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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
It was meant to be just some food for thought since I haven't noticed anyone else mentioning that and discussing it here 😊 Any experts are welcome to give their opinion but none of them can give real diagnosis here either as she's not their patient.
A majority of the tattlers agree that SJ is at least suffering (well she isn't suffering from it, but we all are really) from a narcissistic personality disorder. Whether she's a narc with or without ADHD could be the salt in an already overly spiced but still rather tasteless dish...
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The part that resonates with me is the "damaging her brand immensely"! Stephanie has a brand -- well she used to -- and it was wildly successful.
In today's world that is huge. A brand has to be carefully curated and protected. Every decision need to match up with the direction and standards established. The masses love knowing what to expect from what they are consuming -- even in the Youtube world. PJ in no way enhances her brand - and in fact, as many have noted, is driving the loyal followers away. I so wish she would realize this before CD is so completely tarnished!
Sj already tarnished her brand when Brenda Gibbons came on board and started attacking people, she tarnished her brand with that tacky af gift opening channel. Philip doesn't help any. But at the end of the day SJ only has herself to blame.
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Definitely Maybe

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Saw this quote on insta and guess what it reminds me of ? ......

“They muddy the water, to make it seem deep.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
🤔 if you 👀 at him - nothing changed he’s got a vibe - v quick witted …

It’s the Marquis de potpourri who has the inside tract on patron for Dan … seems it’s mostly international supporters … that GET him

He’s got a keen eye for the blogging possibly
no not possibly had he not met Stephanie he’d never have considered the blogging in a million years !!!!
Bonus it’s an interest and like any new hobby it can become your fav interest …. For now !!!
Entirely human endeavour

For all the chateau mafia it would appear ….without it … there would be no discussion 🦄🍄😈
I completely agree, but all the same do understand the frustration of some (not the obvious Dan-derailers) who think he's not as funny as y'all say he is and can't seem to ventilate that here without their heads being bit off. Let's remember we are no chateauverse-superfans with a need for delete. I personally think, based on what I hear and see, that he is too involved with the charlataine to keep up his creativity to the level he can achieve when he puts his attention to his own work and not hers. Like us, SJ has spotted his talent and is trying to incorporate him in her brand, leaving him without the energy to build something for himself, the boring vlogs lately proving this point. As usual, I blame her, I have nothing against Dan or his wife, they are lovely people. They just had the misfortune of settling in SJ's corner of the world and now they believe they need her to move things forward.
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I'm in a kinda-sorta grumpy mood today...tried watching the CD advent vlog and gave up after less than a minute. I just couldn't watch and/or listen to them all sitting there on the sofa. Her advent vlogs have gone downhill rapidly. In other words...they SUCK!!!.....Then I tried watching Billy's vlog after being click-baited in with his title "How we met"...silly me thought he was talking about him and Gwen...oh hell no! It was him and RYAN!!! vlog SUCKED! I did make it through Dan's vlog. Was good to see Annalise again. And the boys are so cute!

I'm hoping to get my daughter to take me to the store soon...I still have a few gifts to buy and a few groceries. But I've been trying for days to go and hasn't happened yet. I hate being such a burden to my kids. They do try....oh hell, welcome everyone to my PITY PARTY! It's B.Y.O.B. and if you want snacks you'd better bring your own also....:rolleyes::confused:
I know, I'm quoting myself here, but bear with me. I just wanted to say sorry for being a Debbie Downer here. I'm going to try to be more upbeat and cheery from now on. The more I read here the more I see that being grumpy and self pitying is not who I want to be. I want to be a HAPPY YENTA!!!!
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Don't worry, come here in any mood. Here an extra emoji to insert first when grumpy though: 🤗
Yup! I was in the mood for a bit of skating with my fiancee at the Rockefeller Center tonight but there's a forecast of rain! Bummer!
I was beginning to feel sorry for myself but I remembered BJJ's mother tried to kill him with almonds, and I felt better again. :LOL:
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
and will pay dearly to eradicate him.
I was going to say "Maybe that will teach her a lesson", but realized soon enough: who am I kidding?

You’re on to something there….but where is “their” other video? Nothing posted to his channel today. Could it be that he/she freaked out over how bad he is?
He had two jobs yesterday: creating a vlogable table and edit the weekly gift-grab, but as usual he failed at both. I see he has posted his latest in the middle of his night, so maybe SJ kicked him out of bed to make him work for the money she payed him? Or maybe he hoped no tattlers would be awake to shoot him down? The other rumor I hear is that he had trouble accessing his youtube channel and all I could pray for was that maybe he got into trouble for buying followers?
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After reading hundreds of posts on here, I’ve noticed that, more often than not, something that starts out as speculation is eventually determined to be fact. It’s amazing how much insight this group has, based on collective knowledge, background, and life experience.
i think we all have some knowledge..put it together et voila...nobody is fooling us..

