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My oh my, what great mood we have on tattle.

Seems like I have to take care of that again…


Now we just have to wait …
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Who is she?!?? WTF?! How does she know all this?!? She HAS to be on the inside.
Moira laughing 2.gif

4 hours ago
@carolinegooder7091 Caroline, you are the unsung hero of the comment section. You are always respectful, provide clarity, answer questions, provide perspective and supply any missing information. I recently gave you a shoutout for your contribution on one of Stephanie’s Patreon videos.

View attachment 3024390

Gerry would not fit in the shed...
View attachment 3024424
1 hour ago
The shed is at the back of that pasture.

53 minutes ago (edited)
Kirsty was on vacation, and the weather had just turned warm. Grant and Amaury had planned to be there to carry and drag them with Kirsty, but had to leave. The sheep hate the drone worse. The ram tried to kill it.

44 minutes ago (edited)
Grant and Amaury had planned to be there to carry and drag them with Kirsty but had to leave because of family issues.

34 minutes ago
The rams are fixed, so there are no lambs. Lancelot is not allowed near the sheep without a human there. Stephanie didn't encourage this in the past. Isabelle and Percy could babysit during this kind of event.

6 minutes ago
Kirsty had the the fencing but Grant and Amaury were going to help. They left and too many people got involved. Note Philip knows how to drag rams and Pavlina drags rams and carries sheep. They have learned over the years.

4 minutes ago
Unless Kirsty has someone to take them, nothing. A volunteer was there one year to card the wool but had to leave due to family issues.

19 minutes ago
Philip needed Michael there as Amaury and Grant had left suddenly. Steven isn't allowed to lift as much weight anymore.

38 minutes ago
When there are 30 people around, things like board games are needed. Stephanie's parents moved her whole childhood into Lalande when they downsized. Stephanie has been getting rid of lots of things every six months. Even Isabelle had a box of clothes sent to charity.y six months.
2 hours ago
That is no excuse. There must be plenty of other sheep owners in the region who use other shearers. Stephanie; (Caroline, Mireille, Xanthe, or whoever), can afford to pay someone to do it. A drone is not a good idea either. The behaviour that was filmed was atrocious. Animals need care from respectful owners, not from a hoard of people yelling and shouting at them, or using them for comedic entertainment purposes. All professionals working with both domestic pets and farm animals will tell you that they need a calm and quiet environment. @carolinegooder7091
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Seriously Snorts is a lost cause. He cant do anythjng, except spend his "old ladies" money. Such a lost learning potential, he could have learned wood working from Amorie, cooking from the internet, how to.fix just about anything, and yet he does nothing. Barely puts forth an effort at making a meal. Doesnt weed, clean, purge or paint... Such a wasted life.
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Gooder outs himself with the above comment-

"those sheep have been HERE for years"

"Here" means they must have been writing from the shitoo.
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Welcome back @graciemckitten, thank you for the summary. Reading about Ratso I think this is how Ratso will depart the chateau, he will be poisoned by something he ate and Stephanie will be grieving in her black outfit and fundraising for his cremation. I’d hate to see this but I really feel that this is the way poor Ratso is going to leave the château.

Here I am with my 18-year-old cavoodle devastated because the decision will have to be made soon about her end of life, my husband and I are heartbroken and can’t stop crying every time we think about it. And these two horrors don’t know how to treat any animal with respect and love, I hate them.
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T Rex

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Thank you @ComtesseRose for the fresh new thread 😘 and the @TorontoGWM and @Lady Avonlea for the title! :ROFLMAO:

Thread #315 is brought to you by our sponsor, Vick's Vapor Rub. I hope you are on the mend soon @JackSpratt! ❤

Point of Order (because @MojoDublin is not here- miss you, M!): All of us "15 Menopausal Hags" are adults, brought together by the ridiculousness of Stephanie Jarvis. We may not always agree, but attacking one another for differing opinions is not acceptable. If someone's posts annoy the hades out of you, use the ignore button and carry on! @LurkingMeg is NOT Michael Potts or any of the Shitoo lot- she's been on TL for a year and a half, has never made any remarks to make us think otherwise, and I think she lives in Florida as well. While we've seen our share of flying monkeys over the years who have wreaked havoc and eventually 86'd them, there have been a few legitimate members (like @missartemis, who shared her terrible experience at LaLande) that were driven off due to mistrust by members. Be kind to one another. Merci! ❤

Now back to our regularly scheduled program of, "Grifters... LaLande!" Highlights of tonight's featured segment: shopping, porcelain, annoying the chapel restorers, and "What culinary disaster will FRK concoct for the guest dinner?"
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C'est moi

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View attachment 3024390

Gerry would not fit in the shed...
View attachment 3024424
1 hour ago
The shed is at the back of that pasture.

