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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
The first two vomit, poo Advent vlogs haven’t been live and no live intro’s because SJ didn’t intend to be at the shitoo in early Dec, but rather she’d planned to flit off to SA. SJ just banked some shit video to keep her deluded Patreon’s fooled. Lots of planning for Advent my butt, the intro and the videos, like everything else SJ does, is a rushed, bodge job because she has the attention span of a fly. The woman can’t effectively organize, read a clock or follow any structured, logical system or plan, and while she admits this is a personality characteristic, rather than try to hold herself accountable and act like an adult, she exaggerates it and embraces the frantic - thus 30 unfinished projects. No heating or plumbing, but she’s thinking of poems on rocks. Frankly, it exhausts me.
Why did I become a tartlet in the past month -
I simply don’t find her vlogs very friendly, relaxing, entertaining or educational any more. There was a lightness and genuine esprit d’cour in the shitoo before Squirrelboy arrived. I loved Sunday’s at the Chateau. I don’t want anyone to be alone and sad, but honestly - Squirrelboy is scraping the bottom of the barrel and has not been a positive addition. Now we know all those trips in the past year during Covid, when I can’t travel, have just been excuses for romantic get-aways for SJ and Squirrelboy. I just wish she’d stay home and properly restore/renovate her shitoo and actually roll up her sleeves, put on proper shoes and do some real work. Start spending some of her own money on her home rather than constantly travelling. And now she wants to travel even more with Oliver and add another vlog - crazy!
Initially, I thought the Patreon account was a little side-gig, but when I finally calculated the
money, with no financials or accountability, that drove me to become a tartlet.
As for the gift grab it just pisses me off - the long-winded letters and boxes mostly filled with crap - not to mention the carbon footprint and money spent to send that shit overseas to France. I didn’t like Cadeaux from the start and now I despise it, and the charity slant doesn’t help.
Rant over!
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There seems to be a lot of new Tartlets! Welcome, everyone! There is an unofficial Tartlet Tradition of explaining what it was that drove you here. It's a great way to introduce yourselves. Feel free to share your stories (if you are so inclined) and again, welcome!
As a new Tartlet, I just now registered as a result of this post, after having lurked for a few days. I was driven here by an obsessive urge to locate the mythical "hate site" often referred to by many of the regular CD live chatters. Surely this site cannot be it, as I have found only truth and joyfulness here on this site.
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Ooh we NEED more details please @user373738 !
OK, so, I really don’t know much about this person, who I now know is called Stephanie! I’ve dipped in and out of some of these threads and did initially have a look at some of the ridiculously long videos but struggled to keep up with the long cast list.

This was Ryanair out of Limoges. I had my nearly two year old on my knee and we were at the front in the extra legroom seats, me at the window, Stephanie in the middle, fangirling man to the left of her. Like me, Stephanie waited until the last minute to board (because bloody Ryanair try and get you to queue before the plane is even on the ground, no thank you), her and fangirling man were both sat before I got on, neither looked particularly impressed to be sharing the premium row with a toddler (I wasn’t either to be fair, but as his mother I didn’t have too much choice), fangirling man was actually quite sweet and helped me with my bags. No real effort to let me past, thanks Stephanie, but you do you.
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VIP Member
There seems to be a lot of new Tartlets! Welcome, everyone! There is an unofficial Tartlet Tradition of explaining what it was that drove you here. It's a great way to introduce yourselves. Feel free to share your stories (if you are so inclined) and again, welcome!
I had really enjoyed the CD until Phillip arrived. I have been telling myself he'll be gone soon like Tomaz, but no he's still here. Sick of his love of cutlery and the snorting. Then the boyfriend reveal. Just yuck. All the Daddy references he brings up to endear himself with SJ is so over the top.

I also liked Selmar in the beginning as he made a new handle for Isobell's garden spade, helped with garden etc. But then he was always gone away on holiday and no progress on the loo etc. His 'romance' is vomit inducing too. Who arrives with all though crates when she knows he has a camper?
He is just thinking with his dick really, can't have had any in years. I saw the comment on his latest video saying he was waiting to be with his 'FIRST love in England and for the magic to start'. Really at his age he leads us to believe he's never been in love? Yuck yuck yuck. This kickstarter is just so wrong and Selmar can't or won't see it. I'm sure Tatty is scamming him.

