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She doesn’t have kids. She never works at Christmas. Why is she acting like she’s missed out ? She’s broken rules all her life
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Its all so contrived and all for the gram with Terrie. From the house which is rented , to the pics of her in scrubs being Florence Nightingale to the harping on about their beach and their special places I just had to unfollow.

I think they are in a very co dependant relationship and I think if anything serious happened to either of them (not wishing it on them) I don't think they would be able to cope. David seems to do everything household related, nothing wrong with that, but can't seem to cope for 3 days without her while she is in hospital 🤔 They are both in their 30s , get some fecking independence.

Influenecrs are just really getting on my nerves this Christmas. There is literally nothing and I mean nothing about their lives that inspires me or makes me covet their lifestyle
Totally agree with you and something I also seemed to notice with Daveh is he doesn't seem to have any friends at all or do anything or go anywhere without her,strange for a young 30 year old with no kids
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I think influencer culture is dying a death to be honest (and glad to see it)

people want real content... stuff they can relate to in day to day living.

that’s why initially Mrs. Hinch was a breath of fresh air, because we could all relate to her (to some degree)
same with all new bloggers when they start off... the odd shopping trip and night out outfit post is nice to see... it’s when the “I love this tan” reviews and ADs start rolling in that it all goes downhill 🙄
I for one don’t care for any of that and am definitely not “influenced” by a pre written review that can be watch on EVERY Irish “influencers” account
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The thing is is that we can't really call out their double standards on their pages or DMs because we will get blocked. Then the entertainment is over! (Assuming many of us just look at their stories for the sneer?!)
Never has bloggers unveiled been needed as much again to call them all out on their bollixin.... those where the days 😂
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She was in hospital,not dead ! Does it means that other lives in family has to stop! Some of you are really pathetic. Hope you are all that good in real life. And not tearing people apart like some of you do here on tattle
How are ya now Aimee 🥴
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So I would assume she’s saying surgery so the 99% of the population who aren’t medics may think it’s big surgery, I assume it’s a surgical wash out which is basically going into theatre for a sterile rinse - she’s on IVs so obviously got an infection & they’re washing it a few times a day so I assume it’s surgical wash outs which would be the norm if maybe you had an infected wound or got cut with glass & needed surgical wash out, now I’m open to correction but I don’t think it’s surgery as such and more like sterile surgical wash out. Anyone want to add or correct me ?
Oh my god 😂😂 if this is the case then she is absolutely not well. She needs a surgical wash out of that brain of hers too by the sounds of it
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They're a pair of eejits!!!! Both so gormless!!

Yes! All dogs need to be taken out at least once a day depending on size and age. It's good for their health and well being.
Gormless is the word, I couldn’t think of it. It’s sums them up doesn’t it?
I’ve had a look at that article Daveh so politely drew our attention to. A different influencer has won a case to make Facebook hand over details of accounts she said have harassed and defamed her. Now she has to go and build an harassment and defamation case. I could be wrong but to bring a defamation case you have to prove the allegations are false and that they have caused damage to your reputation and you suffered a loss as a result eg money etc. What Nurse Nightingale is missing while she’s busy celebrating is that if people say things and your feelings are hurt, that’s not illegal. Nor is it illegal for people to discuss the shady things you have done. That is 99.9% of what I have seen here and on her page. People calling her out for lying, asking about Oz nurse-gate, competition rigging, flogging slave labour shite, flouting covid rules etc etc. None of that is illegal or amounts to harassment or defamation. That is a direct result of her shady as fuck behaviour. Yet she blocks and deletes. She genuinely can’t see the part she plays in the questions she gets, it’s all “poor innocent me”. Before anyone says it, threats and harassment are never acceptable and anyone who does that is a low life and there is never an excuse.
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I def think girls like terri dont eat what they show. The point of showing the pizza, mcDonalds, hot chocolate etc. Is to be relatable to ordinary women like us. They need to put it out to the universe that they eat and drink like everyone but i honestly think its for show. If i got a dominos pizza id eat it all easy. Im sure terri/rosie eat one slice. The night of terris dublin hen they made it look like they were knocking back the drinks and having a great night and getting really drunk but then louise cooney hiked the sugarloaf the next morning making me think drinks on nights out are for show and they wouldnt let themselves get drunk incase they missed the best instagram photos. Another one i dont get is lauren arthers. She drinks the christmas hot chocolates every day and they have about 5 to 6 hundred calories im guessing. Id imagine she has a few sips where id finish it in 5 mins. My point basically is sitting at home drinking green tea or water doesnt help you create content or make you seem ordinary/relateable. All the food and drink consumption is an act
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Stay classy davey 😅
Ok great start, people should have to stand by what they say on the internet. No issues with that. So where do we report influencers for lying and deceiving followers? As some one said above, accountability works both ways!
Saint Terrie cured the country of covid, now she’s coming for the trolls 😂
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Her stories about the “scare” infuriated me too. I had LETTZ as well a good few years ago now, and for me it was totally fine! I think there’s 2 different types, a laser (for if the abnormal cells are in one specific place) then a different type if they’re spread all over. Mine were spread all over CIN3 and the procedure was over so quickly! It wasn’t anywhere near as uncomfortable as a smear and I had very slight cramps (lesser then period pains) that night and was right as rain the next day. Drove home afterwards.

