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Hedda Hopper

VIP Member
Derail: attention 15 hags, smart creative intuitive & multi cultural people who I find intellectually stimulating. I’ve found myself in a conundrum. And I know so many of you have many health and family issues, that I do pray for. But i need advice as many of you are in long time marriages and partnerships. I’m embarrassed to talk to my people. I’ve been married for 34 years and have been working with my husband 6 days a week for 25 years, lately he has become so disgruntled, dismissive and angry. Going as fas as embarrassing me in front of the staff. I try walking away and he hates it. Besides medicating myself to numbness I’ve no idea how to handle it!! Please advise!!!
This is my story. My husband and I have been together for over 44 years. About 8-10 years ago he started embarrassing me in public by correcting me, telling me to mind my own business and walking away from me. He then began accusing me of things I didn't say or do. He would have angry outbursts that I didn't understand. Fast forward to marriage counseling because I was fed up and wanted out. The therapist noticed something was off with him and encouraged us to have him evaluated. I talked to his primary care physician and she set up a team to test him. He was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). He now is in the moderate stages of dementia. He is medicated for anxiety which helps tremendously. I'm certainly not saying this is what's going on with your husband and I hope it's not. I would encourage you to seek medical help though. It could be so many things. Try to talk to his doctor and explain what is going on. It's so difficult when a loved one changes their behavior towards you for no known reason. I wish you all the best.
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T Rex

VIP Member
Where was the promised perfect guest experience? Did I miss something?
While FRK did not use gloves to plate the food (probably wiping her runny nose between assembling courses), she did use a bag to make the forking pavlovas (my God- how many times can she make a pavlova in this month? Why not just bake a damn cake for a change! Was it wrong @billybudd I hoped that bag contained buttercream frosting to go atop a cake?!? SMH!) Fanny pulease- the "perfect guest experience" is eschewing your terrible overpriced lodging and dining options for a Novotel and to eat local. No one wants to stay at your sketchy, hazardous overpriced Shitoo that you rave about being "armazing" just to meet you and Sir Snortsalot for an overpriced sad dinner. There are so many better Chateaux to stay at nearby. Even the promise of unwashed Yves Delorme towels cannot gloss over the fact those showers are going to be cold, and the chef has obviously contracted whatever respiratory illness Fanny has contracted on her many travels as of late. People are wisening up.
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Cleo's Asp

VIP Member
Oh that’s easy, she doesn’t. Fanny gives herself away with every breath. She just doesn’t give a rat’s ass. All Stephamememe need do is believe it herself.
She doesn't give a fig. She is also full of contempt for all the patrons. She has no respect for them whatsoever. She can't be bothered to make a decent patron vlog and lies, making all sorts of excuses about why she hasn't got round to doing it. I can't imagine anyone with any ethical sense at all, receiving thousands every month from strangers and not feeling any sense of responsibility to use their money carefully and for the purpose intended. She is nothing but a cheap thief, taking other people's money and throwing it down the nearest drain, spending it by indulging herself. She thinks she's worth it, goodness knows why. She has no interest in, or respect for, anyone else. Shrek recently defended his "wonderful friends" at LL when someone commented on how much better the meals looked at Manor & Maker than at LL. When people were criticising him and Sara on Fanny's Chanel, did she, even once, defend them? No, she has never defended anyone except herself. They haven't cottoned on to the fact that Fanny would push them all under a bus in order to be in the limelight herself. She has zero regard for anyone else, even those financing an already wealthy woman. They all need to open their eyes and ears. It's extremely sad when you think about it.
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Thinly sliced radishes mixed with minced cilantro is a common garnish in all the good Mexican restaurants I've been to. (Sadly haven't been to Mexico.) It's always served with posole and some other soups and sometimes with enchiladas or tacos.
The fish tacos I'm familiar with are Baja fish tacos, and they're served with cabbage, avocado, crema, tomatillo sauce, lime. I can easily see radish taking the place of cabbage for a more fiery crunchy slaw factor.
Gustavo Arellano is one of the funniest writers alive, and an authority on Mexican food in the US. One of his many interesting points is that the taco is a fusion dish, for democrats. I've discussed Spam and grilled pineapple tacos with him. Delicious.
That said, the Lalande salmon tacos are grody.
The fish should be crisply coated and fried. There should be crema -- make a good one in France with yogurt, a little mayo, and minced sweet onion. There should be green salsa, lime and avocado. There should be a steel beam in the grand....
Never mind.
There should be a steel beam in the falling down salon. There should be a stone in an engagement ring. There should be testosterone in Snorty. There should be cat food in Ruby’s dish. There should be a tulip for kid 2. There should be a matching hair piece. There should be a wedding for SJ’s & her true love, Pottty.
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VIP Member
OMG, OMG, i cant with these two and the crazies in the comments!! Have they never owned a property?
1. When you own and live in a home you do minor and major work on a daily!!
Have they never had nor cared for an animals ?
1. you take said pets to Dr.
2. You secure them in an auto.
3. You get the vet to look at farm animals.
4. you secure safe place for outdoor barn cats.
5. you make sure birds are safely looked after, safe perches, food, water, vet care. Non interbreeding.
Have they never owned an auto?
1. if you need to leave your auto for a month or more simply un hook the battery.
2. not one person i know would loan out a $ 81,000 plus auto for months.

