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I was surprised that at almost 1mill is doesn't have an ensuite.
That house was too big for the two of them so they're buying a chateau in the Dordogne. ;)


“I was never in a relationship.”
“I’ll do my damned hardest to make it work.”

If it ain’t a relationship, what does he want to make what work?

(Nothing to see here, people, just Grindr talk.) ;)
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O.k. so no new news here or surprising revelation but....

I was thinking about all the Mish mash, ric-a-rac that our "girl" has been buying
1. Ugly chandelier
2. Wrong size paneling
3. Canopy toile thingy (that is too small)
4. Weird octagon table thing ( too big for "China pantry")
5. Pink loveseat.
6. Snorts.

All for her own bedroom/boudoir

And not that I care where she dumps this tit tat, but I hate that she acts and tries to convince her Patreons that it is for the restoration or benefit of the chateau. That place will burn down to the ground and the last thing we will see in the smoking ash is that God awful octagon table. Hopefully with Thor standing on top in triumph!!! Lo!
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2nd wedding anniversary photos…

A little something for those still skeptical about DJ’s peculiar obsession with his daughter...

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New vlog in 2 hours (about Sarah and Georges' fabuloooouuuus chateau de Brives)...
And already this comment !


1 hour ago
Brenda Gibbons is a menace staining the LaLande name. She takes great pleasure in spreading false accusations and ruining reputations on her so-called private FB page. Depression is a serious mental illness, not a weapon for her to bully someone with. When questioned for her behavior, she deletes you. It happened to hundreds of us. It's kind of a blessing in disguise, all the page is anymore are her rants and pictures of animals.
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Young man of means in his fifties (looks good with sunglasses on, the bigger the better) - some grey hair but could pass for a younger bloke if viewed with eyes that are barely open - seeks lady to share his "life" with: romantic outings to the local post office and boulangerie, and endless DIY projects (proud owner of Crumbledown Manor, a large, imposing Gothic edifice that will require decades of hard labour renovation work). Hobbies: Tattle, DIY, and tours of the French countryside to look at châteaux and brocantes. Candidates must have an aptitude for DIY, particularly plasterboarding. Any offers?
Well I tracked down your ad to a Lonely Hearts Column in a national newspaper. Oddly, I also found this:

Bombshell blonde, mid 40's with substantial assets and endless income revenue from several sources, seeks much, much younger man who will respond to sobbing coming from my bedroom, but from which he is otherwise strictly prohibited. Must be prepared to act as Lady in Waiting whilst on duty, employee whilst in public and disappear into thin air when more interesting people come to call. Interest - feigned or otherwise - in old rubbish masquerading as antiques. Quality of singing negotiable as if you cannot manage it, I will drown you out anyway, but must be able to play one tune over and over again on the piano. You need not bring anything to the table as half my chateau cannot be taken in divorce settlement as it is already in the hands of my two exes. You need not bring anything else to the many parties either, as I believe my presence is my present. Driving licence is a distinct advantage....oh wait.......

She recently baught min. two dresses from Zara (after her wardrobe kondo-ing). And I think it's only a matter of time til we'll see her in this
Peacocks 🦚, poppies 🌺, I looove it 😍, so beoutifull 🤩, I can't believe it 🤪🤢
She also bought a load of clothes which we were never shown, except in the bags they were put in, in that very nice shop with a posh line of clothes when she went with her mother and Hanni to Avignon. I don't think she lacks anything at all.

Oh well, here's my ad:

Young man of means in his fifties (looks good with sunglasses on, the bigger the better) - some grey hair but could pass for a younger bloke if viewed with eyes that are barely open - seeks lady to share his "life" with: romantic outings to the local post office and boulangerie, and endless DIY projects (proud owner of Crumbledown Manor, a large, imposing Gothic edifice that will require decades of hard labour renovation work). Hobbies: Tattle, DIY, and tours of the French countryside to look at châteaux and brocantes. Candidates must have an aptitude for DIY, particularly plasterboarding. Any offers?
I would love to reply to your ad. Woman in her fifties, who has been told by her friends that she does not look a day over 35, vital stats 48, 52, 49 would love to share her life with you. Crumbledown sounds like a dream location and trust me, I love a large, imposing Gothic edifice just as much as the next girl. Cheateaux are also right up my alley. My DIY credentials are sound - brickwork being my favourite. You will have to pay my airfare by Western Union and send enough money for my mother as she is ill and needs an urgent operation. Longing to hear....

