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Good News for Monday: Patreon reports that 2 more of SJ's highest level patrons have jumped ship before the month end payments go through.

"Slowly slowly catchy monkey....."
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Mr Magoo

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Hope everyone has a nice weekend. This is what we consider a lake around here :) 10 min bike ride from my home.
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with 1.24 million she could have finished it. I have to say it would secure the house but not worth that kind of investment
Stephanie’s been talking about these things for years…and on some of the larger projects she said, long ago, she’s already got the money, just waiting on surveys or approvals (or whatever)…for YEARS! What’s the hold up? In this time, Dan has come and gone. Amaury has come and gone, Michael Petherick has come and gone, Ian the builder is gone, Ian the plasterer passed away, Marie has come and gone and returned. Is she just a terrible project manager? Terrible planner? Misappropriated the money? Does she have ANY intention of doing things? Is she just planning on talking it to death until everyone just forgets or moves on because they get so bored with it all? In the meantime she’s got the money.
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You may have answers from cough cough not Steph herself!
How the hell does Brenda Gibbons know all the details about the accounting and Association setup? Is she privy to that information? Why? And why isn’t Stephanie sharing that detailed information with all her patrons??? Just because Brenda is president of the Fan Club she gets to peek at the books??? 😡
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Karma baby!

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Words escape me… this yurt is straight outa some Mongolian princess’s retinue 😂
I think PhiPhi will love it!



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Three words: parties and shopping. They are both distractors for what needs to be done. Alcohol consumption can make all your problems disappear until the next shopping trip, the next travel excursion, the next visit to another chateau. I would love to just ignore the bills, cleaning, necessary appointments, things that need to be fixed and have fun all day long too. However, I was raised to take care of my shit and be a responsible human being. Chores and then playtime.
She even managed to run off Selmar. Like him or not, he was actually doing work at the farmhouse. He might have been slow, but he was working…for FREE as a volunteer for a long time. Until Stephanie finally started paying him ($50 per day, I think)…but then charged him rent to park his trailer on her property. 🙄

All these workers keep leaving. Why? I think a lot of them start seeing through the crap and move on (Selmar aside). The incredible thing, to me, is that so many people WANT to help Stephanie. She’s had volunteers, workers, craftsmen, financial backers, financial supporters…they WANT to help. They WANT to feel like they’re part of something bigger. She selfishly keeps squandering the help and opportunity.
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Meeting about the lake and the subtitles I am going in:

Close to planning permission stage

Ok I am cutting to the end with Davey's synopsis of the meeting I can't be arsed reading her subtitles. Snorts has joined the meeting probably an expert on lakes too

There will be another few months for the final dossier

They're. doing a simple application. A more complex application would take two years.

They have measured the fish they didn't find trout which has made things easier

The levels are measured from sea level as zero

The lake will be 1.5m in winter and 1m in winter so very very shallow

The island was Phillip's idea and Fanny thinks it is a very good one and it is being moved back.

Fanny with tits lolling around gushes how she is so grateful and we are all on this journey together.

Thank you, Stephanie, for the hours (days, even) you put in to create the subtitles for those of us who do not speak French. I really appreciate it....and you!

Cathy Norrie
I do think that the lake should be deeper. With the way things are going in the summer you would be lucky to have a metre of water with the current plans. That would make the lake another wetland area not a true lake. You are actually creating a very large, though not deep, pond. The difference between a lake and a pond is the depth. If the sunlight can reach the bottom it is considered a pond and 1 metre depth is definitely a pond, not a lake. To help determine the difference, both the depth and surface area must be considered. Lakes are normally much deeper than ponds and have a larger surface area. All the water in a pond is in the photic zone, meaning ponds are shallow enough to allow sunlight to reach the bottom. This causes plants (sometimes too many) to grow at the bottom of ponds as well as on their surface. However, sunlight can’t reach the bottom of all areas of lakes. Lakes have aphotic zones, which are deep areas of water that receive no sunlight, preventing plants from growing.

Carolyn Padula
So, do I understand correctly that the center or deepest part of the lake in summer will only be three feet/one meter deep? That seems very shallow to me. Thank you so much for the subtitles. They must have taken hours. Hope all the other projects are coming along. You certainly do have your hands full. Best to all.


