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VIP Member
Selmar has stated that the reason he does not take a room in the shatoo is for Diesel's sake. Apparently, Diesel can't do stairs and all the rooms are upstairs. As far as I know, that is the only reason Selmar has given. I think he knows how to be diplomatic in these situations. He likes his independence and probably wants to avoid any drama. I would do the same thing if I was in his position. Distance can be very good!
Given his propensities as a solitary/yoga head, no drama is the bottom line, I'd say. What can we do to help the animals and the people of LaLande to make sure Selmar stays? Fund water, skeptic (!) and electricity to the wood working shelter so he can use that as his address?
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Nah. I just think slavery accusations are over the top and unjustified.
Again, undeclared work and failure to pay the minimum wage rate could be appropriate charges. A labour inspector might want to look into those.
Anyway, at the moment SJ will claim they are all just friends staying for unspecific time contributing to the household like friends would do.
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Joy no toile

Well-known member
I've noticed a lot of new posters recently. Welcome. You have questions and perhaps doubts, others are die hard super fans ready to derail. Welcome anyway.

To those disillusioned, watch this.

Super fans still watch.

Those of you who like Disturbed enjoy.
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Sarah DID don her orange dress for the evening meal.
if one in this shithouse tries to look as a scullerymaid....and then she wants to make a living of historical costumes....girl try again...

He was shooting the ducks at the end LOL
His suits didnt fit anymore...he had to borrow one of Fanny Flash her dressinggowns...not fit for camera i guess ;)
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Maybe it sounds like that to you, because you want it to be that way, because you want to believe her lies. I’ve told you some of my observations and eyes and ears knowledge, but clearly that has not convinced you. I sinserely doubt anything will, as you have taken it upon yourself to stephend the hell out of anything said here. As for the no shortage of catlovers: I’m sure Selmar begs to differ, unless you have knowledge on who takes care of Ruby when he’s on his weekend breaks? FRK? Not a very stable candidate.

Ziggy was the name my friends came up with for her cat. Obviously, after they left, she needed that changed.

I don’t need any imagination to describe what’s happening right in front of me.

Couldn’t agree more, I admire her self restraint, it’s a very effective and not so easy to execute strategy. Difficult especially when you like the constant drama in your life, as she clearly does.

Camels and their toes must be contagious!

I totally get what you are saying and the comparison could be real. However: are you vlogging your life with your son to make money with it? That’s the actual reason we are discussing the issue anyway, isn’t it?

I so agree. Add to that that her shittoo is literally in themiddle of nowhere and her slaves have no means of transportation themselves. It can be enjoyable for some, but if you’re not happy with how things are going, you can’t just leave. It’s a party prison and she is deciding what’s going on, when there’s food and what kind of food. If IJ’s around that regime is even worse.

Add to that her shittoo is literally in the middle of nowhere and the workawayers usually don’t have their own means of transportation. It’s a partyprison. Enjoyable for some, but if you want out...

Funny thing: SJ and her friends all used to call the workawayers her slaves. Or her minions, but usually her slaves. So don’t think you are Stephending, she wouldn’t agree...

Why? Are you planning to sue her?
My understanding is most workaways are either students or homeless people. They don't have the funds to just leave or the transportation to do so. So they are forced to work for free or be on the streets of some small town with no shelter, food or money. They have to earn money somehow to pay for hygiene products and cellphone use. They have no option until another workaway situation is available they can get to. They are supposed to be having a cultural enrichment experience so she forced them to eat dinner with her nightly. Does this come out of the five hours of work? How is dinner with a English narc a cultural enrichment experience? It's France they don't speak french and the only french food is some of the cheese. She claimed they did whatever work they liked. The chore board proves that is a lie. They have to eat whatever is cooked. Meals are based on Marie's mood and some of it looks stomach turning. They have no legal protection for the work they have to do because they aren't citizens. They can't file on her because their visa isn't for work. It's illegal to have them come there to work period. Marie is renting a studio. Has to cook all meals for her room. She's forced to pay half on a party dress by Skankanee for a party she didn't want to attend. All the workaways appear to be forced to attend her parties. 🐪 Toe is being forced to buy his own expensive desk to work for her. That's outrageous and not standard work requirement. One workaway was kicked out for drinking up her liquor. He was given a ride to the train station but didn't have the money for a ticket. These people are all being Exploited in an illegal manner. Subjected to her whims. If anyone stands up to her they are forced out homeless, without food or the pay they deserve to find other accommodation.
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Bored Mermaid CC

