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Did Curtsey have a long honeymoon in the Uk and bring back an old car?
If not whose is it?
Not taxed or MOT …
What is the deal with not having proper cars in their own name? Can't be that difficult or expensive. Literally everyone else in her circle has a car. In their own name. They create problems and difficulties where there are none by inaction. It's weird.

He is a highly agitated aggressive untrained snippy dog In a chaotic environment raised by negligent and at tImes reckless owners.The6 will not show blood in an edited video.
Not even.
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Following along on this theme, Stephanie Jarvis is a true capitalist without her ever knowing any concepts of human behavior.

"The fundamental nature of capitalist society is no different from that of a slave society in that one small group of society exploits the large group."

Presently we see Michael Petherick being exploited by Stephanie Jarvis as a slave for her additional income. Income which is not shared but is used to add baubles to a baseless lifestyle. Michael is a pawn, he doesn't know it, but he is a pawn to a nouveau riche capitalist with fantasies of class creep.

The types of people Stephanie Jarvis exploits are very similar, those looking for love, those looking for acceptance, those wanting social mobility, those with hidden issues. i.e Marie, Selmar, Michael, PhiPhi, Grunt, Annaliese and the list goes on.

Her own myriad issues of abandonment, never quite making it, never worked productively, endless social climbing (interesting in itself because she surrounds herself with middle class people), jealousy between mother and daughter, big talking her upbringing should keep her occupied, but she projects her fucked up life onto others with exploitation.
It's sickening. Well-observed.
In trying to account for the world-wide prevalence of authoritarian/fascist religious nationalists -- 9/11? internet misinformation? so-called "crisis in masculinity"? -- somebody somewhere I cannot now trace said, a great percentage of wealth has migrated from the middle classes to the very rich over the past 30 years or so. If true, and I'm not just making this up from unfounded internet gossip, it would account for a lot.
The idea that it's not just based in immorality, but real personality disorder and insanity, rings a big bell. I have the feeling Marx sensed this too. (As mad as he was -- made Engels work in Daddy Engels' dark Satanic mill in UK midlands for years to support Karl and fam, including the many, many bottles of wine per week Karl drank.)
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C'est moi

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Julie Andrieu is Mr Spratts secret crush, we've watched all of her TV series Fourchette et a Sac a Dos and Les Carnets de Julie (best series for seeing differnet regions of France.)

She was the reason he went up on the roof at Sainte Marie de la Mer because she'd sat there, bless him. He came back down saying I've sat where Julie sat 😆 🤦‍♀️

Currently 29 degrees here.
Aww, bless his little cotton socks. Himself likes her red drop top Peugeot. She does have a certain appeal. And I get the impression she is a nice person. Nothing seems to phase her.

Edit to add... 31°, sitting in a shadey corner of the sheep field with the sheep, a nice breeze blowing across. The girls are not impressed by this sudden heat. But according to France meteo the weather is exactly were it's meant to be for end of June.
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Before I forget....and since we've spoken briefly about this...

Fern Weston-Bennet and her husband appear to have purchased a house. I've sort of stopped watching her, but this past Sunday the thumbnail on her vlog mentioned "a new way of life" so I watched. She says she can't tell us until next Sunday's vlog, but says we've probably already guessed, what's been keeping her from really sharing everything that's going on (insert eyeroll here), but says it will all be revealed next weekend.
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I have to admit to a soft spot for Peter Ustinov’s performance as Poirot. It still wasn’t letter perfect as to the book character, but he had such a charming twinkle which I think necessary. It also helped that in the six or so Poirot mysteries he did, the supporting cast was always brilliant. Mia Farrow, Simon MacCorkindale, Dame Maggie Smith, (twice!) Dame Diana Rigg, Roddy McDowell, Jane Birkin, (also twice) Bette Davis and Angela Lansbury, just to name a few. That’s just from Death on the Nile and Evil Under the Sun.
I may give him a try, yet in my warped sense of loyalty to a fictional character, I'd feel like I'm cheating. :D
Love adore Dame Maggie, she's brilliant beyond.
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Thou shall not fear about no gardener, please welcome lalande s new addition to the ever growing number of future former Gardeners:

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I have a feeling that most of the US fans who defend Steph are the ones who vote for Trump; likewise, her UK fans probably vote for Farage. None of them can see clearly or think for themselves. What hope is there for humanity when such people exist?

Apologies for the repetition and the typos, all rushed this morning!
I disagree entirely. You have no idea if these people vote and/or who they vote for. There are a lot of stupid and gullible people on all sides of politics.
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Lazy gay get out of my shot.
Maybe they should film what I bought in a month diary, that would be hectic . Disadvantage would be only Snorts and Fanny being filmed. Snorts has put his long hair system in for channel four.
Is that the mystery dark-haired girl sitting in the kitchen at Lalande in a recent CD vlog? Either lunch or supper with SJ and a few of the Lalande bit part players?
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Fanny pretends to know about art but she often shows her ignorance. The most famous painting by Fragonard is probably the one with the girl on the swing. In one of her vlogs, Fanny said it was by Boucher. True their styles were similar, but that Fragonard painting is so well-known that anyone with just the slightest interest in the history of art would know it! It's similar when she quotes famous passages from Shakespeare and poetry, there are always errors!
Yinka Shonibare did a version of The Swing in African wax prints, along with other reinterpretations of classic paintings. I nearly fell over when I saw it, it's really gorgeous and moving. I think it was at the famous "Short Century" show at MOMA PS1, a must-see I'm glad I saw.
Screen Shot 2024-06-26 at 2.06.12 PM.png

Let me ask again, I know lots of you are very knowledgable about tapestry cartoons and domestic painted panels. What is your assessment of Pheeph's purchases, or, more important to me, are there links to real artists working in these media?
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I don't know that we should be trying to demand to be shown the pups. IMO, he's focussed on his restoration and rarely shows anything of his private life now. We criticised him for showing his boys in the vlogs and he rarely does this now. He shows very little of Cat and I think if he showed more, we would say that he wasn't considerate of Annalise's feelings in flaunting his new relationship. We say that Fanny is monetising Ratso and yet want Dan to feature the pups. I think there is plenty that Dan can be called out for but I don't agree that he has to show the puppies. Just my opinion.
Sorry @Jeeves I had not noticed this reply as I’m reading at the same time I’m sorting out the washing machine.
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