These false (in my opinon) relationships really annoy me. They hit a nerve with me. My Father died when my Mother was in her late 50's. She went a bit silly and answered personal adds (no tinder then) got mixed up with some horrible guys who all took her for a ride in different ways. I had to hold my tongue a lot but did make it plain I wasn't impressed. After wards (lost money, used for sex, dreams broken) She wanted to know why I hadn't stopped her, but there was no stopping her as she was in LUV! So maybe that's the reason, because the current Diaries remind me of very unhappy memories?

Anyway I'm here and loving seeing everyone's comments, and being able to say what I think unlike in the comments on Youtube as there is always some superfan telling you off if you question anything.

Thank you for the welcome
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Definitely Maybe

VIP Member
Can I respectfully request that we keep on topic on this thread please ? Don’t want to be a party pooper but there’s enough to catch up with without all this healthcare discussion. No I’m not a mod just a lover of this thread when we stick to SJ and her cohorts and hangers on.
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Stephanie dressed a bit OTT for flying, tres glam, lots of gold jewellery, stiletto heels (do they still remind you to remove stiletto heels in the safety video before going down the emergency slide?) Fangirling man also helped Stephanie with bag as not allowed under extra legroom seats. Used this as catalyst to introduce himself as a fan. They basically talked the entire 1hr15ish flight. He was talking about living in France himself and his big plans to set up a florist. She was politely enthusiastic but blatantly uninterested. He ended up giving her his number. It wasn’t creepy/flirty to be fair, he was talking about his wife blah blah. To be honest; two year old kept me from being able to pay that much attention. Very clear Stephanie was unimpressed about being next to a toddler. I was initially politely apologetic but when she was throwing my child daggers I didn’t persist in this. He wasn’t doing anything, just occasionally touching her legs in the limited space. Peppa Pig was doing most of the parenting for me. The main thing that annoyed me was when I had to get up to change little one (which was twice as I’d left something I needed on the seat), neither of them made any effort at all to let me through and carrying a child made this really quite difficult. In fact, when I came back from changing him, the woman behind offered to swap seats with me as she saw that they weren’t being at all helpful and she was at the end on a row to herself! Anyway; flight was over, normal service resumed.

TL; DR - Stephanie hates kids, wore stilettos on Ryanair flight, loved fangirling attention from middle aged man.
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She is out of her mind if she thinks anyone sophisticated is going to warm to her shelf paper boyfriend. He’s not endearing. He’s not cute. He’s not knowledgeable. He is cheapening her brand, which she was doing a pretty good job with (for her) before he came along. Does she need to feel superior in her relationship or something? It’s not too hard if you’re in a relationship with the likes of him. Does she have abandonment issues mayhaps?

I don’t like him at all. He’s creepy. The way he stalked up on her is creepy. She does nothing but win if she breaks up with him. She’d never look bad for doing so and she’d get wheelbarrows full of pity. On the other hand though, she’ll probably never find anyone that wants to live there full time under the age of 65.

At a minimum she needs to class his ass up. Cut his hair and get a stylist and take him shopping. She’d benefit as well. Throw out his whole wardrobe and do a total redo. She needs a stylist too. Rather desperately. If she wants to keep her channel growing, I think it’s an absolute must. If she wants to land high-end collabs she’s going to have to. Phillip has totally fucked with her image. All of his childlike behavior might be cute if he looked like Anne Marie. But he doesn’t and it’s just yucky. He looks like he smells like cheese and moth balls.
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Beau Monde

VIP Member
It has recently been revealed that I, your most humble Beau Monde, have finally achieved VIP status. Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking, I would simply like to thank my nimble digits for making this incredible milestone possible. Thanks also to the veteran VIPs who have patiently put up with this vulgar American tartlet upstart. Thanks too, to all the brand-new tartlet members. It wasn't that long ago that Beau Monde was among your ranks, being accused of being a spy from Lalande Crazy Town. But I digress. Finally, I just want to say how much I appreciate the Tartlet Community for your wit, understanding and (dare I say)? fellowship. Cheers!
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I’ve been looking more into Tatyana with some interesting, if inconclusive results. I’ll hold on to some of the specifics for now so as not to dox anyone but:

1. The location of that Utopia farm in Devon matches one of the Kickstarter backer locations. Having said that, I can’t find any formal record of ownership or much in the way actually linking her to the place. The person she ran the blog appears to now be in Italy and their social media hasn’t been active for years. There was a VAT registration in Tatty’s name but I couldn’t find a corresponding company.