VIP Member
See you can't fool the people.... you just can't -- =)

or as Captain Penny told us in Cleveland “"You can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool Mom. She's pretty nice and she's pretty smart. If you do what Mom says you won't go far wrong."
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Chatty Member
Beryl will be so happy!

Her man-boy hero, MPK promises that his fans will soon get to watch the continuation of his Madrid vlog that has taken 20 days to edit!
He extends his apologies to his fans: "Too many Grindr boys to f**k, so little time!"
The vlog might be out on Sunday. Which Sunday? We will never know! But at least it's coming out on Sunday!

View attachment 555672

Get ready, Tattlers!
Funding is getting lower by the day. His Patreon money is now down to an office assistant level salary (no offense meant to office assistants, especially you Natti). We can soon expect another Live Q&A where he can blame the "gossip site" for how unfair his life is!

Dear MPK,
Here's a little lesson from real life.
People who don't perform well on their jobs or are lazy
either get demoted or fired.
You're welcome.
We know you love us!

(April 30, 2021-------------------------- May 1, 2021)
View attachment 555674 View attachment 555673
What did he expect ? What did anyone expect ?

I have often thought of why I ever start watching these videos years ago? I used to really enjoy them and wanted to be part of the whole La Lande experience. When she got popular, it really changed. Before, the focus was on restoring the chateau. The content was so much more informational. Now, it all seems so much like an act to just wind up the manic fans. Even the Sundays at the Chateau have gone down hill. I don't appreciate 'leftovers' and out takes being the topic of a vlog. It just means you don't have anything new to show and you've stooped to piecing together bits from the cutting room floor. The new fan base is very different from the old fan base. Oh well, all good things come to an end eventually.

And people wonder how Grey Gardens got to the state it was in! It's happening at the shatoo in real time. When lockdown is over, perhaps the Hotel Inspector can make a call with her bacteria counter. Maybe one of the gifters will send her one. Not that anyone there would use it. Personally, I would be afraid to eat from that kitchen not that I will take the opportunity as I have no desire to visit.

Preferably French people that live nearby. From what I've heard, rural areas in France have a lot of people needing work. If I was going to stay at a chateau, I would really like to have a French cook that could offer me local cuisine instead of Marie's mish-mash. I wonder if the reason she doesn't use recipes is due to her learning disabilities. She once complained that the Thermomix was too difficult to use. She may have trouble reading and following instructions. That may be the reason she also prefers to work alone. Too many distractions are difficult for people with mild cognitive disorders. They need to focus on one task at a time. Also, I just don't know about having a cook that can't taste a lot of the dishes because of their own dietary restrictions.
you’ve used a word that’s struck a cord with me. “Manic” one become manic via drug use..... now I’m not suggesting she uses, but she has lost weight over the past months and her behavior is very , as you say “manic”.
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Maple fairy

VIP Member
Drilling down on BJJ's parents. He mentioned his mother several times but I can not remember any mention of his father. Perhaps I'm wrong? If he was being raised in a single parent household it would explain all the time he spent with his grandparents. I think I may have this one figured out but will continue the deep dive.
If you look at his social media you can find pictures of him with his mother. I don’t remember seeing a father but I could be wrong.
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VIP Member
SJ has zero knowledge of biology and botany. I guess it wasn't required subjects in her education. I'm afraid Dan doesn't know much about plants either. He's good at cleaning up, making planting beds, digging ditches, but he's no plant man! On their spending spree at the garden shop, they blindly bought fruit trees, which are generally quite expensive, without doing any research. Perhaps this was Dan being passive agressive and wanting SJ to waste her money. Most of the trees they bought need to be cross pollinated with another variety of the same species. Unless there are those trees already around, they won't get fruit. I know they don't have any other almond trees nearby and they only bought one. SJ knows nothing about animal care. Her idol, Marie Antoinette, liked to play dress-up as milkmaid and frolic around and play farm girl just like SJ.
Also have to be careful about grafted ones sometimes. He may have been better going to the tree market that the Fleuries went to. Well worth their while.
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Madame No

