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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
There is no more barrel left, no more bottom to scrape, so Stephanie Jarvis decided to ‘surprise her gardeners’ by filling the greenhouse with unnecessary decorations taking the place of useful tools that are now forever displaced so nobody knows where to find them. She then forced them to have a ‘fun’ candlelit party in front of the crumbling dump as to not be the only one spreading the advent love and laughter to her (many? who knows?) fans. I have a question though: who will clean up this mess when her festivities are over ? If you look carefully, you can read the same concerns on Kirsty’s face too, so there's my answer.
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Clara Burnett

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In my not so humble opinion, with last night’s flog Stephanie Jarvis has written her testament and has given the blueprint for how things roll at her shittoo, not just now but in the past as well.
When they bought the place many years ago her co-owner friend Larkin insisted they should involve structural architects in their plans for the renovation of the dump. The Jarvisses however were way too keen to start making changes and enhance the look and feel of the place as to mimic their status in life and decided they didn’t need any experts if they would just let builders in and start the work. My personal guess is this is when Bag Head Larkin accepted his fate: it’s no use going against her ladyship’s wishes, Stephanie Jarvis always gets what she wants the moment she wants it.
The “architects” that she now claims over the years have provided her with the security that the beams in her not grand salon would hold up for generations to come were no experts and were only telling her what she wants to hear, without any real inspections or evaluations of the actual decay going on. Many people do this, she has that effect on most of the people she surrounds herself with. This is her biggest talent: to surround herself with people capable of constantly living in denial for the sake of bathing in her graces. It all becomes a self fulfilling prophecy this way, again and again. Speak up and your out, no arguments necessary.
In her attempt to explain the structural challenges that her “beloved” chapel is now facing (a moldy, damp structure she much rather used as a backdrop for her extravagant parties then for its intended religious purpose until she discovered the potential it offers her to continue the begging) she mentioned water being at the root of its downfall. Us tattlers knew and have been saying this all along: creating that poor excuse for a ‘Jardin Anglaise’ and feeding it the excessive amounts of water during a summer filled with heatwaves (when it was prohibited to water ones garden, but hey, who cares, right, Stephanie?) on top of rampaging the surrounding soil with big diggers, operated (once again) by amateurs and not by experts who knew what they were doing, has for sure speeded up the demise of the charming structure.
By now, nobody can pretend not to know of the irresponsible methods this vandal uses to get her way, not restoring but destroying French heritage. Soon it will be irreparably damaged. To her patrons I say: supporting Miss Jarvis makes you complicit to this capital destruction. If you are considering to donate, d’ont! You are not helping anyone achieve anything of real importance. You are just filling Miss Jarvis bank account. But what's worse: by offering this charlataine your money, you are actively and demonstrably preventing real, structural change from happening. But I guess that’s what your need for escapism is about in the first place, isn’t it?
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I had one side of my thyroid removed 25 years ago due to thyroid cancer. I have had to take thyroxine ever since. For many years this was at a high ish dose in order to stop the thyroid from having to work which could have led to more cancer. The downside of this is that the high dose can leech calcium from your bones risking osteoporosis. So now I am older the dose has been reduced as you don't get the same hormonal protections against losing calcium once you reach menopause. It becomes a balancing act between the cancer risk (unlikely after all this time) and the potential leeching.
I managed to have a busy career and bring up 2 children. At times the dose has been slightly adrift and I have been tired but it is manageable with a bit of self care and self awareness. Interestingly the main symptom that tells me it is too high is very vivid dreaming tipping over into nightmares.
You think that the scar looks horrendous when you first have it but most people don't even notice it. I had a friend of a number of years ask me one summer if I had fallen asleep in the sun with a necklace on. It was the first time she had noticed the scar.
never be ashamed of a simply means you are stronger than whatever tried to hurt you...
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I hope Marie stays away from SJ…that narc is the last thing Marie needs. And the Argentinian bully probably wouldn’t help, either.
FRK's biggest adversary in chateauverse must be Snorts. The numbers he pulled on her behind her back while at the same time pretending to be her friend when in direct contact obviously came from Stephanie Jarvis' playbook (he learned from the best), but the way he poisoned the waters for that girl and the joy he displayed when his efforts started to pay off, still pisses me of: so cruel to play with the feelings of a mentally ill person.