2. I’ve found her B&B in Suffolk. It looks like an outbuilding attached to a larger house, although the divide between the two and the ownership is a bit obscure.

Tatty seems to have been there in some capacity since around 2002/3 after moving from London.
The property is listed as last sold in 2002 and the deeds list her as the sole owner since 2006 with no purchase price noted by the Land Registry.

Apparently the price not being listed is usually the result of a property transfer by way of divorce, gift or transfer of part ownership. Indeed, electoral records suggest that an elderly artist and his partner were also living there until shortly before his death in 2006 so Tatty could have bought the place with them jointly or inherited it somehow. Weird IMO.

3. Her personal bankruptcy came in 2004, whereupon she resigned as a director from her soap making company (which might have been dormant anyway). She’d appointed her mother as Company Secretary 3 months before this and the company wasn’t actually struck off until 2006 for not filing accounts. (Her mother is listed as British interestingly, whilst Tatty is listed as American. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen false information given to Companies House though).

She had started another company in 1998 selling perfumes and cosmetics which went tits up in 2003 with liquidators being appointed before being wound up in 2005.

4. What she has done for money since 2004 is a bit of a mystery. The B&B is currently going for around £120 a night but with patchy availability and only a handful of reviews left over the years. Couldn’t be a full time endeavour.
She’s spent several years dramatically whining on Twitter to BT and anyone who’d listen about her terrible broadband speeds whilst noting that she was paying for business broadband and complaining that she’d had to cancel work several times at short notice because her internet was down.

Ultimately, I cannot fathom how she could have scraped together enough money over the years to put anything toward the Château let alone live a comfortable life herself. I have wondered if there’s family money since her and several siblings seem to have lived in Illinois, New York and also Florida as the parents moved around.
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With respect to the intro of the Advent videos - the only part I don't like is highlighting Philip. That is extremely off-putting. His elevated status is unbelievable now. I would dearly love to know what the others at the chateau are really thinking! What went through Dan's mind as he received
instructions to zoom in on the pair toasting each other with glasses of wine? He could not possibly have filmed/edited that scene with a
straight face. What must Natti be thinking now that she is taking orders from pompous PJ? And the rest of the gang - are they in favour of this relationship? The first two advent videos would not be out of place as Saturday Night Live skits -- especially PJ's mantle decor!! Please someone tell me that didn't really happen. I am going to need therapy if I have to see any more of this.
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It's so funny when Patrons and superfans swear they never read the "hate site ", never ever, but always refer to it ! 😅🤣
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So I usually just lurk the Jack Monroe threads on here…

But back in October I was sat on a flight next to someone who, thanks to the strange man fangirling next to her for the entire flight, was apparently some kind of France chateaux renovation celebrity. I heard enough of their conversation (as did the entire flight) to Google and find her on YouTube. Made a few jokes after to my close family, forgot about it. Now I realise that as well as YouTube famous she is in fact Tattle famous!
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I have nothing witty or sharp to say about tonights boooooooring vlog, which does not happen often. i think we can trust her to dig her own grave this time around, as the quality of her ramblings so far have gone down hill with the speed of light. If she keeps it up like this, she won't even make it until Christmas.
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Reader's digest

