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Let’s not forget the Patreon video comes out tonight. It’s going to be so exciting! Or not, probably not. My guess is that Philip had one of Daddy’s paintings cross stitched onto a throw pillow cover, that they will put over an old gross insert that doesn’t fit properly.

All right, I'll make a guess: Daddys painting is being made into a 100 Stars robe...
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What if the person who reported him is the true flying monkey and wad trying to shut him down before he spilled too much?
Agree, wouldn’t be surprised. That person has been silent (no comments) for the last few days but lurking. Also, this isn’t their first incarnation here…was on Tattle before under a different name and stirred things up then, too.
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Clara Burnett

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@Clara Burnett Is Snorts jealous of Michael and Nic? Does he see them as a threat?
I'm sure he is. He usually stay far far away from any conversation with Larkin, as he knows he can not follow what's been discussed. As for Potty, Snorts knows how Stephanie Jarvis feels about him. He has to deal with it as all her previous make-do boyfriends had to.
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I wonder if a fraud complaint could be filed on Teabag’s gofundme? He specifically stated that his brother and Gwen don’t have the money to restore the gardeners cottage…that their priority was to save the chateau. Then, one year later, Billy and Gwen purchase a run down convent…not to mention the “Rothschild” library, amongst other things. Clearly Gwen had the money to restore the gardeners cottage…so, Michael collected the donations under false pretense. It would be so easy to prove because it’s right there in the videos! I wonder if he’d have to pay all the money back?
I’m bored tonight…I think I just might file a complaint on Teabag’s gofundme page. Don’t have anything better to do at the moment…and then at least I can check something off my “To Do” list 😆


I’m just kidding about filing a complaint…I didn’t donate any money, so I have no standing!
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Ann Sacco
4 hours ago
Hi Billy. I have been enjoying your videos for quite awhile. However today you removed the crucifix of Our Lord Jesus Christ, creator of the Universe in order to hang a YouTube plaque. While neither action on there own is terrible, the way you showed it reflect YouTube as more than making a living, but as your idol. I’m sorry, I can no longer enjoy your channel.
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Erica McMillan
6 hours ago
I usually love your stuff, but it hurt when you took down the crucifix and put up the Youtube award



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The Pethericks

6 hours ago
jesus was put back afterwards don’t worry…


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Just Grift Wood

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What a nut bar. Even if this was a good idea :sick::rolleyes:you don't get a cut of the $$ for coming up with the idea, unless contracts are already in place.
In this week's Chateau Shopping Diaries, the help is allowed to sit with the guests, more needless tableware is purchased, and 20 pounds of onions are roasted and served.
Oh, throw in some over-priced robes, and you have yourself another video.

Miss Jarvis seems to live for shopping and Channel 4.
It must be hard to come up with content week on week but it is seriously now scraping the barrel bordering on unwatchable. The haggling at charity shops and then taking stuff from charity to sell for profit is so odious. I liked the early diaries because the people were far more interesting, Teabag, Isabelle , FRK, the three Ian's etc and they all seemed to be happy and genuine friendships now it feels so forced you can almost sense the tension in the air. Fanny actually used to do things, cook for large groups single handedly, make curtains and have a laugh with others and at herself. In normal life or back at Uni Stef would never be friends with Steve and Sarah or that American shopaholic they are not a mix that sit well together it is all for the camera and they are not entertaining to watch and the whole dressing up to just sit in your own garden it is just so pretentious and she does seem to be ungracious to guests.
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Lady Avonlea

