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Hey guys,my mum is dying and could be any day now,so yes I have visited mum and she’s been here in the summer.
Thing is I can’t see her suffering so I’m not going to be there when she passes.
My sisters will be but I can’t mentally do it.
Am I a selfish twat or is this a normal thing for someone who is struggling with coming to terms with losing their mother.
I can take criticism so I won’t be offended,my sisters understand but I feel guilt.
Hope I make some sort of sense.
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My mam had a brain aneurysm & was in hospital then rehab hospitals then a care home for 10 months. I spent 10 months watching her dying really knowing she would never be the same & it's soul destroying. If she has died that 1st day it would have been far easier to process.
We went to see her on the Friday morning & again on the night time & I think she was actually dying then but we didn't know it. We got the phone call early on the Saturday morning. I didn't want to see her when she passed but I did. It's fucking awful Trace.
Go & give her that final cuddle & kiss & tell her how much you love her while she's here & do not ever feel guilty pet. Losing someone you love is so hard.
Reactions: 6
Thank you for very brave and honest post unfortunately my older sister has left this evening as my mother is down south.
I contact my mum daily through my sisters because my mother isn’t up to talking ,she has cancer all through her now,rare brain cancer.
She now has sepsis.
Mum also said months ago she couldn’t bare all us girls hovering around her bed waiting for her to die.
My mum is not the most sentimental but surprisingly I’m a soft sensitive soul.
Not towards chazza though.
My sense of humour is something my mums always loved.
Reactions: 7
Oh darling, I'm so very sorry to read this and I send you my love. Everybody is different. Personally from my own experience, I was there with my brother when he passed. He was in ICU and after arranging the Last Rites for him, we were at his side when they turned him off. Talk to your sisters about it but first and foremost don't do anything that you will regret after she has passed. Go to your mum and talk to her and let her know how much she is loved by you. Every moment is precious.

A lot of people want to remember their loved ones as they once were and it's completely normal to feel that way. You do what you feel comfortable with. Your mum will understand. I will light a candle for your mum tonight and you will be in my thoughts. Stay strong and look after yourself.
Reactions: 3
Thank you crazy for your honest and heartbreaking Post about your brother my condolences.
Everyone is different and I guess it’s the numb pain I’m feeling,I just can’t do it,I want to remember her face how it was in the summer.
Thank you for your kind words and lighting a candle.
My sisters left now but she insisted I’m not being anything but honest and it’s something I can’t handle
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You do what you feel is best sweetheart. Thinking of you and your family.
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God love you. Your mam will know how much you love her & tbh I couldn't stand everyone round my bed either. I always thought that my mam must have just thought I wish yous would just all piss off at times (she had visitors all day everyday & I'm convinced at times she used to pretend to be asleep! I know my dad did her tits in waffling on ) lots of love to you..

Ps chazza is a cunt
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Exactly that,she told me a few times about family hovering around waiting for her to die.
Thank you my darling all these messages have helped me tonight a lot.
Oh you made me laugh,thank you and yes chazza is a huge cunt
Reactions: 4
Exactly that,she told me a few times about family hovering around waiting for her to die.
Thank you my darling all these messages have helped me tonight a lot.
Oh you made me laugh,thank you and yes chazza is a huge cunt
Hope you managed to get some sleep? My thoughts are with you. X
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Only just seen this, God love you. I'm in a similar position with my dad at the moment and it's the guilt that's the worst.
You do exactly what feels right for you, you know your mum the best and know what she'll be thinking. Take care of yourself, love you lots
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Aww Frankly, sorry to read this. Sending you love.
Reactions: 2
Thank you frankly,sorry to hear about your dad also.
Yes it is guilt,while others are spending hours and hours by her side I’m just able to
Eat and sleep when I want,they can’t they are not sleeping or eating etc.
Feel like i have left them to it,I have to keep telling myself that it’s ok to say no to
A situation that will affect me mentally.
All my love
Aww Frankly, sorry to read this. Sending you love.
Tell you what for a bunch of so called trolls I think we are bloody decent loving people.
Suck on that chazza x
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So sorry life can be so shit at times
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So sorry to read this. You are not selfish at all. We all deal with things differently. Its almost a coping mechanism to protect yourself from heartbreak. Perfectly normal. Take care of yourself and come back here to let off steam if you need to. Xxx
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