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What happened all those curtains Stephanie was supposed to be making? do you really believe she made 100 curtains For the dump?

What happened to the thousands of euros spent on fortuny fabric never to be seen again. When Snorty showed up at the dump, supposedly, he loved to do needlework, sewing, furniture restoration, etc. What has he done in the past 3 1/2 years? Next to nothing.
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Thanks for the close inspections of the back corridor - which we can now add to the list of partially demolished walls (plaster covered concrete confirmed by Grant) and half arsed/started wood work (for the door). So now the back corridor perfectly matched the grand salon. Onwards! How many more spaces at the farmhouse left to be demolished?
It’s like watching a reverse renovation vlog now.
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Where is Dana these days?
Did I miss something in particular or is she just another former best friend (skivvy) who now chooses to avoid the filthy mouldy junk heap of LiarLande & it’s pointless shopping obsessed china hoarding work shy inhabitants?
I think Dana can't be bothered anymore. Who would want to be friends with Fanny if you have to put up with PhiPhi all the time?
Some of my friends have arsehole husbands, but we leave the husbands home, and go and do fun stuff without them. Fanny seems unable to leave PhiPhi unless she is going somewhere to screw Pottie.
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Tea with lemon

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Philip picks up three cartoon tapestries that Stephanie says, “we got ages ago.” Stephanie Jarvis is a pathological liar. Can anyone figure out which option or store they must have purchased the three tapestries from?

here are the two tapestry cartoons that Stephanie laws and said they got ages ago
View attachment 3017428View attachment 3017429
View attachment 3017435


She also lied about the dog goung with Philip to pick up flower bulbs.Ratso was kept inside the dump so he wouldn’t kill the Pea Chicks if he was allowed into the garden. It was all a smoke and mirrors manufactured manipulative storyline from Stephanie, the pathological liar.

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I still don't understand why Philip thinks it's OK to rifle through Isabelle's things and stow his crap in her apartment. Again, he is aggressively marking his turf, showing IJ who's boss, and doing his thing of wearing the flayed skin of people he wants to dominate or be. It's a kind of vampire action. If I were IJ I'd lock my apartment and forbid him to enter.
I know what my Mum would have said to him and one of the words would have been OFF! It's disrespectful, intrusive and down right creepy!

He's absolutely no reason to be in there going through her private belongings because that's exactly what he is doing.

He's and ugly person inside and out.
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Cleo's Asp

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It was really obvious how difficult it was for Percy to breathe after going up all those stairs to the apartment, and when he was in the chapel. He appeared to be trying to hide it but he was trying hard to get his breath. It can't have done him any good to travel with Gerry not being well. Gerry also took off his mask later and was close to Percy in the chapel. If Fanny really cared about Percy, she could have created a living space for them on the ground floor, or let them stay in Nic's apartment. It probably never even occurred to the selfish bimbo that that staircase was difficult for him. It grates to see how Fanny is praised and almost sainted for restoring that chapel. The star scheme wasn't even her idea and it's not as if she had to do any real work or even contribute a penny of her own money.
What a difference MPK makes to a vlog. Had he been willing to act as the fake fiancé, he would have been a real asset to Fanny and her Chateau Diaries. He would have made an excellent host for patrons and other guests. Despite his past shenanigans, he is warm, engaging, and friendly, and he comes across as being considerably more genuine than either Fanny or Snorty. It would not be too late for Fanny to ditch PJ and have Michael in her life, not as fiancé, but as her best friend who would spend a lot of his time at LL. She and everyone else there would be much happier and the vlogs would be much better. She's missed an opportunity there.
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Grant was completely sick of the sh*t. Taking orders from Fauntleroy etc. bye bye French Fry…. Snorts Ruins Everything. No one can stand him.
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T Rex

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Apologies, our worldwide Tattlers- the US contingent is watching two old men argue on the tele right now. One is a bully, and the other appears confused as to why he is even there. SMH, this nation is forked.
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47 minutes ago
France has annual journées de patrimoine, a couple of days in the year when visitors are welcomed to cultural sites (for free) perhaps it could be incorporated in those.
Listen up, you tragic little queen, the French Republic will collapse into dust before that crumbling pile of stones and mold will ever be featured during Journèes de Patrimoine! You are such a waste of oxygen. I wouldn’t piss on you if you and your hair system were on fire. In fact, I would be the one passing around the marshmallows!

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Imagine travelling to France arriving at your apartment and being met by Snorts and a million pieces of crockery in your pan drawers, there are two of them. WHY was the apartment not as mummy left it ?
Michael was a great waiter, Snorts is just a waste of space.
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Fraudie, having read here, tried to mitigate our indignation by claiming that Mummy doesn't mind anyone going thru her belongings in order to have everything perfect. That was waaaaay before Super Snort's arrival when it was just her daughter preparing her apartment. NOT the awful awful Ponce PhiPhi.
Fanny also said the cleaners had been through and that phi was just 'putting the final touches' The place was an absolute junk heap with trip hazards of large chandelier still on the floor plus new horrid rug, the awful army blanket covered kitchen chaise plus the more elegant version, filthy windows BUT drawers full of tiny tea sets which Ponce Phiphi no longer coveted and which held a thimble of tea. He is insufferable ! Would any of you welcome your daughter's boyfriend pawing through your stuff??? grrrrrrrrr
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T Rex

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I agree.. I thought Lancelot really enjoyed Isabelle's calm energy, he was calm too sitting in front of her outside.. I laughed when she told Snorts to go lay down, she wanted rid of his moaning and there were new people to love-bomb. I recon they must have put that bench outside when Marie worked on the bread oven, so it's been outside for 6-8 months? No respect, Isabelle notices these things.. She's not wrong.
IJ is far more clever than her daughter, who is dumb as a box of rocks.

