the shows and that it had recharged him. Maybe Rufio knows what was really going on at the time, if not all I have is what Pete said at the time.

Its strange how things butterfly. When whatever happened with John and Kevin's dining reviews happened it sort of set off a chain of events. People would post on the Boards about wanting the Kevin and John reviews and Kevin would reply and basically say talk to Pete, that it was not their decision to stop doing the reviews. From then Kevin slowly lost interest in the shows, and he would start complaining about how he would have to stop what he was doing to drive an hour to Pete's house on Tuesdays for the show etc.etc. Uninterested Kevin is whatever, but John not coming to do the shows clearly hurt the channel, because it just leaves Pete to his own whims, which includes not doing the shows.
I agree, John adds a nice balance with Pete on the show. I actually like Kevin on the show, I know he can be off-putting at times, but he can crack me up with his humor. That dynamic of push back and conversation is lacking with the new group, it is what made the show so special.
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A bombshell to start off today’s show: Pete is off to “proactive” rehab later this month.

Obviously nothing but the best for Pete during this time.
Honestly if half the things said about Pete are true he needs help. The abusive behavior needs to be addressed if there’s any hope for home having a decent chance at a functional marriage.
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Pete is an angry, self-loathing, asshole who gets temporary satisfaction by belittling subordinates. It is really a very lonely existence, but I do not feel sorry for him.
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Chatty Member
Pete told me about this bid idea that he wanted to do called...wait for it...DIS-TV. He wanted to run a television site where they were producing content on consistent times 8-5 every day...and now look where the channel has ended up. Just a complete dumpster fire. When Dustin and JenniLynn were on the show was when the show was at its highest point for me. When they did the first two 7-in-7 series (and the 7-in-7 Disneyland) was peak dis-unplugged. There used to be an excitement in the studio that you felt from watching the shows. It's so sad and pathetic now.

And Erika can take her DAS pass and her "hot-takes" about racist splash mountain people and go to hell...she's the worst 😂
She’s not far behind Rino and his fake ass social justice warrior nonsense bullshit. I’ll be honest I’ll be shocked if Pete pays him a full salary for the nothingness that he provides or produces.

Channel is dead I think Craig should take this leave and really think what he’s going to do moving forward and his kids future he is too talented to circle this drain.
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The agency has like 60 agents but you don’t know peoples race when applications rarely open. Pete is very aware of the lack of racial diversity on the show and would actively take anyone that wasn’t white to fulfill that part of things but there just isn’t anyone.

I think I addressed everything I know of Eric. The only additional is that I passed my real estate exam and asked him what to do, he told me he made my license active with his brokerage ‘fathom’ and I believed that. I later found out that he had not actually activated my license because he couldn’t and I would’ve have to do it myself. I never intended to go for his role or job or whatever but I can only assume he thought I was. This isn’t a bad assumption because Pete would’ve put me in ahead of him, but I got licensed in October of 2019 and Pete kept Eric on until Eric voluntarily left in March 2020. Pete had never approached me to take over anything and I wasn’t prepared to take that role so Eric had nothing to worry about. That said, I knew pete and Eric’s relationship was crumbling and many incidences were popping up of Eric not performing for clients and complaints coming in, so it was def all coming to a head eventually. Eric did meet with pete multiple times while I was there filming and it always seemed like an annoyance for Eric to have to be working with pete on the project. I feel Eric didn’t want me near the project and I understand why because of my relationship with Pete but it could’ve gone really well if he had been more open to me because I wanted to work with him.