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I've just watched the latest patreon serving and wow, just wow. As you say what qualification does pip squeak have to plan all the work in the G Salon. We We We... Surely Cuz should be the one to plan and tell the silly people who pay for this shit about how it will all be built. What a Plonker he is, who falls for this shit. Oh well the higher you climb the harder you fall. I just wish someone would push him... Why does she give him so much power, has he quietly bought a share in the place. It (he) really is sickening.
This must be getting under Cuz's skin.....being told how to do his trade by Snorty, listening to Snorty increasingly use the 'Royal We', having to wait table and serve dinner to Snorty, watching Snorty spend his darling cousin Stephanie's money, working like a plough horse while Snorty swans around the shiteau painting his nails and polishing porcelain. Watch Amory pack up his tool shed and head by to the UK with Natti in tow (sooner than later) - then where will Fanny be???
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I have to add, Stuart and Maria's explanation of the food was interesting -- the ochre soup was Lalande-grown tomato-courgette-coriander with a creme fraiche quenelle.
The salmagundi salad was endive on a bed of ricotta sage, with grapefruit, grapes, mint, lemon balm, fennel and celery flowers. Endive and grapefruit strike me as a stern pairing with not enough to offset the astringent aspect. A dish should only have one bitter thing in it.
Roasted onions with pink peppercorns, rosemary, oregano, thyme flowers stuffed into a gigantic raw zucchini.
Duck with black currant sauce by Dan.
Roasted homegrown potatoes.
Zucchini cake with lemon, cardamom, raspberries, strawberry coulis.
There was a salubrious effort to serve fresh food from the garden. Putting zucchini in everything reminds me of the days when the hippies were just starting to plant their own gardens and every day another 10 pound zucchini was discovered and had to be eaten. They put it in everything. The tomato soup. The cake. It's not nice.
I have to say too many herbs and pungent spice like cardamom isn't nice either. Sage and endive and grapefruit might be good together. With mint, lemon balm, fennel and celery? I don't know. o_O
There are a plethora of grapefruit sage cocktails that are trendy -- that might be the inspo Stuart is using for the unusual infusion with the ricotta.
The emphasis on fresh seems to have been an enterprise of Stuart's -- to dig the onions and potatoes and pick the black currants which presumably were hanging around with the 25-foot-long zucchinis waiting for Maria to come out of the house? A for effort, girleen.
I would have served the zucchini on its own-- charcoal grilled, with the halved onions, dressed with some of the duck fat? -- instead of using it as a throwaway stealth ingredient in the soup and cake.
And, with herbs as with accessories, take at least four off before you leave the house.
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Julia Leach and Caroline did you dirty Stephanie Jarvis.
Here is a little POV clip that shows;
a rotting window, green water in the fountain, rising damp in the tower, a dry garden, an unrestored chapel ceiling, and a dull party.
Perhaps, you should have given them a proper house warming gift.

Julia and Caroline postcards.png

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So Fanny admits she is only interested in decorating….choosing colors, fabrics and furniture. That sounds like restoration…….NOT! The dump is just a playground to show off her shopping addiction and poor taste while spending grifted funds raised by telling mountains of lies.

And Phillip, flibbertygibbette, we see you!
BUT she won’t commit to the good stuff! They stayed in that gorgeous hotel in Switzerland? Germany? Maybe it was France but the owners are German? With the gorgeous purple walls! Inspired she came home… bought the most expensive purple paint to do the office… and the paint has sat there for … a year? 18 months?!?

Paint is so easy (and cheap if you don’t “have to” use farrow & ball … cuz names names names dahling.. Gucci, Gautier, Givenchy!!! (Please I hope this crowd gets that reference!!)

