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I would just like to point out that @Selmar joined us here on Tattle in the past few days and none of us haters, hags, or trolls gave him a hard time. We offered support, we asked questions, and he answered a few of them. It was a civil discussion. Compare that to the Chateau Diaries comments where anyone who dares ask a question or challenges the charlatan gets jumped on and silenced. So…we’re called the hate site? 🤔
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Definitely a subtle, passive-aggressive counterattack on Selmar's explosive revelations!
Her fans are loving on her all the more. She's the absolute mistress of manipulation.
Didn't Brenda G tell everybody yesterday not to worry, all LaLanders were okay? Oh well, I guess it was just the black girl, hey Brenda ... :sick::sick::sick::alien::devilish:
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Welcome Selmar, I thought you were a spoof at the start - paranoia reigns here too with false profiles - but I saw you were being brave and battling your way through the fog of English spelling to get your truths across so 👋 bravo.
You are fast becoming the Tattle Oracle of the REAL goings on at the Shitoo rather than the usual speculation so the questions are coming thick & fast.
However as @ Pippin speaks out said, take it easy & just post what & when you want. As you said, rather than taking on any legal action for the humiliation both you & Tatyana suffered, you'd really settle for an apology from...who? There were several of them ganging up with Nati as we saw, either for their own ends or just nasty bullying. Did you imagine Stephany would take responsibility & bawl them out ? You know her mantra 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' as she floats through her life pretending. I do recall Josie defended Tatyana quite strongly on a couple of occasions, saying how she helped her & also made a cake. She also teased Philip about his allergies etc.
At the end of the day, a lot of the early viewers saw you as an essential part of. lalande & were concerned if you ever missed a vlog, so focus on their fond msgs to you & Diesel & blot out the rest.
P.S I was impressed when you first arrived how you whittled a spade handle out of the xmas tree - cool !
Ever heard the phrase 'Dutch courage'? Whoever Philip hit on would need A LOT of it.
Josie is a verry kind strong little lady. But treated so badly. She called Natalya a Nazi. Well that says enough.
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Yes I know that now. That is why I have to move on and leave this behind me. All those years I good not believe it and I was waiting for something back. I now now that will never going to happen. So that is why I did what I did. I feel free now. Everything is of of my chest.

If I new from the start she was a vlugger. I would never went there. She also pretented on here work a way site. She was a couple. I rather go to a couple to help them. Than a single woman. On some reasons it brings me in trouble 😁
Yes about Dan. I told him thinks that I did not liked the way Natalya asked me things and he told me that he did not liked to do everything what Isabelle was asking him. So Dan wanted to do more handyman work. So he made a plan. He went to Natalya and they had to find away to get rid of me. Sk than he good do my work and Natalya was than happy that I was gone. On one moment I thought that also Kirsty was into it to get rid of me. Because suddenly there was a problem with the little mower. I broked it but not on purpes. I thought wath happened so I walked the path back and vort and found all rock trowen there. Strange I walked that path every day because it was the path to my camper in the forest. So Dan called Isabelle. Isabelle was furious on me. I explain but o.k. harm was done. And so and so continuing to push me a kicking me.
Yes about Dan. I told him thinks that I did not liked the way Natalya asked me things and he told me that he did not liked to do everything what Isabelle was asking him and he Philip gived him the Creepes. Dan wanted to do more handyman work. So he made a plan. He went to Natalya and they had to find away to get rid of me. So than he good do my work and Natalya was than happy that I was gone. On one moment I thought that also Kirsty was into it to get rid of me. Because suddenly there was a problem with the little mower. I broked it but not on purpes. I thought wath happened so I walked the path back and vort and found all rock trowen there. Strange I walked that path every day because it was the path to my camper in the forest. So Dan called Isabelle. Isabelle was furious on me. I explain but o.k. harm was done. And so and so continuing to push me a kicking me and there is no end to this. Want than also Fanny came into the picture.
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@Selmar Who do you think threw the rocks on the path to your camper? Dan? His idea or someone else’s? How did it make you feel to have rocks thrown on your path? Many people would find this threatening. Were you ever afraid that someone would throw rocks at you or Tatyana? Were you confident that the rock-throwing was only a symbolic gesture?
I was shocked that sombody was behind it and got afraid. For what is next.
@Selmar please tell us everything you know about Michael Petherick.
I do not now Michael Petrick. The only thing I now. That Philip came to la Lande for Michael Petrick. Wel that turned out fucking great.
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@Casa de Trastamara

I really do understand where you coming from - but you need to be careful about encouraging Selmar to do something that could be damaging to himself.