Yes, very sad. The holidays are a sad time for a lot of people. She made a nice wreath…not sure why she said it wasn’t a good job fit. She didn’t elaborate. I hate to be cynical, but I don’t know whether she’s extremely depressed or just trying to get sympathy (and a handout)?
That's the whole thing about Stephanie Jarvis' concept of preying on vulnerable people and use their skills for her own benefit and profit: it sucks them dry and by the time they realize what has happened to them, the charlataine has already moved on to the next one. I have literally seen this happen again and again.
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Karma baby!

VIP Member
So.. I got nosy and signed up for Patreon, just for a month to watch this structure fiasco...

- AnnMarie is Paaarfectly capable of repairing the ceiling and all that catastrophic structural issues, all by his handsome self. So all is well in the world, and she now realizes wallpaper is not that important
- She is going to use the lake money for the chapel and wants patron's advice on it.. and to replenish the lake fund again in future (i.e. gimme gimme gimme money before, after and during the midnight)
- She just signed a contract for heating: Bio-Gas system installation starts in second week of January - Its being funded partly by association, partly by YT income, and partly by owners.
- She wants peace of mind about the heating system and is worried that in future she may end up alone in the shatto again (PhiPhi is heart broken by hearing this)
- All that said, madame has exciting news about the lake!!! ... the final survey has been completed, and now she can get the permission to put the lake back (which is valid for 10 years)
- The rest is recycled footage of Andrew (or whoever) making pudding...

You are all very welcome!
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Look who showed up on the live chat to mess up her ladyship's narrative! ;) :ROFLMAO: ✌

Tell me you're lying about having an English degree from Oxford without telling me you're lying about having an English degree from Oxford.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
The lady and ladyboy of Lalande are both so dense— insensitive to the cost of living crisis affecting the UK and a lot of other countries. SJ is still keen on having a series of grand lavish parties over the holidays with families and friends flying/driving in to France from all over world, because they can afford to, while at the same time shamelessly begging patrons to help keep her crumbling farmhouse up. 🤬

View attachment 1790815
Spot on. And to paint an even grimmer picture, Stephanie Jarvis caught her boyfriend on camera saying 'Here's a Pro tip against waste' while he's melting a chocolate letter that his mother, no Sinterklaas, no he himself bought. The self entitlement of these two drips from the screen and they are completely unable to hide it. They probably don't even want to as they keep telling themselves and each other they are cute. The boy now calls 'editing' his 'work', explaining once again he has no concept of either one of these subjects: the editing on these shameful excuse for flogs is so bad, because nobody is arsed to put any work into it. But hey, they still get paid, so why not.
I sincerely hope these patrons realize not a dime of their money has gone into restoration so far and not a dime ever will. They are paying for a lifestyle that is on display for the whole world and will be judged. It will not end well.
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VIP Member
Hold the phone!!

So below is a pic from the vlog Wall Paper and Party Time that was taken MORE than two years ago...Stephliarphony is with mamman, Hanni, and Nati and they are discussing the wallpaper and the fabrics as well as a picture rail for the chambre des oiseaux.
mark 24:49
Screen Shot 2022-12-08 at 7.46.51 PM.png

And below is a screen shot taken from today's flog...

Screen Shot 2022-12-08 at 7.58.39 PM.png

Let's play a game.
What looks familiar besides the wonky lace curtain she put up to hide the area where Selmar removed the wardrobe...

And she wants people to believe, what exactly???
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A child I taught spelt 'can't' as 'c_ _t' and another wrote 'rape' for 'wrapped'.
I recall a child who asked me how to spell "testicles". I was a little puzzled as they were writing about adventure stories and so asked him to put the word in a sentence for me. "The octopus was waving his testicles."
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Toys in the attic

Chatty Member
As we approach thread 200, I recall that for thread 100, a vote was arranged, mainly through the well-documented efficiency and brain power of @Jeeves, to name that thread from previous unused suggestions.

