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My dad's just the same.. we're lucky to still have him even with dementia. He gives folk a slap if they piss him off 🀣🀣
Same here!! No fucks given 😝 . I said what if cops knock at yer door? He went - ooooh i cant go to prison againπŸ™ˆ. Never been in his life! Youve got to laugh.
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It's fucking shit man! It's my hair falling out that's stressing me out...I had a gastric bypass 4 years ago & it fell out loads but after about a year it stopped now it's started again 😭 men just don't get it either!
My mam passed away so I can't even cry to her. Thank you for being so lush all the time you have no idea how much I appreciate πŸ’œ
Oh bless you. πŸ’— So very sorry about your mum. Always remember that bad times are only temporary. Sending a hug. X
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Girls they're only 17 far too young but it is what it is & we will support them. We've got 4 boys... imagine if it's a girl I'll not know what to do & she'd be the 1st in my family for 38 years 😲 I need a bit of pink in my life πŸ˜‚
17 is young but with your support and guidance, that will mean everything!

As long as they are happy, that's what matters. I would love to be a nan and roll on that day! How exciting for you! Imagine if it's a girl!!! You'll all go nuts!!! 😘😘
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Was just extra toilet trips for me ! I’m now on day 13 and yesterday I struggled , felt stressed and really wanted a biscuit but I managed to resist in then end πŸ˜‚
I've started making my own biscuits now using almond flour and put a few chocolate chips in them. Definitely great for cravings. The cheese straws are really nice and very easy to do too.
No fish or meat for me. Can you recommend a website?
The Atkins website is good. I think the vegetarian version is the Atkins 100. I've linked the website but there are of vegetarian cookbooks out there so might be worthwhile investing in a few. Alternatively, there's loads of recipes on Google.

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I think you are all doing bloody brilliantly on this special eating , losing loads of weight ! xxx
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Excited to join this thanks for linking me @CrazyBaldhead !
I did keto a couple years ago and had a lot of success with it, been trying to get back into it since having my baby! It’ll be good to get recipe ideas from others as I find I end up making the same stuff and getting a bit bored. Had meatballs tonight - well, the ones the baby didn’t steal off my plate πŸ₯΄πŸ€£
We started talking about it from page 12. I've shared a few recipes and tips on here so far and I cannot recommend that 3g net carb soup enough. You can even set some aside and thicken it up to use for sauces for meatballs and spaghetti bolognese. I'm investing in a spiraliser next so I can mimic spaghetti with zucchini which I've never done before. I've finally reached ketosis now. It's been worth the wait though! If you find any good recipes please post them. X
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RIP. Sinead. Such an iconic song. πŸ’—

Oooh haven't been over here for ages!

There was a very big fuss made about a woman who was a one hit wonder from what? 30 years ago? Sad, she passed, I'm not saying otherwise but the days worth of articles was completely unnecessary
Thanks pet I'm going to book an appointment. Thankfully my Dr is really nice.
You're always supportive I really appreciate it πŸ˜˜πŸ’œ
I couldn't have HRT either so had no option but to go the au natural route - I started taking Evening Primrose Oil, magnesium, Complex Vitamin B, calcium plus a Berocca daily and after 2 years, I'm fine and dandy. It took a few months to sleep better etc but I've never looked back.

Hope you are OK x
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our trace

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That has put the wind up their skirts πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ’€

The flying monkeys will all need a lie-down now, after expending all that effort- normally the effort they typically expend is getting up off their arse when Dominoes pizza has arrived at the front door πŸ˜†
Chazza has a cunty following,god they can be just as vile as her.
One of them threatened to do my windows in x
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Well girls I think you're all doing amazing! I'm loosing weight fuck knows how mind but there you go.
Anyway I've officially got 3 more nail appointments until our little queen arrives & I've been asked to go in to see her scan 😭😭😭 how lush is that?!

Hope you're all as fabulous as ever just thought I'd share πŸ’œ
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Not yet, turned 50 last month but my period came as normal. I've no idea what I'm in for as my mum had a hysterectomy at 36 and had the odd flushing and sweats. Scared I'll turn into a psycho πŸ˜–
I've been getting symptoms for about a year now. Completely fed up with it Coco. I just wish they would stop. Been having some horrendous periods over the last year but hopefully I'll be reaching menopause soon as seem to be calming right down. Sick to death of it all. It's the fatigue as well that is killing me. I think I'm over the hot flushes though. They were shit. Literally thought my head would combust and couldn't breathe. Honestly just want it to come to the end! x
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Aww Lottie, so excited for you all! That's really flown by!! Keep us informed. πŸ’—

I know! Think it's probably because we found out later than everyone else! Her mam has been a bit crazy this past 2 weeks. It's been a bit up & down not going to lie.
Still feels so surreal crazy. As long as they know they can come to ours now with their room being all done & they warm fed & happy that's all I care about. I've always said it's not an ideal situation given their ages but we are here for them no matter what πŸ’œ
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Sounds lush! I love my wine on a weekend & I'm partial to blue wkd πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ so don't think keto would work for me 😭
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17 is young but with your support and guidance, that will mean everything!

As long as they are happy, that's what matters. I would love to be a nan and roll on that day! How exciting for you! Imagine if it's a girl!!! You'll all go nuts!!! 😘😘
I know I think I might lose if it is! My husband thinks it's a boy! We find on on the 6th of November πŸ’œ
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I'm so sorry for crashing your thread Belters, I thought I was on the Jake Quickenden thread for some reason *face palms self*
I don't even follow this thread so I have no idea how I ended up here πŸ˜‚

Can a fellow Fakey tag me in our Fakey off topic thread cos I haven't been on it for a while. Ta x
Don't worry Blue you are welcome here- Xrazy does both wiki's
I'll tag you in Fakeys OT thread
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Crazy I was reading the jake quickenden wiki last night and I was howling πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ the part where he was lying on the floor and the flight attendant making him get up nearly made me loose conscious πŸ˜‚ just wondering have you done anymore that I could read for a giggle. You're new title is Crazy Queen of the Wiki πŸ‘‘
Cheers!! 😘 I found updating JQ's one quite amusing. Chazza is very stressful and depressing. No, only do these two! More than enough!! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
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our trace

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I know I keep thinking fuck they're 17 far too young but when I had my youngest I was 20 & you'd think I'd murdered some one. My dad never spoke to me for 3 solid month. When I rang him tonight he was like well if your happy oh btw I'm going out on the drink on Thursday this week instead of Wednesday 😑 he's 75 but he really boiled my piss he's such a selfish cunt everything is about him πŸ™„
Bless you sweetheart,πŸ’–
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