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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Oh my God, those chandeliers are extraordinary. Anders has caught the Stephvirus well and truly. Hard to believe anyone could be so extraordinarily generous
Grabeau at the Chateau is on steroids.
Do I like much to rain on Stephanie Jarvis' parade? You bet I do, especially when she keeps hiding the truth in smoke and mirrors. In her narrative it might seem completely normal that some random stranger drives up to her shittoo to offer her two huge chandeliers he has painstakingly renovated himself, for free, just because he loves her so much. In the real world, where fairy tales like that don't just happen, the accountant will want a receipt for the amount of patron money spend on those luxurious (but in her HMN still misplaced and damn right ugly) excesses. Good luck with that, miss Jarvis. I urge you to remember that if I have personally seen the cheque you wrote for Anders (for over 23000 euros, that's right, in France people still use cheques) a lot more people have seen it too and believe it or not there are people around who are even more chatty than decent little me. Also, remember to make a note of the cash you gave Anders on top of it, as gas prizes are high and the poor guy had to come from so far. I don't blame you for cutting that footage out of your flog, but would hate to see it disappear from the books too, as you just made such a brilliant start with the new accounting software.
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Long time lurker, never a patreon, and belive me, not a flying monkey. I'm not an English speaker (Southern Europe) so it takes me a long time to write, even with the help of google translator, so I decided to write everything at once justifiyng the extension of this post. I won't say anything new, so you're free to pass on. Sorry in advance if you don't understand the writing.

My story is very similar to that of others who passed through Tattle.

It was the beginning of the pandemic, i was stuck at home, there were not many escape options, the TV only talked about Covid19; social media only aroused fear; financial insecurity, disease and death everywhere. So, happy Youtube videos then. As I enjoy programs like the “Restoration Home” genre, it was not surprising that Youtube recommended me the channel of a guy who was rehabilitating his château, along with his brother. He had a weird hairstyle, and the vídeo cinematic style was a little cliché, but it looked promising. It seems he was a multifaceted artist who played the piano and painted. The gardener cottage project was strange, because after all, as it turned out, the cottage didn't belong to him, and the theme, well… but something interesting could come out of it, not so much children's tales, but English rustic style. Beatrix Potter's own cottage, despite being a refuge for her work, was not childish. But after three videos to restore a door using rusty nails, it was already clear that nothing was going to come out of it, just begging for enjoing a Madrid syndrome.

This Michael Petherick had a fag hag, whit he made funny videos pretending to make phone calls. This hag also lived in a château, it looked bigger but not as pretty as the first one, and she was struggling financially, as the plaster was falling off and the shutters had seen better days, all had a decrepit look. At first i didn't really like this hag, but as the guy took a long time to post videos, I slowly started watching hers and moving to her channel. She wasn't a person that interested me much in real life, I'd even say she's one of those people who we should keep distance. But, well, Covid, confinement and nothing to do... and if we want to be entertained we have to suspend disbelief and ignore the red flags. When she announced the opening of the Patreon account, having talked about finances the week before, you sly! And then always go around declaring that she loved writing the postcards! You fake woman! At the time I had an instinct that as both her parents were psychologists (yes nurses, i know that now) had taught her a few things about manipulation.

But she did small decoration projects, which failed to execute well (upholstery with hot glue, please) but because she was so enthusiastic they were entertainment. But the real appeal was the potential. Stuck at home that immense space made you dream, so many things that could be done and SJ siren singed with her projects. The return from the lake was a little off, but who wouldn't want to see a temple island being built? Nowdays is something unheard. And the art and historic vlogs were interesting, amateurs, yes, but what counts is the intention. I had never paid attention to toile de jouy, it's not my thing, but it's always good to learn. But, at a certain point you realize that if she lies 75% of the time, in the other 25% she is siren singing projects.

By late summer the apeal had started to decline, whit the charm fading, the cadeaux stuff was becoming more and more abject. I always suspected she put good things in there like seed coins in beggar bowls. These people where sending family heirlooms, and she shameless accepted! And writing letters like she's a living saint!

When the ridiculus boy with the ridiculus hair arrived, the quality dropped at a dizzying speed. The visits to the brocantes (the prices were enviously low) from interesting, to see what is sold there, became tedious, and the wild comments of the ridiculus boy with the ridiculus hair, well, you know... And the longer it went on, the more hysterical the all things became, less culture and more like Big Brother, and the manipulations became more obvious. She stopped trying to create content, it wasn't necessary anymore, the donkeys would eat all the straw she offered.

