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I have to say this, the best thing that happened to Steffy in her life was the pandemic - all the free monies from all the bored isolated people who cannot spend them elsewhere ...
she has to grab as much as she can till the tap runs

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Some play to the camera though don't you think hence the slightly wooden over acting?
As has been said many times, Lalaland is a hybrid of the lost boys in Neverland and Miss Jarvis' Home for Peculiar Children.
The supporting cast are sucked in to the soap opera it has become, lost souls hiding from a world that they don't seem to fit in. (Selma, FRK, Little Lord Snortalot, Ryan, Nutti, Gerry, etc.)
SJ found her recipe for drawing in viewers at the start but this became a caricature, which others later tried to replicate. Yes of course there are personality traits and flaws, which I am sure are rooted in her childhood and unusual upbringing, similarly with Teabag Trotter. (Now there's a troubled soul!)
Unfortunately ,as they are now bound to please and increase their Patreons, they are trapped in this role that they have to play out, becoming more and more grotesque as time goes on as they play to the camera. Everything has to be larger than life and the exaggerated character continues to distort our perception of the person within.
We'e rehashed the narcissism over and over again in the last 26 threads and sure as eggs, newcomers will continue to bring it up again on a regular basis. It becomes harder to detect what is genuine (@ClaraBurnett probably gives the best insight into SJ before she "hit the big time"), the rest of us can only theorise and pontificate from the pantomime performances and the little chinks that emerge from time to time.
I'm pretty sure we have all experienced encounters with narcissists in our real lives but I wonder if we have any medically qualified psychiatrists amongst us - that would really be interesting!
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💫💫 grifters need not apply 💫💫

Apparently grifter is banned on IOHO
( I know ... lol in our humble opinion )

It's a valid term and fits the bill exactly. What happened to freedom of speech? All valid opinions welcome?
Is that why Brenda comes on here, so she can feel free, let her hair down, say it as it is without the weight of running a fan group.
*puts careless whisper on in the background*
Pull up a chair Brenda, come into our welcoming arms. You know you belong here. We provide stress relief. You can put your feet up, grab a vino and look at screen grabs of our cult mistress. We will compare notes, I promise I will be gentle with you...there will be no yes mam from me. I like to give it straight, I Don't need breaking in with an artichoke dipped in butter as it slowly drips down my...Goddammit I'll go do penance on the naughty step again. 🤣
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It sounded as though he was going to have to pay for the desk? That was a completely crazy price. I didn’t understand why she wasn’t paying for it. How is he ever going to take that back with him to where he’s from when he hopefully leaves.
My theory is quite simple
Prince P doesnt know how to e-beg and he is always fucking it up for SJ
Her tactic is obvious and we mentioned it here already - when she wants something for herself or she likes and wants to buy it she always says that it is for someonw else
Like wardrobe for hany (in reality it was for potty's apartment) or the furniture for nuty (the furniture will stay once nuty leaves so she is picking it for herself)
But prince P said -"I need a desk" (he doesnt get it, one cannot say out loud - I NEED) so SJ had to pretend that he is buying it himself but gave him a clue to follow so she said fist that she agrees with the price and only after she asked him. - because his opiniom doesnt matter bc she is paying and it will stay with her once he leaves, if she didnt like or didnt want to buy a desk she would show her disregard
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I imagine that she is running short of choices. She won't be allowed back in the UK anytime soon, especially as she isn't a UK citizen. Fanny probably had her over a barrel.
What do you mean? FRK is living her dream!
She manifested and now she is going to be Lalande's very own Mrs. Patmore and Daisy combined to cook for her mistress and her guests.
She manifested and now she lives in the servant's wing of a fairytale, magical chateau with its own real-life gnomes and woodland animals.
She manifested and now she has a huge social media following who make her feel better about herself.
She manifested and now she can work with flowers and create Disney-feels for SJ courtesy of the generous Alice Allan.
Anything is possible. Just meditate and manifest, you'll be the best mediocre ever.

