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Marty McFly 9

VIP Member
He calls her “Mom”. Wtf. I noticed how her jaw was set on the way to the village they visited…she looked peeved. Get it together dude.
This whole calling her "mum" thing is exactly my husband and me! I always said I would never do that, but once you have kids it is pretty common to start calling each other mum or dad! And the way he pokes at her and says "it's mum's fault" is EXACTLY what my husband does! He likes to try to get a rise out of me, the turkey! But it's just banter and silliness.
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Remember when Annalise did her interview with Marie she said she used to be a chav. I had no idea what that meant, so learned a new Britishism!
Annalise described herself as a "chavvy (gobby and rebellious ) teenager and says that she and Dan mostly moved in different sets, implying that Dan was different and probably more reserved. She goes on to say that they may squabble at times but that Dan is the "love of her Life" and that she can't imagine her life without him.
I certainly don't see Annalise as a pushover. and the downtrodden, submissive partner. She has shown that she has her own friends and seems to enjoy socialising at the Chateau - I think that she appears to be the more confident socialiser of the two and probably has quite a feisty side if pushed.
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Clara Burnett

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🧵 nomination

Tony InLosAngeles would slap the foolishness right out of the 19 bedroom farmhouse!!!
I would dare him to try, but know he won't succeed. Many have tried before but SJ's foolishness (your words, not mine, but I'm feeling friendly today) is incurable. By now I think we are all best off if we accept her fantasies as the rule of the farmhouse and keep it contained there, in the middle of literally nowhere. The only other option for that house to really come back to some sort of normal life, what it was once intended and very much loved for by the real aristocrats before her, is for SJ to move out, but that would certainly involve risks for Venice and other hotspots where she would like to flee to next.
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I think I’ve told you all before about how years ago I dated a prissy little fella like Phillip. Main point was I knew he wasn’t going to work out and I actually sort of came to loathe him, but I didn’t break up with him because I just didn’t want to have to find someone new to have sex with. I think that’s the case with Stephanie and she probably already loathes him now that he’s out in the “open”, and damaging her brand immensely.

We all know that day is coming, but I just had a thought. That poor guy is going to go home or whatever and never get over it. How do you top internet fame and a chateau in a girlfriend. I mean, unless he successfully stalks and hypnotizes an heiress (heir?) or successful actress (actor?) or something. All the next romantic interests are going to have to listen to chateau stories or Stephanie stories until the end of time. What a sad use and embarrassment of a person by her. I guess he deserves it though. He did stalk her and hatch a plan to get involved with her.

I sure am glad I’m happily married to a gassy, smart -assed, handsome man who loves dogs like I do and can fix things and start a fire while holding down a very good job. I have realized that watching the car wreck that is CD has made me indeed, very happy. Happy I’m not those people. Eeesh.
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Phiphi should have done his research before presuming to present afternoon tea. If you are going to set yourself up as an expert in table setting, then you need to make sure that you get it right.
As it is considered perfectly acceptable in the highest circles to eat the scones, sandwiches and pastries with your fingers only a butter knife is required.. The pastries should be bite sized and so no forks are required. Teaspoons are placed in the saucer. Afternoon tea is not traditionally served at the dining table but at a smaller, lower table, although this is often combined now as" a tea party." Stephanie should know that the cream and jam should be spooned on to your teaplate and never "slathered" directly on the scone.
Sandwiches are always placed on the lower tier of the cake stand, scones on the middle tier and small sweet items on the top, Savouries are always eaten first.
I really think PhiPhi shot himself in the foot with this channel… before, he would set a table and SJ would fawn over it and we would see small shots of it… now he is presenting himself as an expert, not only a know-it-all, but someone who brings his own innovative ideas to the literal table… and it shows how far from reality it is! And as someone mentioned a few pages ago, these gangsta grannies have been setting tables twice as long as he’s been alive!

I don’t see this going on very well… yes, he will monetize the channel (isn’t it already?) and then continue to get a few thousand pitty views… but it’s just not going to be successful by any definition 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I begin to think that this is exactly what they do with Ian the Builder and their numerous unfinished projects.

With her Patrons' money of course. Merci Patrons !
The boys are leading her on a bit since she's so clueless. Like why the water to the irrigation system had to come from the cistern when there's a spring fed moat next to the garden? Are new apartments needed at this point when the shit-o is crumbling? Is there really enough work to invest in a digger (who owned the digger previously? Matt?) Rapid expansion of the garden creates a lot of constant work in maintenance, who's spoon feeding these grandiose plans to Fanny when she really should be saving money for re-rendering, structural work and saving the patio (stuff these boys can't do.)

