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Wow - thank you so much for coming forward with this, Jenilyn. ❤

The street name and city listed in the clip about the sentencing shows up in a list of previous addresses for Pete, so it's probably the correct Charles G. Werner.

The disclosure of the abuse probably happened several years after the assaults occurred, so there wouldn't have been a pending case or even an investigation for the newspaper to know about at that time. That may also be why the date of the crime is 1/1/80; they probably don't know the exact date because of the delayed disclosure. Still, it is sickening to think his parents were named in that article portraying them as heroes during the time his father was abusing their foster children. The ego didn't fall far from the tree in that family, did it?
Thank you to everyone for helping me find the information to back what I have said. It’s important to me that people know I am not just throwing out stories that have no basis.
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If I recall correctly, he mentioned in the past about wanting to teach podcast/media production at Valencia or UCF. If his goal is to go teach, getting the masters is definitely appropriate.

Congrats to him!
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Not to mention Pete’s mom’s reputation in all this. She always comes across as the sweet old lady Pete holds up for various trips, but if she stood by this monster if this is true? Truly truly disgusting.
If it is true, she did. Her husband was in jail for many, many years for this crime. She stood by him even though, according to Pete, her special needs foster child was a victim. The whole thing is vomit-inducing.

But do you guys see what I mean about Pete rewriting history? He has to lift his mother up to nearly the level of the madonna, and his dad is a courageous and triumphant man of some sort.

Pete is a narcissist and can’t acknowledge his parents weren’t god-like because they are *his* parents. He has a serious personality disorder, and there are never any boundaries. So, yes, I believe he is capable of doing all the horrible things he has been accused of. And it is horrible that none of us put all of this together before Sean spoke up.
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There's an article from March 1980 that mentions a Charles and Madeline Werner being current foster parents. It doesn't use the real names of the two kids mentioned, so I feel okay posting a link to it. Let me know if you have an issue accessing it.

Oh, hello: - from October 1985.

And I'm not saying this is definitely his dad, obviously, because I don't know that for sure. It could totally just be some guy who happens to live in the same area with the same name but isn't at all related.
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Ghost of Bob Varley

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@imjenilynn Where did John fit in all of this while Pete was being abusive to the staff on a daily basis? Did he just not get involved? We know that the full-time employees are Dreams employees even though they work on the Dis side.
I am much more interested in this side of the story, then more Pete stories. I mean Pete stories are great, but at this point, we know what Pete is.

I'm curious about Teresa and John and the long time employees, like Craig and Ryno and how they interacted with Pete and each other. We've heard alot of whispers about enablers.

I know there seems to be this common theme that Pete was a master manipulator and evil genius, but I am a little unsure of that. For some of these people that have been around the DIS for 10+ years it feels more like that people are just willing to compromise themselves, or even "play the game", when they are being given money, a job and annual passes. "Ya, this is a toxic environment, but I sure love those free Moonlight Magic events!"
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The Mando

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Hey Sean @The Mando Hopefully you had a great Honeymoon and travels that you mentioned you were going on this fall!
I did. I loved Japan the most still. This time was more fun though. Last time it was being driven everywhere with a driver and doing lots of high end stuff which is nice in theory but I could go to Burberry in Orlando. Plus the high end places don’t have darts, karaoke, gloryholes or beer so I have no business there.

If anyone ever goes, I’d recommend staying in Shinjuku near the Godzilla hotel or near the JR train station versus the Disney area and just commuting in to Disney on the days you want to go there. (Same with Paris but personal choice lol)
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You haven't said anything inappropriate, in fact you've been extremely cautious in revealing information. The only people you have referred to are the perpetrators and the unnamed victims. We seem to have some new posters here, twisting what you've carefully said. Friends of the DIS?
Yep, thanks for saying what I was thinking also!

JL used the magic word in one of her posts: CONTEXT

Her opinions and perceptions are influenced by the context of the individual situations in which she was placed, as well as her relationships with the other players around her.

She was the one in the room. Not me and not you. It's her story to tell and I for one appreciate her honesty however painful, icky and difficult it is.
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I thought farewell for Erika was nice. I was amused by the fact that she said one of her most memorable moments during her time there was when the went to Pete's house to remove the podcasting equipment. She said it was a cathartic bonding experience for them all. I would have love to been a fly on the wall that day.
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But if you say anything about it, Kevin will tell you he earned it and deserves to treat himself.

