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The only off putting thing is the black underbags, otherwise Dana ROCKS the yellow, WOW that figure, Skank don't even try, you can't compete. If you are here Dana I need to know your exercise secrets😘
Can I be a sad old man (not fifty quite yet!) and raise my sword against this "beauty bashing" that is going on here. I am the first one to admit that I am swayed by lovely looking women,- but I will still say that what is inside makes a difference. Charisma, confidence, happiness, a love of life, humour, etc. A personality. Black bags under eyes is in fact not particularly important if you shine on people you are with. My wife is a real green eyed monster if I talk to a sparkely woman at a party say, she will afterwards be quick to point out that this woman had thin hair, fat ankles, saggy boobs, etc...well, she used to , now I have told her off so many times that I think she has stopped. It is childish! Imperfections can be rather perfect if you don't let it stop you from enjoying life and sparkle. I always get told off here if I say I find Stephanie attractive, and now Dana. Well, I don't care my friends! They are attractive, love it or lump it. They are not perfect in any way, none of us are, but they are attractive people and they sparkle (most of the time). Beauty bashing is so silly, often the most attractive people are not in any way picture perfect. My first wife used to fancy Gerard Depardieu! It used to annoy me at the time as I was young and handsome and thought he looked like a troll :LOL: I love the gossip here, the humour, the fun, and it is always important to have the devils advocate in place and to dare to critisise...but beauty bashing, calling people ugly etc is just in my opinion very low indeed. :coffee::sneaky:
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Without context, this snapshot looks pricelessly funny and sleazy.
Here's mine: "Spank me, daddy!"
davey and sj.png
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So which of the la la land clan are you? You are always defending them and speak as if you have first hand knowledge. Makes one :unsure:
If you have been here since the start, you will see that I am unashamedly a fan of the Chateau Diaries. I am not a friend or an insider. As for the rest of them, I think I have been very critical of them, it is just I am never rude and do not call out fading looks, or hair loss, or homosexual or metrosexual or whatever sexuality because there is enough to criticise without going that far. I am not totally uncritical of The Chateau Diaries either, and have called out bad behaviour and have enjoyed the wit and criticism and differences of opinion here. The gift grab, the hints for gifts and cash are embarrassing and disgraceful but I do not grudge Steph her Youtube revenue or Patron contributions, as long as they are made by people who are just paying for content. That they actually take from people who are misguided as to their wealth makes me queasy. As I have said before, I am a 61 year old heterosexual with too much time on her hands. What does this page give me? Well Clara has made me see that a planned visit to LaLande as a guest should never happen and the rest of you - well, I have been saved by Tattle as they have brightened some dark days.
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I agree with Hemerocallis, Erin has class and dresses better than our Stephanie. Those incredibly high heels are not the thing... Anyway ladies and gentlemen, :giggle:🍸 Having my pre dinner drink here and relaxing, I wasted some time looking at Marie's vlog. Well, my kids are the age they prefer me to leave them alone before dinner, and my wife is busy in the here in London the evening is not so hot today, so I have retreated inside. And now I really feel a rant coming on, hah ha, cheers! I now think of Marie as Miss Aimlessly. She is totally devoid of structure! She wants to be a Youtuber, and as she said in the Chateau Diaries, "If flowers doesn't work I can do van vlogs!". Anything will do, she wants fame and fortune. So this "calling" of flowers is not such a calling afterall perhaps...clues like ; she doesn't garden. She doesn't know names of common flowers. and what she produces is rather amateur. She was at this place to "connect", give me a break! And she seemed very determined to tell us all that SHE invited Stephanie and Phillip. So why the rant, well she is so bloody annoying! No presenting skills at all, though her confidence is growing. Her commentry is so dreadful, "WOW" she says, about a million times. Then she tries to be Stephanie and throws in some "Beautiful" "So delicate!" and "stunning!". She needs lessons from Monty Don if she wants to show us gardens, she is a pain to listen to. And if I hear one more "Aaand.....YEAH!" I might just smack her vegan glutenfree bum! The start of the vlog was painful too, why "present" your outfit Marie, are you a fashion vlogger? Will we not all see what you are wearing anyway? Is everything about you so fascinating, even what you are wearing? No. No. and No. Boring, and I just cannot believe that people are paying her to do this and make her believe she should make this her job. She wants what Stephanie has got, but sorry...Stephanie has 1. A chateau 2. presenting skills 3. charm/charisma 4. guts 5 lots to show people that they find interesting. I must admit I only got curious enough to watch the vlog as I was hoping to spot Stephanie and Phillip holding hands. I know it is wrong, but I am getting very curious as to what their relationship is...:oops: I am turning into a right fishwife :LOL: But honestly, if you need to vomit, just read the comments under Marie's vlog. They say she is so wonderful and interesting, - who are these people!?! And on top of thinking she is entiteled to just live of funds making boring vlogs, she is also quite snarky and bitter in her comments, even in this "happy vlog". The story of her life was, she said, always waiting on people! :sneaky: And that was obviously waaay beneath her, because she is so talented and a famous vlogger? Miss Aimlessly is starting to grate on me like lazy young Trotter. Because they are both deluded and taking the piss. They don't have anything more to offer than Tomaz. I am delighted to see that people are seeing sense and Trotter is losing patreons. Call me a troll, but I like to see people getting success when they deserve it. Cheers and have a "stunning, beautiful, soo delicate" weekend, WOW!🍸:ROFLMAO:
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Mrs O