53 minutes ago (edited)
Kirsty was on vacation, and the weather had just turned warm. Grant and Amaury had planned to be there to carry and drag them with Kirsty, but had to leave. The sheep hate the drone worse. The ram tried to kill it.

44 minutes ago (edited)
Grant and Amaury had planned to be there to carry and drag them with Kirsty but had to leave because of family issues.

34 minutes ago
The rams are fixed, so there are no lambs. Lancelot is not allowed near the sheep without a human there. Stephanie didn't encourage this in the past. Isabelle and Percy could babysit during this kind of event.

6 minutes ago
Kirsty had the the fencing but Grant and Amaury were going to help. They left and too many people got involved. Note Philip knows how to drag rams and Pavlina drags rams and carries sheep. They have learned over the years.

4 minutes ago
Unless Kirsty has someone to take them, nothing. A volunteer was there one year to card the wool but had to leave due to family issues.

19 minutes ago
Philip needed Michael there as Amaury and Grant had left suddenly. Steven isn't allowed to lift as much weight anymore.

38 minutes ago
When there are 30 people around, things like board games are needed. Stephanie's parents moved her whole childhood into Lalande when they downsized. Stephanie has been getting rid of lots of things every six months. Even Isabelle had a box of clothes sent to charity.y six months.
Caroline fucking Gooder you stupid fucking bitch. You DO NOT DRAG rams or sheep. You DO NOT CARRY rams or sheep. You also should not pull them by their horns. As for fucking Thrush he couldn't drag his own feet. How cruel are these people.

Thanks for the receipts tattlers all, I may use them when I have time on my hands in a couple of weeks. Wouldn't want Despicable fanny deleting evidence.
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I sense a fine romance bidding between @ComtesseRose and @HalcyonOrganic 🤣
As our Cilla used to say "should I buy a hat?" 😉
Ahh... If only...
You know, I was once young and beautiful. Now, I'm just beautiful.

9 hours ago
Buying second hand objects contributes to the economy without stripping the planet of natural resources, allows us to embellish the chateau, and gives my mother something to spar about. So as far as I’m concerned, it’s a virtuous circle 😂
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I think our Gracie is taking a little Tattle break. At least I hope it’s little. We may have unintentionally driven away another knowledgable tattler, which would be a considerable loss. @graciemckitten ’s cogent analysis of the Shat-oh Diarrheas is as necessary to this forum as @KikiG ’s encyclopedic archival knowledge. Gracie, this tattler hopes to see you back soon and enjoy your break.
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FRK's gifts (2).jpg


Lalande mess.jpg


BJJ looking rough 1.png 1719829220061.png 1719829228436.png 1719830878968.png

9 hours ago
Hellooooo, Children. You are Bonified Shopoholics. You are addicted. You CONSUME TOO WAY TOO MUCH. You have so much going for you that you have to give - you need a higher-consciousness consumer and contribution strategy. SIMPLIFY☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀

9 hours ago
Buying second hand objects contributes to the economy without stripping the planet of natural resources, allows us to embellish the chateau, and gives my mother something to spar about. So as far as I’m concerned, it’s a virtuous circle 😂
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Congratulations @TorontoGWM for naming the thread and @Lady Avonlea for nominating it. I took some creative liberties.

Most Liked Posts from the previous thread

Lady Avonlea

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Monday at 4:05 AM
Ratso loves Michael Pethrick


Mummy loves Michael Pethrick


Percy loves Michael Pethrick


Ratso Loves Mummy


Percy & Mummy hate Snorty


Mummy & Percy really hate Snorty dumping his excess porcelain in their flat and the excessive gifts they've been sent.
(Why are people still sending gifts????)


Everyone loves Michael Pethrick!!! ❤ ❤❤
Boy, did MP ever brighten up today's CD. Suck on that Snorty!!!


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Lady Avonlea

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Monday at 4:16 AM
🧵 Suggestion - Joseph dropped dead when he heard over 500,000€ was spent on his chapel instead of feeding and clothing the poor

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T Rex

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Monday at 2:23 AM
Patriciarella said:
Michael is so fun unlike the peach & tuna boy. Michael fits in but Snorty had to mind trick everyone & is still the odd toe sock kid. Michael shines brighter than the bling chapel but Phi Phi is like that gunk on the bottom of your strawberry shoe!
IJ looked thrilled to see TeaBag. And TeaBag was so genuine in greeting Percy, and asked if he could take his bag. When have we ever seen Snorts do such a thing?