Part of the problem is Fanny wants them around so she can film them. IMO all the patron money is going to unimportant things that can wait and have nothing to do with saving the shit-o.
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.every chateau has heating isseus...why do you think they sell them all...
All these people who dream of a "French chateau" forget (or dont know !) that in the past, the rich aristocratic French families never lived in their chateau during winter.

In the winter, they left their chateau and move to their town manor (hotel particulier) or their big appartment in the closest town or city. They came back to their chateau only in the spring and spent the whole summer there. And left again in the autumn or early winter.
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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
I've gone back and watched it again and haven't changed my opinion on it being British humour. There"s no way Annalise would be helping him with the tree, his project etc in the vlog if it was anything else. He would be on his own.
The thing is we do not actually know any of these people we can only judge how they behave on camera. We do not know what they are like in privacy of their homes. For all we know (to borrow an old term) Dan could be henpecked. We can only speculate and critique what they have chosen to show us. He edits so…
We can all agree to disagree. Different lenses.
Exactly. They just behave like any normal British couple to me. Bit of banter and teasing, some niggles with each other. It's usual practice to call each other Mum and Dad in front of the children in my family, and it's the same for every other parent I know.
Oh wait. We must have new members again or others trying to derail by attacking Dan.
I should think Dan and Annalise laugh off all these criticisms.She's no downtrodden little wifey. And please Dan no displays of affection in public or on camera. Remember you are British, we don't do that sort of thing 😉!
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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
I wondering if Marie is losing it again. A dispute with a neighbour and worries about money. Crying on Instagram.Oh dear! There are lots of vacancies in hospitality and restaurants at the moment in the UK. She's done that sort of work before. There's a desperate shortage of chefs, kitchen and waiting staff since the pandemic and Brexit. High wages are being offered at all levels. Marie could maybe work part time in hospitality or catering, while building up her flower studio? A friend of mine has just quit her admin job to go back to a restaurant kitchen, as she is a trained chef, and has been offered £35,000!. Much more than she was paid in the office.
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The latest from Selmar and Tatty (unicorn reunion at the end) strikes a new low. The lazy sods can't be bothered to edit out several minutes of Tatty wandering about trying to find his camper with her phone footage just showing the ground.
Selmar said Diesal has to be bathed before he can go inside her house. She did try and look appropriately embarrased but it didn't work. I've heard of removing your shoes before entering a home but not wash your dog. Unbelievable.🙈
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He calls her "Mum" not "Mom". "Mom" isn't commonly used in the UK.
I sometimes wonder if I am watching the same episode as some of you! He says that he's sure Mum will reorganise the tree that the boys decorated over the next few days. How many of us do exactly the same thing? It sounds as though this is something most Mums would do, so not sure how this reflects badly on Dan? As soon as our children were in bed, I'd start the tree again. :sneaky:
The Christmas tree lights and the "wrong" tree seemed to be an"in joke " between Dan and Annalise. God knows, we have had similar issues with the bloody tree lights in the past!
I thought the family seemed to have a lovely time together.
He's getting quite a reaming in the comment section over it all....I do understand about the "inside jokes" and all. It just concerns me that she smiles so seldom anymore. Poor heart goes out to her. I'm sure all the long hours Dan puts in with the chateau and gathering drone footage and then working on his man cave all the while she's doing the job we, as moms/mums, do 24/7...interacting with the kids, cooking, cleaning, laundry...doing it all, is wearing her down. Hang in there, Annalise. We love and appreciate all that you do!
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O.k. so lets break this down.
I refuse to watch Phyllis....though I am tempted to see how fast be continues to mumble...watched the first one but as soon as he said, " I'm Phillip". ( no last name???? Who does he think he is, Madonna? Cher?) And " I live in a chateau" ( not, " I live off my old girlfriend in HER chateau") and could not continue giving him a view....

But. Is the doofus going to do a video once a week???
He has done.
1. Vomit inducing Thanksgiving table
2. Brunch breakfast table with the wrong spoons, no placemats of table cover... ( saw pics on tattle)
3. Brothel tea twigs....or so has been said on Tattle

So we have Christmas, new Years eve, Boxing day???? Then what??
He is gonna run out of special occasions and ideas sooner rather than later.

No vlogs if he goes to South Africa or Venice.

I hope they are unable to travel.
They will kill each other stuck in that dump all winter with no one to film freezing like ice cubes.
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can anyone understand this bullshittery? Garbled overexplanations that come across really defensive and passive aggressive? Has SJ completely handed over her social media accounts to Squirrel, or is she having a stroke? I can’t make head nor tail of it, am I the only one?
Explanation: No Patron explanation! It’s Christmas no one will ask why I’m having sex with the my paid assistant or where the money has been spent. Just keep distracting, oh look Barrel has sent us more jumpers.
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There are different functioning levels with ADHD. I'm currently doing my master's degree unmedicated.
It is challenging but it helps to focus if the subject is interesting. Uninteresting stuff tends to get neglected/forgotten.
What was her degree in?