I don’t remember the Hoop show at all. My brother worked there as an actor and asked us to stay after the show to get photos with the cast. A security guard was telling us to leave and my mom explained that her son was in the show and told us to stay seated but he insisted that we leave. I don’t remember all the details but I remember him getting upset and saying something negative towards my mom (tensions were high because my dad had passed away and this was Christmas Eve and it was the first Christmas after) and I flipped him off. The guard got angry and he called a higher security and ‘claimed’ I was trying to leave with alcohol, which I didn’t. It escalated (calmly) but higher ups got involved and then I tried to film so I had Proof and security flipped out when I tried to film the situation. It was a terrible night, Josh D’maro eventually got involved and explained that the guard already had 3 previous cases against him and he was ‘moved to a new position’ but I don’t know where. Josh and Jim Phelps has a sit down with me and Pete. We rode in a car to Hollywood studios and I mentioned that I used to work at Disney. Josh asked me how I liked it and I said it was the worst job I ever had and Pete was mortified. Josh and Jim were great about it and asked what my issues were beyond money and I said break rooms. I explained that I worked at big thunder mountain and the
‘Break room’ is literally between the 2 tracks of the ride (like where you get on the ride there’s a small room) and you can’t even sit, much less have a fridge to keep food. You have to use splash mountains or pay at the cafeteria, but it’s too far to reach on a regular break. So you just get nothing. I also explained that Ruben (moving to Orlando agent) worked (at that time) at jungle cruise and their break room is a tent outside and it gets very cold at night and there’s bugs and it not a good work environment. They did say that money was being set aside for new break rooms. The next month (I guess January 2020ish) it was publicly announced that break rooms were getting a massive makeover. So, I was happy to get to talk to someone in a position of power to actually make some kind of functional difference, even if it was already planned.
Thanks for answering the questions. At least maybe something positive came from the whole situation. It’s really depressing how poorly Disney treats their front of the line cast.
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I hit the Erica wall this week. I had it on in the background and zoned out when she started talking. What seemed like hours later, I realized she was still going on, repeating what she JUST said. I turned it off.
She was awful. The way she barely opens her mouth and mumbles when she talks drives me up the wall. It is really hard to listen to her. I honestly think she does a good job with the social media stuff, maybe they should keep her duties just that.
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The theme of “the Dis is racist” seems to keep bubbling up here…I’m wondering what the reason is, besides lack of diversity on air? Making claims against them is pretty serious, and if that’s the only reason, doesn’t seem to add up. Now we know that Pete makes inappropriate jokes from what has been shared by insiders (like referring to particular religious affiliation and spending habits), but he certainly hasn’t come across as racist. The term is almost starting to lose its meaning because it’s thrown around so much…that’s not ok.
Right. The problem when you make everything about race is you not only dilute actual racial discrimination issues by providing cadence to the voice of everything always needing to be about race. It weakens the greater message where it actually matters when folks toss it around like it applies to everything. Furthermore, you have people sharing some pretty shocking stuff you are diverting attention from. I wouldn’t go through all this effort to type all this if it was just brought up once or twice, but this is at least the 5th time I’ve seen it proposed with no basis as prior affiliates were sharing stories of trauma.
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Thanks for sharing Sean. You did not need to explain yourself. Keep up the great work! If and when you come back to Philly love to see you for a drink!
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I'm a bit late on this - but I definitely did not like Charles at first. As time went on, he really grew on me and he became arguably my favorite of the team. I was really upset when he disappeared!
Literally same. I was very judgmental of Charles at first. I even remember his first few in park videos he appeared in he just stood in the back with his sunglasses on, arms crossed, and a douchey smug look on his face. Or during a dining review (jolly holiday I think) one time he sat by himself at the table next to them, fully on camera, just angrily staring off into the distance. Wasn't my favorite.
Then, just like Sean said, everyone (including me) just changed their opinion overnight 😂

@The Mando any insight into Oliver? Im unsure if you have spoken about him before, or if you two even worked together. He seemed to disappear super quickly with no explanation.
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C-Diddy Dawg

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Speaking of JennyLynn, I though she was one of the best additions to the podcast. For years the show was missing the perspective of someone with kids that was a true Disney fan. However, I could tell pretty quick that she wouldn't last long. She didn't seem at all intimidated by Pete. I remember one show in particular where they were discussing Black Fish, and her and Pete kind of went at it.
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We got a full view of Pete’s boyfriend during a cruise dining show today it looks like Pete didn’t spend too much for this one
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I'm actually impressed - I was expecting to come in here and see people trashing Pete. Best of luck to him and hope he can get himself feeling better!

I actually miss Panda on the show - wonder if we'll get any shows hosted by John as well.
At least with me, I come from an emphatic place. Say what you will about Pete the person, but to go on the show and be as transparent as he has about his past and what’s going on is awesome. That’s not even touching on potentially helping fans and viewers who are in a similar position and pushes and inspires them to get help too.
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Last I knew, Deni was open about having a trans daughter. I’m not sure what’s weird?

I don’t know about her having her own channel. I probably won’t tune in, she’s always been professional and informative. Just don’t find her that engaging.

It doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of room in the Disney/theme park vlogger space anymore though. It’s so over saturated at this point.
some people on this thread are bigots.

I don’t think I’ll sub although more power to her! It’ll be interesting to see what she posts in the future.
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