Well, in a shameless piece of self-promotion, I nominate one of my posts since then:

"At Lalande, there's no accounting for taste, and no taste for accounting."

Anyone else got any blasts from the past/oldies but goodies to suggest for thread 200? Or maybe something seasonal?

We probably have about 24 hours to come up with a good title. It will give us a taste of the pressure her lazyship feels to come up with a vlog idea against the clock 😄
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VIP Member
Spot on. And to paint an even grimmer picture, Stephanie Jarvis caught her boyfriend on camera saying 'Here's a Pro tip against waste' while he's melting a chocolate letter that his mother, no Sinterklaas, no he himself bought. The self entitlement of these two drips from the screen and they are completely unable to hide it. They probably don't even want to as they keep telling themselves they are cute. The boy now calls 'editing' his 'work', explaining once again he has no concept of either one of these subjects: the editing on these shameful excuse for flogs is so bad, because nobody is arsed to put any work into it. But hey, they still get paid, so why not.
And the fact that PhiPhi came to LaLaLande as a volunteer only to wind up bedding SJ and getting paid for his services is absolutely disgusting. I guess they call his work “editing” to give the whole thing some air of “respect” but it’s just a joke…and they know it.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
From comments on the Shitto Diaries, can you believe people like this actually exist. Schmaltzy crap:

Elisabeth Hopson
12 hours ago
The chateau is telling you it needs help. It trusts you all to make it better. It wouldn't ask for help if it didn't trust you Stephanie. It recognises that you are the one. Sounds bonkers, but it could and should have collapsed by now, with all that weight and bowing, so it has waited for the right time and the right people. Simples!


Missy Belmont
12 hours ago
You were meant for these chateau challenges Stephanie, it is your destiny, how else does one become a true Queen of her castle unless she earns the respect of all her subjects? Bow down to you, our Queen! You will conquer every hardship and remain full of class, dignity, and loveliness. All the land will adore La Lande forever after because of all the love and care you've done to re create a such a masterpiece.......I can't wait to visit one day!!! Merry Christmas, everyone !
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Given that we had a bit of a complainer last thread I just thought I’d start this one off with…

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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
Enjoy how Pavlina doesn't suck up to Fanny.

Fanny - ' Where's that tree from'?
Pavlina - 'The forest'.
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Sara Hobes
31 minutes ago
Do you not have building insurance? You must surely? Get them in to assess and plan, and pay for the work.

bj studio
1 hour ago
haven't you earned over £1,000,000 from youtube/patreon... isn't that enough to be getting on with the repairs Stephanie??

Chris Larsen
14 hours ago
Can you do a Go Fund Me?


Sandy Kaye
14 hours ago
Why? She has a second home she can sell, plus over 30k a month coming in from Patreon.

Sean Martin
15 hours ago
Time to sell your London flat to pay for the repairs Stephanie!


13 hours ago
She Airbnb's it so it is part of her ongoing income. Hard to beat as an investment property.
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I couldn’t get enough of Ice pops, I even kept them in the freezer at work. I went off some foods.
I couldn’t face Red Wine, Coffee and eggs. In those days we were told not to eat nuts as well. Guess what my son has a nut and egg allergy. Nuts require an epipen and he doesn’t like red wine and hardly ever wants a coffee.
My wife now hates the scent she got for me this past summer from F&M! :ROFLMAO:

Is it my imagination or has Snorts stepped it up a notch? I love that Jared suggests better ideas for every Snort decision..

Lady Snorts believes himself to have become Lalande's creative director. He is in charge of decorations and design execution now. He even behaves like he's one of the co-owners. He now has the balls to shush his girlfriend and insult her taste. He has become an ultracrepidarian extraordinaire.

Snorts is lording it over the new gay Jared despite the fact that Jared has better taste, style, experience, design acumen, and actual business experience, than Lady Snorts will ever have in his lifetime. Jared's style is more rustic chic, and Lady Snort's style is Tacky 80s Grandpa.

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