if it was a loan shame on SJ for putting all those miles, letting your dog scratch the seats. If i must take my dog in the car i put a towel and use a dog seat belt.

honestly they should shut the fuck up!!!


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Well the spunk bubble may not have a property if it all goes wrong but he can rest easy because he will have plenty of pots to piss in.

Fanny last night was definitely talking to tattle it was like BRRRRRUCONT bullshit bingo the number of times she said the word. Then Snorts eating ice cream and also the poor little dog whining.
The past few videos issued by Stephanie Jarvis are just oppositional defiant video temper tantrums thrown by the “ you can’t tell me what to do “ 50 year old little orphan princess. (who only has a lavish lifestyle and fake gay fiancé / handmaiden on the payroll Snorts, due to manipulating the trust of viewers, and Patrons and ebegging hundreds of thousands of dollars/euros from them through various lies, manipulation, and fake storylines.) When she is criticized or actions, elicit disapproval, Stephanie just buckles down and does even more of the over shopping,hoarding, traveling, auction binges, extravagant meals, etc. and fails to respond to any concerns.

  • Stephanie has been giving a big FU to everyone thru the past few videos, where she’s stubbornly refuses to take any advice, rein in her excesses, and will not change her gluttonous lifestyle ever. Remember that she writes a storyline in script for the majority of the episodes of CD.
  • She shoved her giant man hand all over nervous Ratso’s face and eyes, in spite of ignoring viewers, please to take the dog to the vet to get his weepy, eyes examined, and the alteration on his left eye, looked at my medical professional.
  • She ignored criticism about her continuing negligence, carelessness, and failing to properly care for and safeguard Ratso. She has videotaped herself in her new Porsche with Ratso sitting on her lap, in violation of French law, and which is incredibly unsafe for the tiny dog. If an airbag went off while he was sitting in the front seat, he would be killed.She loves to flaunt her mistreatment of the dog.
  • She then also films Ratso totally unrestrained on the back seat of the Porsche, unsafely and in violation of French law, walking around from side to side aimlessly. The poor dog didn’t even get a blanket, bed, , or towel to sleep on in the backseat.
  • Stephanie has been called out by many viewers in stating that she did not own the Porsche, and was only looking after the car for her friend. Total bullshit. She has filmed them driving thousands of miles in the past month in the car. She has refused to show the Ford fiesta, which she lied and said, wrote down near the train station.
  • She will never admit, until forced to do so, that she purchased the Porsche. But what has she done… she indulged in “ duper’s delight” in videos by gleefully showing the key to the car up close and talking about how luxurious the car has been, and has bold ly featured it in several videos now, filled the car with trash, and fails to safeguard the interior from Ratso.
  • She has deliberately taped Ratso walking around on the leather seats in the Porsche, when it is very clear that the gruesome twosome have yet to trim Ratso’s extremely long and sharp nails. She likes to feature the long nails and videos to taunt viewers, who have begged her to trim the nails for the dog. When they have the dog Out for several hours, they are never shown, feeding the dog or giving the dog some water or treats. Poor Ratso.
  • She continues to disrespect viewers and patrons by disingenuously and dishonestly planting alternative facts, lies, conflicting, storylines, and crap in the ce comment section under several of her fake accounts. She has been called out for years in this forum about her fake accounts but defiantly continues to use them daily to try to manipulate people.
  • This forum, as well as many viewers, know that the dog does not like Philip. What does Stephanie do? Daily videos where the dog is forced into the arms of his tormentor Phillip, crammed into a too small, overpriced Louis Vuitton vanity bag, show the dog being chased nonstop by huge dogs to the point of exhaustion, and trying to leap out of a second story window, and repeatedly dragged for hours to garage sales, and exploited for content. She has refused the place of yours to get the dog fixed, and instead delights in filming the neurotic dog crying, howling, whining, struggling, and humping everything in sight due to not being neutered.
  • Stephanie has refused to account for the hundreds of thousands of dollars in patreon funding received since November, 2023 and instead has spent well over $100,000 plus on lavish vacations, shopping, auctions, and anything but renovation or restoration of the dump.She shoved her greedy sexcation with Potts in front of all the viewers. She got a charge from showing off the $200 plus new Japanese umbrella along with all her other pricey clothes, Chanel purse, etc. at the Château sale. She is also proud of herself when she blurs items to make it more difficult to track down her extravagant spending. Viewers are catching on to her tricks.
  • Stephanie was called out in the comments about spending so little time at the dump. What is she done in retaliation? Spend even more time away from the dump. She is actually at her dump about one week a month. She doesn’t even try to disguise all of her shopping and traveling. She truly believe she is invincible.