Firstly Selmar is not an "immigrant" in France for work purposes - he is an EU citizen - we have free movement here in the EU - he has the exact same rights as a French citizen - he can vote at local elections etc - he cannot vote for presidential elections - that is the only impact of him being Dutch. He would have no use of an immigration lawyer.

As I've explained in previous posts Selmar was not an employee, either of workaway or of Stephanie. Unless and until he can have his time their qualified as employment ( which would be the first step in doing anything) he has no recourse to Droit du travail.

For French droit du travail to apply he'd have to first have his time at Lalande recognized as employment.

Even if he managed this ( and it would be lengthly and costly and most probably morally exhausting) he would then have to prove moral harassment. This is very much a "she says he says" procedure. Selmar would need to provide written evidence of the harassment going on. It would be countered by all the evidence (videos etc) of Selmar "enjoying" life at Lalande and being involved in the community.

Selmar, if he won would be awarded minimal damages ( capped at equivalent 3 months salary )

If Selmar tried to go through civil court and not prud'hommes first then whatever happened in civil court would be "suspensif". This would make the procedure even more complicated

Once again, I understand where you're coming from but as I've said before - moral and law are two different things.

I understand your opinion - I understand your wish for Selmar to be "vindicated" through the courts. In my opinion there is simply not enough enough base of evidence for Selmar to go to court and win.

If Selmar was to start this process it would be long, costly and morally exhausting. All the proceedings would also happen in French and Selmar would bring scrutiny to his statut as en auto-entrepreneur.

Going to be the devils advocate here :
If for example the courts decided that legally Selmar was an "autoentrpreneure" as he legally declared and announced on the vlogs they could then come to the conclusion that part of his remuneration was that he benefited from a minimal contribution to food and lodgings (`100€ pcm) and declare that this was a taxable benefit he should have paid tax on and fine him.

Really @Casa de Trastamara your advice could be more than damaging you need to be careful about just screenshooting random isolated bits French law. You could get Selmar hopes up for nothing, or worse encourage him to do something that may be prejudicial to himself

If @Selmar wants to go up against Stephanie I would recommend he go to a PAD "point d'accès au droit" or a point justice ( he can find lists here - or where he can consult a qualified legal professional for free and ask where he stands.

Just because Stephanie deserves to be found guilty does not mean that it would be best for Selmar to

Source :
  • Not google
  • Over 30 years of life in France including 5 spent getting a masters in French law
  • Witnessing a very good friend (French and French speaking) who was legally employed by a reputable Parisian institution be totally destroyed by the process when she took her employer to court when she lost her legal well paid job after 12 years because she stopped sleeping with her hierarchical superior and he starting bullying her. Spending hours and hours reading up on prudhomme and droit du travail jurisprudence at that time.
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Or your doing a little moral fable so it wouldn't have to be direct but the moral of the story is

We can always rely on you to bring up her favourite pic. I bet @Selmar would love to see Phi Phi dancing the Charleston. I have to say I am still amazed Phi Phi can get a single person into bed
The Slot could be called Selmar Says
Yes I saw him dancing the Charlston. I was crying out from laughter. It was just like a bunny on Duracell. It good not stop 🤣
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All the work he did took care of Ruby and built things and hauled those stones, etc and he was a volunteer who could have stayed for free inside. it is appalling that she charged him to park the camper van. inexcusable
Yes about that nobody took care of the animals anymore when Issabel left. So I took over because nobody else cared. Can you believe that. If I did not do that a lot of animals had died. They really not understand that.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I AM FURIOUS!!! :mad:
She cannot do anything without advertising her fraud activities!!
Delivering such sad news, and adding her on a video saying if you are supporting SJ you are doing the right thing!