I cannot keep up lately..too busy with our Sinterklaascelebrations..we made a lot of unfortunate children happy with our was a huge succes..and a very heartwarming day..for the children but also for us...and all who made it possible...its always better in life to give..then to grift..i find it horrible things like our fundraiser is needed in a rich country as The Netherlands..but we did it.. It makes me sick looking at that horrible Fanny Flash..making a fuss about a wonky tree..cashing in loads of money...and doesnt want to spend one euro on charity...i dont count her gag revenues....its not charity..nobody has insight in those moneyfigures and iff the money actually goes where she claims it would make a great vlog if she actually did something for the poor children in her neighborhood..It would give her lotts of goodwill..and maybe someone who would be able to tackle her cold chateau...that woman and her whole circus makes me sick...
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It has taken me half the day to slowly crawl through where I left off yesterday and I was not prepared for a recap but...

The last thread started only on Day 2 of Tartvent. Or is it Vlogmess? What ever it is, it feels like Christmas is vomited upon us.
Bodily fluids featured heavily on the videos and a Tartlet even asked for semen. I can't decide if that sounds so wrong that it's right.

To cover the smell, Tartlets started spraying perfumes on every other post.

Let's see what we have so far
Day 1 - Christmas vomit
Day 2 - Christmas poo
Day 3 - How to create a fire hazard in your kitchen
Day 4 - Drunken Pee-Cock tree

Squirrel boy isn't even featured that heavily on the vids and they still stink like a woodland creature.

Talking about messy looking furry creatures, Snorts' own channel has just proven that he's about as useful as a box of broken hammers. Snorty didn't even get the dig from nasty Teabag about the silver plated cutlery. Oh Snorty, you'll never have sterling silver if you're sugar mommy's Patreons don't gift it to you.

Did something else happen in the chateuverse? Biffy probably got another huge, cold and damp property to look after and to fill with useless old junk. Fix Begmania first, you kept man!

Do I even need to mention the delusions of Tatty & Silly? After one video, they've done nothing to promote their begging bowl. They claim to be business savvy but he seems as sharp as a bowling ball.
Agent 007 in addition to agent @LaFrancaise123 … great recap 😈

Parfeeect - you did us proud 🥲

Thank you 🙏
Elevating all the chatty ppl to a new aircraft… @Gibson can’t kill the budget
I’ve sent direct payments 😈
This is your new jet ✈

Upgraded all the new VIPS
( it’s chartered …limited time
blew the budget on the new chatty members jet ✈ - don’t shoot me )

Boeing 747-8 VIP
About time our prose paid off

See all the tattle members at the bar
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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
Respect to Marie, making all those wreaths. I've just attempted one, it took me about an hour to collect the foliage from my allotment, snagging and catching my hair in bushes. It took 1. 5 hours to make it,stuffing wet moss into the frame first. I didn't realise you needed so much wire, my hands are scratched and the kitchen floor is covered in leaves. I couldn't be a florist!


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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
Thats the kind of thing someone who has nothing to add to conversation would say. He made it up. No one has a favorite card. Thats just stupid.
It's the sort of thing young adolescents might say to seem off the wall/wacky /to get attention. It's a conversation stopper and they think it makes them seem more interesting.
Most people grow out of it when they get to about 16 and gain confidence and adult conversation skills. This is a case of arrested development in a grown man of 25. He's very childish for a man of 25. That's why he's so annoying. I wonder if he was overindulged as a child? I know a lot of people don't think he's attractive, but he was probably a good looking child, he used to have the pretty boy band member looks, and I suspect his family spoilt him rotten, which would explain his over inflated ego. I feel sorry for him in a way. . He's got a lot of growing up to do. He's very big headed. He clearly hasn't found his fashion style, preferring to wear SJ's castoffs with Emmaus stuff, and fancies himself as a dandy. He's trying to look eccentric to be interesting, and puts on the faux British accent , probably to appeal to Stephanie. I hope for his own sake he gets over this, or it will cause him problems where ever he goes.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Who's to blame? The calendar! Another holiday came up and they had to organise a costume party!
In one of her vlogs, I guess in October or November, Snorts and Andi were preparing for the merchandise to sell for Christmas and SJ was not allowed to come in the room to film it, because it had to be a secret. Maybe they will present it in one of the upcoming advent diasaters? Or we can add it to the list of things f**cked up by BJJ.
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I’m not interested in any diagnosis, I just find it all very amusing on the basis of watching someone or group on you tube a ‘diagnosis’ and comparing to family or friends on spectrum levels or if the vlogger is a hero or villain.
it’s only a gossip site and that’s why I have a look, but prefer facts rather than pure speculation, most of which is pure speculation.
After reading hundreds of posts on here, I’ve noticed that, more often than not, something that starts out as speculation is eventually determined to be fact. It’s amazing how much insight this group has, based on collective knowledge, background, and life experience.
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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
I find it interesting that all the Dan critics, who suggest he may be playing away from his marriage, or neglecting his family, also claim to really care for the lovely Annalise. So is putting doubt into her mind about her marriage a kind thing to do to Annalise? What is she going to gain from this? A divorce, the breakup of her marriage, a heart full of misery, the loss of her home, financial loss, pain and heartbreak for the boys? Nice 😞
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Beau Monde

VIP Member
Not to sound terribly aged, but when I worked for department store display (at SquirrelNutkins age), it was literally my job to set tables. The internet wasn't really a thing back then, but I took out books from the library on how to set a table, just so I didn't look the fool. I had to copy pages on a fucking Xerox machine, Snorts. All you have to do is consult your fucking phone, bitch.
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