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About Natti, yes. SJ does tick all the boxes. Her preoccupation with fantasies—the life of a princess in a castle—was reinforced in her recent outburst, I feel like I’m in a Disney movie! Stephfenders might think that’s cute, but it sounded more ‘concerning’ to me. If she were to be diagnosed with this disorder, the treatment would be talk therapy.
Just wanted to say that although this is a gossip site, since joining here I have now finally found peace with someone I used to work with a couple of years ago where I just couldn’t understand their behaviour and it really had an effect on my MH. Reading about narcissistic behaviour on here has hit the nail on the head 🙏
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She's got no taste, no class.
Lalande is a Frankenstein of chateaux.
SJ continues to fill it with garbage from brocantes and cadeaux from superfans (e.g. Sunday school crafts and Beryl's doilies).
There is no design coherence in its aesthetics (if you could call it that). She tries to fill it with furniture from every period without care or attention to consistency, that's why it looks more like a brocante than a stately home.
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Is it even possible to get a refund.?..i dont know how patreon refund matters..
A 60-something lady named Becky complained to MPK on Patreon that he hasn't been keeping his promise to release a vlog "every Friday." Without any defensive remarks, MPK apologized and issued a full refund. He knew he couldn't defend himself, and can't always blame Tattlers for sucking out all of his creativity because fact is, he is lazy and hasn't produced anything!

How wonderful would it be when patrons storm these grifters and demand a refund!?


If SJ's each of patrons demands a refund, what do you think would be the first to go at Lalande? What will be on the sacrifice altar?
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updated progress report with estimated costs and status, 28.3.2021


main lake survey, 5000€ target, completed by guy from Belgium
2. lake survey, 5000€ target, completed by guy from Belgium
cleaning out of former shoreline by Dan
boathouse 3000€
boat 2000€
island 5000€
restoration of mill 100000€
tea pavilion 3000€
amphitheatre 10000€
swimming pond with shower 3000€

St. Cecilia window, 2500€ target, completed
St. Aloysius 2500€ in work
other windows will be restored eventually
restoration of walls, ceiling and painting: material only 10000€, restorator expected in March
installing pews by Slemar, when restoring is done
removing trees 2000€, completed, Selmar will use trunks for planks for carpentry walls

survey of entire garden to be able to plan, 2000€, completed by guy from Belgium
new reservoir and gutters 10000€, some gutters are done
mower, 10000€, paid with 8000€ target, bought

Dan, paid now by YT income, was originally 7000€ target
another gardener, paid by YT income
cleaning out of moat by Dan and help, 2000€
bridge over dry moat, 3000€
new chicken house, 100€, ready to be finished when weather is better
compost, 50€ ready to be finished when weather is better
new garden beds for symmetry and metal arches, 400€, was originally 7000€ target, finished by Selmar
plants and trees for garden, 400€, planted by Dan
pergola, 3000€,?
watering system, replacing pipe, 3000€, 9000€ target, when digging completed by Matt in spring
water and electricity for other places, when digging completed by Matt in spring
electricity in garden house, 1000€, when digging completed by Matt in spring
little kitchen garden, 400€
maize, 5000€
moonlight garden, 5000€
parterre garden, 20000€
dads fountain, 1000€

front entrance with balcony, 4000€, architect came
Isabells bedroom balcony/ balcony walkway around stable courtyard 15000€, architect came
new limestone rendering and drainage, to be done in 2022, 500 000€, getting quotes
inserting a couple of new windows to create symmetry, 4000€ each
shutter dogs for one wing only, 200€, ordered, some already arrived, 18000€ target
repairing of shutters, 2000€
indoor shutters for old wing, 5000€, getting quotes
climbing roses, 300€

repair terrace walls and stairs,drainage, 15000€, in March
new antique slabs, 8000€

arriere cuisine: quotes from Hash due soon
shelves, 3000€
bench, sink area, 3000€
dishwasher, 2000€
splash guard, 1000€

fridge and boxing for fridge, 3000€, quotes from Hash due soon
tiles from designs of Derek 3000€, by Steve when back in France in spring
shelve over La Cornue range 1000€, quotes from Hash due soon
swing doors 2000€, quotes from Hash due soon
wintergarden, 20000€
Marie, gluten free milk and empty jars, 2€ per day