Well-known member
Can I be a sad old man (not fifty quite yet!) and raise my sword against this "beauty bashing" that is going on here. I am the first one to admit that I am swayed by lovely looking women,- but I will still say that what is inside makes a difference. Charisma, confidence, happiness, a love of life, humour, etc. A personality. Black bags under eyes is in fact not particularly important if you shine on people you are with. My wife is a real green eyed monster if I talk to a sparkely woman at a party say, she will afterwards be quick to point out that this woman had thin hair, fat ankles, saggy boobs, etc...well, she used to , now I have told her off so many times that I think she has stopped. It is childish! Imperfections can be rather perfect if you don't let it stop you from enjoying life and sparkle. I always get told off here if I say I find Stephanie attractive, and now Dana. Well, I don't care my friends! They are attractive, love it or lump it. They are not perfect in any way, none of us are, but they are attractive people and they sparkle (most of the time). Beauty bashing is so silly, often the most attractive people are not in any way picture perfect. My first wife used to fancy Gerard Depardieu! It used to annoy me at the time as I was young and handsome and thought he looked like a troll :LOL: I love the gossip here, the humour, the fun, and it is always important to have the devils advocate in place and to dare to critisise...but beauty bashing, calling people ugly etc is just in my opinion very low indeed. :coffee::sneaky:
Couldn’t agree more with you @Heathcliffe.
I love the humour and observations on this site, but just scroll past the criticisms of people’s bad teeth (which aren’t that bad at all), thinning hair, bags under eyes, strange looking etc. Lots of the ‘imperfections’ mentioned here are nature’s imperfections. My main criticism is personality imperfections - grabbing, greedy, deceitful, inconsiderate and pure bone-idleness ... to name just a few!
Other Tattlers might not like my observation but I quite admire some of the traits of IJ. She obviously has been a hard worker in the granny homes and a remark she made in a very early Q&A with SJ (think it was a Sunday vlog), hit me hard! SJ asked her why she had become self-employed (rather than working for the NHS). Her response was, so your father could paint or ‘needed’ to paint. It made me think she was the worker/organiser/driving force whilst darling, doting daddy hovered in the background - lavishing gifts on demanding selfish child and painting. She is also not a bad gardener. Pre-Dan she obviously grew fruit and vegetables in the greenhouse and garden. All those sticks - sorry rose cuttings - that were brought back from LasBas she actually resurrected them and they are growing at Lalaland - some achievement in my humble opinion.
it would be nice to keep observations to personality / lifestyle criticism rather than what nature imposed.
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Following Heathcliffe's lead, I have decided to come clean and update my profile (Take no noticed of the avatar - it was taken before I had some restorative work done. ) In reality, I am a 5' 10" willowy blonde cougar, currently recruiting for husband number 6, who can continue to provide the lifestyle I am accustomed to. Any offers?
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Now I am truly smitten!🤩! 🥰! I am thinking of changing my icon. To reveal my own true self to the one and only - Heathcliffe!
Is it you Cathy!? :ROFLMAO: Have a lovely day dear, I am off out to the seaside today catching waves, life is good.