When started watching the CD, i soon realized that the videos were a vanity project (but today narcissism is so normalized that everyone participates) and was a way to attract volunteers, saying it didn't want to be alone. This was something that before coming to Tatle I could never fully understand. How the volunter thing worked, artistic projects and boooze, noup, i dont belive it. Unfortunately I met people like SJ, and that's not how they work. She doesn't have the profile of a generous person nor off a patron of the arts How is it was possible to be able to feed so many people (and the answer is, they don't feed, they forage). And so many other questions. She begged, but she traveled in luxury and did not hide it. The mix of luxury and poverty: cheap furniture and fancy silk drapes, they don't have decent kitchen but use a silver vegemite lid, expensive wallpaper, but an beaten up extendable table etc.. I looked for answers in the comments, but I was alone. I just found laudatory follies and in a video a single lady fighting the sycophants. Now I realize the lack of critical spirit: deleting. Her followers are horrible people who from the height of their arrogance don't realize how foolish they are. And the cringe!!! OMG The syncopathic comments were and still are disgusting, the silly sugestions and always try to drag people together: "Go reach someone about this subject". I have no pity that they are exploited, sorry. The virtual world of Laland is an extension of the château itself: decent people don't last long and run away, and only are left second and third class idiots who think that by sending money and garbage to France they participate in a mockDisney aristocracy. They are the same kind of fanatics who happily watched the auto-da-fé.

I understand the charm, I myself, falled. I never sent any money, oh no, but anecdotally, despite not liking the French style, got carried away and ended up buying for myself a crystal chandelier, for a DIY, which at the moment, is still in the box.

Again it was Michael who directed me to a new place, Tattle, and I loved reading here. I had answers and learned unheard of things. From time to time, when I'm freer, I come to visit. I've never published anything, because, as I said, I take a long time to write and you walk very fast. I only watch the CD when the subjects are discussed more intensively here and I go there and see what happens. If from time to time you would be kind enough to indicate the time in the video of what you are talking about, it would be a great help. Tattle is not a hate site, on the contrary, it is quite entertaining, very humorous and full with good advice, for chateu people and lurkers. Castigat ridendo mores

After this interminable post I will retract for lurking, but don't be surprised if from time to time I come up with a comment. And I still want to make a publication where I can prove that SJ is not doing any restoration, heritage speaking.

PS 1 After reading Tattle and seeing a preview of what is behind the Smoke and mirrors, I'd just like to know what that space was like when it belonged to the Nadaillacs, I'm not superstitious, but I can't help but wonder if there isn't a Genius loci there, a dark spirit of the place. So mutch selfishness and Dangerous Liaisons, nobody wil ever be happy there. A more earthy explanation is that we are the ones who create our own environment and that chateau is not a home, but a web created by the other mother Stephanie Jarvis to attract lost souls and sew buttons in their eyes. The only hope for that place is that she sells Lalande to a deluded American and moves to Venice with the best pillows, the chandeliers and her madness, leaving behind The Money Pit, the peacocks, and a an plumpy face fool with shattered dreams of inheriting a château.