Lochness Monster said:
After near a year the chandelier in Mummy’s apartment is …..still on the FLOOR.
Snorts is fussing around with ornaments while teabag cleans windows. Farcical.
The china obsession is not even amusing. Snorts is filling the drawers in Mummy’s apartment with china , you could tell she is not that chuffed.

The atmosphere is lighter with a Teabag being around, Fanny is laughing. As for the fake boyfriend he is trying to be Lord of the manor, this will not last. Just why is Teabag at the dump?
Two Tonnes and hubby are on their way as is Pavlina , The vultures are gathering for patron day.
If TeaBag wasn't there, the windows would not have gotten cleaned. I agree- the whole atmosphere is better with him around! Fanny choose the wrong gay man to be fake-engaged to.

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VIP Member

Monday at 1:56 AM
Michael is so fun unlike the peach & tuna boy. Michael fits in but Snorty had to mind trick everyone & is still the odd toe sock kid. Michael shines brighter than the bling chapel but Phi Phi is like that gunk on the bottom of your strawberry shoe!

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Imperious Me

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Monday at 2:00 AM
Lochness Monster said:
After near a year the chandelier in Mummy’s apartment is …..still on the FLOOR.
Snorts is fussing around with ornaments while teabag cleans windows. Farcical.
The china obsession is not even amusing. Snorts is filling the drawers in Mummy’s apartment with china , you could tell she is not that chuffed.

The atmosphere is lighter with a Teabag being around, Fanny is laughing. As for the fake boyfriend he is trying to be Lord of the manor, this will not last. Just why is Teabag at the dump?
Two Tonnes and hubby are on their way as is Pavlina , The vultures are gathering for patron day.
Snorts was sweating cobs when they all came into the apartment... was he working hard or was it guilt from raiding her undies drawer?

"..and what the f'k are we supposed to do with this load of old shite?"

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Miss Trunchbull

VIP Member

Tuesday at 2:40 AM
Can we just appreciate the amount of food offered to the home crew …..this pic is just half the table …….it’s quite nauseating how indulgent they are with themselves yet scam the guests with pickings…

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As always thank you all who contribute
Remember we have a wiki
Happy Tattling.
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Shame on this fool if their avatar is anything to go by - the Welsh flag

42 minutes ago
One of my favourite episodes to date! I was hysterical watching you herd the sheep! Stephanie you are so blessed to have such a wonderful family and support network around you. You are all a joy to watch. Gerry is my fave though

another nutter

3 hours ago
Love the chateau games , a good annual event, Herd the Sheep at the Chateau - it could be a fundraising event

and this one needs a slap

3 minutes ago
Super fun episode, watching you guys trying to herd sheep. Y such critical viewers, sheep didn’t die from stress but i thought I might, reading the critical comments

There are a few comments of concern over the treatment of the sheep

15 minutes ago (edited)
Sorry but this chasing them around shouting and running is ridiculous and quite cruel! Sheep are herded quietly, slowly, calmly. A few days quietly bucket feeding them, and you can walk them in. Now they are just traumatised.


5 hours ago
not sure why you dont use feed and fence of part of field sheep get stressed easily


3 hours ago
Yes, when you have a tiny flock of sheep like this, someone should train them on a bucket. Practice going out there with a bucket full of sheep nuts (pellets) and rattle the bucket loudly, then give them the feed on the ground when they come. Very soon, the sheep will follow you and that bucket everywhere. Saves all that running around stressing them. My goodness watching them trying to gather those sheep was
Those animals still have their heavy fleeces and will be baking hot. We have about 120 sheep and all the mature ones know to come to a bucket. It saves so much time and stress. Plus, they should have moveable hurdles to place into a pen shape to heard them into. Trying to shove them in a tiny dark shed was not a good idea, a sheep will not want to enter a dark hole where they feel trapped.
Read more


1 hour ago
@KathyRichards-tr9zx It really worried me to see Lancelot chasing the sheep - it must have been so stressful for them. Can't understand why everyone thinks it was hilarious. Love Stephanie to bits, but felt the sheep were being stressed just to amuse the viewers.