SJ bedroom:
removing wall, 1000€, completed
level floor, 1000€,
new floor and heating, 10000€
new windows, 5000€
Fortuny vintage fabric, 8000€, 11000€ target
new mantelpiece,2000€
new furniture, 3000€
chandelier, 500€
kitchen, 10000€

winter salon, library:
fitted shelves 2000€ each, quotes from Hash due soon
hand painting ceiling beams, 5000€

petit salon:
new painting, 1000€, due soon

dining room:
new curtains, 1000€, due soon

grand salon:
panelling, 20000€, 30000€ target, quotes from Hash due soon
hidden doors/bar, 2000€, quotes from Hash due soon

china room:
floors, 1000€
carpentry, 20000€, quotes from Hash due soon
new china, 2€ per plate ;)

entrance hall:
wallpaper, 4000€,completed for TV show
2 external doors, 5000€, 14000€ target, completed

Marquis apartment:

Chambre des Oiseaux:
paneling, 4000€ per wall, quotes from Hash due soon
new Bennison wallpaper, 12000€ target, when panelling is done

Isabells apartment:
new electrical floor heating, 3000€, Ian is getting quotes
new oak flooring, 5000€, Ian is getting quotes
insulating stables ceiling 2000€

downstairs loo: 15000€ target
tools for floor, 300€, bought
wallpaper, 2000€, bought
drywall 200€, done
fittings 300€, bought
basin 800€, bought
lights 200€, bought
opening manhole and redoing it 300€

frames for Dads artwork, 3000€
spiral staircase pigeon artwall, 20€ per frame, to be shown in March
peacock hodgepodge room
gifted art room, in work by Philip

Nicks and Marie apartment:
bathroom, paid by N.+M.
door, 3000€, was originally 14000€ target

Scotsman apartment: hopefully paid by himself?
stairs, 6000€
2 new windows, 3000€ each
new floor and heating, 10000€
bathroom, 10000€
kitchen, 10000€
bedroom, 5000€
livingroom, 3000€

Chateau carpentry:
tools 2000€, paid by YT income, was originally 13000€ target
safety gear, 200€
walls from planks from Lalande trees, by Selmar in spring

heating situation:

3 radiators, 600€, completed
cleaning attic to put insulation on floors, Ian is getting quotes
new wardrobes for fabrics and costumes, several bought at brocantes, 1000€
insulation all attic, 10000€
new doors, are to be replaced room after room, 2000€ each
repair geothermal heating, 10000€
back corridor lifting of floor for damp proofed membrane, 3000€, getting quotes
drainage and gutters outside, 2000€, completed by Matt

courtyard pink gravel, 5000€ , 16000€ target, completed
courtyard lights, 200€, completed
fountain garden planting scheme and plants, 10000€ target, completed
swimming pool, 15000€
pool house, shower, BBQ, Jacuzzi 25000€
tandoori oven, 1000€

Natalia paid now by YT income, originally 19000€ target
new mattresses for antique beds paid by YT income, was originally 17000€ target target, Selmar repaired beds

Managers apartment aka Natis working spa :
2 new windows, 3000€ each
concrete floor, 2000€
new floor and heating, 10000€
bathroom, 10000€
kitchen, 10000€
bedroom, 5000€
office, 3000€

powerful connection for livestreams, zoom parties, seems to be completed

2 new secret projects for next season

YT chanel:
Philip, paid now by YT income

themed parties:
costumes per person, 300€
decoration, 200€
Covid tests per person, 30€
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Selmar is jumping ship... Wonder what made him leave his dream of Lalaland? Who's going to care for the animals?
Maybe the Dutch lady offered him room and bathroom while he works there. You know, like any decent human being would do.

I can't say I have enjoyed his vlogs in the past, but this last one gives a hint to a new beginning for him. And the Dutch lady seems nicer than his current/(former - fingers crossed) employer, too.
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Skimmed through the Cadge at the Chateau, to see them asking for ideas to name the little troll. Is it wrong that I wanted to suggest that they call him Tattle? 🧙‍♂️
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An egg a day keeps Covid away, as Steph and co come out to play.
Added to suggestions! :ROFLMAO: 😂😁

We're on Post #951 - time to start voting? Please feel free to add new ideas.

