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As a disclaimer (yes, I wised up): none of what I’m about to say might be connected to the reason Dan has been missing in (sort of) action and we will probably never know, because I doubt the man himself will admit to it anyway. He just likes to throw the dogs a bone: new flog soon, but no real date. What I do know is that there recently has been a nasty fallout between charlataine Stephanie Jarvis and her former gardener/love interest/handyman/availability, because Dan was counting on his bff Armoir to help him in his derelict ruin/abandoned castle/historic chateau but she has vetoed that by reminding her Cuz where his loyalties should lie. At the same time, Dan was painstakingly reminded that in her playbook when you’re out, you actually are out.
So Dan and SJ were definitely screwing?
What did they fall out over?
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I doubt very much if many Americans have ever heard of Slovenia or Slovakia, let alone know what continent they're on. Europe is France, Italy, Germany and maybe Spain for those that don't get it mixed up with Mexico. I can say this because I'm American and a retired educator. It's always shocking to me about the incredible ignorance Americans have about geography. It's embarrassing.
it becomes interesting when this kind of people want to do genealogy. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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That whole look of allowing one’s trousers to sag and display underpants is known stateside as “being open for business and advertising for customers”. I still get heteroflexible vibes from ol’ Danny Boy. And he’s just the type to enjoy being dominated. He is convinced he’s lead dog when he’s really tail end Charlie!
Dan must be not only dry on content... ;)
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The Pethericks / Doing it Ourselves/ Sadie in France / Bordeaux Life / Chateau Diaries et al could join forces and make their own spoof of these videos with the designer clobber shown
in their vlogs over the years.

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I just hope the poor bloke is still breathing... how long has he left it before he goes to check in on him?

My parents were working class people, dad had a full time job and mum had 3 part time jobs and 4 daughters to see to as well as the house chores and the meals. She even cooked an evening meal for a single man who lived up the road so he would have a hot meal of an evening. I believe he used to pay her a small amount for this. Money was always tight, I remember her once having to pawn my dads only suit in order to have money to last her until payday withouth his knowledge. Unfortunately unbeknown to her dad had a funeral to attend and needless to say his suit was unavailable until pay day. School uniforms were passed down as each was outgrown. In todays society brands are introduced usually by the parent at an early age. I see toddlers with brand trainers and clothing, technology in little chubby hands whilst being pushed in a stroller, as they grow they want and expect all of the latest fashions etc. The young girls today, all look the same, the long curled tresses, their faces injected with heaven know what, botox whilst in their late twenties early thirties as they have 'wrinkles' their lips inflated to impersonate a duck, teeth that blind you when they smile... They are all naturally beautiful and yet they feel the need to look 'perfect'. It's not just the females who are following this trend, men too are beginning to look like they have just come off the production line. I'm all for making the most of your attributes naturally and sometimes if surgery is required not merely on a whim then so be it. I realise that there are people who will suffer from low self esteem from body issues and may wish to seek professional hep but the whole Inject a face thing is the norm. I do wonder what the world will look like when my grandchildren are adults
My son has his hair cut monthly which is fine but apparently this means a eyebrow threading and facial as well. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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Gertrude Maud

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When I see such things on TV, this ignorance, I always think they are joking.
On the other hand, I know the capitals of most countries in the world, large rivers and their basins, states and their state structures, peaks of the world, mountain ranges, world seas and oceans and smaller seas, famous bays, landmarks in big cities..... .
I'm really ashamed when I see that someone doesn't even know where (in today's time) they would place Ukraine. A man on TV showed AUSTRALIA as Ukraine.
I've heard Australia as Austria.
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Tattlers I need narcissist help. I’ve been dealing with my wealthy narc aunt pretty well of late - I’ve learned a lot here on how to deal with her. But she just pulled something and I need to take a poll. My mom passed away in August. My aunt wants things that were my mothers. My mom didn’t have a lot but she was content. Today out of the blue she said she wanted mom’s class ring and letter sweater. My aunt lost both her sweater and her ring. She’s also asking for gifts she gave my mom to be returned to her. Jewelry and such.

She can be very generous to family and absolute strangers, but I find this weird. Actually it pissed me off. It just felt out of line to me for her to even ask for those things. I would never ever do that. Now she’s mad at me I’m sure because I seem greedy and she’d give me far more than something like that and has. I don’t even really care about keeping those things, because what would I even do with them? But it just felt out of line. She said it’s not like it wouldn’t come back to you. All I can think of regarding that is you lost yours once, what’s to say you don’t do it again? Also, I kind of feel I wouldn’t be honoring my mom if I didn’t keep them, but what do I know?

