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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
And are your hellebores orientalis , Niger or corsicus ……? Forgot to ask that!
I will make some suggestions tomorrow but I doubt digging up the clay and subsoil will help anything….. mulch on top and let the worms pull down during the winter! Maybe annuals this time…. And plan bulbs and plants for next spring.
I am using a product called Strulch as a really good weed suppression and moisture retainer.
It’s expensive but if used correctly a great discovery!
I’m the one with the brain injury so not always on form…..
Others may have good ideas ….?
And this may be TMI as not chateau related 🙄🤔🤣
Ha ha there are different hellebores who knew. I have a black one, green and white ones, oink ones, purple ones I bought a lot of Hellebores and they are in nearly every shelter spot and have worked well. I will look for that Stretch Thanks don't go to too much effort if you're not feeling good but just some pointers. Thanks you're the best
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Those four have the sense not to mix with Fanny & co any longer, they have considerably more taste and intelligence than the whole of the CD folks put together!
I wonder where these people's kids and grandkids are.🤔
Thanks to that dark-haired kid who lowered the average age of this otherwise geriatric Easter lunch crowd! :ROFLMAO:

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Yes, that is the tree. Saule Pleureur.
I think is a metaphor for him weeping and being sad, like a weeping willow. Also, like in Pocahontas, Grandmother Willow Tree, posseses sagacity being old and wise.
In the song I just think he is mourning his lost love, standing left behind like a solitary weeping willow, watching the world go by... - kind of like Coldplay's The Scientist (same theme).
Thank you @ComtesseRose that's how I understand it too but he announces he's going to stalk her ! (I will follow you).

I only know a weeping willow as a tree! Have never heard any other meanings! Very odd!
Absolutely, agree with you @Cleo's Asp see my answer to @ComtesseRose above.
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
You can move peonies but need to replant them careful as too deep or too shallow and they won’t flower. The best Uk supplier is Kelways IMO. A huge family of flowers if different heights and flowering times etc.
The lovely one known as molly the witch is of course good in shade.

You could always grow potatoes and use the great and easy to seed and weed ground cover plants limnanthes douglasii , known as the poached egg plant for this year to clear the ground.Then muck over winter with some HORSE not cow manure and STRULCH. And get plants and bulbs ordered and chosen.
bear in mind that most things only need a few inches of soil unless trees of course… so don’t dig up the builders rubbish to the surface but let the worms pull goodness down.
Roses if you like hips Blance double de Colbert ,maybe phlox, hydrangeas lots of choice and magellanica type fuschia , and underplant with geranium phaem lily Lovell and others like Patricia, and maybe lamium pink Nancy and other lower growing perennial geraniums.
Also different Astilbes,Astrantia ,Bergenia some good ones with leaf colour, Persicarias but not everyone likes these dock looking plants . Fanny has these in her swampy chapel garden😂

Good bulbs would be chionodoxa, muscari latifolia. NOT the common one….. good daffs that don’t have big heads and drop down for the weight eg white lady scented and a great cut flower. ( uk Avon bulbs) Amongst your hellebore you could right now carefully plant some snowdrops bought in the green and some allium nigrum.
Sorry I do have opinions😂

Many of us lost shrubs to the frost this year☹ I consider this sad but a new opportunity!
So tell us what you really think about Fanny’s garden! :D
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Cleo's Asp

VIP Member
Little digression, I was listening to the radio whilst I was ironing. They were playing this, you may remember the song from ESC 2017:

DOes "weeping willow" has another meaning than this ?

View attachment 2095262

He is following like a weeping willow ???

View attachment 2095269

Don't get it.
Can native speakers explain please.
I only know a weeping willow as a tree! Have never heard any other meanings! Very odd!
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Maple fairy

VIP Member
I miss dear old @Gibson and also @Geordieboy71 and the news of his late Gran, who was a CD Patreon. We did hear from him briefly after he had been involved in the late Queen's funeral. I think he was a Naval officer.

By "school", l do you mean high school or further education? Anna attended the prestigious Central St, Martins after her finishing her secondary school education.

View attachment 2095417
School meaning studying design at a post secondary level. I could not specifically remember.
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Active member
Yes, they both have a very dry sense of humour...what a day that was... no lunch as they didn't book and ended up at the Boulangerie with a baguette and then beeped to move on... did you see the one the other week where they went to Peillon town and drove down the narrowest street ever and couldn't exit as there was a sign in the way so he had to reverse all the way back to the village square.? 🙈 :ROFLMAO:
I have not - but will certainly look it up. They are just adorable!
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Off topic post about the Alex Murdaugh case. Here is the first part of a 2 part channelled reading with Maggie and Paul Murdaugh posted today. The second part of the channeling will be posted next week.