Kelly S Larson
That is exactly my question. Is that even deep enough to have a boat in? You could walk out to the island.


Carolyn Padula
Exactly. And with temperatures rising world wide, I worry about increased evaporation. Nothing that shallow seems like a lake to me. Wonder if it was that shallow before it was drained? The French Water Police, someone, owes Stephanie a great deal for this. The lake should never have been drained in the first place.

Janet Vroom
Thanks for sharing the discussion (and for the subtitles). It was very interesting to hear the details of what seems like a massive undertaking. Since the stream will not feed the lake during the summer is there any danger of the lake becoming stagnant with algae forming on the surface?

NoSense Discussion
At one time Davy said they could one or two aerators to solve that problem.

Anna Rågdell
Thank you for translating, super interesting! So excited for you, you are doing such a great job with both the lake, chapel and lake, super impressed by you! A question arisen during the interview: During the summer the deepest part of the lake in the middle is 1 m, and goes more and more shallow towards the edge? How deep will it be by the edges and the boathouse, will you have to dig out a deeper path towards the island from the boathouse to be able to have a boat or are no extra depth needed?
This, from Carolyn, just filled me with rage - and it's only 5:30 a.m. where I am, way too early to be this angry!

Carolyn Padula
Exactly. And with temperatures rising world wide, I worry about increased evaporation. Nothing that shallow seems like a lake to me. Wonder if it was that shallow before it was drained? The French Water Police, someone, owes Stephanie a great deal for this. The lake should never have been drained in the first place.

STEPHANIE DRAINED THE LAKE! SHE DRAINED IT....NOT THE WATER POLICE.....THE WATER POLICE DIDN'T TELL HER TO DRAIN DRAIN IT! She got caught doing so by the "French Water Police".......she has turned this lie into legend and uses it to get more money from people who will end up paying for HER foolishness!
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Goodness me, I have not been able to catch up with the threads but luckily Fanny is doing me a favour and doing fuck all as usual it would seem.

My darlings, I don't know how to point to the writing on the wall, but there will no works this year. Soon enough autumn will hit and it will be too late to do any work and then gods know what will 2024 bring. She'll be stalling, stalling, stalling this year. I wonder if her patronage will finally wake up if 2024 hits with no sign of works commencing or finalising on any of the ongoing, abandoned or planned projects.
Just wait for the gaslighting flying monkeys to kick into high gear in the comments. “Stephanie never said the renovations would start this year.” “The Chateau Diaries has never been about renovations.” “The Patreon money is hers to do as she pleases…it’s not about renovations.” “I love to see Stephanie travel…I wish she would travel more often but she’s SO busy.” “I’d prefer to see Stephanie buy more clothes than see a bunch of boring old construction.” Of course…Stephanie will listen to her “fans” and comply to the best of her ability. 🙄
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I think he does have some hold over Fanny-why else would she gush over his pathetic purchases. That photo album was just plain nasty 55 euros they saw him coming it is worth 10 euros tops. Fanny constantly praises his every move it is just such an odd dynamic between them. I think he maybe quite coercive? I imagine he has been a real problem to his parents and they are just happy to off load the little freak. It is most unusual his almost rabid obsession with his Grandparents but he never mentions his parents apart from when he steals his Mum's trousers.
As a child, when asked what he wanted to be when he grows up, do you think he said he wanted to be in show business? This may not have gone down well with his conservative parents, but maybe his grandparents indulged his dressing up games and singing with his hairbrush into a mirror? He tried the boy band route, and the drama school productions, and the strange prison drama last year, none of which have been successful. He then landed the role of weird escort to a bargain basement, self proclaimed, princess. It was probably the only offer on the table at the time.

I think he is now doing what he always wanted to do: a permanent acting job. He gets bed and board, all the shopping he wants, his face :sick: online, travel, sex (allegedly), an income, free rein to dress however he wants, and the adoration of the unenlightened CD fans to stoke his ego.

From his parent's point of view: he is not a financial drain on them, he is out of the country (big plus I would imagine), he has had a steady job and his own 'home' for a few years now, he is not addicted to drink (debatable) or drugs (as far as we know).