No, Kevin, you did not earn it shilling ABD trips. You lucked into a partner that built a brand on the backs of multiple victims of sexual abuse.
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Ghost of Bob Varley

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Down 77 patrons….

A studio will definitely save this sinking ship
If we assume those numbers are accurate, they are just incredible.

In the last 6 months they have lost approximately 37% of their patreon subscribers. Yes they spend their time complaining about Disney and analyzing cupcake offerings, but this is still a business and in the end I am not sure how many businesses would survive if they lost 37% of their customers in a 6 month period.

What's even more telling is that the patreon subscribers have fell every single month in the last 6 months. So yes, there was a dropoff in August and September which can be blamed on the circumstances surrounding Pete, but the fall off the last few months is likely to due to the fact that their content is terrible. Thats on Craig and Ryno and Corey and Kevin and John. It's no longer about what Pete did or didn't do, its about how terrible this remaining crew has been.

Lastly, I would guess that a Patreon member would also be more likely to use Dreams Unlimited Travel, so loosing all of these patreons is probably impacting the Travel Agency as well.
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Ghost of Bob Varley

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The whole team needs to go, but John and Kevin definitely need to go from the show.

They don't want to be there and everyone knows they don't want to be there. There is a reason they stopped doing the show years ago. Its like when your dad leaves to go to work one morning and never comes home. Then he shows up at the door 7 years later, after his new girlfriend took all his money and ruined his life. Sorry, dude we don't want you back.

Also their whole act is tired. The whole condescending snark and righteous outrage at everything from waiters with HR problems to ramps that are not ADA complaint to people who don't have alot of money; it just doesn't work anymore after everything that allegedly took place at their company.
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The article celebrating the people fostering children was from March 1980. The blurb about the sentencing was from October 1985 and says the assault happened on January 1, 1980.

If anyone needs me, I'll be in the shower scrubbing myself until the new year.
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Be well! Do what you gotta do. This has been tough on a lot of us that lived it (not just gossiped about it), so I get the need to take a breath. Just know that I appreciated the light you tried to shed on things back then.
Thanks so much and I understand even from the short time I was personally affected. Now that things have died down I’ll try to be a little more active with facts as I know them. I’m still going to refrain from speculation and opinion though. Too many have been hurt in this and I don’t want to contribute to more pain, even when it’s about people who have hurt me.
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@LobCheapek I wanted to take second to thank you. You and a few others seem to have a gift for following my actual points and understanding their importance (without twisting their meaning and getting sidetracked). You, in particular, seem to articulate what I am trying to say with a degree of skill that I’m a little in awe of. It’s helping my heart heal. ❤ Again, thank you. I might actually be able to sleep tonight.
Wow. Thank you for taking the time to write such a kind post. You did not have to do that nor did I expect it, but I very much appreciate it Jeni Lynn. ❤ I’m glad to know my ranting had a positive impact on you and is helping your heart mend. At the end of the day, I think I speak for all of us Tattlers that healing is what we all wish for you, Dustin, Sean, and any others Pete has harmed. Your story matters. Keep telling it!

I only learned about all of this last week. I binged 5 entire threads in one sitting I was so horrified. While I have no connections to anyone on The Dis, as someone who watched every weekly show and special series from 2013-2016, these revelations have been oddly personally upsetting. Sadly though, I’m not surprised by it at all.

I remember vividly when Dustin left. I was incredibly sorry to see him go. He was a huge reason I loved the show like I did in the early days of the YouTube show. Watching his final show live and Pete’s gushing send off… I agreed with every word Pete said. Now knowing everything that lead up to and after that moment, I’m not going to lie its rocked me a bit. I can’t imagine what was running through Dustin’s head while Pete spoke. It’s gut-wrenching with all the puzzle pieces assembled.

One moment that has stuck with me since it happened a decade ago was Pete’s victim-blaming outburst when the woman was sexually assaulted in Disney Springs outside House of Blues. That memory instantly popped up reading the first part of Dustin’s story and ironically he called it out in a later post. The only person at fault in a sexual assault is the attacker. Period, the end. I saw Pete in a different way after that and the rose-colored glasses were ripped off.

After that I started noticing things that felt off in shows, but couldn’t fully put my finger on why. His flamboyant rants were no longer charming to me, but unhinged and self-aggrandizing. Don’t even get me started on the “I have Josh D’Amaro on speed dial” drivel. Josh D’Amaro doesn’t care. Josh D’Amaro doesn’t give a shit. Josh D’Amaro probably regretted giving it to you almost immediately.