Trixie must have had a hell of a nap or a very long cry. But, if he is really sick, is Fanny going to coddle and take care of him as he does her with his favourites- chicken, applesauce, and peas? Nonsense- Fanny has no time for that! The show must go on!

What a change- the neurotic little dog was such a different dog with IJ. IJ is probably just happy her grandchild is a cute little dog and not a doll (no offense at all to Tess- you do you, boo) or one of Trixie's "precious" porcelain tureens.
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Le Baiseur

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IJ is far more clever than her daughter, who is dumb as a box of rocks.

Trixie must have had a hell of a nap or a very long cry. But, if he is really sick, is Fanny going to coddle and take care of him as he does her with his favourites- chicken, applesauce, and peas? Nonsense- Fanny has no time for that! The show must go on!

What a change- the neurotic little dog was such a different dog with IJ. IJ is probably just happy her grandchild is a cute little dog and not a doll (no offense at all to Tess- you do you, boo) or one of Trixie's "precious" porcelain tureens.
His eyes were certainly red and puffy, almost swollen. That's crying or allergies, not sick. Looks like the silk pillowcase I let my cat sleep on for a week finally arrived!
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🧵Ella has been at the chateau more days this year than SJ.
🧵B&B guests are being fed less than poor Ruby!
🧵Thor gets more action than Snorty & he’s a sex pest.
🧵Dan built a roof for his crispy chateau but chicken palace still has none.
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This morning's Patreon vlog:

Until Tuffuti graciously posts this week's patron video, here is the summary
  • They spent the day filming for Ch4, apparently much of the time outside - so Snorty & Fanny are so very exhausted because it was hot (perhaps it would help if Snorty wasn't wearing wool sweaters & a beanie)
  • Add the rain to things that Fanny loves (along with waking up to construction & weeds being pulled)
  • Solving the mystery of 'Where is Grant'?
    • she filmed Grant's last dinner - spaghetti
    • he had a family emergency
    • Grant didn't do runner, but what could the emergency be? I recall that is the second time he's left the shitoo quickly due to an 'emergency' back in Oz.
    • Fanny says Grant will be back - I'm not so sure about that!
  • Ratso is resource guarding and Mummy is damn lucky she wasn't bitten. Ratso hasn't been properly trained and they all just sit around laughing while Ratso growls & won't give up his toy. Terrible dog owners!!!
  • Ruby wants food & affection!
  • China Pantry - Snorty's conquest of the shitoo continues - he plans to take over the entire China Pantry before patreon day (petit salon/Natti's office) After all, who needs to sit down in there.
  • Another boring, cheap-ass B&B dinner and the guests provide the after-dinner entertainment (better than listening to Fanny & Snorty sing & play piano)

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T Rex

VIP Member
Very odd that Snorty wasn't ever shown sitting at the table during the guest dinner. He usually sports a grin, raises a patronizingly surprised eyebrow, and nods at everything FRK says. Instead he was shown briefly running out to the kitchen, and I assume he assisted serving. I think he was keeping an eye on Teabag to make sure he didn't spit in his meal or pour sesame oil on it. 🤣
TeaBag was very animated with the guests, joking with them, helping FRK serve dinner, and they seemed enamoured with him. What a stark contrast to Snorts, as TeaBag actually has skills (he's a talented artist and can build literally anything), good hair, and a personality. Plus, TeaBag would NEVER wear Ma Petherick's trousers or borrow Fanny's clothes!

BTW, "FRK with the good hair"- thanks for answering the question of who does her highlights- WHAT, Annaliese?!? I never would have guessed, as Fanny's always looks ratched. Ah, K18- this explains WHY Fanny's hair usually looks like it is highlighted and washed with mayonnaise- she is probably using too much. Fanny, less is more, and if you can't figure it out, switch to Olaplex. (Herr Nuti, "What is K18?" Herr Nuti lives under a rock and could use a good haircut herself.)
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Chatty Member
Indeed strange things are happening at the HMN. And, we all anticipate something epic occurring very soon.

The Patreon captions always reveal a deeper truth, and this week they hinted at one of the biggest revelations of all: that Nostradamus himself made an ominous prediction about Chateau de Lalande. So our hunch is correct. Stay tuned . . .


(and I don't think Nostradamus predicted this disaster of a meal; we all could do that).

Thank you, @tuffiti, for the Patreon video, and a belated thanks to our North Star, @ComtesseRose, for the new thread--which amazingly is almost already completed!
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What happened to the little Lord porcelain fondler being Nutti’s number two, mentioned once when someone questioned what his purpose was and then never referred to again. That family and their hangers on are all a big bunch of lazy aresholes living off their ill gotten gains. NONE of them are capable of doing a good day’s work they just expect everyone else to do it for them.
Half arsed concrete hut for the chucks started then left like a derelict WW2 bunker, the not so grand room left and abandoned for years, the wall separating her office from the corridor knocked down and just left at least 3 years ago, the heating started but not finished, the bread oven room started but not finished, ye olde shoppe abandoned and neglected, the irrigation system for the walled garden never completed, the Jardin Anglaise started and not finished. The windows, shutters and the yet to be seen elusive and expensive shutter dogs left to rot away, the terrace and the treacherous steps untouched and the facade left to crumble away.
Yet no matter as long as Fanny and the Maastricht mincer get one holiday every fucking week and spend spend spend on yet more inappropriate, unnecessary crap for themselves that is seen once and then neglected all is right in Fanny’s fantasy world. DISGUSTING family.
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