Here are a few things mentioned in part 1 of the channeling: Maggie and Paul showed up together, and said, thank you for the opportunity to speak. Maggie stated that she had a soul contract to be murdered by Alex. She forgives him. I can5 figure out if it was a soul contact for Paul to be killed. She said that she saw Alex shoot Paul and she immediately turned around and started running. She stated that she was in shock that it seems surreal, and she kept wondering why, and she was running away and was shot. She said that Alex stated I’m sorry and then shot her multiple times. She and Paul both stated that they felt no pain and they both exited their bodies immediately after the first shot. They both stayed around the crime scene and attended their own funerals.

Maggie stated that the guns were hidden and then were later destroyed by someone. Paul had no idea that his father wanted to kill him. He and Maggie both stated everything seem very normal, routine, and that they were just out to check on the dogs. Just seconds prior to the shooting, the dog seem to sense that something was up or had changed. They both said that Alex acted alone and intended to kill them both. They didn’t think that Alex was capable of killing them. They had no fear of Alex before the shooting. Alex said nothing to Paul before shooting him.

Maggie stated that Alex was a very good liar. She said that Alex was desperate, and in his own mind tried to reframe the murders as ” Maggie and Paul we’re better off, not being around to see different facts being revealed.“ Alex panicked and began to cover up the crime scene in a robotic manner. Alex thought that the murders would generate pity for him and create a distraction from other issues. Instead, it placed focus upon him and his actions. ( the look over there, not over here strategy).

Maggie said that Alex was supposed to learn, or make progress, on certain issues during this lifetime. He was supposed to learn to overcome addiction, find humility, and learn from situations. Maggie said that she would’ve been killed by Alex regardless, because that was her soul contract. Maggie said that Alex had a bad addiction to pills and many other things. She said that he never faced consequences, never took responsibility for his actions, and that things were always fixed for him. She said that Alex needed consequences. She still thinks that he hasn’t really faced consequences. In his mind, he is still in denial, I didn’t do it, no, not me.

She said that the original officers at the crime scene had been previously paid to be quiet over certain situations involving Alex. The officers were confused as to how to handle the crime scene. Other officers came in and insisted upon the crime scene being handled properly.

Paul did not speak much during the first half of the channeling today. I believe he will be featured more prominently in the second portion of the channeling that would be posted next week.

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VIP Member
Pressured by the Chatelaine de Monetization to delete
Unflattering but truthful comments about
YouTube’s most untalented Gay Twank. 😂

The lesbians I know are a lot tougher than that and would not even associate themselves with the likes of Jarvis and her grifting gay boyfriend.
But they did...
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
My God! These people are so full of themselves! What an incredible rip off. Get access to her Pinterest Board for $80???? She charges $250 an hour to chat with her, and not her exclusively--it's an add-on to the class. As if the class fees aren't enough! The brass she has... (for lack of a better word to describe her "balls"). It's vile, how so many of the people in this "chateau world" use and take advantage of others. Utterly vile. They have no conscience. Soulless assholes. I didn't completely despise her before--now she's as vile as F4F to me. It beggars belief that people are throwing their money at these fools. I guess they win. But karma...
she is omlu charging for the course but putting a value against the free bonus elements
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I do like their humor and I will be trying to catch up on all their posts. Love the scenery and the little car and now they have a electric bike.
When we were on holiday a couple of weeks ago on Hamilton Island you drive golf carts only.
They are some what quiet and you have to charge them at night so it was interesting when Mr Boo was deciding to buy a electric or petrol motorbike.
I like wind down windows .... when "fast glass" is broken - mucho $$ for the repairs. I have air con in my car but hardly use it so their little car would be up my alley ------ except for people who drive with the road train transport trucks on the highways .... they are huge and that little car would look like a little pimple and not great in an accident!!! :eek:
I live in the city so that car would be fine for me ! :love:

Or set their tables! :ROFLMAO:
I wasn't sure which bike he would go for, I think he was torn... I had to laugh when Tim said the electric one enabled him to be heard in conversation from as a pillion passenger and Mr Boo thought it might be one of the down sides... It would be great for city parking.. xx
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Chatty Member
I had to go back and view the Puy Vidal video, the section of the little village La Chatre. What a charming little town! It is such a shame that Steph has absolutely no connection to anyone there. She totally missed out on so much (but we knew that anyway) - local craftsmen for chateau repair/upkeep, farmer's markets and local artisans. She could have hosted craft fairs, events for the community (remember when she used to host music workshops and performances at the chateau?). There are so many opportunities for connection, but yet when she's out shopping, no one knows her, or really has any reaction to her. She's just another face in the crowd. She could have been such a big part of the community. But, I guess that would take work and commitment, and we know that Steph has neither of those qualities.

Instead she buys a lot of crap (along with Phi Phi) to fill the chateau to the point that it will all come crashing down. Rather sad to have no ambition for anything other than being lazy and bored. So much potential, so little care.
unlike Jenny's Chateau farm where they are hosting heapsof events or letting people use the land.(might be getting a click the ticket ) Stephaine wouldnt as she would have tp organise stuff anf talk to unknown people.
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