When I watched her stories the first thing I thought of was she’s had the LETTZ procedure, since I had it, so her riddles made total sense to me. The dramatics is ridiculous, especially as she had the procedure done and should’ve known how fine it was! Ok, she maybe could’ve been panicky before the procedure but then she should’ve come on after and explained it’s not as bad as she thought. Also a nurse should know it’s prob one of the most minor procedures in existence!

Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to post this incase anyone is reading and are going through this and are worried about the procedure.

Oh and ladies - get your smears x
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I sent her this.. She saw it and didn't respond. I kept it as nice as possible to see would I get a response and to be fair, I haven't ever said anything nasty about the girl. I just call her out on inappropriate things she's done as part of her influencer role. It's her job to stay doing things legit. My friend really did and she blocked her. All she asked was is she still supporting boohoo..nothing more.. Blocked. Another liked a comment on the BU page and got blocked. Nothing to do with terrie but it was in relation to something truthful coming to light aboug another influencer! Another person also blocked her over that like... I mean, come on...! You cannot do that in any other job, if its a nasty comment.. OK. If if someone legit asking a Q...thats out of order.

I don't mind influencers as long as things are done appropriately and there are some decent honest ones out there. The people sending death threats etc are out of order. However, please don't be dishonest with people either and try to either. I wish those people all the success if they are being completely honest with their following, not putting stuff on just to make profit on it even though they wouldn't touch it themselves etc.


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Chatty Member
Fuck me! Some simpleton sent Terror a message saying they can’t wait to see her Christmas Day when she gets out! Christmas has been and gone love and you sound like someone who would love to watch the paint in Nikki’s playroom dry!
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I’m frontline in social care we have been told we are not even on the list or considered frontline. No wonder when they’re giving out freebies to zlisters. How could they give it to her to promote the vaccine when she didn’t promote mask wearing or social distancing. This is a kick in the teeth for those of us who are genuinely working during this time and followed the guidelines
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How she got away with it I’ll never know
Because if you Q it you’re a jealous troll.
People exaggerate tests, medical stuff, cancer stories , poverty - they lie to us hourly about favourite make up and toothpaste- we are wise to that. But if we question on serious stuff, stuff that our families would be ashamed of us it it was ME or YOU exaggerating this... then we are trolls.
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He’s a gobby knacker who wouldn’t beat eggs at the end of the day. So far from a real man 😂
He took it down and replaced it with "If you're partner is not an online troll they deserve a gift" and then a #ad for Nike. 🤣🤣
The girl that commented wasn't a troll she used her own personal account to call out his wife for being a drama queen.
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