Before I head out, let me give my take on teeth😁😁😁 as it is much discussed here. I think good health and care is attractive, so naturally it is nice to see people who take care of themselves, brush their teeth and look clean. However, veneers...well. They are a bit like wigs, should only be used if you really need to, and if you do; spend money on excellent quality. I always prefer natural (hair, nails, tits, lips, eyelashes, teeth) as it is more classy with the real thing,- if it is in good order. I have been in the States quite a bit, both for work and pleasure, and the quality varies when it comes to teeth. They are quick of the mark to critizise "English teeth" but some of them look like weird cartoons with their fake big veneers, and I dread to think what their little rotten stubs look like underneeth the fake gnashers. Also, when the upper set does not match the lower set...why bother? It does not look good. Lets use Anna as example, she has a discoloured tooth, but I don't mind! She looks clean, her teeth look clean, and she carries herself with style. Marie looks more comfortable with her messy teeth now when her group of misfits have told her that she is beautiful, so she smiles and talks and looks MUCH better than when she looked uncomfortable with them. It is about cleanliness and confidence! If I was Marie's father I would have made sure she wore braces (my darlig girl has) but as long as her teeth functions, and as long as it does not bother her, well fine. People should be able to have little imperfections and quirks, and stand up tall! It really matters most how you carry it yourself, if you look embarrassed, you draw focus to it, if you smile broadly your confidence is attractive. My brothers and I own a summer house in the Caribbean,🌴 where we regularly go with our families, and we love how the fat women on the island carry their bodies. They are proud of what their mama gave them, show off their bodies with head held high, dance without inhibition, and flirt like they mean it. It is a joy to see, and though I don't want my daughter to get fat, I think it is good for her to see role models like this, women who are proud of their body regardless. My wife is not the best role model there, she gets nervous if she gains a pound. 😆 So anyway, natural is best! is my take, be proud of who you are, life is too short to try to change character.
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I've been disinterested lately in tuning in. I have zero interest in MP. And have lost interest in her traveling to other chateaux. It's too cringy. I did watch where the stray dogs attempted to eat the rooster. These people are so out of touch with reality, it's startling. *Stray dogs..."cute!"* No!!! Not on a "farm". And what if Philip would have been bit? Does Stephanie have insurance for her "staff "? The attic wardrobes look crazy. The split level apt sounds crazy. The random gardening everywhere looks crazy. The unfinished random logging looks crazy. The random mowed lawn looks crazy. She has been working in a demolished office for 3 months now. Randome chandeliers worth a fortune just left somewhere. This has turned into a complete sh*t show. (Why is Kat back when there is only one guest?) (Also, all this time, they haven't been fully vaccinated!!!!!)🤯🤯🤯💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 When all this money started rolling in she should have specifically hired a financial planner. Clearly she is clueless. Her owner partners should have forced her to do this months ago.
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A chandelier that was too big, wall panelling that was too tall, the desk when it finally arrives probably won't fit and the modern hexagonal cabinet that is made of mdf that won't fit the China room and she has the nerve to say that she has a good sense of space. With every mismatching addition to lala land the place looks worse and is further devalued.
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Dippy Hippy

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I wonder if all these chateau owners are meeting up to plan a grand chateau tour and workshops , with BG providing the transport?
Here's a possible lineup of workshops at Lalande.
The Art of Flirting by Stephanie: the Art of Dead Florals with Marie:
Photography with Michael Potts: Tango with Selmar: Decorate your own paper bag with Nic: Disney costume making with Sara: Designing your brand with Steve: The fascinating life of hedgehogs with Philip, (Hedgehogs provided): Transferring photos to canvas and colouring in-- oops sorry! painting with Oliver: Gardening, while evading the boss, with Dan: Assertiveness training with Isabelle: Scottish Country dancing with Gerry, (postponed due to unforseen circumstances) : Wine Tasting with Edd and Anna : The Art of using gold leaf, absolutely everywhere, by Johnny Darko: Beginners upholstery by Angela.
Just some of the delights waiting for you.
We do not expect our guests to rise before midday, but you will be served a wonderful brunch by the delightful Cat dressed in historical costume. You will then go for a long run, led by the very experienced Natti. You will board a BG tours coach. Your tour guide will be the lively Brenda, who knows everything about everything and will entertain you with all the latest gossip. Time to visit another chateau on the itinerary, for a tour, dinner and drinks, before returning to LaLaLand for evensong in the chapel with Cat, and a practical session on capturing wild life on film in the middle of the night by Philip.
There is a souvenir shop courtesy of BG, and we have our own brocante in the courtyard, selling fabric pieces, slightly damaged porcelain, hand crafted jewellry, cookery books, and beautiful paintings of Thor, plus furniture that just didn't quite fit into the chateau.
You will have the unique opportunity on the last day to participate in an auction to buy any of the chateaux, especially the jewel in the crown Lalande, (with staff included.)
A holiday of a lifetime filled with love, lust, laughter and Lambrusco.
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If you have been here since the start, you will see that I am unashamedly a fan of the Chateau Diaries. I am not a friend or an insider. As for the rest of them, I think I have been very critical of them, it is just I am never rude and do not call out fading looks, or hair loss, or homosexual or metrosexual or whatever sexuality because there is enough to criticise without going that far. I am not totally uncritical of The Chateau Diaries either, and have called out bad behaviour and have enjoyed the wit and criticism and differences of opinion here. The gift grab, the hints for gifts and cash are embarrassing and disgraceful but I do not grudge Steph her Youtube revenue or Patron contributions, as long as they are made by people who are just paying for content. That they actually take from people who are misguided as to their wealth makes me queasy. As I have said before, I am a 61 year old heterosexual with too much time on her hands. What does this page give me? Well Clara has made me see that a planned visit to LaLande as a guest should never happen and the rest of you - well, I have been saved by Tattle as they have brightened some dark days.
I appreciate your honesty and consistency. You have always shared your opinions in a way you deem balanced. It's good to have a variety of opinions in a forum such as this. ✌ :)
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Heathcliff forgot to add modest, self-effacing and unpretentious to his many attributes.
I know right .... he’s been all over looks of late ... very unlike himself 🤔