PS 2 You will have noticed that I only maked reference to one of the misfits characters that surrounds SJ, he is not the only horrible person there nor the most evil, but personally he is one of the most repulsive. And I'm still waiting for SJ to transform him into an permanent 18th century lackey, just like the English victorian dressed felow, for her picknics on the Petit Trianon, that will be build in the Island, whit sheeps, goats, roses, and brioche.
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At the risk of making some people angry…I don’t really know if Hanni has autism. I also don’t really know if Marie has major depression (or possibly covert narcissism). I don’t really know if Michael Petherick has ADHD (he says he watched a video on it and self diagnosed…but who knows if it’s legitimate?). And so on. Regardless, these conditions, if real for Hanni, Marie, Michael, etc., didn’t stop them from shoving a camera in their face or agreeing to be filmed. ADHD, autism, depression, etc. also doesn’t excuse bad behavior, lying, deception, cheating, or grifting. When we watch some of their behavior in amazement, it’s only natural we try to look for a reason….to make some sense as to what’s going on. Like…”Why did Michael blow all his money in Spain? Oh! He has ADHD!” I’m just tired of mental health conditions being used to explain away or excuse some of these TouTube personalities. And if they are broadcasting themselves on YouTube, they should expect comments…good and bad. Otherwise, they should return to anonymity.
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Covid really kicked my butt for a couple days, but I’m feeling much better & lost 5 pounds. Thanks for all the positive thoughts! I’m way behind and don’t know if I’ll ever catch up. I have had time to think about a lot of things and I have some questions. Have we ever seen Dan & Hanni at the same place at the same time? Are they the same person? Perhaps “Dan’s” new teeth are just to make switching back & forth a little easier? Is “Hanni” even real, perhaps just a prank that has run its course? I can’t put my finger on it, but something’s not right with the both of them.
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I'd rather give my money to people I actually know in real life, or to charities. If Annalise can't manage then she needs to get some cash from the father of her kids who was off buying RayBans in London, getting his teeth done (on a deal, yeah right Dan) in Turkey & who flew home to see his friends & family. Fleuries have enough earning power themselves from their previous jobs & their assets. Both make ££ from Youtube revenue. But each to their own I guess.
Absolutely! One of the things that bothers me (amongst many) is when I hear these people say they need money to “save” their chateaus…but then go out and purchase expensive clothes, eat in high end restaurants, and take expensive trips. If I was asking (begging) for donations, I would go to great lengths to show that my number one goal is to put all the effort, energy, time, and money I have into the renovations. As a finance person, to me it’s like an entrepreneur that pitches an idea to a venture capitalist. One of the first questions the VC asks is “How much money have YOU invested in your idea?” If the entrepreneur doesn’t have anything invested in their own idea, why would a VC invest anything? The entrepreneur would have no “skin in the game” (so to speak). It still boggles my mind that so many people don’t see through the scam.
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1 hour ago (edited)
WOW, those chandeliers are beautiful 😍, however, I just can't accept Ander's travelled 100'ds of miles from Denmark to give 1000's euros worth of antique chandeliers for free? Is he absolutely rich? I just can't believe anyone would just give away antiques like that? It's insane when there are people in more need than a woman who owns a chateau in france.... it can't be true...stephanie bought these chandeliers....because its too much to give away free.. Sorry I just can't believe it
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Tea with lemon

VIP Member
Long time lurker, never a patreon, and belive me, not a flying monkey. I'm not an English speaker (Southern Europe) so it takes me a long time to write, even with the help of google translator, so I decided to write everything at once justifiyng the extension of this post. I won't say anything new, so you're free to pass on. Sorry in advance if you don't understand the writing.

My story is very similar to that of others who passed through Tattle.

It was the beginning of the pandemic, i was stuck at home, there were not many escape options, the TV only talked about Covid19; social media only aroused fear; financial insecurity, disease and death everywhere. So, happy Youtube videos then. As I enjoy programs like the “Restoration Home” genre, it was not surprising that Youtube recommended me the channel of a guy who was rehabilitating his château, along with his brother. He had a weird hairstyle, and the vídeo cinematic style was a little cliché, but it looked promising. It seems he was a multifaceted artist who played the piano and painted. The gardener cottage project was strange, because after all, as it turned out, the cottage didn't belong to him, and the theme, well… but something interesting could come out of it, not so much children's tales, but English rustic style. Beatrix Potter's own cottage, despite being a refuge for her work, was not childish. But after three videos to restore a door using rusty nails, it was already clear that nothing was going to come out of it, just begging for enjoing a Madrid syndrome.

This Michael Petherick had a fag hag, whit he made funny videos pretending to make phone calls. This hag also lived in a château, it looked bigger but not as pretty as the first one, and she was struggling financially, as the plaster was falling off and the shutters had seen better days, all had a decrepit look. At first i didn't really like this hag, but as the guy took a long time to post videos, I slowly started watching hers and moving to her channel. She wasn't a person that interested me much in real life, I'd even say she's one of those people who we should keep distance. But, well, Covid, confinement and nothing to do... and if we want to be entertained we have to suspend disbelief and ignore the red flags. When she announced the opening of the Patreon account, having talked about finances the week before, you sly! And then always go around declaring that she loved writing the postcards! You fake woman! At the time I had an instinct that as both her parents were psychologists (yes nurses, i know that now) had taught her a few things about manipulation.

But she did small decoration projects, which failed to execute well (upholstery with hot glue, please) but because she was so enthusiastic they were entertainment. But the real appeal was the potential. Stuck at home that immense space made you dream, so many things that could be done and SJ siren singed with her projects. The return from the lake was a little off, but who wouldn't want to see a temple island being built? Nowdays is something unheard. And the art and historic vlogs were interesting, amateurs, yes, but what counts is the intention. I had never paid attention to toile de jouy, it's not my thing, but it's always good to learn. But, at a certain point you realize that if she lies 75% of the time, in the other 25% she is siren singing projects.