VIP Member
I hope there are some shatoo gifters dropping in here as I have a suggestion for you. Here's a device to help Ruby while Selmar escapes for much need alone time.

I think Tomaz was really hoping for a paid position at the shatoo. The way he kept taking on projects like the laundry room and that ridiculous spa room - ugh! to impress SJ. But he's not Steph's type. He tries to steal the show by always photo bombing the vlogs with his awful dancing and singing or just popping his head into the camera. She can't have that! Anyone want to bet on his sexual orientation since that seems to be a popular topic? Myself, I'm not sure. He doesn't come across as being typically masculine but at least he doesn't dress in women's clothing - at least on camera. He has stated that he wants to be married by the age of 30 - how old is he anyway? He's not much of a catch for husband material as he still lives with his mama and probably doesn't have a nest egg.

Or, like Paul Burrell is alleged to have done, wear Princess Diana's clothes. And then steal them.
This reminds me of a much earlier thread where someone described a scenario in which Steph is dead and interned in the netherworld of the chateau, but Phillipa is dressed up in her clothes with a blond wig pretending to be her so he can continue living in the shatoo.


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Chatty Member
So the Madrid vlog looked nice but my god was it BORING! I love Madrid but struggled though that.
Watch Spain Revealed on YT if you want to see interesting things about Madrid 😎
In 1 day only, so many dislikes(112) and so few likes. (3.1K)..

iscover the Amazing Parks of Madrid - Doing it Ourselves
•May 2, 2021




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Yes to all who say there is nothing romantic going on Between Philip and Steph J -- never will and really its a cute lil package deal keeping things the way they are. Friends.

No matter what I read on here... if I agree or whatever.... I really like that warm feeling I get being here with all you amazinnnnng souls =) Smiles and Laughter with a good heart = Key to happiness and health
One can always agree or is keeping the magic in....
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Ah and that's the difference between Chateau diaries and the Fleuries. They show the updates and progress earlier with the Patreon monies. Have a plan in place for their projects and show reveals.
A much better outcome and most of us aren't Patrons.
They also have filming going alongside so I expect this was more of a Patreon type Vlog than the ones they generally show.
It is very tongue in cheek as well.
So, whilst I can see the point re pushing for patrons I also feel they would and do provide better content.
Compare to the works being done on laland.
Garden...beautiful, good landscaping and mostly has little help. Learning as they go.
Chateau itself...each room, is carefully thought about and projects completed in a timely manner with taste.
Facade...already sorted before Patreon account I expect (not sure) just one more to do.
Shutters and outside period feature to be completed.
They have a business plan in place which is shared. So all in all, I will enjoy watching.
They have boosted their viewings because they provide good content.
Let's see how it goes.
Could not agree more..
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Bored Mermaid CC

VIP Member
I’m really surprised she lets them have their own vlogs. She could say it is her property so they can’t film if she really wanted to stop them.
seriously thought she would take a cut of their YT revenue. she makes Marie pay rent for her studio doesn’t she? I also doubt her little visits to other chateau were freebies-was there possibly a ”consult fee”
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Doesn't she have some dhalias in greenhouse? I thought her video was very sad. I think she'll get to 32, 35 and still be at that damn chateau, talking and laughing to herself and filming it. You coukd do that in a more populated area. Age is not a number Marie if you wish to have children, live in uk and often find a life partner. I fear in hindsight this will be a failure to launch scenario.
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