(y)#27. The Church of Stephinology: "Miss Jarvis' Neverland Home for Peculiar Children" - @Jeeves and suggested by @Phoenix Richards-Bingham
❤#27. The Church of Stephinology: "Have no fear, covid's not coming, because it's not an ACTUAL party" - @Violetty
😳#27. The Church of Stephinology: "The Chandelier, the Desk and the Titillating Tiles."
:("An egg a day keeps Covid away, as Steph and co come out to play." - @Gibson
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We have to remember that she is spending her "own money" (her pocket money) on all the decorative objects she buys, it's not the patrons' money which is purely (?) for restoration work. After all, you couldn't possibly expect her to pay for any of the restoration work on her own home, now could you? Who does that? No, her own money is purely for pleasure, don't you know? Little girls don't use their pocket money on anything serious; pocket money is for fun. People only spend their money on serious necessities when they grow up and become adults. We can't expect poor little SJ to spend her pocket money on restoration, leave that to the nice rich uncles and aunties, they will see to that for her.
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Do you remember when Dan was buying lavender plants for the scum filled fountain area? She was complaining about the cost of the larger plants and had him get the smaller ones. Funny how she is so frugal with things that matter, but spends like no tomorrow on crap! Her taste is just appalling.

Especially when it will NEVER get completed!
And once she would not let Marie buy fresh mushrooms in the market and immediately afterwards bought an expensive print on a visit to a historic house.
The man in that antiques shop must have thought his lucky day had come when SJ rocked up two days in a row. There is no doubt that she has a disorder; it's very similar to an addiction.
Why did she ask BJJ if the price of the desk was all right for him, I know he is going to use it but is it staying at La Lande or is he taking it with him if and when he leaves?
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Annelise posted a picture thanking Roadkill for her flowers (I think it's her 30th birthday.)
Given how much FRK chunters on about conditioning the flowers, they don't look very fresh to me. The cerise roses are overblown, the cream roses clearly past their best and the red alstoemeria actually look damaged.
Is this what she does - passes her flowers on as gifts once they start to fade? Anyone remember the limp yellow tulips (reduced in Aldi) that she took to Anna Fleurie?
omg thats mortifying
why would you sent wilted flowers ...
its not a cultural thing with FRK ...shes just plain ingorant and disgruntled.

I actually feel for analise ..her and dan would be obliged to thank her -manners prevails
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My favourite SJ purchase of all time has only been seen recently, when Ian's family and friends were cleaning out her junk room. It was the postcard holder stand - in case they produce postcards to sell. Such foresight.
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No, I think the bigger concern would be Covid right now, No reason for her to be in Uk as she has no job to go to. French lorry drivers will now need to test on entry and repeated very couple of days that they are here.
Its both. She can't enter for both reasons. She doesn't earn over £25+K (to get a visa) or have the guaranteed income of that amount and she also can't enter because she has no abode in the UK and doesn't work there. She's also not a citizen and lost her right of continual abode because she's been out of the country for 6 months. Shows how stupid she is if she doesn't know these simple facts.
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In his latest vlog, he takes the time once again to talk to the animals, not about the animals but to the animals directly. This time it’s a red squirrel high on the wall and a grey bird that flies into the barn. Last time it was a long talk to Thor, the peacock. Talking to the animals seems to soothe him (and viewers), and given the people he has had to contend with, it’s understandable.
I do like it. The idea of him taking a walk all around the "grounds" with the shy chicken every morning and loving on all the animals... avoiding the cameras most of the time and just getting on with woodworking in the company of his scruffy dog... Taking off every weekend in his campervan, probably out to meet lady fans. 🤭I hope he's loving life, haha. I will never forget when I clicked on the first video of his that popped up in my algorithm! It was him riding a bicycle to Aldi with his dog in the basket. Unedited, shaky as hell, followed up by something like 45 actual minutes of scooting around the aisles to buy Dutch beer and cheese. It was the craziest, most boring, somehow purest thing I ever saw. Both my husband and I watched the whole thing, laughing our butts off.
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