By late summer the apeal had started to decline, whit the charm fading, the cadeaux stuff was becoming more and more abject. I always suspected she put good things in there like seed coins in beggar bowls. These people where sending family heirlooms, and she shameless accepted! And writing letters like she's a living saint!

When the ridiculus boy with the ridiculus hair arrived, the quality dropped at a dizzying speed. The visits to the brocantes (the prices were enviously low) from interesting, to see what is sold there, became tedious, and the wild comments of the ridiculus boy with the ridiculus hair, well, you know... And the longer it went on, the more hysterical the all things became, less culture and more like Big Brother, and the manipulations became more obvious. She stopped trying to create content, it wasn't necessary anymore, the donkeys would eat all the straw she offered.

When started watching the CD, i soon realized that the videos were a vanity project (but today narcissism is so normalized that everyone participates) and was a way to attract volunteers, saying it didn't want to be alone. This was something that before coming to Tatle I could never fully understand. How the volunter thing worked, artistic projects and boooze, noup, i dont belive it. Unfortunately I met people like SJ, and that's not how they work. She doesn't have the profile of a generous person nor off a patron of the arts How is it was possible to be able to feed so many people (and the answer is, they don't feed, they forage). And so many other questions. She begged, but she traveled in luxury and did not hide it. The mix of luxury and poverty: cheap furniture and fancy silk drapes, they don't have decent kitchen but use a silver vegemite lid, expensive wallpaper, but an beaten up extendable table etc.. I looked for answers in the comments, but I was alone. I just found laudatory follies and in a video a single lady fighting the sycophants. Now I realize the lack of critical spirit: deleting. Her followers are horrible people who from the height of their arrogance don't realize how foolish they are. And the cringe!!! OMG The syncopathic comments were and still are disgusting, the silly sugestions and always try to drag people together: "Go reach someone about this subject". I have no pity that they are exploited, sorry. The virtual world of Laland is an extension of the château itself: decent people don't last long and run away, and only are left second and third class idiots who think that by sending money and garbage to France they participate in a mockDisney aristocracy. They are the same kind of fanatics who happily watched the auto-da-fé.

I understand the charm, I myself, falled. I never sent any money, oh no, but anecdotally, despite not liking the French style, got carried away and ended up buying for myself a crystal chandelier, for a DIY, which at the moment, is still in the box.

Again it was Michael who directed me to a new place, Tattle, and I loved reading here. I had answers and learned unheard of things. From time to time, when I'm freer, I come to visit. I've never published anything, because, as I said, I take a long time to write and you walk very fast. I only watch the CD when the subjects are discussed more intensively here and I go there and see what happens. If from time to time you would be kind enough to indicate the time in the video of what you are talking about, it would be a great help. Tattle is not a hate site, on the contrary, it is quite entertaining, very humorous and full with good advice, for chateu people and lurkers. Castigat ridendo mores

After this interminable post I will retract for lurking, but don't be surprised if from time to time I come up with a comment. And I still want to make a publication where I can prove that SJ is not doing any restoration, heritage speaking.

PS 1 After reading Tattle and seeing a preview of what is behind the Smoke and mirrors, I'd just like to know what that space was like when it belonged to the Nadaillacs, I'm not superstitious, but I can't help but wonder if there isn't a Genius loci there, a dark spirit of the place. So mutch selfishness and Dangerous Liaisons, nobody wil ever be happy there. A more earthy explanation is that we are the ones who create our own environment and that chateau is not a home, but a web created by the other mother Stephanie Jarvis to attract lost souls and sew buttons in their eyes. The only hope for that place is that she sells Lalande to a deluded American and moves to Venice with the best pillows, the chandeliers and her madness, leaving behind The Money Pit, the peacocks, and a an plumpy face fool with shattered dreams of inheriting a château.

PS 2 You will have noticed that I only maked reference to one of the misfits characters that surrounds SJ, he is not the only horrible person there nor the most evil, but personally he is one of the most repulsive. And I'm still waiting for SJ to transform him into an permanent 18th century lackey, just like the English victorian dressed felow, for her picknics on the Petit Trianon, that will be build in the Island, whit sheeps, goats, roses, and brioche.
For me, writing in English is also a problem. I have never written in English before.
I am using Google Translate. I’ve noticed that when I get inspiration to write, translation most often sounds like total nonsense. My language and English don't have much in common. I wrote the first post for a very long time and it was really hard for me.
Now I have learned how to compose a text in my own language to make it sound good in English.
One good thing about the existence of SJ is: I am improving my English.🤓
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something needs to go from my heart..i am very fortunite...i am very glad i am...thanks to my parents and myself...i am also involved in a foodbank...more and more people come in every week...its not going well in the world...when i do see empty products are fries...snacks..Many people cant cope these days..they buy cheap unhealthy food..