Yes, we can see that he is an obnoxious person and maybe his days at the dump are numbered, but in the meantime he has a job he loves and the longer he stays the more ridiculous he makes SJ look - which can only be a good thing in my book.
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Ok a day of feeling ick will not be cured by dipping in and out of her early flogs. After Rhodes just ghastly but this flirting with Michael is just revolting she knew he was gay already. This flog she re runs in her travel flog with Oli.

I really like Michael in her early flogs he is talented, funny and clearly getting uncomfortable with her faux relationship

Yep…Michael was supposed to be Philip, but he decided not to play along. Why would he? Michael wants to be with guys, he has his own channel, and his family has their own chateau. No need to pretend to be Stephanie’s boyfriend for Michael to live at a chateau. Philip, on the other hand, has much to gain. Stephanie offers him a salary, a chateau to call home, travel, food, dresses, makeup. He sneaks off for kebabs. No wonder he doesn’t mind faking it with Stephanie for the cameras…all for “telling the story” and content. He’s her emotional support squirrel. 🙄
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I am thinking of joining Jules and those who’ve given up even grudge watching. It’s so utterly beyond boring. I literally cannot be bothered watching it on FF. All that “darling” bollix between the botoxed to buggery Mme La Cougar and PhiPhi Le/La Combover grifter - ugh 😑 . I’m mostly over on the Harry and Meghan threads, a couple so detestable they put Steph-a-me on to a winners’ platform. Like Jules, I say it’s only you wonderful thread contributors I lIke to read. Your clever quips and observations are unrivalled.
Love, Life and Laughter seemed so much more interesting to have a laugh about before the unsuitable age difference relationship reveal and the subsequent intergenerational lovefest began. Mr Wedgie has sounded the death knell, revealing the even more boring, dependent side of Jarvis in all her irredeemable dullness. At least previously she had an aura of the strong independent businessperson. Now she’s just another silly bint relying on a dope of a bloke to bolster her.
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C'est moi

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Thank you @ComtesseRose for setting up the new thread, keeping everything in order and being an all round good egg.

Congratulations @Spirit of place for naming the thread.

I feel honoured to be a VIP alongside @Karma baby! who has made it to VIP twice, congratulations.

I know we have now hit summer holidays proper for many people but... is it just me or is the chateauverse just boring and at an all time low! Nothing happening at lielande, Fanny and Thrush are really scraping the barrel for content and getting all timey wimey with it. Chopping and splicing cutting room floor content and frankly just putting out shit. And why? Because they know they can. Their hard-core patroens and fans don't actually give a shit about what they watch. They're not seeing the gaping holes and shit timelines because they idolise fanny so much. Any objectors are silenced and/or removed. It is a cult.
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Gods! It seems as though Snorts could be suffering from "Grandparent Syndrome" - yes, it's a real mental disorder. A strange psychological syndrome brought on by childhood melancholia and whereby the child becomes obsessed with their grandparents and this obsession carries on into adulthood. Seems like this article might explain much; not paying £37 to find out, because Snorts ain't worth it, but who knew Grandparent Syndrome was a thing!
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What was he augmenting?
His man boobs reduction - allegedly (LOL!)

The issue now is not Stephanie Jarvis it is the Patrons on Patreon. They are enabling her.
Stephanie Jarvis' Patreon members and fans are a bunch of ignorant racist people who lack half a brain and are completely without a consience.
If they don't like that description then, do tell me how they can still support a woman whose negligence let a poor South African girl of colour die!
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Turns out the patreons are as stupid as we thought! ( from the facebook)

Not up to us how she spends the money its her chateau - But you are footing the bill you idiot!

I'm sure she will do the right thing? - When has she done that before?

discussed budget with patrons when!! -With the non accounts? still waiting tick tick!

, Asking squirrel child how much he spends - Like that will touch on the huge bill she is racking up on holidays are more tat furniture-

What a great suggestion more fundraising for the lake cough cough for her next holiday! Yeah yeah she will line her pockets we all know it.

Expert people advising - Are they though or are they cheap british handymen? like Nathan? -

Can't wait to see the lake again - Part 1 restoring the wetland aim to start summer 2025 * actual starting date 3025*

Some of the spelling is atrocious.


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