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Learned something new today from Julie at Mapleton ( thought she was saying it wrong) but caschepot. is pronounced cash po..... so there you go Snorts. It's not cash pot as you say all the time. Not a smart as you think you are Mr. Pretentious..
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One of the biggest problems of the “you can’t tell me what to do“ gruesome twosome is that even though they know better, they never do better. They have been told over and over and over again how to take care of tiny, fragile Ratso but refused to do so, and instead video their tantrums where they showcase the dog being treated poorly again, and again, and again. Believe yours and patrons are getting tired of their deliberate failure to treat animals properly.

A viewer, who is a veterinarian, told them to take the dog to the vet, because he looks like he had a problem with his eyes. They never did so. They failed to take any proactive steps to care for the dog properly. The odds that Ratso will live to the end of expected life expectancy is grim. Who knows how much vision he’s lost his left a for the untreated ulceration alone. Scratching his eyes with his extremely long toenails, probably causes further injury to his eyes. They are terrible Pet owners. The motto of the gruesome twosome: They are aware, they just don’t care.

28 minutes ago
It appears that Lancelot was free to roam around the back seat of the car on this trip. Although the back seat of the car is safer than the front, roaming freely isn’t the safest way for him to travel. Please ask your veterinarian or Google about the best way to keep your fur baby safe
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Derail: attention 15 hags, smart creative intuitive & multi cultural people who I find intellectually stimulating. I’ve found myself in a conundrum. And I know so many of you have many health and family issues, that I do pray for. But i need advice as many of you are in long time marriages and partnerships. I’m embarrassed to talk to my people. I’ve been married for 34 years and have been working with my husband 6 days a week for 25 years, lately he has become so disgruntled, dismissive and angry. Going as fas as embarrassing me in front of the staff. I try walking away and he hates it. Besides medicating myself to numbness I’ve no idea how to handle it!! Please advise!!!
I am sorry you are going through this! I think everyone goes through ups and downs in their partnership/marriage, at least at some point. I guess it makes it a little different when you actually work with your partner, though, because there's no way to escape it and regroup a bit! Maybe the working together part is something that might have to be adjusted, if that's possible? Is he the type of person who would be amenable to hearing how you feel about the way he's treating you - even if he's not, you have to force the conversation. I'm a big believer of the fact that people (even those that are our everything and should know better!) sometimes don't realize they're hurting us and they won't know if we don't tell them - not in anger, but just as heartfelt as it can be. Is he only disgruntled at work or does this spill over at home, too? I would also try to find out what's going on with him - it may have nothing to do with you, but you're the convenient one he's lashing out at. That's still not o.k., but at least starting a conversation about how his behavior is making you feel may get him to open up a bit?
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Toys in the attic

Chatty Member
Chelsea Flower Show starts May 21 so can expect she’s heading to the U.K. this weekend, if not before.
I wonder if Steph will use the Lalande time machine to get back for the Olympic torch relay which is due to pass through La Châtre and Châteauroux on Monday 27th May. If the local Maire or député have seen the vlog of the Maastricht Prancer running after chickens and fast dogs, they will have noted his unique running style and approached him to be a torch-bearer. It would be good to find out if his hair system is flammable.
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My God, @MRShavershamsdress you have just described to a t my husbands behaviour from about 5 to 10 years ago. I suggested he go and see someone but he adamantly refused. I was also going through a shitload of bad health at the time having had a thyroidectomy due to cancer and, frankly, didn't know which way was up! Somehow we came through it and he rode out his storm of whatever it was and I, after 2 disasters of medical professionals found a wonderful endocrinolgue and got my meds sorted out.

Another bizarre change to his behaviour happened just recently. His mother died. And he has become a lighter more ready to shrug shit off person! It occurred to me earlier this week, this change in his demeanour, and you guys are the only people I've mentioned it to because I guess it's a tricky, thorny subject. He was not close to his mother. She was a narcissist. And having moved here over 20 years ago hasn't seen much of her. But since her death it is as if an invisible weight has been lifted.
I’m going though this a bit now hubby just turned 60, just had a thyroidectomy a few weeks ago and the roller coaster ride of mood swings is unbelievable, he’s settled down a bit now but I think the hormones are all over the place. I said to him if this is your new personality i won’t be sticking around, too quick to get cranky. We’ve been together for 40 years and even my daughter noticed and she’s a daddy’s girl.
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Derail: attention 15 hags, smart creative intuitive & multi cultural people who I find intellectually stimulating. I’ve found myself in a conundrum. And I know so many of you have many health and family issues, that I do pray for. But i need advice as many of you are in long time marriages and partnerships. I’m embarrassed to talk to my people. I’ve been married for 34 years and have been working with my husband 6 days a week for 25 years, lately he has become so disgruntled, dismissive and angry. Going as fas as embarrassing me in front of the staff. I try walking away and he hates it. Besides medicating myself to numbness I’ve no idea how to handle it!! Please advise!!!
I'd get my head together first, noting this is an aberration from 25 years of working together and living together, for which I am so very grateful. Keeping an open mind, I'd ask him if he thinks it's time for one of us to get a different job working for somebody else. Or take a vacay. Or is it bigger, and would you please get a physical to see if it's physical? Do you think events in the middle east are tearing him down (many people I know can hardly walk, they're so bereaved and so sad and angry.) I can't stay angry at you but I can't be disrespected in front of staff, it's our livelihood, and that of our workers, and bad for the business.
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2 days ago
Having spent 20 years working in a museum, I have seen what can happen when wood, fabric, and paper are stored in spaces with no environmental conditioning. I agree with the other comment, you might as well give all those items away right now, so someone else can use them. After years in a storage container, they will be ruined. Changing temperatures, uncontrollable humidity, insects and rodents must be controlled. A storage container is just the worst