and than i see this woman buying chandeliers...porcelaine..and more crap to fill her already bursting with crap crumbling makes me on earth are there people who support this kind of people...with money...while under their escaping reality noses...people dont have enough to eat..just to escape reality...dont these people never go out...that Jetje...she is on welfare..she cant work...i bet she wants to escape her life...i guess she can hardly buy food herself...what is that woman doing...fgs...promoting that conwoman Fanny Flash??? Madness completely..

i lost it completely..but i am glad we do a good job helping people..i dont want to pad myself on the back for this...but i hardy can watch those vlogs anymore..i quit with a few...the nerve they have to ask people for money to restore their chateau...install a 40000 euro 25000 euros chandeliers and crap..i cant believe it....sorry i had to get this off my chest..
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New member
Hey, everyone. It's my first post.

I only discovered Chateau Diaries a few months ago. I got hooked and started watching in chronological order. I'm caught up to a little bit past Easter 2021. I actually really like Stephanie and almost everyone at the chateau. She has a really fun light hearted personality and when she does the "hosting" thing, she's actually good at it. Like, good enough to be on tv. So her channel and a lot of what goes on at the chateau is delightful to me.

But I had to come here because there's just something, or someone, that's just driving me nuts. It's the boyfriend, Phillip. Maybe it's because I'm watching the episodes so quickly that everything feels rushed, but he feels like a total con artist to me. He's a manipulative little hedgehog, isn't he? He shows up in like September 2020 and a mere three months later, he cohost and star of the vlogmas videos. And by Easter, it seems like he's a full on partner in the channel and the chateau! Like, what the hell. I've seen this before with fashion and beauty influencers. They get with some guy, she puts him on the payroll as the "editor" or "photographer", and when they inevitably break up, it's extremely ugly and the influencer suffers financially as well as emotionally. But this typically happens to young women who are like at least 20 years younger than Steph. How could she not see through the obvious mirroring he does! He'll sometimes even repeat after her, word for word. If I have to hear that man coo "It's so bew-tee-faaalll" or see him flounce around in her clothes one more time or laughter that fake laugh of his or have to look at that pudgy face with those nostrils shoved into the camera, I might stab myself in the leg. He's got total Talented Mr. Ripley vibes. I feel like he studied her and deliberately showed up there, willing and ready to play Straight for Pay in order to weasel his way into her life and her growing YouTube empire$$.

Anyway, I just had to get that off of my chest. I'd been enjoying the show, I still do. But it feels like it's been high hacked by this guy. A guy who's such an obvious fake you'd think a 46 year old, well educated, and experienced woman would be able to see what he's doing. He's bad vibes all around and I feel bad for her. I'm just hoping he goes away soon. The feel of the vlog has changed and I didn't sign up for The Phillip Show.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
What was actually the original plan to finance the chateau, before baby told Steffi to do YouTube?

I mean she surely had to have some sort of plan, on paying for the chateau the next 20 years or so.
Stephanie Jarvis' always had the same plan: others should pay for her delights. First it was Mummy Isabelle and Daddy Derek, then the various boyfriends came in and then she relied on her friends to keep up "the life-style". She prides herself that she has build a community of friends and we all know where that illusion stems from: she does not know the first thing about friendship. No Stephanie, a friend is not someone who pays for you (virtual) company. That's called a client of your whoring business.
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Oh my....goats are coming to they know goats can escape out of anything??? and destroy her precious jardin anglaise.. i will be thrilled if they eat everything the planted..well then they can beg for more money...the fools probably will give it too..

Hanni on the spectrum... ... is back...oh my...with a huge bottle of champagne offcourse...she nearly dropped belle epoque aha la belle epoque ohoho...only watching that woman makes me tired..

A bird in marie her bedroom....i know if you chase a bird it will shit eveywhere..well who cares Lalande...that heap is already full of shit..

Anders brought two , i have to say amazing chandeliers..i love them...without those ugly lampshades..that are they gonna keep them clean?? you have to clean them at least two times a year...and its a huge task...i guess nobody will ever do that..Btw he says that he couldnt sell those chandeliers....yeah right...i bet Fanny bought them..and all the rest of the stuff he had with him...she for sure didnt show.. I do find it odd..when people put on a chandelier...and the wires are not hidden in the ceiling...a bit Lalande..

The larkins have arrived...mum and dad..with a bag over their people dont wanne be filmed go to dinner and dont film..what a madness..