  • Stephanie refuses to answer questions about her engagement, the wedding date, etc. when she didn’t get a mountain of presents and thousands of gushing comments, so she has decided to ignore her engagement and only bring it up when she has an opportunity to use it to manipulate viewers. Interesting that there was no engagement party at the dump.
  • Stephanie refused to address the 700+ critical comments about the rusting storage containers rented for the dump lawn. Instead, she threw her cousin under the bus and stated that it was his decision to rent out these metal storage units in which to store wood paneling, porcelain, books, etc. There is no way it was Amaury”s decision. He would not store wood under those conditions. Stephanie was trying to throw them under the bus reputation wise and escape responsibility and accountability, for her addictions, gluttony, and persistently poor decisions. She was also trying to punish her Cuz because he fled the dump to work on his parents new home, got engaged, and is likely going to leave the premises at some point this year. Narcissists don’t like anyone to leave them. She has to punish him in some way to show that she has the upper hand and is still in control.
  • Stephanie believes that her aunt, uncle, and Cuz owe her YouTube content, presents, and over the top complements. She is angry that her aunt and uncle selected a home that is far away from her Dump so now she decided to reveal more fully the location of Isabel’s studio apartment. I believe Stephanie was trying to flex her muscles and show the Richmonds that they can move away from the dump, but she could still stay within 15 minutes of their new home and force herself upon them so they will have to continue to film content for her YouTube channel and earn her more money.
  • After she was called out for all of her overspending and hoarding, she then blatantly basked in her gluttony by showcasing a shopping bag full of purchases that she did not display on the camera. Stephanie gets a rush of dopamine every time she screws over viewers/Patrons/the title forum in her videos. Think about the antiques that she had tobacco Johnny purchased for her at the Château auction a couple of weeks ago. She loves to travel to the Château sales and not reveal all of her purchases.
  • She screwed over this forum/ viewers by gloating about never taking Marie anywhere to eat, and screwed over Marie by blantantly pulling rank and forcibly taking the unhappy dog on trips. She also thought of a tasting menu, in order to serve even less food. Then she is previously served at the B&B for outrageous prices. She punish Marie for being Ratso’s favorite person by taking the dog away from her, and fourth in the dog to spend time with the gruesome twosome.
  • Stephanie super screwed over her entire viewership and patrons by deliberately issuing video after video of herself and Snorts, traveling to different garage sales every day and spending money left and right. Stephanie, who had just received over 700+ comments, critical of her hoarding, over shopping, lavish lifestyle, and unhappy with her plans to store items in a couple of metal storage boxes on the dump grounds, instead ignored them and continued to film even more of the wasteful spending, etc.
  • she loves to show off her enormous portions of well prepared food at restaurants when she is traveling and then show the spartan portions of meat and vegetables served for a highly inflated price to sycophantic B&B guests. Stephanie delights in showing Philip consuming mini foods to which he professes being deathly allergic. Not one time has he ever shown an EpiPen, used an EpiPen, or had any type of allergic reaction on camera. Stephanie and Philip love to exaggerate their allergies in order to try to gain sympathy from viewers.
  • Like a defiant toddler, Stephanie has refused for months to respond questions about the missing chickens at the dump, her hoarding issues, the unsuitability of the middle storage containers for the dump, the actual status of any workmen down at the dump, what is actually happened to this past six months of Patreon funds, that she did purchase the Porsche, etc. No one holds the spoiled little orphan princess accountable or responsible for anything. Watch her get ready to blow a ton of money at the upcoming Gordon shows in order to try to install a Japanese garden at LieLande. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of her upcoming projects will be building a duplicate of one of the castles at Disneyland at the Dump.
  • Stephanie’s back in her usual crisis mode: ignore everything, spend, spend, spend, lie nonstop, and pull out every manipulation tool to keep the money coming in from empathic viewers, and patrons. Some of the games in her toolbox…….illness, gamey hip, exhaustion, “ I feel so old and feel bad about myself”, depriving herself chocolate croissants, due to an intermittent fasting, internet troubles, sadness over a family member, tell made up contrived “ stories” about her childhood, her father, depression/ staying for years by herself at the Dump, her horrible trip of delays returning from the luxury sexcation in Japan, made up car troubles, whipping out her receipts and complaining about admin, the death of an animal at the Dump, etc. Rinse and repeat.
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C'est moi