Probably horse 🐎
Shame MP did not join them - I hear he likes a bit of rump
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Madame No

VIP Member
The dog that attacked the cockerel will be back now it knows there are hens loose around the place. My heart sank when I saw loose dogs in the courtyard, having grown up on a farm. They'll be after the sheep too. SJ was defending the dogs, and their owner, saying they didn't mean any harm. Dogs left to run wild will hunt and attack. SJ had better get an enclosure built to protect the hens . Selmar seems to do nothing, yet gets paid. He was supposed to be building one. But he takes forever to do anything. Just send him on his way Stephanie, he's a drain on you, he's latched on to you, parking his van for free, getting food and drink free. He's a free loader. Employ a good local handyman to build a secure hen run. Have a serious talk with the neighbour who is so careless with her animals. In the UK dogs are shot if they worry farm animals like that.
Better yet, give all the animals to people that will be responsible. The garden, the chickens, the sheep are all part of SJs Marie Antoinette fantasy. I don't care about the nonliving junk, but the animals deserve better. I blame Mummy and Daddy for not raising SJ with a sense of responsibility to others including animal welfare. Everything in SJs life is an effing accessory to her grandiose delusion. BJJ is just another 'pet' i.e., lapdog. I truly do believe SJ will end her life alone. She's got a few more years before the Beginning of the End. She will only attract the most undesirable people. She'll be lucky if all they are is weird, but more likely she will also attract a criminal element. Mummy will be out of it or dead. Gerry's not much help in that department. The 'men' in her life will not want to get involved. But hey, she'll have all her vlogs to rewatch over and over again.

Most of the grifters have taken a hit this month on their Patreon accounts, even the Fleuries . All down, losing more patrons than at any other time. ( except Selmar who has gained 1)
I've always wondered just how many of MPK's patrons are legitimate ?
It will be interesting to see how all these patreon accounts fair as the pandemic wains, and life gets back to the new normal. I think many people, not all of course, will awaken from their isolated stupor and say WTF am I doing supporting these grifters. I expect lots of yard sales with meters of toile fabric and gads of old lady porcelain sold on the cheap.
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QUOTE="FlyByeNight, post: 5141709, member: 224765"]
Yes. Just like we may want SJ to have more self-awareness, so should we. I admit I can be judgmental as all f*ck. Mostly I keep it in my head and try best to not blurt it out. But it's so easy to let it rip here. It makes me wonder why I am here.

I was thinking about Dana. For example. If the mayo wasn't an unbelievable coincidence, she sent us a big Easter egg. But she's knocked down for having bags under her eyes, wearing yellow, looking like an insect, and somehow not looking clean enough through a computer screen. Why not be appreciative? Why not egg her on with her mayo and whatever she chooses to do with it with our support?

If I could .... just retroactive and all

Not once have I considered WHY I’m here ...


Found .... the CD
Was genuinely intrigued... I WAs
Recommend it on zoom 🏎 drinks to friends
Then friends said .....

Ah Covid has done a job on you !!!!
That’s bollix ....

Didn’t deter me ... I truthfully cried with laughter at mini apron ...
Line of the century was from mini apron

SSB ... I can’t believe your my mother ..

Mini apron ... I know I have my doubts about YOU ...😈😈😈😈😈😈

Had a thought 💭 ... watched more thought 💭 WHAT that’s just a load of .... nonsense

Let my fingers do the walking 🚶‍♂️
Google 😈😈😈

Chateau ,., scam .,. Blond 👱‍♂️ toff .,.

Boom 🤯 19 suggestions

Tattle was NO 1

Haven’t looked back since COVID
It was an abundance of likeminded riches

I was not alone ....

Made my year .... never mind a day😭

What a Year ....... 😭😈
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Not even Shittylane would regift gifts on a vlog they'd probably watch. Or might be a chance of them attending the same get together. She's not QUITE that stupid..

Beside, I thought they drunk one.. (same one when they drunk the Pomerol for aperitif, and Cock-Tails with the meal..
You're probably right. I was stirring the cauldron with that one after the honey debacle.
It seemed a very weird vlog. Why on earth would someone travel that far then ring for test results before joining the rest of them. Surely test/result/then travel!