the other thing that’s interesting… she gets no actual video sponsors like Anna & Philip… speaking of farrow & ball… they used and talked about their paint in every room and then f & b donated the paint for their kitchen Reno! But EVERY blog of there’s is sponsored!!
Why are brands NOT sponsoring Fanny?!? Oh right! Shitshow Diaries!
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a true whack. job
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Carol Weaver
5 hours ago
Wonder if anyone has thought about Stephanie and Philip Dolls. **With wardrobes and dancing, and programming of various events and outdoor work. Just all different things Stephanie and Philip may do! I would get a Patent but I do not know how. I think someone should IF Stephanie and Philip agreed, and yes, they go begin a line of selling the dolls like Barbie dolls used to be sold!?** It must be passed through Stephanie and Philip of course before anything begins but think it may be a wonderful thing to do and it will help give money to go for Chateau de Lalande and some to the ones who have the patent, of course, and doing the work of having everything made. It may well be fun for young girls to think they are playing in a castle and with furniture in a "Doll House" Like Chateau de La Lande!? I would love to be the person patenting it all, and getting it all done but not sure how or money to start it all. I do think it would be so exciting and a grand % of the money can go to Chateau de LaLande for money from ME and also to help with different things they give to each month, and maybe to fix up the Chateau even more nad quicker!!?? Well, I say quicker, but I think Amaury and Aeon and Dan have probably enough and can only go so fast. So not sure how quickly but more can be done! Apartments finished AND a GREAT way of heating the house!!! I would love to get a heating system that would heat ""all of the Chateau ""and maybe, just maybe this selling of the dolls and houses etc would do it!???? Especially at Holiday times!? But inflation especially in U.S. may kill us a bit, but yet we may well do it and very, very well! I love this idea but not sure if Stephanie and Philip would and if anyone can make this happen and keep me in mind,... so my money can be given a % to Chateau de LaLande from ME! ... as a Patron! ( Just as I thought of it all and wanted it to happen and think it will work out such fun for young people and help the chateau and perhaps help, as my money or % of what is made, out of the proceeds would go to Chateau de LaLande as well!? But a % of it would help me become a Patron at a nice high level? I would be giving back as well This would be my way of giving! I think this would be a fun way for many more even to know about this Vlog and become patrons too! They follow what Stephanie and Philip wear and drive and how they live and the fun they have, and then move on with time to people who are volunteering or paid to work at chateau De Lalande as well and friends of Chateau de Lalande. But we must begin with Stephanie and Philip and the Chateau. Then family and friends and I think this might work out If all give consent before the dolls are made? Such fantastic cooks!! Done with such artistry! It getts nicer and nicer al lthe time! Love the 80's clothes with pads!
Stephanie and Philip you need to lay off the booze for a few days!
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Hello @ViscountLaLande How very forthcoming, and maybe your offered intelligence material might be exciting information for some.
I am wondering, however, dear 15 fellow tartlets, how this information can benefit the purpose of our quest to expose immoral exploitation of patreons and squandering of Patreon income? We are in 2022. What has the distant past got to do with this?
Unless we are hell bent on a complete character assassination by way of digging up possibly juicy morsels of long gone crimes of the said family.
I personally see not much point in this exercise. I'm not even curious enough.
Jus' sayin'! :giggle: 🥰
I’m curious about her distant past just because it might provide some insight as to how SJ became the person she is today. I don’t think it’s really character assassination…more like trying to understand where the narcissism originated. Fanny does a pretty good job of assassinating her own character 😄
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Chatty Member
@OhIDontKnow... thanks for the video. Since when hedgehog boy is an architect/interior designer/panels organiser? I though he was a singer, not that great at that! Let’s not even talk about his plan/sketch and his doll’s house design! She will use anybody and everybody as long as they are free or family, no professional here. She saved patreons’ money for this secrétaire. The money could have gone toward the heating. Makes no sense! 🤯
I've just watched the latest patreon serving and wow, just wow. As you say what qualification does pip squeak have to plan all the work in the G Salon. We We We... Surely Cuz should be the one to plan and tell the silly people who pay for this shit about how it will all be built. What a Plonker he is, who falls for this shit. Oh well the higher you climb the harder you fall. I just wish someone would push him... Why does she give him so much power, has he quietly bought a share in the place. It (he) really is sickening.
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Miss Trunchbull

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I’m sorry but she looks like she’s snogging an extra from Planet of the Apes… what world is this their best picture as a couple?
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Yes, not all new members are flying monkeys. I don’t like how some are too quick to judge. Several threads ago I was “raked over the coals” by a member for something I posted about Billy Petherick. I was accused of “not having facts” and trying to derail the thread. About a week later, Billy released a video that confirmed what I had said. I agree that newcomers should be given a fair chance.
Yes, "derail" like "flying monkey" is used wrongly and unjustly so often here as to lose their meaning. Both are used to police thought as a blood sport. As I've said before, I will say again, this attitude toward newcomers and new ideas quashes crowd-sourced investigation which could bring Jarvis to justice.
Not everyone believes that is what this forum is about. And some may be deluding themselves along those lines to argue this forum has any socially redeeming importance.
In any case, newcomers and people with new ideas should not be attacked. It reproduces as if a perfect clone the worst of Stephanie Jarvis' own censorship practices -- something you'd think the thought police would have cottoned onto by now.
In a democracy, people of good will may disagree.
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