Anyways, help! Am I an asshole?
I don't think so. She's asking for things super personal to your mother -- things your mother earned and wore to replace things your aunt thought so little of as to lose them. And by asking for the gifts back she's making it clear they weren't gifts, but obligations/enmeshment.
I would not concede. I'd think of a generous legacy your mother, in the best of all possible worlds, would like to have left her loving sister to remember their good times together. Ask your mama, she will help. You could sell the things if you don't want them and make a contribution to charity in your aunt's name? The United Negro College Fund is always a good place to start.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
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Gertrude Maud

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Oooh no I didn’t.
note to self, do not buy ritz crackers and primula cheese in Sainsburys tomorrow.😂😂

I had cheesymite on toast when I visited in October
I have tried cheesy mite.
It was saltiness overload and made me awfully thirsty.

Okay I have a hypothesis.
Baring in mind that Fanny has been messing with timelines.....................all vlogs could be very old and, in fact, the Castle (Sic), the Chapel AND the lake have already been fixed up and we've just metaphorically been asleep!?
Sort of like Bobby Ewing (Dallas) dying in a car crash and his wife wakes up and it's all been a dream and she finds him in the shower.
(this has also been put forward as an explanation for Harry and Megan's current stance as compared to the Oprah interview) - could be plausible and it's US who have just dreamed it all. All the falling down walls, the lack of progress, the trips overseas avoiding the Castle and it's problems etc.
What do you guys reckon?
I think not. :D

Does anyone else watch Dr Grande - he is absolutely hilarious at times and today I was actually laughing out loud at this analysis.
I wish he could do Fanny............
Is he receptive to viewer suggestions?
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Does anyone else here sense that maybe Dan might be making an announcement about him "coming out" in the not too distant future?
Hell, who really cares, not me! Each to their own has always been my philosophy in life!
And, if that is the case, would make so much more sense about why him and Annalise parted on supposedly "amicable" terms too. :confused:
Could @Clara Burnett possibly comment?
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Madame No

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When these questions come up I always pull my childhood grammar text (yes I still have it) to see the preferred usage at the time I was learning. I can’t help it, my love of multisyllabic $5 words goes back to that time. My school teacher gran would give us a vocabulary list each week. If we successfully learned the list, could spell it, conjugate where necessary and use it in a sentence she would slip us a nice crisp five dollar bill. If we’d been especially precocious with our sentence structure payment was in the form of a pair of two dollar bills and a silver dollar. I never failed to earn the prize. Little brother was always bored and crying for my prize money, the rotten brat!🤑
You're right, we are kindred spirits! No word left unturned. 😻
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I don’t think Harry did search and rescue, that was William. I’m not sure Harry has had a job since leaving the army.
I suppose technically none of them have ever really held a job as most of us would recognize it. Other than military service that is. My opinion, for what it’s worth, is they come across as a horribly entitled tourism board or chamber of commerce. I was always predisposed to admire Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, if for nothing more than her sense of duty.

I'm interested in them for the same reason I'm interested in how people survive genocide. It's the Skinner box thing. You're in a Skinner box, your entire environment is mediated to the extreme. How do you make the best of it? One Skinner box is every perquisite imaginable. Does it make you a better person? The other is absolutely no perquisites, including owning your own body, space and time. Why is it altruism prevails in extremity?
I think Hola magazine is the European HQ for royalty news -- Monaco, Spain, Holland, Scandis, etc. The husbands of the Duchess of Alba and the baby daddies of Princess Stephanie. Dang.

Did he do search and rescue work? I don't remember his having a job before or after the army. Another thing he has in common with Jarvis, and a piss poor idea it is.
Duchess of Windsor did ads, as I recall, and attended parties for a fee. Markle will too. She allegedly has political ambitions in the US, but Obama sent a clear signal when he did not invite her to his 60th birthday party. He and Michelle are big fans of the Queen, as the Queen was of them.
I see Harry doing TV commentary for royal events down the line. Markle running for office and failing.

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Quite a number of European royalty, mostly princesses, shilled for Ponds Cold Cream in print. As did some American money royalty.😝
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