Results are a bit alarming if you google sexy chauffeur uniform, but how about this one? Instead of Driving Miss Daisy, what would we call it?

View attachment 604699
I've said it before Penelope Pitstop
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@ 34:11 in the Patreon video, SJ says if they can't use the hexagonal Eden Roc in the china room, they can use it in the shop she's planning to open in the stables, to sell tat she's found at Emmaus, Potts' pix and MP's prints to B and B guests. One advantage of completely isolating your customers is they have nothing to do but spend more money in your tat shop.
So, wait, rather than taking guests on excursions to the local charity shops where they could benefit the local economy she's going to buy stuff from the charity shop and then mark it up to sell for a profit? Charming.
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Attraction is not only the looks. You can always turn off the light. And he is pretty enough, nothing wrong there, he is only shy and I like tall and smart guys.And most important guys who deliver which he seems to do. I am sure he runs a successful business which why he can't afford such a extravaganza like Steph project for a change.
It's not his fault that Steph is a lost case.
But I rather have a shy look than the over extrovert stare of Phil. And as I sad I like those Hathaway types....
Michael might be a typical handsome face but what's worth if he is a looser? Nothing attractive there....
I certainly don't find Petherdick handsome in any way and certainly not Billy, Ryan, Uncle Lee - poor old Pa is the pick of bunch there. I can't think of a single attractive male resident or visitor at any of the Chateaux. Lalande have a real motley crew - Davy and Selmar struggle socially and singularly unattractive, Baby Phil (would feel like cradle snatching), Builder Ian, Oliver the Ninny, Slimeball Potts and sly Chickenhead - Yuk! Dan is a nice guy but ....
Philip Fleury would win hands down every time.
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Selmar is done as Fanny's slow but faithful handyman since she threw him over for Snorts. And he has moved on to his Madame X. And is busy trying to buy A shack....I mean chateau. Where is his Selma mobile parked now?

In Dan's defense without Mummy to cut the entire lawn, he had to take that over too. But I also think Fanny has hardly stepped foot in the garden because she could care less. She has no interest in what a s#@thole the grounds look like. Or cleaning. The attic floor is replaced now, but why can't she take a bucket of water up there and clean the fricin' cobwebs and windows? And why can't lazy BJJ use the lawnmower? Heck, many lady volunteers have been seen on the mower cutting in years past.

He doesn't cook. He doesn't do yard work. He hates caves and the outdoors because he is scared. He can't pot plants. He doesn't clean. He doesn't have a real job. I just don't see his....purpose.

I got it! Gigalow! ( Richard Gere...he is NOT)
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Parrfect Porcelane

Well-known member
Ohhh fffsake she really needs to muzzle her ward of the bedchamber

Is he seriously downgrading the flurries .....
whatever teet he’s suckling off best NOT to piss of the more successful restoration owners ...

SSB is still a heap in the middle of nowhere ...

Getting more diluted with absolute shite ... with his head and hand firmly in fannys ....

Best he starts saving for his own home 🏡 - and not the cookoo in the nest he’s trying to cling to with cutlery 🍴
Well said, @Mojo. My son asks me why I so dislike Phillip and I've tried to explain that there is something insidious about the way he has inserted himself into the forefront of filming. He has a starring role that he hasn't earned and I wish he would go away.
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Who would want to stay in the B and B ...after watching the videos, I wouldn't..its rotten ..and too eat the food no thanks 😒 🤢🤮🤢🤮
Dont forget the thousands of mice.. bats in the basement... peacocks that shit all over the place...especially shit your car and damage it..the never cleaned upholsteries and carpets..Ugh.. not in a million years i would visit the filthy place..let alone the food...the glasses the tacups and teapots....all the cutlery from emmaus...disgusting..i dont have fear of contamination..but the shittoo is just filthy..
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
If I worked there as a staff member or volunteer, I'd be furious if the owner went off on an unnecessary trip with her faithful "assistant" and left everyone else to run the place with guests arriving!
But that’s the thing, it’s what she does, over and over again: creating a bunch of work for others while she’s off enjoying herself. Years ago, IJ was looking for people to help clean the bathrooms for new guests to arrive, she was rather desperate it would not be finished in time. She even asked the handyman at the time to join, which he did because he took pitty on the old hag. Big mistake, because where was SJ? Celebrating life love and laughter with her friends in the kitchen, clueless of the stress caused.

