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I've just watched a video on Facebook of him giving a speech at a university, and at one time he really seems to have been a genuine guy who worked hard and got lucky.

Its such a shame that people become famous and it goes to their heads so much. He's so up his own backside now it's unreal. Going on Instagram to give everyone life and relationship advice like he's some sort of guru, not just a PT who came up with some good clean eating recipes.

My favourite part from the last thread was when he posted about how amazing his marriage is, and bestowed on us all his pearls of wisdom for a perfect relationship. Including the most important teaching: we shouldn't be jealous of his perfect marriage, we should be inspired by it instead.

A touching and poignant message, you'll all agree.

He has been married since June 2019, so after 7 months of marriage he clearly has considerable experience in this area.
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She is probably delighted to se him go, straight on the phone to deliveroo to order a curry! Get the cleaner in for a few extra hours to tackle the laundry. Crappy Pjs on and chicken nuggets in the oven for Indie.
Netflix and chill to ride out the jet Lag....she doesn’t have that clown dancing around with his weights at 2am, shovelling oats and chia seeds into Indie.

Him in Portugal would be bliss!
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Right I think I’m a bit behind but a few days ago he shared a post about indie not eating meat because they don’t really eat it?

I’ve seen those burgers he rims so what the fuck is he talking about?! Just be honest and say you don’t want her to eat it, it’s sweet, she’s your kid you can do what you want. But don’t LIE!
You’re a binge eater Joseph, you do, in many ways have an eating disorder mentality/relationship with food and exercise!
you can’t see this of course but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true!
cant have bread in the house because you will legit eat it all with marmalade and won’t stop until you know it’s gone? Healthy as fuck!

Ps - I am no Gillian mckeith with food and will eat my own feelings on a daily basis but I don’t profess to be a guru of food and exercise do i?! 🤷🏻‍♀️

My eldest child would eat a buttered turd! 😂 anything I put in front of him.
his brother would die of starvation before he will eat anything other than the Satan food of Jamie Oliver (nuggets, smiley faces, beans, you know the dance).
i did NOTHING different with them. Cooked, (relatively) healthy meals, offered different (both good and bad) foods and they both turned out this way.
but that’s ok because kids develop their own tastes and I did my best when it counted. im not going to lie awake in a pool of my own sweat because I’ve not managed to get my youngest to eat courgette like haribos.
im more likely to celebrate the little things, you know like everyone getting to bedtime alive, that kind of celebration is more my jam! 😂
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My youngest of 4 didnt sleep for 8 weeks. No actual joke. She had a tongue tie. And although diagnosed when she was born I was assured her latch was ok etc. For 7 and a half weeks I was a walking zombie. Looking after 4 kids, 2 at school/2 at home,
while my self employed husband went back to work, and I kept my shit together 99% of the time - none of this keep calm shit, I literally survived because I had no choice and am not a millionaire. We had every reason for her not to sleep under the sun, colds/out of sorts/being a newborn...then one night while not sleeping, I came across a Google search which connected tongue tie and all the symptoms, effectively I was breastfeeding and starving her as she was wearing herself out feeding and not being able to latch. Spent £200 on a private midwife to come and fix the tongue tie after being told we would be waiting weeks for a NHS appointment. A few days later, we had a different baby. Never at any point did I think oo let's book a holiday to Mexico- and my husband, (who slept in with my eldest oe all the time we were not sleeping -because he had to work to pay the bills - he ain't a millionaire- and it would have been stupid for both of to not be able to sleep) would not have thought this either. How you can promote a weaning journey while still on it, publicly declare you thought there was something wrong with your 2nd child, give advice on travelling with babies/toddlers when you have (let's face it) next to no experience with it (and the real working world) is just bloody bonkers. I'm glad he has publicly declared that he found stuff hard but if he was working a 9-5 job, he'd have given Indie chicken nuggets by now and more than a couple of mini milks. Even if my kids have had toast and scrambled egg for dinner after a long/hard day I'm happy. They aren't starved or neglected, they are happy and fed and I'll try better another day. Most people have enough shit going on that they can't feed their kids porridge and organic berries and swan off on long haul flights every couple of months and say they are the best, most calm parents the world has ever seen. Joe, I'm sorry, but you need to fuck off into the real world and stop preaching shit that isnt real life at all. Sorry. Ranty pants here. Its half term and I'm surviving and not in Mexico 😂
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she does look great after having those two so close together but all the ‘I can’t believe how amazing my wife looks’ just makes me Want to vom in my mouth a little bit
I think it's creepy and almost controlling how obsessed he is with how she looks. He's never described her as intelligent, or funny or Interesting, only how she looks :(
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He’s a boring bellend. All his “personality” is just for profit.
About 3.5 years ago I really liked his book and shockingly paid to go and see one of his talks and get my book signed. On my turn I told him I’d lost three stone using recipes from his book for my wedding and what could I do in the last four weeks for a final push. He just barely looked at me, and just said “no quick fixes, all about consistency” before shooing me along. Which I guess is true, but there was no humanity, no well done, good luck with the wedding, just like a robot drone.
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I’ve said it previously and I’ll say it again, if this was a couple on a council estate, social services would be watching very closely. However, Joee and Rosie dress it up as some aspirational middle class influencer shit and get away with it.

