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Spirit of place

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Fanny proudly showing Isabel the wilderness of the jardin anglaise - her mother, a gardener, was desperately trying to find something positive to say, while yanking out weeds " you'd have to be a small person to get through that path"😀 - after a fortune spent on it, a total disaster, the roses withered for lack of care, hostas devoured by snails, 3 unsupervised gardeners, including 1 ex lorry driver with no knowledge of plants (soo Lielande ) & the chatelaine who had never ventured out on her property till MPetherick took her, the Boyfriend who avoids the outdoors like the plague, no wonder that garden is beginning to look like Dan's when he first pushed his way through the abandoned chateau grounds. Nature reclaims her own & maybe Fanny will change tack & announce she is rewilding. Indeed, the only charming part was the little patch of poppies, self seeded at zero cost !
Several visits to the CFS have had no effect whatsoever...oh but she was in their clothes shop spending mucho bucks on herself & Twat & the year before on the Indian repro pergola.
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
Fanny is desperate for content.....
Fanny - Michael, get back in bed & pretend I'm just waking you up
Teabag - But, it's midday
Fanny - Yes I know it's noon, but just pretend!
Teabag - But, you've already filmed me down in the kitchen.
Fanny - It doesn't matter. I'll pretend to bring you tea in bed.
Teabag - But that's your cup of tea. I already have a cup of tea which I haven't finished.
Fanny - No worries, I'll pretend I'm bringing you a second cup of tea
Teabag - But, I'm already dressed for the day
Fanny - Honestly, no one will notice you have your clothes on in bed. Just take the beanie off and pull up the bedsheets.
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Lochness Monster

VIP Member
How is your husband settling into care? How are you @Lochness Monster?
Thank you for asking.
What a few days…. along with him deciding to disappear the afternoon of moving in day…all has gone reasonably smoothly.
The relief that others are now hopefully…going to take up the slack is a big weight off my shoulders.
He is taking time to adjust but that is expected. I worked very hard to make sure he has a room that is bright and has lots of homely things in it and the carers have commented to him how lovely the room looks , he is pleased and therefore so am I.
Practically I have a huge amount to do now as so much was not taken care of because I did not have time or energy. For the first time in years I was able to garden without needing to be concerned for him. I feel I will heal well and I hope that he will be okay.
I don’t have children but I have no doubt the concerns when a child is dropped off at school for the first time are similar to what I am feeling!
It is another chapter in our book.

I also stayed up late to try and catch up with Tattle🤣
So as per usual it's all LOVE, LIES & LAUGHTER.

I said it won't be long before someone gets bitten, the sad thing is if that does happen will they rehome him or have him put down as you know they don't give shit.

From Grant's IG I didn't sound like it was an emergency return. I hope he left a FUCK YOU notice on the table after Trixie told him to get some construction work done.

Please, please someone for the love of god punch that ponced up, follicly challenged wanker in the face.

.......I'm angry and I've not even seen the vlog yet !

Thank you @Lady Avonlea for the preamble.
Who is editing the vlogs? The captions really should be checked IMO.


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Imperious Me

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View attachment 3015603
Thanks mom & dad for my allergy meds. Where is SJ? Oh she needed to show Michael a string well that sounds important. Of coarse I’ll be fine. I mean when she was sick I took her to the hospital in the middle of a winters night & slept in the car to make sure she was safe but it was probably a very important piece of string.
View attachment 3015611
Thank you nurse. Last I remember was just hanging out with my in-laws. You know my peeps. Peep in laws, (snort, snort). Oh, ok I should go now. Yep, starve a fever, feed a cold, you got it but I won’t starve a cat. No I don’t have cash on me so send the bill to OUR chateau. I’m technically on my gap year so can I do payments after SJ pays me after Patrons pay her?
View attachment 3015612
Thanks Michael for picking me up at the psychiatric center. You drive well for not having a license. Oh glad to hear you’re staying longer. Oh you & SJ planned a show for Advent. Singing, kind of OUR thing but ok. Oh a duet just you & SJ. Sure you practice I’ll just go to my room & have a lie down. Oh, I should sleep in the servants quarters, oh, you mean attic. Sure, no I wouldn’t want you or Michael to catch a cold.
Isabelle's 80ish and has been traveling for weeks, is unwell and up pulling weeds and giving Fanny flog material, Gerry is 65ish, been traveling aiding two seniors, has covid a cold but is up and about helping Fanny fill her flog, TB fella, 80? has been ill for a year, traveling for 2 weeks but up and about to help Fanny's flog... There's Michael, banished for 3 years but here he is, up and about filling Fanny's void, Where's her Fiance? aww.. in bed bless him. His eyes are tired, so busy filling china drawers and arranging frames whilst Michael cleaned 5 years of peacock shit off windows... hope he wore a mask!!
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Aren't we all suddenly going overboard for MP? Thanks to Snorts the contrast is so great in every way - good to look at with an easy chatty manner, better at cooking, piano playing, gardening, painting, joking, entertaining the punters at the dinner table but he has one drawback - can't drive - which meant in the past Ma Petherick & Sadie did the 10 hour round trip to Lielande without so much as a cup of tea from the Jarvis clan. 😠Anyway he was a magnet for their own channels so why ferry him about?
Despite his past lifestyle choices which were questionable, MP is a likeable bloke...he does lift the energy of a room and let's be honest given the most recent of vlogs the energy shift was certainly needed. He is a breath of fresh air, clearing away the cobwebs (literally in Mummy's apartment)
No doubt at some point his random visit to Lielande will be discovered and he will be off on his travels again. In the meantime I enjoy observing the massive difference in energy levels and on screen prescence between himself and the other twerp.
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Lochness Monster