Correct me if I'm wrong, i haven't noticed any locks on any doors of any chataeu profiled. 😵
Guests in her HMN are always complaining about there not being locks on the doors. “Oh, but you can trust us” is SJ’s usual answer. Yeah, right, let’s trust the Queen of Grifters.
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Following Heathcliffe's lead, I have decided to come clean and update my profile (Take no noticed of the avatar - it was taken before I had some restorative work done. ) In reality, I am a 5' 10" willowy blonde cougar, currently recruiting for husband number 6, who can continue to provide the lifestyle I am accustomed to. Any offers?
... and what happened to the other five husbands? Have they been done away with?🤣

Oh well, here's my ad:

Young man of means in his fifties (looks good with sunglasses on, the bigger the better) - some grey hair but could pass for a younger bloke if viewed with eyes that are barely open - seeks lady to share his "life" with: romantic outings to the local post office and boulangerie, and endless DIY projects (proud owner of Crumbledown Manor, a large, imposing Gothic edifice that will require decades of hard labour renovation work). Hobbies: Tattle, DIY, and tours of the French countryside to look at châteaux and brocantes. Candidates must have an aptitude for DIY, particularly plasterboarding. Any offers?
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From the comments... :ROFLMAO:
Preston Tucker
12 minutes ago
Worst business LOGO I've seen for a chateau. No wonder she relies on YouTube. Truth be told!😄 Can't make business decisions personal!

Céleste Reumert Refn
5 hours ago
Glad to see the LOGO in use these days. ❤Had to comment that as a Trade Mark Specialist 😉



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Preston Tucker
18 minutes ago
Still want to be rude? Common sense isn't a specialist. Apparently u r? Nice to see you make a comment showing that you can't handle constructive criticism. The peacock sanctuary logo or Chateau logo?


Preston Tucker
2 minutes ago
Couldn't help yourself huh?
Preston Tucker's comments were pulled quickly. Preston wasn't finished...

Preston Tucker

26 minutes ago
Seems like Stephanie gets too much "Friend advice" & Not enough business advice.
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Chatty Member
She recently baught min. two dresses from Zara (after her wardrobe kondo-ing). And I think it's only a matter of time til we'll see her in this
Peacocks 🦚, poppies 🌺, I looove it 😍, so beoutifull 🤩, I can't believe it 🤪🤢
Yes, because we know that one hundred stars will be sending it to her. :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

From DIO latest video.
That's new... private life ?

Doing It Ourselves
Doing It Ourselves

15 hours ago
Some parts of my private life are off limits to YouTube. The puppy did make an appearance about 20 minutes into the video, but he’s fully grown now.

"Off limits on YouTube", but you can find me on Grindr ;)
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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
That is so strange; it would have been no bother to serve him some strawberries with cream? (does his allergies include dairy? I do not think so.)And a twiglet of fresh mint to pretty it up a little. 🌿🍓. Or chocolate dipped strawberries. Or a simple icecream with strawberries. (or a toffee apple..:ROFLMAO:)
That was rather strange. Even if someone turns up expectedly, and you don't know their dietary requirements you would offer them something surely, even if its a piece of fruit . I felt sorry for him. Not very friendly of them, unless he'd turned down everything of course. .
There was a definite feeling that all the people there meet up on a regular basis and don't normally invite SJ. Wonder what's going on there? They all rushed off the next morning..
She was being postive as usual, but they gave her a horrible room with ugly furnishings and ornaments. The strange marble dog that looked like an anteater, the painting of a tomb. That cheap padded headboard. One of my neighbours has just left one out for the refuse collection. The room looked like my elderly aunt's spare room. But it was all "so beautiful"! Was she being sarcastic?
I've seen nicer rooms in Premier Inns and Travelodge , (budget hotel room chains in the UK).
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I just joined this glorious site! Has anyone already remarked how Selmar originally wanted to be Stephanie's love interest until he got pushed out by Phillip? Back when he first came to the shitoo, he was clearly fixated on her.

And how creepy is it that Phillip basically admitted to stalking Stephanie on one of the Vlogs. He saw her on YouTube, fell in love with her, volunteered to work at the shitoo, and now he's her #1 boy toy. Creepy!
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