Towards the end of JL’s tenure I didn’t watch consistently, but it was obvious something was going on between you and Pete. He argued with you more harshly than others on the panel. You were clearly tense in later weekly episodes and weren’t as animated. That said, I always enjoyed what you brought to the channel. Especially once Dustin left, you kept the show elevated until your oddly quiet departure. As a viewer, that moment in Dis history seemed off. Turns out my insignificant feeling all those years ago had legs.

After you left, I didn’t watch much anymore. Pete continued to became more unbearable to listen to and the quality of the content wasn’t what I wanted anymore. The rise of the Disney Vloggers inside the parks appealed to me far more. In recent years I’d watch a show if a hot subject was ranted on by Pete just to see what he had to say. Starcruiser, Chapek’s firing, decline of the Parks as a whole, etc. Seeing the change in his appearance was incredibly telling that he had somehow become even more volatile. The ridiculously flashy pinky rings (that were clearly women’s cocktail rings) with the matching necklaces were bizarre. Then he’d open his mouth and seemed like he was competing with the Trackers for how many times he could say “concierge”.

Anyway, pardon my verbose post, but this has dominated my thoughts all week. I’m so happy to know after everything Dustin is happily married to a kickass wife and doing well; Sean has also found his soulmate and is doing better than ever in life; and JL escaped to accomplish more in her career with Disney in the span of a few years than Pete could ever dream of accomplishing over the course of 3 decades. Much love to each of you.
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Sexual assault allegations? Silent! Differences in political ideology? Comment and sell the Tesla!
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Sorry if this has been discussed but does anybody else feel the new requirement for Disney to approve “influencers” that promote travel agencies is in direct response to the PW issues?
I don't think it was directly related to PW or the Dis. This new policy has been in the works for a while. As a part time TA, i have reviewed the policy several times now as they did an update again last week on it after its initial launch on Nov 1. Not a lot changed from then just where to submit for approval for the influencer.

I get why Disney is doing this, there is a barrage of garbage influencers out there doing more harm than good to the Disney brand and let's be honest we don't need daily vlogs of Disney properties. Personally some of these vloggers utilize youtube as their daily video diaries entries and honestly their day to day lives are boring as hell. The content they produce is at best just a quick cash grab from the YT views. Disney also wants to take more control of their narrative online, for far too long the "vloggers" have run amuck and violated park polices etc. Disney brand policies are very black and white as to what these people can and cant do and they violate them repeatedly. I think this whole new process/policy is part of the bigger picture for Disney to get things back in line with their brand. This policy is not new by any means just updated verbage but the msg to TA's was basically a warning shot fired to all vlogger/influencers that disney IS taking notice more now and they have been warned in a subtle way. Look at what they did to the "private tourist" people, alot of those people just got trespassed from the parks and banned for life, i see that in the future for the vloggers who dont have express approved concent to film in the parks. Look at tokyo dis they already rolled this out a year ago or so now.

Also one more thing to note, Disney is already starting to scoop the vloggers, examples would be the release of their own YT vids on the new DVC tower and treehouse tours at disneyland. If you can read between the lines, this is them beating the vloggers to the punch as most of these vloggers are using AP previews to produce their "tour vids" of new things. I think in the future we will start to see the media list trimmed down as well to truely legit media outlets and travel agencies only.
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Julie is perfectly happy to live in a palace, take fancy trips and walk around in designer shoes that are paid for with money that is earned from sexual assault and psychological abuse so please forgive me if I don’t think she’s a saint. Like we say about Kevin all the time, her substitute teacher salary isn’t paying for her lavish lifestyle. She’s turning a blind eye because it suits her.
Well, I can’t deny that it’s not a good look for the reasons that you have stated. She does have all the things you have said, and they were paid for by Corey.

But from what I saw, there is more to it. Maybe I am wrong, but I think she would have walked away from it if Corey had been willing to walk.

I am not justifying anything. I think I have been pretty clear that I think we were all complicit, and I think we all need to take responsibility for that. But I do see an added layer for Julie. Her choice had to be made along with someone else who felt they should stay. I factor that into my feelings about Julie. I can understand if you don’t. In the end, she is still there, so I see your side as well. I think it’s something we all need to answer for regardless of the reasons.
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