VIP Member
Thank you Tuffiti for the patron vlog.
The dreadful duos spending has become the main event of every episode however they try and dress it up.
Snorts is wearing more of Fanny’s rings and no doubt while he was prepping Mummy’s apartment he was trying on her dresses, and hopefully not her nightdresses.
Snorts voice is so affected I wonder if he has stuffed cotton wool in his nostrils.
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I don't know if it just me but Percy may be recovered from the TB but his voice and actions indicate to me he is far from feeling great.
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VIP Member
Get ready for some bullshit on why Grunt left!
In other words," Me, Fanny, and my big fat mouth, am going to blab personal information about Grant and his marriage because I love to divulge other peoples drama and misfortune before anybody else!!! Please pay me money for this hurtful gossip that is none of my business. Plus it gets the heat off of my participation by negligence in the death of a person on my property WHILST I was away. P.S. My fake fiance is not gay! "
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Le Baiseur

VIP Member
We're just over a year on from losing our wonderful Bert and his sister Daisy 4 months appart from each other and it gets no better, I could cry every single day. We picked them out when they were a day old and had them for twelve and a half years. It's floored Mr Spratt and me and we don't think we can ever have another dog , this was by far way too painful and distressing to go through again.
I'm so sorry to hear. It's the worst kind of pain that never seems to go away, but one day, when the time is right, Bert and Daisy will send you a new furbaby.

The 21st marked 2 years since I had to say goodbye to my Toby. I didn't think I could go on without him, he was my purpose... but when I least expected it, a new guy came into my life in the same way Toby did... there is so much of Toby in him along with his own big personality it's as if Toby is still with me and I've got twice the love. You'll find that again.

Thank you, @Jules100 for the tile, I cherish it!
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Razzle Dazzle

Active member
It's now clear to me why Fanny got the stoneless engagement ring.

It states you are to spend 2 - 3 months salary for an engagement ring.

PhiPhi gets paid "zero" in salary, Fanny gets "zero" in diamond.
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18 minutes ago
Why always always running late?


21 minutes ago
Nice to see Michael. He is looking quite handsome and fit!!

30 minutes ago
Why does Stephanie hold the dog around her neck
49 minutes ago
Chateau Diaries was Michael’s idea. He encouraged Stephanie to vlog. Without him none of this would be happening. He is so very talented. Go back and watch earlier vlogs with him in them, they won’t disappoint.
1 hour ago
Using phone while driving very, very bad idea. Not sure on France but uk is actually a crime

1 hour ago
behold! Someone cleaned a window at LaLande

1 hour ago
Now paint the pantry doors in the kitchen. Please.

1 hour ago
1.) Marie’s hair is on point! 2.) Will someone PLEASE paint the cabinet in the Kitchen. (You know which one.)

3 minutes ago
When looking at the stars on the ceiling at around 13.14 there appears to be a crack line in the centre ..... disappointing for the restorers if this has occurred in the plaster after all their amazing work . Hopefully all is well !
6 minutes ago
These people are seriously weird
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
Get ready for some bullshit on why Grunt left!
Until Tuffuti graciously posts this week's patron video, here is the summary
  • They spent the day filming for Ch4, apparently much of the time outside - so Snorty & Fanny are so very exhausted because it was hot (perhaps it would help if Snorty wasn't wearing wool sweaters & a beanie)
  • Add the rain to things that Fanny loves (along with waking up to construction & weeds being pulled)
  • Solving the mystery of 'Where is Grant'?
    • she filmed Grant's last dinner - spaghetti
    • he had a family emergency
    • Grant didn't do runner, but what could the emergency be? I recall that is the second time he's left the shitoo quickly due to an 'emergency' back in Oz.
    • Fanny says Grant will be back - I'm not so sure about that!
  • Ratso is resource guarding and Mummy is damn lucky she wasn't bitten. Ratso hasn't been properly trained and they all just sit around laughing while Ratso growls & won't give up his toy. Terrible dog owners!!!
  • Ruby wants food & affection!
  • China Pantry - Snorty's conquest of the shitoo continues - he plans to take over the entire China Pantry before patreon day (petit salon/Natti's office) After all, who needs to sit down in there.
  • Another boring, cheap-ass B&B dinner and the guests provide the after-dinner entertainment (better than listening to Fanny & Snorty sing & play piano)
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Lochness Monster

VIP Member
After near a year the chandelier in Mummy’s apartment is …..still on the FLOOR.
Snorts is fussing around with ornaments while teabag cleans windows. Farcical.
The china obsession is not even amusing. Snorts is filling the drawers in Mummy’s apartment with china , you could tell she is not that chuffed.

The atmosphere is lighter with a Teabag being around, Fanny is laughing. As for the fake boyfriend he is trying to be Lord of the manor, this will not last. Just why is Teabag at the dump?
Two Tonnes and hubby are on their way as is Pavlina , The vultures are gathering for patron day.


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