I was purely speculating on something I had observed. I didn't think I needed expert opinion to back up my own as this is

It was meant to be just some food for thought since I haven't noticed anyone else mentioning that and discussing it here 😊 Any experts are welcome to give their opinion but none of them can give real diagnosis here either as she's not their patient.
Take no notice, @Kataja. Lots of Tattlers have speculated here about possible psychological disorders or learning challenges of the various cast members of the Chateauland including SJ, Hanni, Teabag and Davy. Many opinions are based on personal or a family member's experiences and others on their own professional experiences - however no-one here attempts to give a diagnosis. As you rightly point out, she is not a patient of anyone here. People can agree or disagree but most people don't get too touchy about it.(You'll always get the. odd one as you have discovered.) You are free to speculate with the rest of us. I believe Fanny's degree was in English Literature, followed by post-graduate training in opera. Good luck with your Masters.
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Chatty Member
He probably couldn't afford a LV belt, so he never bothered.
Ugh. Also Michael, please stop sagging. You don't have the attitude or the underwear for it.
Indeed. I'm most surprised that Teabag wears ugly grandpa underwear. He needs his gay card revoked now.
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I’m sure she told the manager she would spend a €1000 in the shop for a private tour.
No, Michael walked in the shop door first, flashed his Ralph Lauren teddy bear shirt and asked “what will this get me?” The shopkeeper was smitten with his bespoke clothing and nearly fell all over herself. “Oh monsieur!” she exclaimed. “A tour is the very least I can do for such a fine gentleman as yourself, his mother, and their pet squirrel!” The teddy bear shirt is the ticket! 😆
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Gotta love that shade:

Phyllis: That's actually my favourite playing card (2 of clubs).
La Jarvis: Your favourite playing card?!
Phyllis: I don't know why.
Pathetick: 2 of spades? or is it 2 of clubs?
Phyllis: Clubs *being ignored by both of them*
La Jarvis: What is it?
Phyllis: Clubs *still being ignored by both of them*
La Jarvis: 2 of clubs.
Phyllis: Yeah *finally being acknowledged*
La Jarvis: 2 of clubs is your favourite playing card?
Phyllis: Yes.
La Jarvis: Well I learn something new about you every day.
Pathetick: Who would have thoght he had a favourite playing card. I always saw him as more of the Joker. 🤣🤣🤣
La Jarvis: You should be the Joker, shouldn't he? 🤣 🤣 🤣
Phyllis: No, but.. s... I used to play a lot s of games and cards with my grandfather.
Pathetick *interrupting Phyllis*: The one he used to keep up his sleeve...

Both La Jarvis and Pathetick have no time for him. I guess it's only a matter of time before he is given his playing card walking papers.
And of course Snorts had to reference his grandfather again. I don't know how much longer he can keep up that display of immaturity, having no life experience but the things the ones that raised him taught him. It's sad when you think of it, but then again that's a word I would never use in combination with that grifter.

Selmar said Diesal has to be bathed before he can go inside her house. She did try and look appropriately embarrased but it didn't work. I've heard of removing your shoes before entering a home but not wash your dog. Unbelievable.🙈
And apparently mini-apron told him too? She's the one too talk, spreading that old-lady-stink around.

And she ends her not so christmassy vlog...only another very consuming vlog..with a trip up the show another...not gonna happen project..if those patreons dont see through her by now..i guess they are lost...
It's frustrating, isn't it? I bet it's not that they don't see through, her patrons just don't care: the fantasy is way more important than the ugly reality.
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Pardon me for a second ... having a moment ....
This is my dad. He was 26 in this photo. I'm thinking of him extra today as he passed away a year ago today from COVID at 83 years old. He was a tall strong kind man. The opposite of my narc mother. As he got older in life and brought up dying, he would tell us "I'm not scared of dying, I've just never done it before." His little sneaky humor and truth combine. He said these words to my sister at the end. He wasn't scared to die, but he worried that it would be painful. In the end he chose not to go on a vent and was kept comfortable while he went from this life to the next. I miss him. I'm also so glad that at the very end he wasn't in pain and that he got to make the decision himself about how things ended (well, other than the COVID). So yeah, my dad was/is my VIP today.

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Oh @Marty McFly 9 i’m rather new here, but I am human and a compassionate person first and foremost. My heart goes out to you. I am so very sorry that you lost your father during this pandemic. I have a friend who lost 17 family members and close friends in the US. Love and light to you and your family!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼
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