2 days ago (edited)
I don't normally reply, however we are on the same page regarding the panels. Nothing is making sense!!! Somewhere in this long thread it was mentioned that Philip is the project manager. That's the problem! Love Philip, but he has zero experience in construction. The contractors would eat him alive. Stephanie's architect has told him to shut up in one of the vlogs. Amaury is being blamed, but I am sure this isn't his doing!!! It's a hot mess!!! No - they need heat for it to be hot!! LOL
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Imperious Me

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Watch exhausted Ratso start licking his lips nervously as the Jarvis giant man hand comes careeening towards Ratso’s face and right eye. Stephanie palms the side of the dog‘s face and right eye, as he continues to nervously lick the air. He hates being with the gruesome twosome.Free Ratso.

4 minutes ago
Poor Lancealot sounds like he was crying a lot at the brocante
Click and watch 10 seconds of Stephanie Jarvis, wearing thousand dollars in grifted clothing, having spent over a thousand dollars in grifted money, trying to be snarky towards this forum and viewers with this comment about Marie.

and asparagus and a poach tag it looks
wonderful every time I eat somewhere
wonderful I think oh I wish Marie were
here cuz she would love to be tasting
everything but honestly the meals she's
made have been incredible looks
really food is super super she's oh my
goodness no

She later declares:

good there are only two greedy people at
my uncle two very cheerful


Stephanie, likes to say that Ratso is a human, not a dog. Such an idiot.
She says "Oh I wish Marie were here, she would love to be tasting everything.." yet she never takes Marie out!!
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I know what it is like, my partner starting to disrepect me in front of friends and tell stories that just weren't true. Finally at a BBQ they started up so I stood there and barked them did a wolf howl and then continued barking. Furiously they hissed at me to stop, I just spoke very loudly treat me like a dog I act like a dog and walked of and went home. They arrived very much later slept in spare room. Next morning huge row. Thinking about it dont follow the advice we rowed for two weeks and seperated. Ah good luck with it .
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Delicious, Stuffed lamb heart sounds fab, it curiously makes delicious stew. My mother made a stew of beef heart in her ancient pressure cooker. Keep us posted, hard to find the weird meats.
Reading some of the recent comments here I am beginning to think I am spoilt, and so wish I could share my riches with you all. I am currently staying within easy distance of two superb independent butcher's shops. There used to be just one, but the bosses fell out and they each have their own shop now in neighbouring villages in Scotland. They source all their meat, fruit and vegetables from local farmers. They have very few items on display in their small shops. When you ask for something they bring the carcass, or part of the carcass, out from the meat stores at the back and prepare your order on their huge butcher's block right in front of you. There is no part of the animal that you cannot buy. I saw mention here of breast of lamb (lamb flank), any kind of offal, and especially lamb hearts - all are available. They will cut it, bone it, roll it, flatten it - whatever you want, however you want it. They will also tell you the name and address of the farmer that raised the animal or grew the fruit and veg.

Before I moved here I had become increasingly frustrated about the amount of natural fat that was being removed from meat before it was sold in the supermarkets. I know it is the trend, but I don't like it, I think it affects the flavour, and I don't believe that it is bad for me in moderation. My butchers know my preference and will always leave some fat or rind on if I ask for it. I eat meat often, together with a lot of fish (we also have a fresh fish shop nearby and a man who comes directly from the coast with the catch of the day in his specially refrigerated van!) The prices are, of course, higher than the town supermarkets, but the benefits are, I believe, well worth it.

It's such a shame that I am not a particularly good cook, but I do enjoy my food cooked from fresh and with knowledge of its provenance. I love to read the recipes on tattle and I imagine you all with your beautifully laid tables and perfectly cooked exciting and exotic meals, as I eat off a tray on my knees whilst watching Bourbon Street live webcam on my laptop :ROFLMAO:. It's only temporary, and I will be moving back to civilization again soon, but I will certainly miss the lovely fresh food here in this little corner of Scotland.
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The vlog I love to watch is Chateau de Purnon. A couple who are genuinely trying to restore their chateau in the most authentic way and supervised by French Heritage department. They have to have quotes and surveys of all areas and admit that they probably won't finish the project in their lifetime. At least it will be saved from total ruin.
They know there has been subsidence on the property and are using all the experts required to deal with any and all issues as they arise.
There are 105 rooms in the chateau and they have restored two so far. There are multiple other buildings on the estate as well. It will be an amazing journey and I will follow them with interest.

As for S. Jarvis, she will never have the talent, initiative or will to restore La Lande to any acceptable condition. She is just an out and out fraud, sucking cash from poor stupid pensioners to fund her luxury lifestyle.

Get behind Chateau De Purnon and watch a real reno channel.
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