VIP Member
So much soulful cooking and thinking going on here.
@T Rex and other farmers’ market denizens, do you think Marie’s addiction to the supermarket is a symptom of her ill-informed notion of what’s Klassy? She thinks shopping at the supermarket is Klassy, whereas shopping among the honest farming peasants is way too close to one’s own origins? And that one can always be sure the sous vide duck from the supermarket is Klassier than the fermiere wife pate and fresh farm cheese? Or Romain Moreau’s tomato concasse, make from his own tomatoes in his own kitchen in Crozon sur Vauvre?
Also, one might fear the farmers’ market because one doesn’t know what they’re selling, one doesn’t speak French, one might Make The UnKlassy Choice.
I’m going to keep observing her desire to transform delinquent ingredients into That Which They Are Not, a smear of pureed broccoli under a block of potato terrine with egg white extruded from a pastry bag on top. I think I see the point of the broccoli puree schmear — to add a layer of flavor to a composed and unified dish. But I am actually doubtful and don’t know any eater who thinks an unavoidable layer of, say, broccoli flavor on a pork and scallop dish is an addition to the experience. I think a lawyer or a scholar of fascist rhetoric would call it spurious.
I can’t think of any circumstance under which I’d choose to eat pureed broccoli. The textures, including the peeled stalk, which I learned from my Sicilian MIL, are so very much part of the pleasure of eating it. Soup, maybe. Trying to get picky little children to eat it, soup for sure.
The lengths to which one would go for the really sexy ingredient, whether strawberries of the moment, or Spanish lessons with your Turmeric Man (you go, T Rex). It takes some knowledge of the world to get a thrill from the $20 veg haul and the restaurant supply meat haul. I have a supermercado near me where Mexican ingredients and vibe — canned JuMex guava nectar, I love it — are available. One thing they have the wypipo store doesn’t have is weird meat, which I love and cherish, from feet to kidneys and heart, as well as a pound of ham scraps from the deli, real ham for soup and beans. Ditto bacon scraps. There are people I love who wouldn’t be caught dead there, among them rednecks fearful of chile. Not going there. Even they are converting and now sometimes have carne adobada for breakfast.
Maybe we can have world peace after all.
So here's my absolutely killer very best Mexican cooking tip of all time, I think it's Diana Kennedy.
Squeeze a fresh orange over your tomato salsa.
And this. Chamoy is your friend.
I think the reasons for MarIE's supermarché sweepstake are many-fold...