Comments and musings on here are a direct RESULT of the grifters Putiing their life on display for CASH

That is the nub of the entire situation

And if ... they are upset 😢 or offended
GET A JOB that affords you your life

And get off the grifting

As you put yourself out there
Expect pushback
It’s the way of the world 🌍
Even the online world 🌍

IMHO on the teeth issue

If you don’t like what you see .. stop looking

Better still

It’s not unknown to have such an absolute terror of dental 🦷 anything - you’d rather they all fell out than deal with dentist 🪥



Manners should prevent you from saying anything in relation to anyone’s teeth 🦷

In Europe or American 🇺🇸

It’s simply not done ✅
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What stuff has Davey done?? he talks ..wonders around to find lost towers..for what...another dreamproject that they never finish?? he has been there for almost a month now..what is he doing besides talking?? I guess he eats and sleeps....
He persuades SJ not to do things. He gives her plant lists of things to purchase, and a very detailed topographical survey which will advance the lake restoration, as well as rainwater drainage/collection in a cistern he's telling her to install, to water the garden on the ancient side of the chateau. He's working on the facade and plantation and water problems there in some way. He keeps her focussed on important infrastructure and can be seen measuring, and is drawing, I suspect, careful landscape architecture plans which speak to preserving the chateau as no one else has done in the past 200 years. He also dissuades her on some of her most monstrous bullshit, like statuary across the dry moat.
Today he was turning her on to preserving and restoring the chateau. He's the only person who does that.
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her knickers got lost ....poor thing..they will find them in a year or the costumecabinet...or maybe the mice made a nest with them...great fun...
Oh Steph, where can your knickers be?
Did they get stuck when you went to the lavatory?
You'll get piles and then you'll be so-o-rree
Where can your knickers be?

Oh Steph why did you sit down there?
Don't you know you should carry a little square?
If you keep standing like that I can only stare...
Where can your knickers be?

Oh Steph, why did you make us guess?
When you wore white blowsy see through dress?
We all know what you now don't possess
Where can your knickers be?

Oh Steph why did you make me see?
Philip's filming Davey's new fantasy,
You show it so disgracefully,
Where can your knickers be?

Oh Steph we've come to the end of this
You have long been taking the p*ss
I hope by now you have got the gist
Sarah could make some as a sewist

Just put your knickers on :)
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I think she'd be much more able to get FHS funds and support if she featured more of Davy on the publicly available videos and less of her drunken grifter colleagues.
Judging from last night’s vlog, she’s taking a different approach: less planning, more grifting and a disgusting display of greed that has nothing to do with the “renovations“ at the HMN. She must be so proud of the amount of money she’s wheeling in and the doors that are opening for her tha she completely forgets how ugly it makes her look. Behind every superlative coming out of her too loud mouth you can add the words “I want”. She seems to be pulling it off too, now buying random furniture she doesn’t even know will fit anywhere in her pile of rumble. This is not antique hunting, this is showcasing her new found wealth. A new low, even for her.
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I shall tell you the secret. My icon photo is of the actor Edward Thomas Hardy (Tom Hardy) who is a british actor from London. So we have that in common, and he played Heathcliff well. He is four years younger than me, but less handsome I would like to think! :LOL: :coffee: He is also quite a lot shorter than me, and I am sure I could run rings around him if he came out for a run with me, he's getting chubby! My hair is still good, he shaves his off these days. I chose my icon photo because previously a woman has said I resemble this character, and I would like to think I am as complex, shrewd, and achieve what I want in life. Not destructive though, I build I don't destroy. And good morning to you!
Heathcliff forgot to add modest, self-effacing and unpretentious to his many attributes.
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Life as we have seen has a nasty habit of changing rapidly. People ride the gravy train when it is there, but who knows how long it will last for? I notice that viewings will fall, I no longer have lockdown time to view as I once did. I am sure it is the same for many viewers.
I do agree. I also feel, that despite trying not to, some of us have become rather obsessed by it all and feel the need to come here more than once a day just to keep up. This forum has been great with all the shared criticisms, ideas, and humour. It is refreshing to know that others share your opinion and would love all this grifting, etc. to stop but in reality, we are not likely to have much effect on the situation and most of the donors are too far gone to change their ways and SJ is certainly never going to change hers! I'm not sure that spending too much time watching the vlogs, etc., is beneficial to our own state of mind; it tends to make us feel morally superior, which we hope we are , but in my case, it also confirms that I am rapidly turning into a more critical and grumpier old woman day by Lalandian day!
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