Sadly most of the tossers think it's a funny jolly jape, how would they feel!
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Those poor bloody sheep, I'm surprised none collapsed with the stress of it all! All that bitch can do is laugh! What's your take on it @C'est moi ?

As for letting that sodding dog run around after them and having the old folks in there open to injury, plus the filming crew. Utterly disgraceful and cruel.

The old girl has never said a truer word - that the place is totally disorganised. Then Tubby Tata sticks up for her useless niece! FFS

As for the rest of the shitshow, move furniture to accommodate that spoilt arsehole's china fetish.

Michael leaves with a friend who's housekeeper at Highclere Castle and Trixie clung onto to him far too long when saying goodbye :sick:

After that farce of 'sheep herding' my hatred of this bunch has hit an all time high.
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LOOK AT THIS BULLSHIT. STEPHANIE IS PUTTING FORTH MORE MISINFORMATION /LIES UNDER HER FAKE GOODER ACCOUNT NOW CLAIMING THAT “ Ruby is owned by himself“ to try to muddy the waters, create confusion, control by chaos, smoke and mirrors crap. The cat is owned by Stephanie Jarvis.Look at the various ways that she is trying to distance herself from accountability for treating Ruby so terribly over the past several years in CD videos and the lies she has told herself and thru her fake accounts. Correcting the lies told by Stephanie:
  • Ruby was not a stray cat
  • Ruby was not a neighboring home’s cat that decided to live at the Dump because the Jarvis family was “ so kind and nice.”
  • Ruby was not the former caretaker’s cat that was abandoned at the Dump. The former caretakers would have taken Ruby but were not allowed to by Stephanie because it was “ her cat” and “ she needed a cat to take care of the mice and or rats in the buildings at the dump.” ( recall she renamed the cat Ruby and not did not know or care that it was a male cat.
  • She and Isabelle failed to feed the cat for six months at one point. ( Clara)
  • Stephanie knew that Ruby was getting into fights and fathering kittens because he needed to be neutered but she did not want to pay for it. When Ruby was seriously injured and lost a big chunk out of his leg, Stephanie did nothing. Selmar had to take Ruby to the vet and Stephanie reluctantly pay the vet bill. Selmar was finally able to get Ruby neutered and the fighting stopped.
  • according to Clara, Stephanie is not allergic to cats and/or not seriously allergic to cats. . Stephanie would make up fake allergies.
  • remember that Philip stated a few months ago that Ruby might be allowed in the back hallway at the dump at night during the winter, but it never happened.
  • Stephanie then thru her Gooder account stated that they were going to lock Ruby into AMaury’s workshop at night, but he didn’t like it.
  • remember Stephanie ramming an entire cat treat stick down Ruby’s throat?
  • Why can’t Ratso take over some mice catching In the outer Dump buildings? He is a ratter. That is what he was bred to do. It might keep him from chasing the peacocks, the sheep, and eating all the shit at the Dump,

  • See how the Jarvis control by chaos/ misinformation/ smoke and mirrors lying bullshit works?

    1 day ago
    @tuoinglese1455 Ruby isn't their cat. But he likes to wander around Lalande

1 day ago
who does the cat belong too?

🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮See how pathological liar Stephanie is trying to distance herself from responsibility and ownership of Ruby?
1 day ago
Rudy is owned by himself. He is an outside cat, who they feed in the workyard. This is the most he has come inside.