Fanny surely has huge cups of looks more like she is drinking out of a chamberpot...i wonder how much alcohol is in there..

Tiaranight...oh my....:eek: words fail cousin violet would say....Well...your halo is so looks like your wearing a tiara around the clock...btw i hope the returned kitchenmaid sliced the skin off the white aspargus....🙄
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Active member
Kudos to tattle life for helping a latent narcissistic vlogger come out as a full-blown egoist. Cheers. Bravo. Woo Hoo. Who knew what was hiding behind those crooked teeth? (Oh, that's right. We did). Would DTM have gotten his teeth fixed if it wasn't for the encouragement of the tattlers? We do good work here people. So whose next? My vote is for encouraging Armoire to buy his own property and put his youthful energy and enthusiasm into his own life instead of squandering it on the shitoo. Unless they make him an official investor in the property, he will never get his investment of life energy back. In fact, he will at some point be ghosted or ostracized like so many before him. Cut your losses cuz and get out now while you still have a good back. And don't take Nutty with you.
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How many Tattlers would ask their parents to appear wearing a paper bag on a vlog that is visible to the world ? Answer 0.
How many parents would agree to said paper bags ? Answer 2 surname Larkin.
MADNESS and embarrassingly ridiculous.
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I knew Fanny was lying about the chandeliers. Her stack of lies are taller than the Shittoo.

Remember Fanny has most likely purchased passed off items purchased by herself as cadeaux gifts, hidden items of great value received from viewers and Patrons, and routinely lies about pretty much everything, e., the accounts, upgrades, surprise vacations and gifts, her brother/family friend, relationship with Nic, traveling out of town while pretending to be at the Shittoo, relationship with Snorts, the charity caper for free clothing and dresses, the lie about the yellow dress being specifically made for her, her upgraded rooms in Venice, on the airplanes, her donation to her shady friends defunct charity, lies about the new apartments being for Ñutty and the tartan terror, about the amount of wealth and income she had prior to YouTube, draining the pond, lying about the heating and electrical systems, about the chapel restorer and not paying for goods he had purchased, about the Ians ( take you pick out of the 3), about trips to London, cases of luxury wines purchased, the accidental purchase of the bed for her bed room, the custom gowns for the venice trip, the upgraded Venice rooms, Potts vacation lot purchase in south africa, downed trees sold for profit, lying about when mummy had her eye surgery, etc.

Fanny lies as easily as she breathes or drinks (wine, liquor, champagne).
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Too much. FRK, Hanni, Tree Nik, Larkin family bags, Maria, a trapped bird, chandeliers and Snorts off to his last play and then a vote on goats, asparagus and tiaras.
The lunatics truly are taking over the asylum - Hanni returns and appears confused about how to enter her bedroom. She does appear to have mastered licking the end of her nose, however. A demented Philip and Dopey Marie struggle with a trapped bird. The Larkin Seniors continue a theme. We were only missing Nurse Ratchett to complete the remake of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. Russian Marie returns to cook for everyone and Pavelina tells us that she "is treated very well", although starved in the house! Many a true word spoken in jest.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I’m sure there is a hidden scoop on Snorts. SJ only humours people who bring something to her table. What’s in this for her?
He’s not popular with viewers, it would appear her friends aren’t enamoured with him, I’m sure Dan and Amoire take the piss out of him, he’s certainly no eye candy, he’s got no influential contacts she can access through him - yet she still funds him. Sabine would be her companion/bag carrier so it can’t be that.
I’m still interested in why she’s not thrown him under the bus after all this time? Why is he so invaluable to her?!
Over time I have become more and more convinced it's an image thing for her, as in more smoke and mirrors. She's trying to proof, not in the last place to herself, that she IS capable of making relationships last and for once she doesn't mind the money it costs her to do so. Another perk having Snorts hanging around her 24/7 is that he keeps the freaks away that would normally swarm around her if she was officially still single. The love (or physical attraction, she does not know the true meaning of the word love) has passed a long time ago, if it was there to begin with. Now they are just creating mutual history of a fake life shared together. Also: I have several sources claiming the "relationship" is not exclusive anymore, but sadly lacking enough proof to confirm that.
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Lady Rosalie

Chatty Member
Exactly. And when Tattlers speak La Lande jumps. Maybe we could just make it easy for them - at the end of each thread we put a list of what we want them to do because they must spend an awfully long time trawling through every post to see what we're saying.