1. She has a limited budget. That's fairly evident.
2. She probably lacks the time to source her ingredients from different suppliers locally (also see 1. above).
3. She speaks little or no French at all so shopping in the supermarket is easy. No personal contact necessary.
4. Markets open early in France and close up around midday. If MarIE is serving and clearing breakfast AND dog walking AND being at the gruesome twosomes beck and call she has no chance of getting there.
5. She lacks confidence to shop "outside the box" (also see 3. above).
6. Despicable fanny may have entrusted her with the shithole debit card, and with a spend limit, the hence making supermarket shopping easy. Local producers and markets stall holders still like their payment in éspeces - filthy lucre, hard cash.
7. Her menus are safe, no having to source exotic ingredients (also see 5 above).
8. She uses cookery books and recipe cards, probably in English, and shops safe where she knows she can get all the ingredients. She doesn't have the nouce or experience to swap out ingredients and swap up flavours. And neither will she ever.

If she is not going to use local producers I do not understand why she doesn't use the boucherie counter, the poissonerie counter, the charcuterie counter in her local supermarket. These counters in every supermarket I have ever visited in France have experienced and knowledgeable staff. They have served apprenticeships in their metier and are more than willing to share their knowledge. She doesn't have to know the name or the pronunciation she can just point and hold up fingers for how many or how much. She can guide the cut of the knife. She will get to know them and they will get to know her. Also, post covid, many supermarkets buy fruit and vegetables from local producers. Covid taught them that the supply chain, produce coming from further away, is not guaranteed. The small holder can also sell on his surplus. Win-win.

It is absolutely tragic how they operate every aspect of the b&b but the food offered is the worst.
IT'S . A . VLOG!!
(not a blog)

That is all
Actually, I think it's more of a flog...
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Pencil Pine Principessa

Well-known member
Welp. I finally did it. I unsubscribed from Fanny's flog after 3 years as a subscriber. I think the final straw was the episode about tossing all the excess hoarder crap in the shipping containers and the very next flog was compulsive shopping for more absurd tat to decorate a crumbling ruin.
I am sure many of you have already pulled the plug to subtract from her subscriber numbers, so now, like you, I will just wait for the Tattle recap.
I just can't be a party to her very real smorgasbord of mental illnesses, callous disregard for laws and safety, or her rampant, unchecked greed anymore. She's a trainwreck and will drag everyone around her down in flames.

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 7.09.13 PM.png
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VIP Member
Damn that looks like a good movie, is it on YouTube 😆🤔
Nasti’s back ? Has this been mentioned before ? Just spotted her about 4 mins in on the latest vlog. MariE waves, Nasti walks in the kitchen and there’s a blip in the vlog. Have I missed the return of A&N ??? Is it time travel again ? Am I cracking up ? 🤔
I a couple videos ago Grant said he spoke with Ann M regarding the boxes of books
I just wanted to thank all of you for your grand and wise advice. Today is Monday. It’s a new day a new start and I have a fresh perspective. Fingers crossed knock on wood and I’m saying a rosary. I shall cover all my bases much love to you all happy tattling, and I’ll check back in later this afternoon. 🙏🎉😱👏🤠