Indie is what, 19 months old? To go from breakfast until 8pm without feeding her is fucking neglectful, pure and simple. Even worse when you see she was sent to bed without dinner yesterday. He’s starving that poor baby and Rosie is just as complicit.

I don’t give a toss how much their house is worth, how exotic their holidays are or how many stories he reads. They are the most fucked up dysfunctional parents on the ‘gram.
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The whole thing about Marley needing to be cuddled is really sad as they have probably had some “expert” have to tell them that !
Their expectations have caused any issues not Marley ! He was a premature baby they thought they could just carry on a normal life like before and Marley could be just switched between breast and bottle all the time.Most newborn babies are attached to the breast and if you get in the shower you are winning
They have found it hard but both of them have been at home 24 hours can you imagine if one of them had to work like most people and do the school run feed 3 kids etc etc !
They had to have a mini break to reconnect when Marley was only a few weeks old !! Who does that ?? Then Joe got a whole weekend away and Rosie had a day and night away ! I find that really strange I would never have wanted to leave any of mine when they were newborn !
So I have no sympathy for the whole the last 8 weeks have been tough !! Total crap !! They have no idea about real life !!
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Wow his parenting advice this morning is ground-breaking. Pack ipad, snacks and toys for your toddler on a flight. Stop the press lol- who knew you could do this?!
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Maybe it’s because Gousto don’t gift him roast dinners 🥴

Roasts are such family dinners, none of his dinners scream family meals whatsoever
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Did he not just spend the day eating crossiants and sausage rolls? Yet Indie has to repeatedly eat a meal she doesn't like?!?! What the hell is wrong with this man! Disgusting behaviour.
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and nothing happens

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The whole situation makes me so sad for that wee baby 😔 Premature, kept in hospital with an infection and about 2 weeks later his mum and dad buggered off and left him for an overnight. Then his dad went on a ski-ing holiday then his mum went on the world’s longest brunch. Meanwhile he’s crying out to just be held 😔

Then they drag him halfway across the world, he’s sleeping in his mum’s handbag ffs and being shuttled between resorts. We all know Joe is a massive tit but all this since Marley was born has really made me question Rosie’s judgement and mothering instinct. Either she’s got no backbone at all and goes along with whatever hare-brained scheme Joe comes up with, or she’s just as thick as he is.
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Does anyone else find it sickening how fucking happy and smug he is about how well he's doing and how great he is doing PE..... while people are suffering and dying from the same thing that is lining his pockets?? Wipe the smug look off your face you jumped up twat! . Heroes are NHS not a controlling knob like you who has benefitted from the misery of thousands 🤬 God I cant stand him.
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