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Chatty Member
I can’t deal with Erins lips does she ever have any other expression than trout pout always miserable
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She’s said that repeatedly on the series she doesn’t want another baby now because of how free she is with Marley being more independent but I think that’s just an excuse like an easy one too just say as a lot of people would agree with her but I’m thinking its probably because it’ll be harder to palm another baby off to their parents. I’m not being funny but as most of us have said we rarely see Marley anyway in all the previous series too I deffo think their parents have him mostly than they do themselves
Where else is he if he isn’t with the grandparents or at nursery? The irony is, if Chloe had gone through with the midwife dream, documented it on ig or YouTube she would be much more interesting and get much more engagement. But sadly these girls just seem to want to have the influencer life handed to them. Other than flogging ads they literally have nothing going on in their lives
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I’ve not caught up with this thread in a while so sorry if it’s already been discussed but does anyone know what Mia meant when she was saying to the moving guy please don’t break that mirror it makes me look skinny for my work, can you actually get mirrors that make you look skinny?! 😂
I can verify you can although they don’t advertise them as that 🤣🤣 my parents have a mirror that makes me look skinny I love it 😬

Just seen this on TikTok 😬
Does she not think maybe she’s getting a bit too old to be worried about stuff like that. Constant beef I could not be arsed
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Hey guysss!! Been quiet for a while.. so new season. My opinion

I love how mature Mia is coming across Especially with the Erin sitch... Manley needs to realise it isn't talking to an EX its your daughters Mother... just embarrassing.

In my Opinion Amber's boys aren't ADHD they just have no boundaries or discipline especially in social situations

Sassi needs support as she's so terrified of Zenaya becoming like her she's becoming angry ... but I feel sorry for her.... I can't help it... Darren I mean MMMMMMM ... (divided opinion!)

Chloe is just as boring as ever. Nice to see the unfiltered version. I wish they'd got rid. She's just irritating. I don't even want to go into an explanation. She wants to be like the kardashians but hun look in mirror .... the only kardashian thing about you is the fact your fella keeps mugging you off
I dont think the problem is all Manley, it's Erin who doesn't want them talking. He asked Erin if she thought he should meet/speak with Mia and she said no. She's very insecure, I mean you can't blame her given the history but grow up Erin.
Also, although Mia is coming across as very mature telling Marliyah Erin loves you, Erin cares for you etc....I kinda feel deep down the ulterior motive is "if she won't go to Manley's then that's less time off parenting for me to do what i want", because as much as Maggie adores her granddaughter, you call tell she isnt gonna be mugged off looking after her all the time. So yeah Mia appears very mature but let's not forget (see her Instagram) she's verrrrryyyyyy keen on her child free time
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I'm really enjoying Maggie scenes this season 😂 never thought I'd say that, she definitely knows how to act for the camera. Has actually given Mia some pretty solid advice and doesn't (on screen any way) get involved with the Mia / Erin / leonie / pettiness.

Seems to have the 2 girls best interests at heart which is really nice. Can only imagine what a mess it would be without her being there to have the girls at weekends.
I have to really agree with this. Whatever critism anyone can throw at Maggie I don't think anyone could ever say she doesn't care about her family, she clearly dotes on them all. Probably sometimes too much in Manleys case.
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Lulu Goss

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Just started watching this weeks ep.

I don’t know what I was expecting after reading here about Darren’s hat, but it wasn’t that 😂
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I wouldn’t say she’s a good mum only because I’ve got nothing really to base it off since you never see her with Marley or engaging with him on the show 😂 (not saying she isn’t just at least show us her being a mum)
I agree with this we don’t see her parenting or being hands on, most of the seasons has been just her and Jordan moaning at each other. She doesn’t even seem to ever go anywhere with Marley if you go by social media or even the show, they don’t seem to do child friendly things like how the other girls do . Even though everyone gives Mia shit for not taking Marliyah to child friendly places?? Chloe seems all about herself. Marley doesn’t even speak properly as far as I’ve seen and when he does he speaks in jibberish or an accent from being glued to YouTube. Harsh but if it was one of the other girls children people would mention it.
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Sorry but how thick do you have to be to think you can do the full course on your first session? I can't run the length of myself but even I know that's not a good idea.
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I get why people say Manley is a good Dad , yeah he comes across that way and obviously makes an effort and spends proper time with his kids but it takes more than that imo , he needs to be a proper role model , should get his life on track get a job and more stable routine for Marliyah not just going hanging about acting like some gangster behaving like he's still in school
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One and only

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Just going by what we’ve seen of her- The way she acted in the cafe not being very helpful. She didn’t seem interested in her grandkids. Most of the grandparents I know dote of their grandkids so that behaviour is very weird to me
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Chatty Member
I always get the impression she gets on her dads nerves
I always think about the time Jordan was in bed and wouldn’t help with Marley and then she asked her dad and he was like no he’s your problem 😂😂 tbf I think she had to go to work so someone should’ve helped out but I reckon she’s a nightmare and he just gets sick of giving her hand outs
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Did anyone see on insta when Amber passed her driving test and she was promoting about a car she had been given from a company and it was a brand new car?? Please say someone does....

Because she doesn't appear to have that car now, her car looks pretty old and run down.
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Someone said on the last thread Mia has an amazing figure , yes she does but lets not forget she had a BBL 😆

Also agree with the other comments about how much better Mia come across on the show than social media
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i agree, how she could only thinking of herself was astonishing to me, I know a fair few people who suffer with depression and not once has it crossed my mind to think how their depression affects my life. He'd been diagnosed with depression and she sat there and called him lazy, it was disgusting
Honestly think Chloe just does or says what she thinks would make her look good or what people want to hear or see. The lack of empathy she had towards Jordan during that series when he had depression but it was all about Chloe, even the counselling session was all about her.
Then the sudden “I’m doing a marathon in the sake of Jordan and his depression” 😂 like no Chloe we know you’re using that as an excuse and you’re just doing it because mens mental health is a big thing at the moment and you want to geg into it for your own gain.
She’s really self absorbed and just tried he best to get onto the next big thing to try and be flavour of the month but she’s just terrible at it. Even the modelling “I’m gonna be the face of mum body’s and body positivity because it’s a big thing” 🙄 but edits her pictures. She’s desperate and I feel sorry for the desperation she has
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This whole thread is just brilliant, I've just spent a good hour laughing ny neck off at Darruuuuun's hat names!

Hope he doesn't go on any escalators in it, imagine getting them bad boys trapped?🤣🤣🤣

Side note. Even though there is clear flirting between Sassi and D, I don't think he's ever got over when she got with that lad so quickly and made a big scene about it, then she was crying her eyes out to D about how much she's sorry. For me she broke his heart then and he never recovered.

Glad we got Billie the dwarf out of retirement on here, she's certainly an acquired taste.🤣🤣
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