We say the trees being cut down are wasteful - so she gets a chipper to turn the trees into mulch.
We say oh why hasn't Hani returned - Hani returns.
We laugh at Fanny filling in the gaps in expensive wallpaper with colouring pencils - oh so drole to leave colouring pencils in the downstairs loo so people can fill in gaps if they spot them.
We laugh at the use of the word 'brooming' - so Phi Phi says he's brooming when he gets rid of the bird.
We say how lazy she is & she's making a point of showing she's up out of bed in the morning (big deal).
We say she never does any work in the hovel & she makes a point of saying she's spent all day chandelier cleaning (yeah right)

Other things of note :
Pavlina - pretending to read a script as if she's being held hostage. I am being treated very well. So funny (not). I'm just starving in this house.
For someone who is supposed to be a refugee this is offensive to me. Glad she seems to be able to forget what is going on her home country where people are suffering.

So I saw a lot of booze in this episode. Give Anders a drinkie when he arrives, oh I'll have one too. Nic with a drinkie before going out for dinner.
Table laying - Fanny drinkie in hand. Wine with dinner. Champers for birthday celebration.

Hani beyond strange - clearly off her tits with excitement that she's been allowed out.

Fanny's dress for dinner totally OTT. Her day dresses, pulled back hair, dangly earrings & pearls - just so frumpy & middle aged. Needs some suncream on to prevent any more sun damage.

Oh & Fanny - can you stop the stupid French pronounciation of 'Marie'..just say it in English - because (newsflash) Marie isn't French - maybe you could say it in a Norwegian accent instead :ROFLMAO:
Yes! We should make a list once a week for what we want to see happen in the following week's vlog!! :) We could be her project managers, which when we suggest projects of a restoration nature we should get paid from her patreon account! We could set up an email she could etransfer us our pay to!! :) We need fuel for that jet @MojoDublin has in the Tartlet hanger!

Things are not going well for Stephanie Jarvis. Alice Allan has been a generous contributor and patron of Stephanie Jarvis, Marie Wiik and Daniel Preston, she is now asking question and is reading Tattle Life. Dear Alice Allan, I welcome you here. 👋
From yesterday's, 5/23/22, CD's live chat...

View attachment 1287738
Anders Bundgaard was the first, (1 hour early), in the live chat and comments...
Anders Bundgaard Hello everybody 🇩🇰
Anders Bundgaard
16 hours ago
Warw It is tonight 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

View attachment 1287744
Stephanie Jarvis' management at work.
No notification but they were already in the live chat...

Stella Marie Poetry and Green Arts I had wondered if I had missed them actually @Angela Pa YT is doing stupid things with my notifications
Angela Pa @Stella Marie Poetry and Green Arts hi again. I usually have to look for the vlog
Stella Marie Poetry and Green Arts Same but have to remember when vlogs are meant to be on is hard @Angela Pa
Stella Marie Poetry and Green Arts I follow 100 plus vlogs
jetje goes dutch @Stella Marie Poetry and Green Arts i just turned a lot of notifications off for a lot of the channels i sometimes watch.. not the chateaux channels though haha
Stella Marie Poetry and Green Arts same @jetje goes dutch problem is YT keeps duplicating notices and not showing some like chateau diaries a lot

Titticaca (is back) and Jetje 👍
VJ Titicaca Best Reality serie in the Universe Dont forget to give that thumbs up my dears show that love. Remember Positivty is the only true gift that keeps on gving
jetje goes dutch Maybe we can all hit the like button before the video starts?? xxx

View attachment 1287733
Alice Allan Good day everyone
Alice Allan I’ve been reading some very discouraging feeds about the absence of a refresh on the patron monies are being used as most of the comments related to no complete renovations to be had!
jetje goes dutch @Alice Allan where??
Alice Allan Hi Jetji actually on tatter and various apps
Lisa Akinlabi @Alice Allan There is so much crap going around ad for someone to volunteer to pay $5 a month for fun people sure expect way too much - it's laughable frankly
jetje goes dutch @Alice Allan ooo don't read those.. bad for your health sweetheart xxxx
Alice Allan We need an update, refresh as to the renovations and where all that money went too.
Stella Marie Poetry and Green Arts too much gossip in comments sometimes most of it rubbish
Judith Barden [message retracted]
Judith Barden [message retracted]
Val Slater @ Alice Allen I feel that I am up to date with both the renovations and where the money has gone.
Alice Allan Good on you Val, I must have missed it!
Stella Marie Poetry and Green Arts I have no reasons to doubt Stephanie and Nati's mgmt skills so I am fine even though I don't have intel as patrons do