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T Rex

VIP Member
Such a good question, @T Rex.
Still thinking about Marie and her pastry bag, and what story she thinks she's telling with her food.
I lived in an aspirational neighborhood, lucky me, for decades. One of the tiny chic storefronts was rented by a woman of a certain age who was going to sell pre-cooked upscale take-home meals for the many upscale non-cooks who lived in the hood, a really good idea for that space, and a good idea for a business at any time.
The problem was her idea of upscale.
There's a certain kind of blue collar small town woman who grew up in the 50s -- I have encountered her a bunch of times -- who abandoned the delicious cooking of her small town grandma, or strange uncle (hear me, Lee Bailey, Scott Peacock, James Beard, Ernest Matthew Mickler!). And she went the corporate cooking way, via the women's magazines corporate advertiser agenda. That is, canned soup sauce, Jello salad, insta-pudding cake, the mind-boggling chow mein noodle Christmas cookies made by my dear friend from Fargo, N.D. (She may have qualified as one of the strange uncles, too.)
Along with all the packaged additions to food, came the notion that adding Velveeta cheese spread (not officially cheese) to everything made it classy. Velveeta even became a sign of prosperity to the wonderful Mexican Tex-Mex cooks who could charge the gringos moar for Velveeta chili con queso than they could selling real cheese.
And so this hard-working lady in the aspirational neighborhood covered everything she made for the yuppies with Velveeta. Because it was classy and she just knew they'd buy classy home-cooking covered with cheese product.
They wouldn't touch it with a forty-foot pole, as anyone could have told her.
She was out of business in six months and seriously in debt.
I think that's where Marie is stuck.
Pavlovas are classy food to her. She seems to be stuck in a department store ladies' lunch dessert world of individual servings of lightish diet desserts, whereas what restaurant customers shell out for big time is liqueur-drenched, buttercreamed, jammed-out cake. Cake. Caketty caketty cake. With chocolate dipped strawberries AND nuts on top.
I think she has rigid and completely delusional ideas about classy food.
One is, it's classy if it comes out of a pastry bag. Please note all the incredibly skilled cake decorating ladies who decorate cakes you'd rather die than be photographed next to. She's working another one, the perfection salad one, that if you can form, say potatoes, into perfect blocks, it's classy. There's a whole book about the puritannical home ec origins of attempting to tame unruly, delinquent ingredients into Perfection Salad: Women and Cooking at the Turn of the Century.
She thinks Stephanie Jarvis is classy, and Jarvis' eating and cooking is completely dysmorphic. There's serious disorder in Jarvis' eating, as well as cruelty and grossness in her cooking. That cowpat she made for Marie's birthday is exhibit A at the mo, but I will never forget the gross slop she dished up for their Come Dine With Me contest at the shitoo.
I'm really not qualified to assess much of Jarvis' depravity except on food, narcissism, and fascist rhetoric. So I can go on and on. But there's something really wrong here. News flash.
@billybudd - you and @Hedda Hopper hit the nail on the head- FRK only knows what she knows, and is stuck in a rut. People become chefs because they are passionate about food- they eat everywhere from "hole-in-the-floor restaurants" to Michelin-starred venues because they want to experience and learn something new. They know what produce is in season, and where to source the best meats, cheeses, baked goods and wines because they've tried them. While we are not all fans of Stuart, whose personality is as big as Texas, she knows what is in season, and continually experiments with dishes.

When is the last time (if ever) we saw FRK go to the weekend local Farmer's Market? While the weekends are when she is making guest meals, she could carve out a few hours to buy produce, chat with the locals (make new friends), and discover new local products (cheeses, wines, etc.) Additionally, while she probably does not make much money (if any), it wouldn't hurt Fanny to step up and take her out to a restaurant (not Maccas) for lunch once a week so she can at least experience French cuisine and try new things. This would also provide her with the one-on-one time with Fanny that she so desperately craves, and Fanny would have an actual clue about what restaurants there are in the local area for a change. I'd rather see FRK go to the Farmer's Market than watch another Brocante shopping excursion!
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