Poor girl! I hope she is in peace 🖤🖤
And I hope SJ rots in a hell hole!
Appalling doesn't even come close. But you heard her: next week she, Philip Janssen and the Head of the Bully Show Natalia Olivieto will be cheerfully opening presents again. With other words: F you, Selmar. She truly deserves a spot to rot.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Yes about Dan. I told him thinks that I did not liked the way Natalya asked me things and he told me that he did not liked to do everything what Isabelle was asking him. So Dan wanted to do more handyman work. So he made a plan. He went to Natalya and they had to find away to get rid of me. Sk than he good do my work and Natalya was than happy that I was gone. On one moment I thought that also Kirsty was into it to get rid of me. Because suddenly there was a problem with the little mower. I broked it but not on purpes. I thought wath happened so I walked the path back and vort and found all rock trowen there. Strange I walked that path every day because it was the path to my camper in the forest. So Dan called Isabelle. Isabelle was furious on me. I explain but o.k. harm was done. And so and so continuing to push me a kicking me.
I'm afraid it wasn't just Dan and Bullying Nutty behind this, @Selmar They were just following milady's wishes: she needed you gone to make room for her cousin Amoury Richmond, who was to be the new brilliant carpenter of LaLande. Nothing to do with your or his skills, but he is family and that makes it so much easier to transfer funds. I tell you, behind all these irky torments towards you was one thing and one thing only: money.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
@Selmar I'm very happy for the support you get here, as you need all the help you can get in your battles with the past and what has been done to you and your girlfriend. But I've warned you before and I would like to add: be careful with promoting your own vlog too much and asking for donations, as this will be used against you by the Jarvisses to make it look like you are jealous of them and are only telling lies to gain subscribers.
I have a feeling you are still holding too high regards when it comes to Stephanie and Isabelle, who will most definitely do anything to stop you from telling your truth. They are not your friends! Maybe they once were and I can totally relate to the fact that you thought they were (they play a convincing game to make it look that way) but they certainly don't have your best interest at heart, you must realize that by now?
It is my belief that if you want Natalia Olivieto to be held accountable for what she did to you and your girlfriend, you have to also question her employers motives not to have done that in the first place. You asked Stephanie for help, she probably said she would and then nothing happened. That must have made you suspicious somehow?
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Selmar, did PJ ever hit on you and the other men at the chateau? Did you think he was gay?
He tried, the first thing what he said to me in a conversation. Do you now that I am Bisexual. I said no. My god keep that information for yourself. Really I do not mind about that. But do not throw it in my face.
I haven’t even got to my questions about Stephanie rubbing her puss on Selmar’s thighs during tango night, nothing on Tomaz's accusations about the ladies being scared nor the state of the kitchen and general building structure…. There’s a lot of ground to cover.
Tango is a passioneel dance. But that part is not a part of the Tango. That is used in Salsa. Latin. The Merengue
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Well I smell bullshit already because we know those videos are filmed in advance - they haven’t edited anything and are about to drop a pity me party to distract from @Selmar dragging the HMN through the mud. Better step it up @Selmar and give us the juiciness because Our Lady Dame Fanny Four Flues is on manoeuvres to mitigate against your truth bombs. Get those videos back up - you’ve got nothing left to lose - you’re not getting an invite back to the chateau’s kitchen table ever again - nor should you want one. The grease!
I want that everybody how is treaded badly. Stand up and open up his mouth and spread it. There where so many people treaded badly there. Stand up and say it.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
All those years I good not believe it and I was waiting for something back.
@Selmar An apology from that Argentinian Bully you prefer to call The Witch will indeed never happen. In fact, my sources tell me it is Natalia Olivieto who is demanding an apology from you and your girlfriend. She claims to have been nothing but friendly and courteous to the two of you, even after you made a pass at her and took her rejection badly. She also claims your girlfriend acted like the new queen to be served from the moment she arrived and interfered with the way things normally work there.
Don’t get me wrong, with all my knowledge about the place I know your story is much more credible and trustworthy: I believe you. I just want you to know what and who you’re up against. It’s clear to me that Stephanie Jarvis believes Nutty’s recollection over yours and handled accordingly.
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@Selmar I have liked and subscribed. I suggest doing some "Tango time with Selmar" where you demonstrate a tango move while doing voice overs giving little spicy gossip from your time at LaLande. lol Give the Chateau and people fake names. Or better yet, start a Patron account and save the spicy gossip for THERE.
I have a patreon account 😁
Selmar, I'm sure you've seen a lot over at LL. It can't all be bad. There has to be something genuine and fun that happens. Can you tell us something that you really liked about your time there?
In the begining was so nice only with Issabel, Stephanie, Marie, Nick and Antoine. Always loved diner time. Having nice conversations with Issabel and helped here in the garden. But than the bitch came and everything changed 😡
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