Jetje changed the subject and Percy gave her a shoutout...
jetje goes dutch @Patricia Jamieson i read about the horrible situation you're in.. if you ever want to talk you know where to find me xxx
jetje goes dutch @Patricia Jamieson i just said that i have read here on the chats what happened to you.. and i hope you know that you can always reach out to me to talk.. willing to give my email too xxx
Patricia Jamieson @jetje goes dutch Thank you my friend, I haven't felt in the relationship we used to have for some time and I guess he didn't either. That he never wanted to talk about 'us' was just easier I guess
Percy Attfield @jetje goes Dutch 👋

MrsB-66 Don’t forget to like

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Елена Гайдай Hi from Ukraine) Thank you for taking care of our girl!

@Karma baby! and @LadyPutefica recommended this YT channel in the last thread.🤔
6 shoutouts in the live chat.

YeeHaa Has anyone else come across the Chateau channel The Beau Chateau? A young Chatelaine with parts of her story similar to @TheChateauDiaries.... Definitely worth a watch
The Beau Chateau We are so happy to be joining everyone in this wonderful chateau community!!!
jetje goes dutch EVERYBODY GO TO @the Beau Chateau THEY HAVE A LOVELY FIRST VIDEO POSTED!!!!
Angela Pa @the Beau Chateau Can’t wait for Stephanie to visit you. Fingers crossed.

How many times did Stephanie Jarvis see the prison play???
The Chateau Diaries Hello from the Netherlands lovely people!
The Chateau Diaries I can’t join you for much of the premiere this evening as I’m watching the last performance of Philip’s play - it’s the interval now

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Hanni @the Chateau Diaries we have a G$T for yoy

Isabelle Jarvis NO NO NO
The Chateau Diaries @isabelle Jarvis🐐🐐🐐
Percy Attfield @the chateau diaries. No to goats. Thanks
Cara Winsor Hehir i had a goat, until the farmer cooked it for christmas dinner.

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Jessica Williamson Oh just driving with paperbags on your heads.
James Sudek the paper bags over the head is ridiculous. complete stupidity. Nick's face is easily googled.

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Isabelle Jarvis How awful leave it alone
Christine Coeurjoli Pour quoi ne pas éteindre la lumière pour faire sortir cette oiseau ?
Todd Murphy Philip....looked like you were about to kill the little bird...shame on you.....!

View attachment 1287821
Isabelle Jarvis How beautiful!
Isabelle Jarvis Incredibly beautiful!
David LaLande Glad to see more and more of the OG crew back visiting again
David LaLande Hello Everyone. It’s been a minute since I’ve had a chance to attend a premiere.
David LaLande Can’t wait to back on the sofa looking up that chandelier
jetje goes dutch @David LaLande YES GO GO GO .. WE WANT TO SEE YOU BACK!!!

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Matt Laramie I haven't seen any replies from lalande, are they not watching today. Did i miss something. Just curious. I started a little late today.

jetje goes dutch thumbs up all !!!!!
jetje goes dutch remeber to go to @the Beau Chateau for their lovely first video
YeeHaa After leaving here everyone do head over to The Beau Chateau and give their video some love!
Percy Attfield Good night amazing Hanni!!

...Alice was not done...
Alice Allan
54 minutes ago
I love that chandelier, I don’t like how that room got renovated!
Dear Alice,
You are warmly welcomed here as a reader. I'm glad you're digging into things about Stephanie Jarvis and what she's doing with your money. I have been absolutely blown away by some of the gifts you have sent Stephanie Jarvis. They blew me away so much I had to google you! :) We live in the same province in Canada, you just live way south at the time I looked. You are such a generous person. I know reading here and seeing some of the issues we have with Stephanie can be really harsh. By that I don't mean we're harsh, but when the dots start to connect and you start to have questions and you realize that all really isn't what it has seemed with Stephanie, it can be rather devastating. Keep asking her questions, you, of anyone, really deserve answers.
A Fellow Albertan and a former Stephanie Jarvis Patron
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Only a bitch like Fanny would get 2 free ( ???) chandeliers . I do think she might have bought them but she is lucky like that !

What I want to see is Hani going nutty with the crayons she spotted in the down stairs toilet !! I hope she draws rude pictures over the $$ wallpaper !
:love: :love: :love:
She most definitely bought them, but the money will not show up in the books, obviously. Patrons are idiots for not asking questions, even if they only contribute the smallest amount. They are made into members of her organization by doing so and have the absolute right to ask questions. If they don't, they are made complicit to the fraud Stephanie Jarvis is committing.
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