  • 1. Stephanie has claimed that they have spoken with the vet about neutering a dog, but they need to wait for a few more months. Bullshit. If it’s not on video, it never happened. For gosh sake, she happily filmed a dying peachick, you believe she wouldn’t film 3 vet visits for Ratso?
  • 2. Stephanie claimed that she took Ratso to the vet to look at his bad eyes. She has no content, she is desperate for content. Do you really think she took the dog to the vet and did not video the visit,medications, or get the damn dog’s long ass overgrown nails clipped? His eyes still look terrible and he has scarring or visible injuries to his left eye.
  • 3. Today’s video, Phillip looks at Stephanie and specifically tells her to talk about the Ratso drama. If the dog threw up 5 times in one day and a 6th time at the emergency vet, and Philip filmed nothing about the drama or the visit to the emergency vet? Stephanie stated that they were given “a lot of medicine“ but she showed nothing. Absolutely nothing. She stated that the dogs stomach was inflamed, that is gastritis, Stephanie mentioned nothing about being instructed to withhold food from the dog for several hours and/or for 24 hours, does not show any medicine given to them, etc. It was bullshit.
  • It is interesting that the dog likely has fleas and ticks, but they never get any preventative medication to apply on the dog. Do you think the dog is ever been given any heartworm medication? The dog gets carsick routinely, yet they never get him any type of medication to help with his motion sickness in the car. The dog has extremely long nails, but they never get the vet to clip them, even though they’ve been to the vet for several visits in the past two months.
  • Stephanie stated that she thinks the dog is eating peacock poo. That is another reason why you keep the dog on a leash and monitor where they go. The dog could also have eaten a daffodil, a tulip, or any other poisonous shrub or plants that she has planted all around the dump. If he actually had gastritis, Ratso was seen on video chewing on some “ treasure” he found in the middle of the sheep pasture, probably sheep poop, which could upset his stomach, if this story was actually true.
  • she has zero content. Stories about the money maker dog make up over 1/3 of her continent monthly, yet they don’t film these “ emergency “ vet trips and illnesses.
  • Stephanie is a shit dog owner, encouraging the dog to chase the terrified sheep, especially in unkempt tall grass/weed infested field where the dog can easily get tripped up, step in a hole, slide on the tall crushed grass, and break its leg. She has three gardeners but can’t manage to mow the field down a bit?
    We all know that the sheep get no medical care, they aren’t registered, and they are terribly neglected.
  • Stephanie plants this question in the CD comment section under fake accounts at least 8 times per week, so she or one of her fake accounts can say “ Prague ratter.” I don’t know why she is so obsessed with people thinking that she has such a “ special” dog. She exaggerates the popularity/ exclusivity of the breed of the dog just like she would lie about people lining up in public, begging to pet the dog, crying and fainting at the sight of the horny, whining, barking Ratso, and pleading to take photos with him.

    1 day ago
    What kind of Dog is Lancelot?

1 day ago
Prague Ratter



1 day ago
These sheep have been here for years. The ram has knocked people down, Gerry being short was a favorite target. The plan was Kirsty and Marie on fencing and Amaury and Grant dragging or carrying. Then the guys left. Note Jason got two, Philip one and Pavlina has learned to drag rams and carry sheep from last year

Stephanie knows what she wrote above was bullshit.

1. Amaury stopped dealing with a sheep a couple years ago. Recall the Cameron had to help with the sheep last year and Amaury stayed far away from the sheep shit show round up. Stephanie knew that he was not going to participate this year But she had to put the lie out that Cuz was going to participate. I call bullshit, Stephanie also indirectly blames Cuz for this year’s sheep shit show.
3. Will Nick be back at the dump to trim trees and harvest wood at the Dump this summer or will he stay at the crispy château? Stephanie ihas already told us Under one of her fake accounts that Cameron moved to Germany.
4. When Selmar was at the Dump, he easily got the sheep to calmly follow him when he carried some food in a bucket. It doesn’t have to be a clown like cruel shit show every year for the terrified sheep. Stephanie Jarvis is abusive to all animals. Lazy, cruel Baghead Nik is a huge loser who has always failed to comply of the law, and treat the sheep properly, allowing them to incestuously interbreed. They should be rehomed.
5. No respect for Kirstie eagerly being a part of the yearly cruel sheep shitshow.
6. Did FRK eat one of the sheep or is she just sampling too much of the B and B meals? Is that why the portions are so small?

Suck up mousy Wendy weighs in.
2 days ago
These sheep are not handled that often. They treat humans as a disconcerting interruption to their lives. And run.


Stephanie continues to be a piece of shit by harassing the Peahen and the peachicks. She won’t even cover up the hole in the fencing that might allow the imaginary Fox to come in and get the peachicks. She suddenly started calling to peahen Sif after she realized that if she called the Pea had any other name, she would be admitting to inbreeding the peacock, and peahens once again. She still does not have an appropriate setting for the peahens and the peacocks. She will film the peachicks for a few weeks, and then they will never be seen again for months, and 3 of them will likely die and she will never mention a word. Who believes that Ratso will not chase the peachicks?

Stephanie cannot trap the imaginary Fox.
7 hours ago
Why don't you get a humane trap and catch the fox... the relocate to a forest? Otherwise, you'll forever be fearful. Especially if it can start a family

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My oh my, what great mood we have on tattle.
Seems like I have to take care of that again…
Now we just have to wait …
It’s me, I’m Kirsty’s neighbor’s cousin, also bff’s with Annalise’s mailman’s wife. I hate gossip. Mind your business, hell hounds.
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