VIP Member
I don't watch the Pethericks, or Ma-reee. why would I? I get enough vicarious action through Lalande. But the number of times I've waded into a post trying to figure out names and codenames only to find out it isn't Lalande you guys are talking about must be in the hundreds. Is there a code or an icon that posts other than Lalande can start with so I don't have to read them??
Good idea!
Tattlers, tartlets, VIPs and @Heathcliffe:
When derailing please insert first
🥧 For pies
🍦 For clotted cream
🏥 For any health issues
💉 For Covid related themes
🌈 Gay party scenes
⛪ Religion stuff
🌹 Gardening
🧒 Stories about children
🧓 Stories about grandchildren
😸 Stories about pets
🌡 Weather
🏝 Holiday destinations
🕸 Menopause
🧟 Grammar police
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Since Snorty likes Emmaus in La Chatre even more than SJ does (he's there literally every Saturday, the only day of the week it's open for the public, parading around in SJ's cloths and boots, talking ever so loudly on the phone with his girlfriend to keep her updated on the spotted treasures), I would like to teach him a fun fact about the organization behind it (and no, it's not about finding cheap tat): their guiding principle is 'Serve those worse off than yourself before yourself. Serve the most needy first'. Keep that in mind the next time you cook a soup (probably not anytime soon as I heard it was kind of blend and tasteless) or lay a table.
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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
I'm just posting my demographic as someone suggested we do.
I'm a mature female troll, rather petite and I have abundant blonde hair. (She, her, it.) I am only interested in male trolls, preferably very short, with hairy feet. I have 6 grandtrolls. I have had various careers, but sadly most ended as I have an unfortunate habit of eating my coworkers. (I am attending group therapy for it).
At present I have a job as a tour guide in one of the most haunted houses in Britain, I apparently scare away the spirits. I've found my talent!
I live in North Yorkshire in a little dark cave under a bridge and I love the colour green, as all my clothes are green due to the damp.
I love watching Chateau Diaries as the chateau is also cold and damp, my dream home. I would love to visit one day and paddle in the Grande Salon.
Good night Tartlets, sleep tight. 😴😘
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There is light 💡 kaboom 💥

Dear Stephanie, it's annoying, you promised so many times to make a proper update at EACH beginning of a month. I can't understand why you keep delaying it. So many patreon goals are not finished, at least give an update please. And please finish them, I am sure other patreon would like to see the goals they contributed towards finally done. I am starting to wonder if this is on purpose. Really disappointed.


Not long now till another tattler introduces themselfs
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Active member
The first two vomit, poo Advent vlogs haven’t been live and no live intro’s because SJ didn’t intend to be at the shitoo in early Dec, but rather she’d planned to flit off to SA. SJ just banked some shit video to keep her deluded Patreon’s fooled. Lots of planning for Advent my butt, the intro and the videos, like everything else SJ does, is a rushed, bodge job because she has the attention span of a fly. The woman can’t effectively organize, read a clock or follow any structured, logical system or plan, and while she admits this is a personality characteristic, rather than try to hold herself accountable and act like an adult, she exaggerates it and embraces the frantic - thus 30 unfinished projects. No heating or plumbing, but she’s thinking of poems on rocks. Frankly, it exhausts me.
Why did I become a tartlet in the past month -
I simply don’t find her vlogs very friendly, relaxing, entertaining or educational any more. There was a lightness and genuine esprit d’cour in the shitoo before Squirrelboy arrived. I loved Sunday’s at the Chateau. I don’t want anyone to be alone and sad, but honestly - Squirrelboy is scraping the bottom of the barrel and has not been a positive addition. Now we know all those trips in the past year during Covid, when I can’t travel, have just been excuses for romantic get-aways for SJ and Squirrelboy. I just wish she’d stay home and properly restore/renovate her shitoo and actually roll up her sleeves, put on proper shoes and do some real work. Start spending some of her own money on her home rather than constantly travelling. And now she wants to travel even more with Oliver and add another vlog - crazy!
Initially, I thought the Patreon account was a little side-gig, but when I finally calculated the
money, with no financials or accountability, that drove me to become a tartlet.
As for the gift grab it just pisses me off - the long-winded letters and boxes mostly filled with crap - not to mention the carbon footprint and money spent to send that shit overseas to France. I didn’t like Cadeaux from the start and now I despise it, and the charity slant doesn’t help.
Rant over!
You have articulated my sentiments exactly. There seems to be a recurring theme for many of us - that is, the demise of the quality and entertainment value since PJ's increased involvement. I find is so hard to watch now because of the second hand embarrassment I feel for SJ -- she
has become a kind of caricature of her former self! The entire situation makes me uncomfortable because they are so extremely ill suited. SJ
looks exhausted (and a tad pathetic) from trying so hard to be what she so naturally was when I initially became interested in the videos.

I am an adult woman and cannot understand fawning over stuffed toys and naming them!
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